Worst Movies Ever!


Oct 19, 2012

It's a shark... that's also a ghost.

You can find it in fire hydrants and puddles in the road.

No, I kid you not.
Worst movie I've seen: I don't remember what it is called. But it had talking dogs, and plucky teenagers seeking treasure, and a down-on-her-luck single mom trying to save the house she just inherited from her dead father from foreclosure, and weird German-accented guys who turned out to be long-lost brothers/bad-guys. DD5 watched it. I was just in the room, astounded by the terrible-ness of it.

Worst movie I paid to see: Batman and Robin. I told my then boyfriend it would be terrible, but it was his choice. One of the few times he readily admitted I was right.
The Hottie and the Nottie
"Love never needed to be so blind."
The Hottie and the Nottie is the story of a man who pursues a woman that he has been in love with since they went to school together. When he finally finds her, she doesn't want to be with him until she finds someone for her unattractive friend. As the man spends time with both women, he actually begins to find that the unattractive friend may be the one he wants to be

Paris Hilton, Joel David Moore, Christine Lakin, Johann Urb

The Avengers movie since we paid for tickets ( bad movies on free tv don't count imo ) Loved the TV show when we were younger . It made The Brady Bunch movie look like a classic.:sad2:
The Avengers movie since we paid for tickets ( bad movies on free tv don't count imo ) Loved the TV show when we were younger . It made The Brady Bunch movie look like a classic.:sad2:

The one with Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman right? Not the AVENGERS Avengers lol?
Miami Connection... though it may also be the best movie ever.

Also there’s an Adventures of Sinbad movie from the 80s starring Lou Ferrigno.
Movies like Birdemic, The Room, Sharknado, The Miami Connection, Samurai Cop, Space Mutiny, Manos: Hands of Fate or anything else that was riffed via MST3K or Rifftrax do not count. Those are movies that are so bad they're good!
The Mist

The Babadook

The Christmas Sheperd

Independence Day: Resurgence (the original one is one of my favs)


And I'm sure there's more


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