ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

Ok, so no 10 points for the MK List, but 10 for completing all the others?? 50 total points for that Category?

Did I really guess that you would complete all of them? Of course, I did guess that no one would forget anything. Yes, for some reason, that is the guess I remember. And cringed about as soon as I saw that you forgot your Keens!
At 5:15, we'd all showered, but still no luggage. I wasn't going to call again, because by then it was too late to wait around anymore. You see, I'd already changed into the only fresh skivvies I'd brought back in Olympia before heading to SeaTac. I did have a set of fresh clothes, so got those on, but I was fresh out of fresh. It was either dirty undies or none, so I made the only choice I could: I set off for The Springs Commando-style. No better way than to start off a trip than by laughing as hard as you can with a new Disney friend about your underwear, right @addictedtothemouse ??
Hahaha! Yep, best way to meet a new Disney friend. There was a "formula?" on FB of how to come up with your spy name, it was the color of your underwear and the last thing you ate. My DD was Commando Squash and I was Commando Pork Chop.:magnify:
I see there's been some activity here that needs my attention. Pretty tuckered out though tonight. 8:30 bedtime FTW!!! Ugh!! I will be back to answer everyone and hang out in he morning. And do t have to go in until 2:00. Yay!
Coral Reef is a great restaurant in terms of atmosphere and themeing. I'm sure the great table and relaxing surroundings helped you all have a wonderful dinner. Disappointing that it didn't fill you, though. The last time I ate there, I remember the steak being huge and plenty big enough for two, so it's a shame Disney has been cutting back the portions over the years. Guess they got wise to people's tricks on splitting dinner and didn't want to lose money that way.
From the meals we had that we're big enough to split, especially if you got an app or soup as well, were: Via, Casey's BBQ dog, Raglan (same- with soup), Artist Point with app or the mushroom soup (yum!!),
and def the pasta at AoA. FF, no; Coral Reef, no.
Great! Thank you. Looking forward to future installments
Wanted to check in. My first infusion was Monday. It was ABSOLUTELY HORRID.

That was terrifying to read! I can't think of anyone who had a more awful day than you you! YIKES! I feel horrible for you and that long ordeal you endured. I'm glad they did stop the infusion and that the reaction was outrightly life threatening.

I go back to my specialist Nov 28th and see what the next game plan is. I am almost afraid to try anything else.

Don't give up! I'm sure there's got to be something out there that can restore you the quality of life that you need. Praying for insight for your doc!

I don't know if it is still possible, but will be sending you a PM with my guesses on your pictures as soon as I get caught up between falling asleep . I haven't been reading the in between stuff, just been scrolling through to read the TR pages and will go back later to peak at the joyful banter!

I'll be waiting :) No rush, really, I'll post scores around Letter H. The commentary is fun to read too; hope you can find some quiet moments when you feel up to it. :)
Oh! I have so many pages to catch up on! :surfweb: But your TR is just what I need right now.

I'm so happy we could offer you a safe haven and happy place to visit in this midst of this crazy and sometimes hard place called life. Take your time; the TR isn't going anywhere. :) HUGE hugs for you!

Luckily, I've got some really great friends who sent me all the notes so I'm doing okay.

Also, I got back my second test grade and it was a 90%! I'm shocked and thrilled.

PHEW! A 90 is great! I think my highest ever exam score was a 96%, but only ever once. I hovered in the high 80s and one term got like 4 88%s in a row. Which actually became a bit of a joke on my PTR.

Been away for a few days but just catching up. Way to go on scoring the best table!!! And it's nice that the server let you know it instead of moving you!! Too bad about the undercooked steak and smaller than expected portion sizes. I guess portions were kind of out of control for those who order each their own entree lol...but I feel your pain!

Hey, Kathy!! Glad to have you back!

We had SO many great moments of magic this trip. Some unbelievable and cool! It could be that my kids are no long 9 and 10 years old, but growing teens doing sports. They've always been good eaters, but maybe not such big eaters. ?? The steak was entirely on me. My fault- shoulda sent it back for a bit more cooking. :)
Ok... seriously, I thought everyone knew to pack underwear in their carry on. Trip planning fail on your part! Kind of crazy though about how they kept screwing up which room you had. You'd think they'd have a better handle on a minor detail like that one.

Nice effort on the bird pictures. I can tell it is an owl, but sorry you didn't get the ideal shot you wanted.

Your view at Coral Reef really does look fantastic. I'm glad the hostess knew better than you do and took good care of you. I'm sorry the portions weren't quite enough, but I can safely say that when I was Zach's age, sharing an entrée wasn't even an option. I'd eat the whole thing and whatever anyone else at the table didn't finish. :rotfl2:

Come to think of it, some things just don't change.
Did I really guess that you would complete all of them? Of course, I did guess that no one would forget anything. Yes, for some reason, that is the guess I remember. And cringed about as soon as I saw that you forgot your Keens!

HAHA! Sometimes with all my planning, I'm still such a dork. I can only imagine what kind of disaster trip it'd have been with no planning! LOL!

