Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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Cases of people getting COVID after being fully vaccinated won't be unusual. This is like the flu shot, we will still be able to catch the virus, it just won't be a severe illness because our bodies will fight it off.

That's why I think the national case numbers might not drop all that much even after the majority of Americans are fully vaccinated. People will still be able to catch the virus but it won't result in high numbers of hospitalizations and deaths.
Got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday. My arm is a little tender at the injection site, but not bad at all. Today I feel a bit tired, headachy, and achy, but I have seasonal allergies and took a Benadryl last night, which can make me tired the next day, I've been headachy off and on for the last few weeks due to allergies/weather, and I took 10 wheelbarrows full of manure from my horse's paddock yesterday that has finally thawed out from winter. So all of my "symptoms" could easily be explained by something other than the vaccine.
Received my second Pfizer shot back in Jan but recently got Covid from my wife. Be safe after receiving it..
DH has a coworker who also developed COVID weeks after his second shot— co workers wife also developed it and was fully vaccinated. They did not need to be hospitalized but were pretty ill for a few days. Hope you don’t feel too bad and have a quick recovery!
Its still too early to say. Studies coming out are showing it can stop transmission in certain cases. Full results are a long way off at the moment
While a vaccinated person may or may not be able to transmit the disease, a vaccinated person can still catch the disease from a non-vaccinated person.
That pretty much was my side effects. Sore arm and then very achy (back, hips, knees, etc.). I chalked that up to being on the couch a lot with my new cast on, but in hindsight, I now think it was the vaccine because the aches disappeared with the sore arm.

I have a little fatigue now. But I'm expecting to be fine by tomorrow. Really, this is almost identical to my reaction to the flu shot.
Got my Phizer yesterday woohoo, but my arm is so sore that I can not move it more than 2 inches. I had a frozen shoulder 10 years ago in that arm so wondering how long to expect this and if others had arm pain that badly. I expected soreness but this is really different and I read if they do shot too high you can get something called SIRVA. So how long does it take to recover and has anyone had their arm hurt that bad that they cannot lift it up sideways more than an inch or so.
I haven't had it offered to me yet so no... but I'm in the current tier. As soon as I get my invitation, I'll be getting it, no matter which vaccine it is! If not for me, for my friends and family, including one who has Cystic Fibrosis :(
Got my Phizer yesterday woohoo, but my arm is so sore that I can not move it more than 2 inches. I had a frozen shoulder 10 years ago in that arm so wondering how long to expect this and if others had arm pain that badly. I expected soreness but this is really different and I read if they do shot too high you can get something called SIRVA. So how long does it take to recover and has anyone had their arm hurt that bad that they cannot lift it up sideways more than an inch or so.

My arm hurt bad enough that I had a hard time lifting it higher than shoulder level (which is more than a few inches). My friend's daughter had the same feeling. I put up with it for about a day and then broke down and took some Tylenol which shockingly worked. Then it's like the pain never came back.
I am so sorry! hoping they all pull through.

sadly, one passed :(

2nd dose today ( Pfizer) slightest nasally feel and took a Loratadine, gone. So far, 5 hours later and nothing! Fingers crossed same going forward.
stay well all
Husband got first dose yesterday, DD and I get our second dose on Easter. Have a feeling I will be calling out sick on the following Monday as I'm already run down from other issues. Hoping that I don't have a bad reaction, but will be really surprised if I don't!
Got the shot yesterday morning. Felt "fuzzy" most of the day, and extra tired. I took advil every 4 hours to keep symptoms at bay and that seemed to help a lot. Today just a dull headache. I'm glad I'm done with the process! Moving forward to a healthier US!
Cases of people getting COVID after being fully vaccinated won't be unusual. This is like the flu shot, we will still be able to catch the virus, it just won't be a severe illness because our bodies will fight it off.

That's why I think the national case numbers might not drop all that much even after the majority of Americans are fully vaccinated. People will still be able to catch the virus but it won't result in high numbers of hospitalizations and deaths.
I suppose they will be doing follow-up studies on vaccinated people. I wonder if they are still at risk for long term heart and/or lung damage should they get the disease.
Just an FYI/PSA, please remember to sign up for the V-Safe after your first shot. Very helpful for the CDC to follow up and useful for you also. Very easy to sign up. You'' get a text each day for 7 days and then one text a week for the following 3 weeks and then once a month for several months (if I recall those frequencies correctly).

Here is the correct frequency.....

How long do v-safe check-ins last?
During the first week after you get your vaccine, v-safe will send you a text message each day to ask how you are doing. Then you will get check-in messages once a week for up to 5 weeks. The questions v-safe asks take less than 5 minutes to answer.

If you need a second dose of vaccine, v-safe will provide a new 6-week check-in process so you can share your second-dose vaccine experience as well. Finally, you’ll receive check-ins 3, 6, and 12 months after your final dose of vaccine.

They say 5 minutes here. In reality, less than 1 minute, maybe 30 seconds to answer.

Link below for any and all information. You probably also received a flyer at your vaccination.

Got my Phizer yesterday woohoo, but my arm is so sore that I can not move it more than 2 inches. I had a frozen shoulder 10 years ago in that arm so wondering how long to expect this and if others had arm pain that badly. I expected soreness but this is really different and I read if they do shot too high you can get something called SIRVA. So how long does it take to recover and has anyone had their arm hurt that bad that they cannot lift it up sideways more than an inch or so.
My left shoulder was frozen about 2 years ago. But I've been having different issues with my right shoulder for the past year. It's the worst of the 2 so I had them inject my left arm. For the first day post injection, both times, my arm was really bad off. Worse than any other injection I've had, including tetanus injections. Severe pain for a day, then poof. Gone. Thank heaven. I'm 2 weeks post second Moderna vaccine and back to just my normal levels of shoulder pain. I hope yours passes quickly as well.

Hoping to move forward on some shoulder PT now that I'm fully vaccinated.
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