Guardians compared to Rock n Roller Coaster?


DIS Veteran
Apr 23, 2017
Rock n Roller Coaster is a no go for me. Rode it once and it about killed me. 😅 How is Guardians compared to RnRC? Makes one sick? Smoother or better or not?
I can't do RnRC, but I can do Guardians. The launch is fast, but not as fast as RnRC and there are some parts that are a bit intense (when the car swivels especially), but I can still handle it. I would recommend requesting to sit closer to the back (I like the back car) - it just feels a little smoother back there for some reason.
RnRC doesn’t bother me but Guardians does. I think it is the screens more than anything. After reading lots of posts prior to riding Guardians, I think it is different for everyone. Rollercoasters don’t bother me at all but anything with a screen makes me queasy.
I love them both, Guardians is much smoother and the motion is less jarring. RnR is not a rough coaster but I did feel some motion sickness after riding it. I did not notice any after riding Guardians. But there are some surprises to Guardians.
It is intense - more so than TRON - for me. Just rode Guardians yesterday and Tron this morning. I would ride Guardians again before Rock N Roller Coaster.
I’ve never ridden R&R, but I don’t think I’ll ever ride Guardians again. I didn’t eat before it, and I still felt mildly nauseous. It‘a just too intense for me, and while it didn’t do so when I rode it the one time, in the future, I imagine it would trigger my vertigo
I can ride RnR but Guardians did me and done. More of the screens (I can't do Star Wars either)
As someone who cannot ride RNR, it’s just too intense, guardians is so much better. The launch isn’t as strong and if you look at the track the motion isn’t too bad. I’d be more concerned with Tron, that launch is just like RNR (without the upside down).
RnRC was a one and done for me. I hate inversions. But I love Guardians.
I love RNR. It is more intense, more a thrill ride. If I could sit in front seat I could ride over and over and over. Aside from upside down loops it has a G Force of 5. I think it is the pressure on me that is so relaxing and feels like some kind of therapy. But I also love coasters, not afraid, especially in the dark.

I now love Cosmic Rewind. First time I hated it. I was sick even with seabands. I thought liking coasters would be enough but it's different. The visual with the screens does play in to the experience. It is smooth, fast but only like 2.4 Gs - no loops or real thrill to it (for me). Exciting, different, whipping is best I can describe ... but not so much you feel "slammed". Second time added medicine and by third time had it down and rode with nothing. Aside for the nauseous I don't think it has any of the scary thrill RNR has that would scare off non-coaster people. It is an exciting exhilarating ride!

They definitely tap into different adrenaline sources.
I don't have motion simulator issues. I can do RNRC once per trip. It's not my favorite. The launch is very intense, and I tend to hit my head/face on the shoulder restraints. However, I could do Cosmic Rewind all day long. I could do Everest all day too.
Love GOG. The launch is fun. The swivel made the ride smooth and my neck did fine, I rode it multiple times. So much fun. The screens were fine for me. (Universal screens do me in). RNR is a one and done never again. I hurt my neck and got sick.
Love rock and roll. Gated guardians from the first second. I had my eyes shut and screamed the entire ride. And was nauseous for 2 hours. Never again.
I don't have motion simulator issues. I can do RNRC once per trip. It's not my favorite. The launch is very intense, and I tend to hit my head/face on the shoulder restraints. However, I could do Cosmic Rewind all day long. I could do Everest all day too.
LOVE Everest. It is so many components of coaster in one ride! I could ride it over and over all day long. (3 G)
I remain terrified EVERY time I ride RNR, I barely remember the ride at all and I scream so much my throat hurts afterwards. Also, I feel claustrophobic during the load/unload if we get stuck sitting for any length of time in those restraints.

I LOVED GOTG from the first ride - I found the launch fun, not scary, and the whole thing just feels like a swoopy, giggly good time - I just laugh and groove to the music.
GOTG is MUCH smoother than RnRC. The launch is much smoother in GoTG and it has no inversions. The turning cars can be disorientating for some people. I find GoTG to much more fun and RnRC more intense and rough.
I can do RNRC no problem (though I'm happy to skip it - not one of my favorites). GOTG did me in. I was so disoriented. I had to close my eyes just to get through it.

My brain can't handle going sideways/spinning that fast. I'm fine forward and backward (EE is no problem at all), but not sideways/spinning.

I want to try it one more time with motion sickness meds to see if it helps. My whole family loved it but me, so I feel like I'm missing out if I don't try it again.

For the record, I'll never ride Forbidden Journey or Gringotts again either. I put GOTG on par with them.
GOTG is an awesome ride and not as intense as RNRC; however, the spinning non-sense on GOTG makes me want to vomit. No other ride makes me feel that way. I love RNRC, but I need Dramamine to do GOTG.
I love Guardians but not a fan of RNRC. Guardians is so much smoother. DH prefers RNRC, it's just too jarring for me.
Same here.

After being scared and not trying RnRC for years I loved it once I rode. But… as the next years ticked on I got older and the track got more jolting. It became too much for the health of my spine. And I never fully overcame the anxiety of riding even though I’d push through and be happy I did afterward.

Guardians is S M oooooooooooth. It’s kind of fast yet not one thing about it hurts or even threatens my body. Other rides still make me anxious (ToT, BTM, even SDD) and GotG? Not at all. This ride may be the closest I ever get to heaven before shuffling off this mortal coil. Cannot overstate this enough! To me really it was a spiritual experience. There’s no other way to put it. I will always ride this as much as possible and even pay the ILL monster to go that extra time.

Keep your head straight and enjoy the best ride this Earth has to offer in our lifetime!


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