Hahaha! Yep, best way to meet a new Disney friend. There was a "formula?" on FB of how to come up with your spy name, it was the color of your underwear and the last thing you ate. My DD was Commando Squash and I was Commando Pork Chop.:magnify:

That's hilarious! I'd have to go with "Striped Pizza" then today. Too funny!

Coral Reef is a great restaurant in terms of atmosphere and themeing. I'm sure the great table and relaxing surroundings helped you all have a wonderful dinner. Disappointing that it didn't fill you, though. The last time I ate there, I remember the steak being huge and plenty big enough for two, so it's a shame Disney has been cutting back the portions over the years. Guess they got wise to people's tricks on splitting dinner and didn't want to lose money that way.

I think that was it. Most people I knew or were reading reviews on were splitting and that gets expensive for a company. Basically half the income. Honestly, solo tripping is the way to go. It's so much cheaper. :) Food and everything.

Great! Thank you. Looking forward to future installments

You bet!!! D coming up this weekend.
Ok... seriously, I thought everyone knew to pack underwear in their carry on. Trip planning fail on your part! Kind of crazy though about how they kept screwing up which room you had. You'd think they'd have a better handle on a minor detail like that one.

I did. I just used them the night of the flight after having worn them all day. I should have packed 2 pair, not one. So yeah, HUGE planning fail. But TR fodder anyway. What would a TR be without stupid move stories like that. Thinking of putting some exploding helicopters in my next chapter too.

Nice effort on the bird pictures. I can tell it is an owl, but sorry you didn't get the ideal shot you wanted.

Thanks! I was editing the AK pix last night, and am blown away by them. I'll more than make up for it with those. Promise.

Your view at Coral Reef really does look fantastic. I'm glad the hostess knew better than you do and took good care of you. I'm sorry the portions weren't quite enough, but I can safely say that when I was Zach's age, sharing an entrée wasn't even an option. I'd eat the whole thing and whatever anyone else at the table didn't finish. :rotfl2:

Come to think of it, some things just don't change.

Sometimes, best to keep the mouth shut and just let the magic happen. :)

You forget Zach, at 18, only weighs 94 pounds an is 5'4". But he can pack it away. He did have a TON of snacking going on this trip. In fact, a funny story about our first dip into AK when I let them loose the first time. We met up half an hour later and they both, he and Anara, show up with HUGE pieces of fudge. I swear, I give them 30 minutes and they've figured out how to charge $20 to the MBs. :scared::rotfl2::rotfl2:
D is for: Downtown Disney- you call it what you want, I mean it still works with Disney Springs, but this one's gonna die hard. I'm just stubborn like that, and DISMeet #1

However, having said that, the new backstory they've used as a design template for the refurbed DTD works with The Springs. You can read that:


Like I said, now having seen a fair bit of it firsthand, I can say it does work. And I like it! I really do. Rather than blather on about this and that, you know the shopping, the good eats, and all that, much of which is the same, just new fascades and stuff, I'll let the photos do the talking. I'll throw in the occasional commentary where necessary.

After our less than amazing check-in, we set off for DOWNTOWN DISNEY. I prayed there'd be no need for me to do a crouch move since Commando was the mode of non-decorum this evening. You know what I'm talking about... the person on the job crouching down, and the following and inevitable, "Oh for crying out loud, I really didn't need to see that" moment. I think I made it through the night without flashing a cheek at anyone, so it's all good.

I got a couple of photos

as we headed straight to Raglan Road for our 6:00 ADR, and checked in at 5:58. But I'm going to save that update for another time. I have WAY too many photos for a whole chapter on that alone. I will say, though, that they told us it'd be a 15 wait for a table near the stage. While I wasn't going to insist on one at Coral Reef, I was willing to wait all night for one here. I mean what's the point if you can't see the dancing, eh?

So, with the extra minutes to spare, it was now time to get down to business. And I did mean business on this one. It was time to launch..... The A-Z Drink Through Disney Challenge. I was really looking forward to Letter A because it was to come from a brand new venue to me- Jock Lindsay's Hangar Bar.

Behold, the Air Pirate Mule.

I had meant to get a souvie cup from here, but felt kinda weird taking a drink from one bar to a different restaurant. In hindsight, I should have and regret it very much. So anyone who wants to go grab a drink on me, feel free. I'll pay for postage as well for a copper mug.

Enjoy the photos from the coolest bar on property. Definitely would go back to spend more than 5 minutes here.

After dinner, we took some time to just enjoy what DOWNTOWN DISNEY had to offer. While Zach went off to spent time (and money) at the Lego Store, Anara found a Dance Party to join in. What did I do? Well, I had fun too! I got to meet up with Cindy, @addictedtothemouse ! We chose to meet up at Ghiradelli (actually, Anara came with me for the first few minutes, then wanted to explore...) We were pretty full from Raglan so only ordered a scoop of ice cream to enjoy with the bread pudding we'd gotten to go. It was a really nice time getting to know each other! Her daughter and friend joined us as well, and we just sat chatting it up and enjoying the beautiful evening.

