6057 pictures, 11 videos, and more - with videos and more DONE

I've had lunch there once and enjoyed it. I also got the turkey sandwich. For dessert I'm a sucker for the masters cupcake.
I've had lunch there once and enjoyed it. I also got the turkey sandwich. For dessert I'm a sucker for the masters cupcake.

I haven't tried the Master's Cupcake yet. I just can't get away from anything with cream cheese. I love it! I'd like to try it sometime. I think I'll try to get in just to try all the desserts sometime and no lunch. LOL
After lunch we decided we wanted to just relax a little bit in our room. So we meandered out of the park.

from raw-5158 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love this Castle... crooked or straight!

from raw-5159 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5160 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5161 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We didn't stay to watch the Castle show. I still haven't seen it. Maybe one day.

from raw-5161 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5165 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5166 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5168 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I totally took this picture to show the balloons...

from raw-5171 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5172 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Such a pretty toilet paper ad in the ladies room, or just outside. I stopped in on my way out. Sometimes you wait a while for a bus. Sometimes you don't, but sometimes it's better safe than sorry!

from raw-5176 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was pretty sure this bus was going to come to me.

from raw-5177 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

If it was, it took three minutes for it to get around the whole loop to where I was waiting, and I didn't wait all that long.

from raw-5178 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5179 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5180 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I wanted to keep this in mind for future desserts! I love ice cream.

from raw-5182 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5183 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5184 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

My father always said that Goofy was his hero, his favorite. So Goofy is special to me. :)

from raw-5185 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5187 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5188 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Back in the room, I took a few shots.

from raw-5189 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Yep, I brought a box of Mini Wheats from home. We thought we would bring food for bk, so I brought that, and we both brought some instant oatmeal. I don't think we finished the cereal.

from raw-5190 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We relaxed in the room for a bit, and missed our FP+, or at least some. We were not on a roll with those at all. But all was well, beside's Blanche's foot issues. We were enjoying the extreme heat and relaxing in the A/C when needed.
While Blanche was resting, I took a walk down to Everything Pop to browse around. Have I mentioned how much I love Disney shopping?

I took my cell and snapped a few pictures, but I'll pick and choose which ones will be here. I do have a park to get to, after all!

I took my mandatory picture of the view on my way out.

20150821_145121 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Such a cute Olaf hat.

20150821_145901 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

20150821_145949 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was supposed to find a pink, sparkly mug for my sister in law who did my nails. And a pink refillable mug. Never did find one of those, but I did find a mug in the end that I thought would do.

20150821_150129 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It's funny because I love mugs, but I don't drink coffee. I don't drink tea. I barely drink hot chocolate anymore. I like the smell of hot apple cider, but sip a few drinks and that's it. I drink a Neo-Citron when I'm sick to help me sleep. But I love mugs! LOL

20150821_150141 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love these little things. I bought the red one and I attached it to my camera. I store a few memory cards in there then I don't have to go back to my camera bag each time I need a new card.

20150821_150504 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love this rain hat too.

20150821_150610 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And I loved all the e-reader/tablet holders. I wish I'd bought one... My e-reader case is getting kind of ratty.

20150821_150734 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

One year I bought three of these, one for Blanche, one for Rose and one for me. I put Blanche's in her purse when she wasn't looking and she thought she'd accidentally put it in her purse! LOL LOL She was terrified that she'd stolen it by mistake! I'm bad like that. I did tell her that I'd paid for it.

20150821_150834 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

After a bit, Blanche and I were ready to head out to DHS.

from raw-5192 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

By then we'd missed our ToT, TSMM and our ST FP+ but we were still heading out. I think I may have tried to change the times, but I can't remember. Maybe. Who knows. We play things by ear all the time.

