North Carolina , North Dakota and Michigan

ahhh, forgot Fargo, great movie, did you see the TV series, its just as good
North Carolina: An old "flip this house" type of show we used to watch on TLC in the 2000's. I wonder what ever happened to that guy? :scratchin Can't even remember the name of his company to google it. I'd imagine he went down hard when your sub-prime housing market crashed. Part of the show was about the crazy deals he did on the ridiculously-over-priced flips.

North Dakota: The son of close family friends got a full-ride football scholarship to NDSU. Go Bison! :cheer2: He actually got cut in his 4th year and had to come home because there was no way the family could afford the "international student" tuition. :(

Michigan: Boarder shopping in Detroit (just over the line from Windsor, ON) used to be big, before our dollar tanked and the city got such a reputation for being dangerous. It's the opposite end of the country from me though so I don't know if it's still as commonly done.
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What the first thing you think of when you hear of these states ?

North Carolina - Andy Griffith

North Dakota - Cowboys

Michigan - Woody Hayes
I thought Woody Hayes was at Ohio State.
North Carolina - Charlotte
North Dakota - Mount Rushmore, which is in the wrong Dakota. So I'll default to my second answer: Why do we have 2 Dakotas?
Michigan - home
There was one answer that they didn’t like each other, but another one was in order to give two more US Senators to the party in power at the time.


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