Thanks for taking the time out of your schedule to meet IRL! I know we've texted some since then, and I hope it's a friendship that lasts a lifetime. :) She gave me a wonderful gift when we parted ways:

A little something from her home state!

Alas, it was time to say goodnight so we could continue on with plans. I found Anara who was dancing like a mad woman. I joined her and danced like one too. Too bad I was the one holding the lens. LOL!

We danced our little tootsies off for about half an hour before we headed off to find Once Upon a Toy for some parts for Tater Boy. (He was thrilled!)

At some point, we walked past these characters who were an absolute hoot! I love how these photos turned out! The lady witch took Zach's hat off and both kids cracked up affording nice pix of the two of them.

We meandered and mosied, in no real hurry to do or go anywhere in particular.

Eventually we headed towards a bus utterly exhausted and needing to get some VERY much needed sleep. Sheer adrenaline carried us through the evening as we'd been awake now for almost 48 hours straight. It is cardinal rule that RD must be made, so we went straight to bed with sugar plums dancing in our heads.
Hm, we should discuss souvenir mugs... Unless you get a better offer. Will send you a PM soon, currently very busy. That should change soon. :goodvibes
Sounds like I would have loved it! remind me not to split a steak with you! :rotfl: I like mine almost still mooing....
Haha, I was thinking the same thing. When asked I say very, very rare and DH tells them, show it the grill and slap it on a plate.

I loved eating at Coral Reef. DD just got her scuba certification and has expressed interest in diving at Disney, if she does I'll remind her to not be a loser and to interact with the diners lol.

I've never taken the time to watch FOW, I really need to take the time and enjoy more shows.
Yes, then you ARE busy! I'm so glad you love what you do; so many only tolerate their work. That's awesome that you can help your daughter pay for her school! We've managed to help Mikki out some, and also paid for Bek's Nursing degree, but only because we saved way early on for that. Mik is also working and paying about 1/3 of it herself; a big challenge while trying to go to school as well.

Do you have any big retirement plans? Any travel you want to do or hobbies you want to pursue?

I cannot believe you made it to Downtown Disney that night. I would have been out by 3 pm if I had pulled an all nighter like you guys.

Love the shot of the purple people. So cool!

We are only paying for half of Sarah's tuition. She managed to snag a couple of scholarships to pay for the other half. She also worked during high school and saved most of her pay so that is now her "spending money". Rob and I both paid our way through school and then paid loans for ten years after. It was rough but we really did appreciate our education. During the lean years, one of my goals for after graduation was to be able to buy good toilet paper that was soft and "pleasant"; you know, the kind that does not fall apart when you use it. So I did, I bought Charmin. And then we moved into a house built in 1900 with old pipes and after having the plumper out a couple of times to clear the clogs we were told to use one-ply TP. So there went my nice toilet paper.

Retirement plans, teach only online classes (I have worked since I was sixteen, I cannot imagine life without working) and volunteer projects. Fun stuff like cleaning up trails in the parks and such.

Thanks for the hugs, they are definitely appreciated and needed!

I loved meeting up with you and getting to chat :hyper2:! And yes, I also hope it's a lifelong friendship. ::yes::
We didn't spend nearly enough time at DS this trip! Last trip we has rented points and stayed at Saratoga Springs with a 10 minute walk to DS. We ate dinner there several times, I loved the convenience to the different eateries.

I wanted soooo bad to sign your door wreath but was so tired and still had to pack, so I just dragged my tired behind back to the room. :guilty:
I really like how the new Disney Springs elements turned out. I have only been there during the daytime though so haven't had the night experience. That is on my to do do list for next time. The purple figures are really cool----hope Disney continues to utilize that type of street entertainment.
There's been a lot of good reports on Disney Springs. The atmosphere looks great. I've heard it's hard to find your way around though if you were used to Downtown Disney. I'm looking forward to seeing it one of these days, but the only thing I don't have much interest in is all the high end fashion stores that have opened up. And some of the new restaurants seem to be on the pricier side. The Hanger Bar seems like a good place for a drink, with a souvenir cup of course :p
Hi All,

Long days at work lately; LOVE that the weekend and a holiday week are almost here! Pulling a 12 tomorrow and then getting ready for 18 people to invade the house for T-Day. I will definitely answer and respond, but may be scarce for a short spell. The house is a freaking disaster and I need to pull off a miracle before next Thursday, and that includes working M-W next week. You guys are great- hope you are gearing up for a wonderful holiday as well. For all my Canadian Friends, Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you too!
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Downtown Disney (or whatever) looks like fun...especially the dance party and hope you managed it without flashing anyone lol. Our Canadian Thanksgiving was in October lol...but thanks :) Looking forward to hearing about yours though! I love how much Americans get into's really much lower key here and one day I'd love to go actually have it with a real American family like in the movies!


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