Eat at Home 3!

Breakfast: Spinach, feta, sun dried tomato, egg white wraps
Lunch: Leftovers and Lentil Chili when run out of leftovers
Snacks: Bananas, fruit with yogart and granola, pumpkin date bars

Sunday: Sweet Potato/Black Bean Enchilada casserole
Monday: Chicken, carrots, potatoes,
Tuesday: dinner at in-laws (SIL and her family are visiting)
Wednesday: dinner at in-laws (SIL and her family are visiting)
Thursday: Pesto spinach mushroom pizzas on Naan bread
Friday: Ground turkey butternut squash skillet
Well I did the unthinkable I stepped on the scale! :crazy2: Needless to say I am back to keeping track of what I am eating, portioning out my food, and limiting dairy and carbs. Why is it so easy to put on weight but is so hard to take it back off! I need to go to store as I am limited on items i can make but this will get me thru until the weekend. DH and DD are working every evening so DH will eat salad packed from home and DD eats something from work - Chick-fil-A.

Breakfast M-Th,: 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup diced ham, 1/2 cup bell pepper, 1/2 slice jalapeno cheese
Friday: Oatmeal with banana

Lunch: leftovers
Snacks: apples, berries, grapes, 100 cal popcorn, Oikos high protein yogurt

Monday: Crispy Chicken strips, cooked carrots
Tuesday: Roasted Brussel sprouts with sweet potatoes in a Dijon vinaigrette sauce, brown rice
Wednesday: Boneless skinless chicken thighs, corn/black bean salad
Thursday: Leftover chicken and corn/black bean salad
Friday: Buffalo chickpeas on sweet potato
The number on the scale doesn't define any of us. We are all perfection.
So busy with work I haven't been popping on here to post... but it looks like everyone else hasn't been either! With the holidays coming I'd love to hear some great suggestions for treats to share, things to bring to pot lucks, etc. Anyway, here's what I have planned for this week:

baked tacos
hoisin pork with carrots and noodles
garlic lemon shrimp/chicken with spinach and pasta
black bean chili
Sweedish meatballs with mashed potatoes
bacon garlic chicken with green beans and biscuits
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! I hope you all enjoy!

Looks like everyone has been too busy to post, but I'd love to hear what everyone is making for Thanksgiving, or any traditions you have with food (special dish you bring to family or friends gathering, different meal ideas for a smaller group, etc.).

This Thanksgiving DH and I will officially be empty nesters! DS2 is moving the day before Thanksgiving into his first apartment- but thankfully it's only about 15-20 minutes from us. He and his girlfriend will be coming to our house to eat though, and DS1 will be visiting for the four day weekend. He's in the military, stationed about 8 hours away in Florida, but is currently on assignment only 3 hours from us so he can visit easier. His GF, who works at Disney now, just accepted a position for her major about 3 hours from us (her parents live here too) so she's finishing up her last week working for Disney then moving. She should be able to spend Christmas here though!

This is my first Thanksgiving weekend to be off in over 20 years, having worked in retail and just retiring this spring. I'm excited to be able to make lots of food for everyone, and other friends may be popping in over the weekend too. Plan for this week:

Sun- 7 layer taco dip with chips (Yes, this can be a full meal! I made a double batch because DH's best friend's daughter, who is like our niece, is pregnant and requested me to make some for her. I took one batch over for her and her husband, then DH, DS2, and his GF and I had the other Sun. evening while watching The Mandalorian.)

Mon- spinach quesdaillas for DH and I

Tue- bacon garlic chicken with green beans and biscuits

Wed- moving day for DS2! DH is off work to help, but I have to work till a little after 3:00 to do payroll so our employees get their checks before the holiday (normally done on Fri.). I'm doing beef and black bean chili in the crockpot to make it easy.

