What discontinued snack/beverage would you bring back?

OMG. Those were the best. There is a local donut shop that used to make powdered donuts that I have had them fill with the raspberry jelly. Tried to get one yesterday to be told they don't make them...I swear I saw them a couple weeks ago.
I just loved them things!! I miss them so much, I say lets protest ....:rotfl:
I used to buy these HUGE tortilla chips that I'd eat with Pace Picante sauce. They were flavored & very light. I can't remember the brand (possibly Tostitos), but they were my favorite chips. I miss them :(
I just loved them things!! I miss them so much, I say lets protest ....:rotfl:

Are you guys talking about jambusters? The big doughnut with no hole and the middle is squirted in? Not sure if raspberry is a flavour but I know strawberry and I’m pretty sure blueberry are flavours here.

Someone needs to set up a food exchange program..
I’ll send dunkaroos for some Andes chocolate chips lol

ETA- I was curious and did some Googling and discovered that jambuster is a Manitoba term. Who knew??

For those who don’t know what I’m talking about (aboot) it’s also called a Bismarck.
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Alpine White Nestle Bar was my absolute favorite when I was a kid! I lived rurally and we had what I guess you would call a mini-mart that had the essentials if you had forgot something at the grocery store. When we stopped there for gas or to pick up something my mom forgot I always got an Alpine White candy bar.
Dr. Pepper 10 is probably the biggest discontinued food/drink item I miss. It was just the perfect mix between regular Dr. Pepper and Diet Dr. Pepper.

It's not discontinued in Texas (home of Dr. Pepper, so that may help), as it's one of my go-to drinks. I agree that it's so much better than the diet version!
It's not discontinued in Texas (home of Dr. Pepper, so that may help), as it's one of my go-to drinks. I agree that it's so much better than the diet version!
They did away with the 10? Yikes. It was so good, even with regular sugar it was still awesome. It seems like everytime I find something good they do away with it or stores stop selling stuff!
It's not discontinued in Texas (home of Dr. Pepper, so that may help), as it's one of my go-to drinks. I agree that it's so much better than the diet version!
I was about to say the same thing. Dr Pepper 10 has replaced Coke Zero for me and it would be just my luck that it would be discontinued too.
Dr. Pepper 10 is probably the biggest discontinued food/drink item I miss. It was just the perfect mix between regular Dr. Pepper and Diet Dr. Pepper.

I still buy Dr. Pepper 10. I agree that it is the perfect blend between regular and diet Dr. Pepper. It is the best low-cal drink! I gave up all soda back in October, but I still buy Dr Pepper 10 for my husband.
The Tastykakes of old.

The updated Tastykakes are a wimpy travesty and I refuse to eat them.

Yep. Way back when, Tastykakes used to go stale in about two days. Now they're so loaded with preservatives they last for a month or so.

Puffa Puffa Rice cereal


Tree Tavern frozen pizza. My mom would buy them for a quick dinner, probably the best frozen pizza at the time. She’d drizzle a little olive oil on it before baking.

I've seen Tree Tavern pizza in my local Shop Rite. The box still has the same design it had in the 1960's.


I miss a sweet cracker called Royal Lunch. Nabisco still makes them, but I haven't seen them in years. I saw a Nabisco rep at the supermarket a while back and he claims he never heard of them.


Another thing I liked as a kid was Shake-a-Pudding. I think there were 4 or 6 cups inside. You added milk (or maybe water), shook it up, and voila, pudding in about two minutes.



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