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  1. bluecastle

    Three Things...Gratitude Thread

    I think they’re called Clifton 9? it also says Hoka One One. Hope that helps! Some people described them as “clunky” but I like the extra support. I like the size of the toe box (I think it will allow for foot swelling in the heat) and they have a narrowish heel, which is perfect for me since...
  2. bluecastle

    Three Things...Gratitude Thread

    I am totally in love with my new pair of shoes. I read an article on the DFB recommending Hoka’s for WDW and I impulsively bought a pair on amazon! Crazy, I know. I had gift card money from my birthday in my account, otherwise I don’t think I would have spent so much on one pair of shoes. But I...
  3. bluecastle

    VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

    Just checking in and hoping everyone is safe from the storms and heavy rains. I think we are supposed to have a heavier than usual hurricane season this year. Still waiting on those cicadas. I know they are coming and I’m curious to see what my DGD’s reaction will be since she is a bit bee and...
  4. bluecastle

    Three Things...Gratitude Thread

    Purple flowers The purple walls of my DD’s old room which we had custom made to match the blue/purple of Monica’s apartment on Friends. We also painted it together. My DGD loves purple, especially anything purple and sparkly.
  5. bluecastle

    Three Things...Gratitude Thread

    1. Fictional teachers who inspired me ( I wanted to be a teacher from the time I was in 2nd grade): the English teacher in the book Up the Down Staircase and, of course, Sidney Poitier in To Sir With Love 2. My 6th grade teacher and my 11th grade English teacher: both made me accountable for...
  6. bluecastle

    Three Things...Gratitude Thread

    3 indulgences 1. Dark chocolate: I allow myself a tiny bit each day and savor it for as long as I can 2. Walker Shortbread cookies at Christmas. Other than my sister’s homemade oatmeal squares (such buttery goodness), they are the only sweets I allow myself over the holidays. 3. Anything I...
  7. bluecastle

    Three Things...Gratitude Thread

    3 Things in front of me: (living room) 1. My iPad: I had a really old one, couldn’t do any updates and it was so limited. My DH kept bugging me to get a new one and I am very glad I did! 2. My walls are covered with photos, posters, drawings, WDW postcards, Mickey Mouse clock, and my piano is...
  8. bluecastle

    Three Things...Gratitude Thread

    Happiness, sometimes elusive, but when it appears I am so grateful Albums, still have all my old vinyls and a turntable if I ever feel the need to listen to them Nuts, grateful for the protein since I very rarely eat meat Singing, especially with my DGD Olive oil, a little bit every day keeps...

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