Oh boy...good luck. My three kids had it about six years ago and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
1. Tell everyone and anyone your child was around so they can look for it on their child. There is this "dirty" stigma that goes along with lice but the fact is that lice like a clean head of hair. I was determined to get people to be aware that notifying others really helps the situation.
2. Bag up stuffed animals and decorative pillows from your child's room and put them away for ten days. Some say to just vacuum them but I wanted to be sure.
3. Wash bedding on a daily basis in very hot water. If you have a "sanitize" option on your machine, use that. Vacuum the floors every day for at least ten days. Also vacuum your furniture and your car (especially the seats) daily.
4. Use a nit comb and pick, pick, pick! The chemicals will kill the lice but you need to go after the nits. The nits stick tight to the hair shaft, close to the scalp. If you leave even one, you're back to square one as it'll hatch and create it all over again. Some also recommend slathering the hair with Olive Oil, putting on a plastic cap for a half hour, and then combing through. I did that too and they all smelled like bread.
5. Check all family members. Lice travel quickly and don't care about the age of the head they're on!
6. Keep your sense of humor! Don't be embarrassed. I will never forget having my neighbor come over on a Sunday morning so we could pick each others scalps (talk about bonding!) as her daughter had it too (and our kids had been playing together...which came first, the chicken or the egg?!?). I will also never forget calling my husband, who was out of town for two weeks, and he has the nerve to tell me, "Now I'm all itchy".
It was a blessing in disguise that he was gone!!!
Good luck!