Marathon Weekend 2023

Since last week's SAFD spurred such a large discussion, I wanted to report back on my sample size of one (i.e. me) for the Galloway/CTP training plan's 20+ mile runs.

This past weekend was supposed to be my first 3 day simulation with 3 mile walk, 7 mile walk, 20 mile run/walk. Well, the 3 miles never happen due to unexpected insanity at work. However, I did get a lot of time on my feet (standing) and practice functioning with minimal sleep so I was going into the runs with tired feet and tired brain. I did my 7 mile walk on Sunday and my 20 miles on Monday. This was the first time that I'd ever done a distance starting with a "2." I felt great throughout and finished strong, even upping my run interval slightly for the last 3 miles because I was ready to be done at that point - and because I could. I felt pretty good Monday evening (all things considered) and was able to do my activities of daily living without problem yesterday.

Tonight - just over 48 hours after a 20-mile long run - I did my speed work faster than prescribed (with coach's blessing) and a mile about 20 seconds faster than what I usually do. And felt absolutely NO soreness or tiredness in my legs from Monday's workout.

I know that everyone has their own feelings about the Galloway plan and I'm just one person, but I am just wowed by the results that I'm seeing. After I finished Sunday's run, I was almost in tears because at that moment I knew that I could have done the last 6.2 miles if I had had to. And we are still over 2 months after from Marathon Weekend.
That’s great! And just goes to show that once someone finds the plan that works for them, they can do amazing things.
Can I ask a QOTD? What pace do you run half marathons at during marathon training?

I'm currently training for the full and my training plan (Higdon) has a half marathon on the schedule next week. I'm not sure if I will sign up for a local race, or just do the miles on my own, but regardless I'm not sure what pace to plan to run... Should I aim to do the half at what will be my marathon pace? Do it at an equivalent half pace? Somewhere in-between? Or just do it as long run pace?

If it's helpful for context I do continuous running, am targeting a 9:45 marathon pace, McMillan translates that to a 9:15 half, and my half PR is a 8:55 pace...
Can I ask a QOTD? What pace do you run half marathons at during marathon training?

I'm currently training for the full and my training plan (Higdon) has a half marathon on the schedule next week. I'm not sure if I will sign up for a local race, or just do the miles on my own, but regardless I'm not sure what pace to plan to run... Should I aim to do the half at what will be my marathon pace? Do it at an equivalent half pace? Somewhere in-between? Or just do it as long run pace?

If it's helpful for context I do continuous running, am targeting a 9:45 marathon pace, McMillan translates that to a 9:15 half, and my half PR is a 8:55 pace...
Since your plan calls for the race, I would do it at race pace.

If you were doing it as a supported training run, then my advice would be to take it slower at your long run pace. My plan calls for some longer marathon tempo workouts later in the plan. I could see swapping a HM for one of those and running at marathon pace.

The big thing here is to trust your plan and follow it. If it has a race on the schedule, go out and race the darn thing 👟
ATTQOTD: When that distance is called for during marathon training, I run the race at my long run training training pace. I'd be hesitant to treat it like a race because you run the risk of over stressing your body and needing the following week or two as recovery time rather than being able to press on with your training schedule at planned paces.
Can I ask a QOTD? What pace do you run half marathons at during marathon training?

I'm currently training for the full and my training plan (Higdon) has a half marathon on the schedule next week. I'm not sure if I will sign up for a local race, or just do the miles on my own, but regardless I'm not sure what pace to plan to run... Should I aim to do the half at what will be my marathon pace? Do it at an equivalent half pace? Somewhere in-between? Or just do it as long run pace?

If it's helpful for context I do continuous running, am targeting a 9:45 marathon pace, McMillan translates that to a 9:15 half, and my half PR is a 8:55 pace...

Some of Higdon's Marathon Training plan notes sections include a quip about racing during his training plans. But not all of his marathon plans have this little tidbit. So take the following as instructions from your coach:

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So the races in his training plans are meant as measuring sticks to where your fitness currently resides. If you don't feel the need to assess your current fitness level, then you don't need to race when it says to do so.

I'd say that if you can be consistent with your training and get good weather on race day, then your current fitness (8:55 HM, 1:57:45) aligns well with your goal (9:45 M, 4:15). According to the Williams/Vickers data sets from real world runners, about 35% of runners who can do a 1:57:45 can do a 4:15 marathon.
Thanks @GollyGadget and @camaker for the input. I was really all over the place thinking about how I might approach it so appreciate the perspectives.