Thu- Snacks- salami & cream cheese roll ups, apples, strawberries, and grapes with cinnamon fruit dip, various cheeses and crackers, chips and onion dip; Dinner- turkey, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and cream gravy, rolls, cranberry sauce for me, and chocolate icebox pie. My family
doesn't like some traditional Thanksgiving food, like stuffing, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie... so I make what they like!

Fri-Sun- Not sure what order or if I'm making for lunch or dinner, but I have the stuff to make: chicken supreme (it's like chicken cordon bleu) with loaded baked potatoes, cranberry crockpot meatballs with broccoli pepperoni salad, mini bbq sausages with pineapple, and sweet & saucy chicken bites
So glad that you finally have Thanksgiving weekend off, @Sydney2977 after 20 years!! It sounds like you will be doing what you enjoy: cooking some feasts for your family. I hope that you all have a great time together!
I have been so busy lately that I have forgotten to post.

Sunday: Tortellini soup
Monday: Cilantro lime chicken, brown rice, chips with guac
Tuesday: Hamburgers, french fries, cottage cheese salad
Wednesday: Home made pizza
Thursday: For Thanksgiving we host breakfast and then my in-laws host dinner. It will just be us and them this year. For breakfast I am making fruit with fruit dip, cheese ball and crackers, monkey bread, apple strudel, and a kale, mushroom, feta quiche. I will be taking roasted butternut squash, brussel sprout dish to my in laws.
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Italian sausage, cheesy potatoes, corn casserole
I have been busy and not feeling so great of late. Bad fatigue. So I just have not been spending much time online or on these boards. Thus the lack of posting.

Monday: Veggie yellow curry, rice, naan
Tuesday: Aldi's version of Hamburger Helper, broccoli
Wednesday: L/O
Thursday: Thanksgiving!!! Turkey, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, gravy, and pecan pie all for 1!! Solo this year due to the virus and not wanting to risk my safety. I may also do deviled eggs.
Friday: L/O
Saturday: L/O
Hello everyone. Going to use this thread as not only meal planning but to limit my spending as well. I'm going to give myself a $200 spending limit this month. We have well stocked freezers and pantry so this shouldn't be a big deal. Grocery prices have shot up since covid and I do find I am spending more. Just trying to limit spending. Went to aldis tonight spent $53. I have $147 left for the month.

Monday-beef roast, mashed potatoes, carrots
Tuesday baked salmon, rice, veggies from freezer
Wednesday Turkey soup
Thursday breakfast for dinner
Friday Turkey pot pie
Saturday leftovers
Sunday leftovers
Here are menu items for the week. We are trying to use up what we have. My grocery list has been pretty much just eggs, dairy, fresh fruit and veggies as needed.

Roast with carrots and potatoes
Roasted chicken legs, homemade mac and cheese, broccoli Italian bread
Homemade Pizza
Chicken stir fry with brown rice
Sweet potato hash
Italian sausage and Perogies
Ooops... haven't been on here lately as I am finding myself busy with Christmas preparations- finally getting to really enjoy them this year because I'm not working in retail! Doing a lot more online shopping for gifts this year because of Covid, but DH and I have enjoyed doing that together, especially for the younger kids in the family. We cut down our tree (DS2 and his GF came along), got the house all decorated inside and out, made some cookies the other day (DS2 and his GF came over for that too), and I'm going to do some more baking this week. Here's my menu for this week and leading up to Christmas. I have to have a cyst removed from my wrist next Friday, so I tried to pick some things DH can make or plan leftovers to use everything up so I can fill it up again on Christmas.

glazed pork chops with baked apples and rolls
pot roast hoagies with fruit
pot roast spaghetti (I made a big roast in the crock pot last week and froze the leftover meat- these two recipes will use the rest up)
slow cooker turkey and veggies (making tomorrow since I have to go get a Covid test after work pre-op and it will be ready when I finally make it home)
turkey alfredo (uses up the extra aldredo sauce I made last week and the leftover turkey I'll have)
chicken white bean chili
chicken parmesan
chili cheese dogs with chips & dip
sweet and spicy meatballs with mashed potatoes (made a batch last week and froze the leftovers)