Blanche would take the elevator, and I'd take the stairs and see if I could beat the elevator down. I'd wait until I heard the ding that the elevator was at the top for her, then I'd run.

from raw-5193 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5194 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5195 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5196 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5199 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5200 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5203 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5204 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5206 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love Pop...

from raw-5207 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5208 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
Within minutes our bus to DHS had arrived and we were on our way.

from raw-5213 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love clouds.

from raw-5215 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5221 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5225 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5226 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5227 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5236 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We stopped at first aid to get a foot wrap for Blanche's foot to see if it would help. It did help, but not for long because she was on it so much. The lovely attendants gave her some medication to help with the pain too, although she always tends to travel with medication.

from raw-5237 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5240 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5241 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It was weird to walk in and not see the hat. I've only gone since the hat was there. It reminded me of the first time I went to Epcot without the wand.

from raw-5242 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5246 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5252 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr


from raw-5253 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We were off to find food.

from raw-5254 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Nothing there caught our eye, although right now, the melon salad, the hot dog and the chocolate shake look good to me!

Dancing CMs.

from raw-5255 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Hi Walt!

from raw-5259 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Hi Indy!

from raw-5260 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Hi Anna, Elsa and Olaf!

from raw-5261 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We ended up here:

from raw-5262 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We knew there was food we like, as we'd eaten there before. Not the fanciest, not necessarily the best, but decent and good for our little simple palates! Hahahaha Well, okay, maybe mostly mine. Blanche may be able to eat fancier food that I eat, I've never asked!

from raw-5265 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5267 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Hey... My cupcake looks a little different!

from raw-5269 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5271 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5272 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
Great photos of the Pop and merchandise in the gift shop.

That sucks that Blanches foot was bothering her so much. I did frozen summer fun last year. The offerings were a little better this year it seems but pretty similar.
Great photos of the Pop and merchandise in the gift shop.

That sucks that Blanches foot was bothering her so much. I did frozen summer fun last year. The offerings were a little better this year it seems but pretty similar.

I love taking pictures of merchandise, usually because it helps me remember what I liked but didn't buy! HAHAHAHA Yep, her foot was very sore. She didn't complain though, and it really was bothering her. She did as much as she could. I liked the carrot cake cupcake, but it was way too much. It was better than the usual desserts in the QS places. I loved when they had the basic little apple pie thingy and the marble cheesecakes everywhere. Since then I don't like their dessert offerings much. I think I'll switch to a bottle of water at most places if I ever get the QSDP again. I like the snacks more than the desserts.
I loved the Olaf hat, we live in Minnesota so it would come in handy now, we are finally feeling like winter here. I love mugs also, I collect them, I am working on getting all the Starbucks where are you ones. I have MK so far. I also thought it looked a little strange with the hat down in DHS. It is nice to see the theatre now, I love the Chinese Mann theatre! We never did Frozen sing along because my daughter is protesting all things Frozen ugh! I would like to see it. The Olaf cupcake looks yummy.
I loved the Olaf hat, we live in Minnesota so it would come in handy now, we are finally feeling like winter here. I love mugs also, I collect them, I am working on getting all the Starbucks where are you ones. I have MK so far. I also thought it looked a little strange with the hat down in DHS. It is nice to see the theatre now, I love the Chinese Mann theatre! We never did Frozen sing along because my daughter is protesting all things Frozen ugh! I would like to see it. The Olaf cupcake looks yummy.

Oh my gosh, I know, that hat would work here right now too. I don't enjoy cold! LOL Mugs are so awesome. I will have to look up those Starbucks mugs again. I remember seeing them before, but I need a refresher. The theatre is really beautiful, and it's nice to see it. Still weird when we were so used to the hat! Poor thing protesting Frozen. It was an adorable movie. I didn't see the sing along though either. I almost went, but didn't get there. And boy, that cupcake was. Carrot cake, cream cheese icing and a white chocolate Olaf. :)
So after supper, we decided to go for a ride. I think I had re-arranged some of our FP+ to get something different for us. We obviously lost our TSMM FP+, so that was a no go.

