How Kneeling Became a Protest Symbol

But WHY do you stand?? Why do any American’s stand during the ‘flag salute?’ Not because we feel like it. It’s to Honor our military and our country. No, you don’t have to, but if you believe in WHY you SHOULD stand, then how can you say it’s ok to kneel? I just don’t get that part.
I stand because I, (repeating, I) feel it is the thing to do, my right, protected by the Constitution. But my feelings do not extend to or over others to make them do the same as me. Again, the Constitution. If my grandkids, as they grow in age and wisdom, decide not to stand, I sure won;t make them. I really don't make them now, I remind them. And the playing of the anthem or standing for the flag, to me, does not honor the military. Same as it does not honor our first responders, like my son who is a 20 year firefighter/Paramedic (started 1 year before 9/11...maybe a reflection on my avatar?) or his wife, a 15 year ER nurse in a large Chicago suburban hospital, exposed to COVID every shift. It is not honoring the grocery store clerks, my accountant, or my barber. It, if anything, honors our country, or so it has come to be. Our country is the people of our country and the Constitution. I do not have the right to tell others what to do. Their right is to do as they want to do, withing the law. Kneeling during the anthem is not against the law, though some would like it to be i think.
He wasn't protesting the flag. Or the anthem.

So then WHY do it DURING the National Anthem WHILE saluting the flag?! Go on TV, pay for your own TV time. Talk about it after the game to the reporters. Makes no sense.
The issue of disrespect has been addressed many times over. Please give your reason for not accepting it. You need to listen to other voices. I changed my mind about it and so can you.
Nope. I have the right not to listen to other voices on a subject where my mind is made up. I was brought up to believe that burning the flag and not standing for the anthem or pledge is disrespectful. That's how I raised my kids. Not changing my views on the topic no matter how many NFL players or female soccer players do it. I've listened to the arguments. You will never convince me that doing this a legitimate form of protest. Has the same legitimacy as looting a Target.
In answer to your question: Do you object when they fly the flag at half mast? How is that OK? Kneeling is an act of respect while you are in mourning. That's the reason why he took that action, and it was recommended to him by a Green Beret.
I wonder if those objecting so vehemently to a black man kneeling have a problem when our military kneels in respect? Somehow, I doubt it.
It’s so hard for me to respect anyone who protests our flag, let alone someone who does it wearing socks with pictures of cops depicted as pigs on them.
Again, in the case of Kaepernick, it is a respectful way of protesting and is the equivalent of flying the flag at half mast. He is not protesting the flag. Can you least respond to this assertion?

In terms of the socks, aren't you just a little bit concerned that the practice of falsifying police reports is considered fairly common? What about the history of it? And the practice goes repeatedly unpunished.

Sounds to me like this is about a lot more than the flag to you.
Nope. I have the right not to listen to other voices on a subject where my mind is made up. I was brought up to believe that burning the flag and not standing for the anthem or pledge is disrespectful. That's how I raised my kids. Not changing my views on the topic no matter how many NFL players or female soccer players do it. I've listened to the arguments. You will never convince me that doing this a legitimate form of protest.
So you object to flying the flag at half mast? You object to using the flag as a blanket, as a shawl, or hugging it?
But WHY do you stand?? Why do any American’s stand during the ‘flag salute?’ Not because we feel like it. It’s to Honor our military and our country. No, you don’t have to, but if you believe in WHY you SHOULD stand, then how can you say it’s ok to kneel? I just don’t get that part.

I know people often say that the flag is about honoring the military, but I don't know why or how that came to be. The flag is about honoring the VALUES of the country as enshrined in the Constitution. The military may be part of how the country acts on our values, but they should be merely an extension of those values, absolutely not the focus. There's a reason the US Constitution demands civilian oversight of the military.
So yes, I usually stop and put my hand over my heart during the national anthem, but it's in honor of the Constitution and our American freedoms and values. And because I value the Constitution, I absolutely support those who chose to kneel in protest or buy a hot dog in apathy. Because exercising our values as a country will *always* be more important than pro forma patriotism.
He wasn't protesting the flag. Or the anthem.

you sure about that???

the original reason Colin Kaepernick — who once wore socks depicting cops as “pigs” and defended Fidel Castro — took a knee was this: “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”
Yeah, not that long ago the players weren't even expected to be on the field for the anthem.

But I know I'm not a True Patriot™ - I still miss when we sang Take Me Out To The Ballgame during the 7th inning stretch, rather than God Bless America (which we are also, apparently, now required to stand for or face the drunken wrath of those in the stands around us).

Wait what? I will take to the streets to bring back Take Me Out to the Ballgame!
Again, in the case of Kaepernick, it is a respectful way of protesting and is the equivalent of flying the flag at half mast. He is not protesting the flag. Can you least respond to this assertion?

In terms of the socks, aren't you just a little bit concerned that the practice of falsifying police reports is considered fairly common? What about the history of it? And the practice goes repeatedly unpunished.

Sounds to me like this is about a lot more than the flag to you.

You fly a flag at half mast when someone dies. How is that wrong?
you sure about that???

the original reason Colin Kaepernick — who once wore socks depicting cops as “pigs” and defended Fidel Castro — took a knee was this: “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”

Right. He was protesting the oppression of black people and people of color. He said it right there in the sentence you wrote.
In terms of the socks, aren't you just a little bit concerned that the practice of falsifying police reports is considered fairly common? What about the history of it? And the practice goes repeatedly unpunished.
What? How did we get to this? I'm sure you have statistics from a reputable source that points to the practice of falsifying police reports is fairly common? I say that suspects and defense attorneys lying in court is considered fairly common? What about the history of it?
Wait what? I will take to the streets to bring back Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

Yeah, after 9/11 it shifted. At first, God Bless America was in addition to Take Me Out to the Ballgame but eventually came to replace it. A lot of people stand, with their hands over their hearts and their hats off like it was the National Anthem... and the more aggressively patriotic few are sometimes drunk enough to be belligerently offended by anyone who doesn't do the same. It has made the cheap seats a markedly less enjoyable experience in recent years.


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