Christmas Eve we'll get Chinese takeout as is tradition, and I'll make all the normal stuff for Christmas dinner.
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Speaking of Christmas cookies- does anyone else do holiday baking? I will certainly not call myself a baker, but I love making holiday treats and sharing with neighbors, friends, and co-workers. This year I'm not going to share as much due to Covid, but still doing some baking. I'd love to have everyone share at least one holiday recipe that's a must for them- one that you don't feel like it's the holidays without, or that your family or friends expect you to make!

For us, my boys LOVE this cookie, shared by a dear co-worker of mine almost 20 years ago. (Funny, her grandson ended up being in our son's Scout pack and DH was his their leader, so our families became friends.) DS2 and his girlfriend made them for us this year.

Cowboy Cookies
2 cups sifted flour 1 tsp. baking soda 1 pkg. chocolate chips 2 eggs
1/2 tsp. salt 1 cup butter (2sticks) 2 cups oats 1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 1/2 cup brown sugar 2 cans coconut (optional- I've added more chocolate chips or raisins)

Cream butter and sugars together. Add eggs, flour, salt and baking soda. Add vanilla, oats, coconut (or substitute), and chocolate
chips. Mix well, Drop by tablespoons onto greased cookie sheet. bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Cool on wire rack.
Makes 6 dozen cookies.

Two other fun decorating cookies we almost always make are Santa and Reindeer cookies.

For Santa cookies you need a package of Nutter Butter cookies, 2 packages of white baking chocolate, vanilla chips, chocolate chips, red sprinkles, and either Red Hots or red M&M's (just buy the holiday ones and save the green ones for something else or put out in a candy dish), and wax paper.
Melt the white chocolate in a saucepan or double boiler (DS2 recommends this as it keeps the chocolate runny). Dip each end of the Nutter Butter in white chocolate and lay on wax paper. The top end is Santa's hat- add red sprinkles and a vanilla chip. The bottom part is Santa's beard. In the middle of the "face" attach two chocolate chip eyes and a Red Hot or M&M nose by dripping a small spot of baking chocolate as the "glue" and placing the chips and candy on top. These are fun to make with more than one person and even a group because each person can do a step. They turn out really cute!

For reindeer cookies you need either a package of peanut butter cookie mix (and the ingredients needed for that), per-made peanut butter cookie dough, or your own favorite peanut butter cookie recipe, plus small pretzel twists, chocolate chips, and Red Hots or red M&M's.
Prepare the peanut butter cookies as directed. Once you get ready to place the cookies on the baking sheet leave a little extra room- I usually do 6-8 per tray versus getting 12 standard cookies to a tray. Place two pretzels at the top of the cookie circle for the "antlers", two chocolate chips for the eyes, and one red candy for Rudolph's nose, then bake as directed. Again, another fun one for more than one baker as each person can add a part. They also come out cute and are great for parties and sharing!
hello everyone!! thankyou for posting your menus. they look wonderful and its always good to have ideas. sometimes i seem to get in a rut and we eat the same things. i havent gone to the grocery store this week. i will need to go soon as we are almost out of milk, and breadcrumbs, but that is about it. i did not completely adhere to my menu last week but we still did not end up eating out at all. we did not eat the turkey potpie so i will move it up to this weeks menu. tonight instead of leftovers we had homemade spaghetti and meatballs.

