SDFP: CHANGES COMING!! Beware the 7th of June?!

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This thread is like watching a major news story break. Tension, Confusion, conflicting information, speculation. Really quite fun. If I wasn't due to be arriving tomorrow.

Honestly I thought there would be more, I hate to admit it but I feel a little let down. I arrived here later than I intended only to find a few pages to read, I thought there would be like an explosion of 20+ pages to read! I was all pumped up seriously! Made my pot of java turned on my computer and ... :bored: It's all good!8-)
First of all, thanks to those of you in the parks testing these scenarios out.

From what I can gather from their posts, it seems like nothing has changed (so far!)....everything still works is it did before. Is it possible, that either the changes have yet to be put in place by Disney or maybe they realized it wasn't possible/worth it???
Companies do this when revenue is at stake. If DIS felt that preventing these SDFP and MDE issues would boost revenue in any meaningful way, then they most certainly do it.
I guess, I just don't see how or where the link would be between SDFP being "abused" and revenue???
This thread is like watching a major news story break. Tension, Confusion, conflicting information, speculation. Really quite fun. If I wasn't due to be arriving tomorrow.
Just think, you'll be in the mix of it all tomorrow! You'll have to be another boot-on-the-ground making sure the change didn't happen overnight!
I guess, I just don't see how or where the link would be between SDFP being "abused" and revenue???
Just speculation, but I suppose that it may be similar to the GAC abuse by "black-market private tour guides" that caused the change from GAC to DAS back in 2013 (or was it 2014?).

If a group of "tour guides" was abusing the FP+ system and making money off of it, I can see Disney moving to shut it down. Disney has official tour guides that cost big money for similar advantages. These rogue tour guides cut into that revenue.
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So, my SDFP are still not showing on the app, but I can see them on the web. I have my two last pre-booked from 7:40-8:40 and 8:40-9:40 but I booked one SDFP from if we all concur that SDFP is still working, I can attempt to try it tonight. But it is for Aladdin so it is probably not we think I will be safe from a locked acct?? My other two SDFP are scheduled for 9:20 and 10:20 so I can still do CPFP for those and not risk anything.
It's pouring rain, with some thunder, for the last hour, so I doubt if you will hear much new news for awhile. We leave in an hour and will post what happens to us.
Hopefully soon, as in ASAP!

I respectfully disagree... We fly out Friday to go to Daytona Beach and start our Park days on Monday and I'm really hoping to use the loophole to have more than 3 pre-booked rides.

For those who are so against this.. And those who rnt would u purchase additional FP let's say they were $5 per FP per person so for our family of 4 it would be $20 for each additional ride reservation??? What's the top u would pay per person per ride to avoid the lines?
:wave2: Dropping in to remind everyone this loophole thread is allowed by DIS administration to run without arguments nor attacks.

For a full discussion of MM+ and its many loopholes, there is a current thread on the Rumors and News board.

I believe I need to rephrase:

Questioning and arguing this thread's existence is directly questioning DIS Webmasters' and Administrators' decisions. This will result in Warnings and post removal.

Thank you! :disrocks:
I think that closing this loophole will actually hurt Disneys revenue. How many purchased tickets out there would have remained unused, just sitting there attached to fake people. An unused ticket is money in the bank for Disney. Now those tickets will be transfered and used instead of people buying new tickets. Plus, the people that can afford to have 4 or 5 6 day tickets sitting in fake accounts plus their regular tickets are the exact people that Disney wants in their parks. Lots of disposable income for onsite hotels, meal plans, and Disney Springs.
If they are going to check for park entry would the system flag people using the new express park hopping busses that drop you off inside the park?
And those who rnt would u purchase additional FP let's say they were $5 per FP per person so for our family of 4 it would be $20 for each additional ride reservation??? What's the top u would pay per person per ride to avoid the lines?

I'm sure this will happen. And it certainly won't be cheap. I'd guess $199 or $299/day for unlimited FPs. Per person.

I'd pay it. We've done VIP tours during Christmas (about $5K a day) for unlimited FPs plus transportation. For a family of 4, $1200 isn't bad for a day of unlimited FPs.
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