Anyone Else Not Happy With The Big Brother Vote? (Spoiler)`

Yikes, Lucky4Me!

I remember having a confrontation with my sister about Mothers who leave their children to be on these types of shows. It's one thing if you're leaving them with another parent but if you're a single parent?? To very young children?? I can't fathom that. My sister, on the other hand, who left her child with me and my parents when she decided to live with her creepy boyfriend, sees no problem with it...go figure!

I got the feeling from Lisa's interview about what you say about Tanya. She mentioned that she was a bit too "surface" for her. I have a REAL problem with one dimensional types myself so I can relate.

Her looks do match her in that regard. She went through serious pains to conform herself to society's demands. That speaks volumes for a person's character.

I don't think we can compare Joshy boy with Willy Boy though. He's more like the evil Rob from Survivor than Will from BB2. Will was at least nice to look at and extremely charming, though the devil in disguise! Josh is nauseating....
Does anyone else think Josh sounds just like Jerry Lewis? His voice is so annoying (as is everything else about him). Wasn't it hilarious when Marcellas was talking about his germ phobia? I loved when he called Josh and hairy beast.
It cracked me up when Marcellas was cleaning his clippers after letting whoever shave Josh's chest!:) I have to admit, it was kinda gross....

My only gripe with Will was on his interview last night, unless he was REALLY hamming for the cameras, and THIS is the real Will, he needs to get over himself a little bit, he's not on TV anymore.

In the real world, Sherrie is the one to give kudos too, what she has been through and to have such a great attitude. I wish her well.
I missed the end of the HoH becasue of the Gov giving a press confernace about the trapped miners...double :(
Sometimes, it takes the strongest & most loving Mom to give up custody of her children - If she feels it's the best thing she can do for her kids - You don't know that that's not the case, do you?
When you pass a judgement like that, can you say that, if you were in a position that you had to make a tough choice, based on what's best for your child, that you'd be strong enough to give them up if that's what it took?
Ugh! So much's like feeding time for the hyenas.....
I agree, Will is waaaaayyy too much all taken up with himself. Really, that is so unnecessary.
Leota, far be it for me to pass judgment, but these people have chosen to go on national TV and talk about their private lives etc., so they should be up for the heat. I think we all are just having some fun discussing the show, dissing the houseguests and ranting about this "reality TV" stuff, and picking the ones we like/dislike.

I for one don't think it should all be taken that seriously, and again, if you put it out on national TV, then it is up for discussion.

I can agree with what you say about giving up your children, but then again, you don't know her situation either, and comments are just being given about what she herself has been talking about on the live feeds etc.
The only saving grace with this group is IF (and please let it NOT be so) Josh makes it to the end, then everyone who was voted out will watch the clips and KNOW what Josh is. I don;t like him and I would love to see him go. If it was up to me, I would put up on eof the nice GUYS and Josh and see what happens.

It is trending towards the guys vs the women on the show and that would be awful. Time for a gut to get voted out. And it should be JOSH!


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