monday=chicken and rice casserole, carrots
tuesday=aldis red bag chicken sandwiches, french fries in the air fryer, cucumber salad
wednesday=leftover pasta meatballs and salad
thursday=turkey pot pie
friday=meatloaf, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, veggies from freezer
Went shopping at A ldis tonight. Spent $38 bringing my total to $91 out of $200 grocery budget this month. doing well sticking to my planned menu so far. I have everything for dinner for the week and christmas. I just have to get some snacky stuff for new years eve and that is it. Hoping to be under budget this month.
menu plan for this coming week
monday-chilli, scoops, light sour cream cheddar cheese
tuesday-chicken stir fry, rice
wed-leftovers for my husband-low carb egg roll in a bowl for me
thursday- steak, veggies from freezer, shrimp, baked potato for husband
friday-roasted turkey, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, broccoli bake, (turkey and steamed broccoli for me)-cheesecake and low carb/sugar free cheesecake

back on my low carb diet. figured i would start before new years
Speaking of Christmas cookies- does anyone else do holiday baking? I will certainly not call myself a baker, but I love making holiday treats and sharing with neighbors, friends, and co-workers. This year I'm not going to share as much due to Covid, but still doing some baking. I'd love to have everyone share at least one holiday recipe that's a must for them- one that you don't feel like it's the holidays without, or that your family or friends expect you to make!

For us, my boys LOVE this cookie, shared by a dear co-worker of mine almost 20 years ago. (Funny, her grandson ended up being in our son's Scout pack and DH was his their leader, so our families became friends.) DS2 and his girlfriend made them for us this year.

Cowboy Cookies
2 cups sifted flour 1 tsp. baking soda 1 pkg. chocolate chips 2 eggs
1/2 tsp. salt 1 cup butter (2sticks) 2 cups oats 1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 1/2 cup brown sugar 2 cans coconut (optional- I've added more chocolate chips or raisins)

Cream butter and sugars together. Add eggs, flour, salt and baking soda. Add vanilla, oats, coconut (or substitute), and chocolate
chips. Mix well, Drop by tablespoons onto greased cookie sheet. bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Cool on wire rack.
Makes 6 dozen cookies.

Two other fun decorating cookies we almost always make are Santa and Reindeer cookies.

For Santa cookies you need a package of Nutter Butter cookies, 2 packages of white baking chocolate, vanilla chips, chocolate chips, red sprinkles, and either Red Hots or red M&M's (just buy the holiday ones and save the green ones for something else or put out in a candy dish), and wax paper.
Melt the white chocolate in a saucepan or double boiler (DS2 recommends this as it keeps the chocolate runny). Dip each end of the Nutter Butter in white chocolate and lay on wax paper. The top end is Santa's hat- add red sprinkles and a vanilla chip. The bottom part is Santa's beard. In the middle of the "face" attach two chocolate chip eyes and a Red Hot or M&M nose by dripping a small spot of baking chocolate as the "glue" and placing the chips and candy on top. These are fun to make with more than one person and even a group because each person can do a step. They turn out really cute!

For reindeer cookies you need either a package of peanut butter cookie mix (and the ingredients needed for that), per-made peanut butter cookie dough, or your own favorite peanut butter cookie recipe, plus small pretzel twists, chocolate chips, and Red Hots or red M&M's.
Prepare the peanut butter cookies as directed. Once you get ready to place the cookies on the baking sheet leave a little extra room- I usually do 6-8 per tray versus getting 12 standard cookies to a tray. Place two pretzels at the top of the cookie circle for the "antlers", two chocolate chips for the eyes, and one red candy for Rudolph's nose, then bake as directed. Again, another fun one for more than one baker as each person can add a part. They also come out cute and are great for parties and sharing!
I love these have not made them in years.
I have not been posting here because I have been ill and this my plans often go right out the window. Illness and chronic fatigue do not go well together. It leads to many evenings after work where I do not have the energy to cook so I have been eating out way more then I should. It is what it is.

I am off this week, but sick again. My plan is to hopefully get back into doing better with eating in after the holidays. I a hoping that a week of rest and relaxation will help me shake this illness.
I have not been posting here because I have been ill and this my plans often go right out the window. Illness and chronic fatigue do not go well together. It leads to many evenings after work where I do not have the energy to cook so I have been eating out way more then I should. It is what it is.