@DopeyBadger thanks for the additional Higdon info. Interestingly he does not include any notes about racing on the Novice 2 plan I’m using, despite putting a half on the schedule. I’m still unsure of doing an all-out race effort vs doing it as a marathon pace run so I may decide based on how I’m feeling the week of and on race day.
Thanks @GollyGadget and @camaker for the input. I was really all over the place thinking about how I might approach it so appreciate the perspectives.

@DopeyBadger thanks for the additional Higdon info. Interestingly he does not include any notes about racing on the Novice 2 plan I’m using, despite putting a half on the schedule. I’m still unsure of doing an all-out race effort vs doing it as a marathon pace run so I may decide based on how I’m feeling the week of and on race day.

I did Intermediate 1 last year and ran it at half marathon pace. The days leading up to the race imply half pacing, with 2 days off before and easy runs. Up to that point the longest MP run was only 7 miles but the day of the race I was ready to go the full 13 at half pace and even ran at a faster pace.

Doing the Intermediate 2 this year and have the same doubts sneaking in already but will give it a go in a few weeks.
Can I ask a QOTD? What pace do you run half marathons at during marathon training?

I'm currently training for the full and my training plan (Higdon) has a half marathon on the schedule next week. I'm not sure if I will sign up for a local race, or just do the miles on my own, but regardless I'm not sure what pace to plan to run... Should I aim to do the half at what will be my marathon pace? Do it at an equivalent half pace? Somewhere in-between? Or just do it as long run pace?

If it's helpful for context I do continuous running, am targeting a 9:45 marathon pace, McMillan translates that to a 9:15 half, and my half PR is a 8:55 pace...

For me, anytime I have done an actual race event as a half during my marathon training cycle, I ran it at half pace. However, I entered with the mindset that if I was feeling my effort on that day was overtaxing me, I would back off. Although, I never did run into that issue during those races. I was also a little more conscious the week after the half to listen to my body and adjust any other runs that week if I needed extra recovery.
Good Morning runDisney All-Stars! It is time for SAFD,

Well, we are a little more than two months out, so clearly time to talk weather…. No. Not what the weather will be in January, but what is the weather that you would like for Marathon Weekend.

My Answer: I am a cold weather runner if given the choice. Many WDW Marathon Weekends have chewed me up and spit me out because it got too hot. I would love a high 40’s to low 50’s race temp. But most important for me is going to be the humidity, specifically having low humidity. So the perfect race day is going to be high 40’s, low humidity and overcast skies. Is this too much to ask…
SAFD: my ideal race weather is a start in the low 40s, 50 by the finish, with a bit of sun and breeze. My ideal Disney marathon weather, though, is a few degrees slightly warmer than that thanks to the standing around at drink stops, photo stops, and lines for rides.

I could not have put it any better.
Anything above 60 an below 80 works for me for a Disney race. I get cold easily, and with as much walking as I do with shorter intervals, and bathroom stops anything lower than that is just a weird temperature for me to deal with, especially when the humidity can be high. It's the hot and sweaty and then cold and clammy during stops that would just destroy me. I don't run these races for time by any means, and my performance doesn't suffer *too* much with warmer temps. Some clouds and a LIGHT breeze would be nice for that dreaded Blizzard Beach section.
ETA: This does NOT mean I want it to start at 80 degrees at 5am. No. No thank you.
Yes, I'm running Dopey, but Marathon Weekend is also a vacation for me. So I'm going to answer differently than if I was just running a race.

I'd prefer race temperatures to be around 50-60 degrees with low humidity until I am off the course. But when the races are done, I'd prefer 75-80 as the daily temperature. Warm enough to walk around in shorts and even go to the pool.

I don't want the polar vortex but also not so hot that they cut the course short.
Yes, I'm running Dopey, but Marathon Weekend is also a vacation for me. So I'm going to answer differently than if I was just running a race.

I'd prefer race temperatures to be around 50-60 degrees with low humidity until I am off the course. But when the races are done, I'd prefer 75-80 as the daily temperature. Warm enough to walk around in shorts and even go to the pool.

I don't want the polar vortex but also not so hot that they cut the course short.
This sound perfect


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