I loved all the little Frozen Summer Fun posters.

from raw-5274 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Our first stop:

from raw-5275 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5279 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5280 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5286 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5289 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We got the first car, but I wasn't sitting next to the guide/CM this time.

from raw-5292 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5296 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5298 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5301 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5301 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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from raw-5314 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5315 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5322 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5323 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Oh no, silly girl got out of the vehicle.

from raw-5328 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5338 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I like the outline of the cowboy in this one:

from raw-5339 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5342 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5344 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5349 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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from raw-5396 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5398 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5409 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I always try to get a good shot of Dorothy and friends. It's just something that I took on my first trip, with a film camera, when I had no clue how to use my camera. It was an SLR, I had 2 lenses, but I really didn't know how to use my camera.

from raw-5415 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5419 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5420 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
016_9A.JPG This is from 2006, on my first trip with my camera. LOL I just thought you'd enjoy seeing the difference. :) I'm so glad I actually learned a little more about photography and how to use my camera. Still more to learn though!
Great photos of the Great Movie ride!

I haven't been on it since the pre show and end video updates.

I have learned a lot about photography since getting my first DSLR.
Great photos of the Great Movie ride!

I haven't been on it since the pre show and end video updates.

I have learned a lot about photography since getting my first DSLR.

It's such a fun thing to do, photography. When did you get your first DSLR?
So where would we end up after the GMR? Another favorite, of course, but we had to walk a little bit to get there.

from raw-5424 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5425 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5426 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Hey, I just noticed that I have both of these. Got them on sale at a local pharmacy! (By both, I mean the Jim Shore Olaf and Anna & Elsa).

from raw-5429 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Olaf always makes me smile.

from raw-5431 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I see our destination:

from raw-5432 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Looks like we used a fp as we were on the right.

from raw-5436 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5438 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr\

from raw-5440 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5441 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5442 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5445 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5446 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love the little poem on this card!

from raw-5447 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5451 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5452 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Creepy doll...

from raw-5454 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5455 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5456 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5457 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I think I'd have to buy 2 frames, one to leave with the Disney characters and then one for our faces. LOL

from raw-5458 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I wish I could show you our picture. It is quite funny!
Last Christmas!

Oh! So fun. I am looking into getting a smaller camera to take with me to Spain, but since I've been using a DSLR it's so hard because I need to be able to control so much and it has to be able to shoot in raw etc. Yet, still not be too much $$$. I am leaning towards the Sony RX100.
After ToT, we headed to another area well across the park. Either because the wait was 10 minutes, or because we had a FP+, but we were going for Star Tours.

from raw-5463 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5464 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

C3PO looks a little annoyed.

from raw-5465 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

You know, I love ST, but I've never actually seen any of the Star Wars movies! I know many of the character names due to Pop culture, and the Ewoks cartoons and movies, because those I saw! Maybe one day I'll find a new man who is into Disney and Star Wars and who will ask me to watch them with him. It's not likely to happen on my own if it hasn't happened yet.

from raw-5466 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5468 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Even looking at this picture I can feel the heat of the night. I want heat back! LOL

from raw-5470 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was sad we were not eating at PT this trip.

from raw-5472 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5473 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5474 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5479 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Yep, time to go back to the resort. We were a little less energetic this trip.

from raw-5480 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

No Fantasmic, but I was going to do it another night for sure. I was not missing it, and I was not going to sit in the standing room only section. I was determined to get there and get a decent seat.

Purple sky.

from raw-5482 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5484 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I wanted to take a picture to remember where the bus stops were, and to see if they changed later in the trip. And to have in case someone asked.

from raw-5485 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5487 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It's not the clearest because I didn't have a tripod, but I like that I was able to get the starburst.

from raw-5490 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love seeing the fun names. I am assuming these ones are the training buses, but I'm not sure.

We didn't wait long and we were on the bus to head home. Then quickly back at the resort in the heat again. I find those buses so cold at night!

from raw-5495 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-5496 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And a cell phone view at the end of the night.

from raw-5497 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I'm not sure if I stopped on the way or if I went to the room and then back to the food court, but I checked my receipts and I got a chocolate milkshake. I guess I was hot and I wanted some ice cream! Yummy.

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