I am off this week, but sick again. My plan is to hopefully get back into doing better with eating in after the holidays. I a hoping that a week of rest and relaxation will help me shake this illness.
Lily hope you feel better!!! Keep us posted on how you are doing
Speaking of Christmas cookies- does anyone else do holiday baking? I will certainly not call myself a baker, but I love making holiday treats and sharing with neighbors, friends, and co-workers. This year I'm not going to share as much due to Covid, but still doing some baking. I'd love to have everyone share at least one holiday recipe that's a must for them- one that you don't feel like it's the holidays without, or that your family or friends expect you to make!

For us, my boys LOVE this cookie, shared by a dear co-worker of mine almost 20 years ago. (Funny, her grandson ended up being in our son's Scout pack and DH was his their leader, so our families became friends.) DS2 and his girlfriend made them for us this year.

Cowboy Cookies
2 cups sifted flour 1 tsp. baking soda 1 pkg. chocolate chips 2 eggs
1/2 tsp. salt 1 cup butter (2sticks) 2 cups oats 1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 1/2 cup brown sugar 2 cans coconut (optional- I've added more chocolate chips or raisins)

Cream butter and sugars together. Add eggs, flour, salt and baking soda. Add vanilla, oats, coconut (or substitute), and chocolate
chips. Mix well, Drop by tablespoons onto greased cookie sheet. bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Cool on wire rack.
Makes 6 dozen cookies.

Two other fun decorating cookies we almost always make are Santa and Reindeer cookies.

For Santa cookies you need a package of Nutter Butter cookies, 2 packages of white baking chocolate, vanilla chips, chocolate chips, red sprinkles, and either Red Hots or red M&M's (just buy the holiday ones and save the green ones for something else or put out in a candy dish), and wax paper.
Melt the white chocolate in a saucepan or double boiler (DS2 recommends this as it keeps the chocolate runny). Dip each end of the Nutter Butter in white chocolate and lay on wax paper. The top end is Santa's hat- add red sprinkles and a vanilla chip. The bottom part is Santa's beard. In the middle of the "face" attach two chocolate chip eyes and a Red Hot or M&M nose by dripping a small spot of baking chocolate as the "glue" and placing the chips and candy on top. These are fun to make with more than one person and even a group because each person can do a step. They turn out really cute!

For reindeer cookies you need either a package of peanut butter cookie mix (and the ingredients needed for that), per-made peanut butter cookie dough, or your own favorite peanut butter cookie recipe, plus small pretzel twists, chocolate chips, and Red Hots or red M&M's.
Prepare the peanut butter cookies as directed. Once you get ready to place the cookies on the baking sheet leave a little extra room- I usually do 6-8 per tray versus getting 12 standard cookies to a tray. Place two pretzels at the top of the cookie circle for the "antlers", two chocolate chips for the eyes, and one red candy for Rudolph's nose, then bake as directed. Again, another fun one for more than one baker as each person can add a part. They also come out cute and are great for parties and sharing!
Thank you for posting your cookie recipes!! They sound yummy! I think I am going to give them a try!!!
Getting back on track with our meal plan after spending a week at WDW and Christmas. Love this thread for ideas!

Sunday: Beef/Green Chile Stew
Monday: Chicken Apple Sausages & Veggies
Tuesday: Turkey Tacos, Beans, Mexican Rice
Wednesday: Pesto Chicken Pasta
Thursday (New Year's Eve): Appetizers - charcuterie plate, spinach artichoke dip, chicken wings
Friday: Take out from a local restaurant
Lets see how we do!
Tonight/Sunday: Leftover lasagna and garlic bread
Monday/Tuesday: Baked honey garlic chicken, rice, broccoli
Wednesday: Pan fried tilapia, asparagus
Thursday: Snacks and apps - cheese and crackers, perogies, pig in a blanket, olives, cheesecake dip with apples and graham crackers
Friday: Easy Singapore Noodles


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