ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...


I Love these light fixtures!

Great table, nice view!

Nice update, sorry your meat was undercooked. I have a hard time sending things back too. I agree on the portions getting smaller and the prices getting higher. The table service places were always pricey though in my experience. When I went with my parents years ago, We never did a lot of them, maybe once a trip until the dining plan came out. partially price and also not wanting to take the time it took to do a TS meal. Even now if we didn't have the dining plan, most likely we would eat mostly Counter service.
Great review and insight of Coral reef. Reminds me of a restaurant at The Atlantis.

Sorry about your steak still mooing... I love mahi mahi!

If you are a DVC member or an AP holder you could get a Tables in wonderland card. 20% off your food and drink bill. I think it's $500 to spend to break even then you start winning. But don't quote me. Worth if you have a party that is larger or you drink alcohol at WDW as that is not cheap!
While they are no strangers to being expected to have manners at the table (Yes, we actually do make them put their napkins in their laps, use a fork and knife properly, and do not allow them to slurp. We let the nose picking slide.)

Whew. For a second, I didn't think I'd be allowed to eat with you guys.

Everyone loves food. And this is all about fish too. Fish are our friends. They also happen to taste delicious.

Well...whatever floats your boat, I guess.

For me the problem with fish is that they taste like fish.:crazy2:

Because, if you do Disney like I do Disney, septic uremia is a real possibility.


I’ll wait…..

Oh, I'm supposed to know what that means? Hang on, Google is my friend.

Well, that sounds horrifying. Please, just go. Use @Poolrat 's doggy spot if you have to.

I re-approached the check-in desk after 5 or so minutes to let them know we’d be willing to wait up to 15 more minutes for a table near the aquariums. She told me our table was actually ready and that she thought we’d be happier there. Our hostess led us through the dimmed dining area to a 2nd Level 4 topper, and true to her word, the view was absolutely perfect.

Interesting. I wouldn't have guessed that.

Our hostess literally said as she seated us, “Welcome to the best table in the house.”

Wow. So it sounds like you agreed it was true, as opposed to being something the servers just say to the people who don't get the window seats.

Like most 21 year olds, she doesn’t necessarily love the taste of quality booze

Or 42-year-olds...:rolleyes1

(Please ignore the fact, that I confiscated the glow cube and have used it twice since being home.)

:rotfl2::rotfl2: I can neither confirm nor deny that I'd do the same.

Anara doesn’t care for fish, so I offered to split the New York Strip steak with her.

Anara is in the lead for my favorite Steppe kid!

Pretty sure that's @pkondz. Looks like he's about to feed some old grandpa to the sharks.

At one point, Anara stood up to re-adjust her pants and somehow her hem got caught under her shoe. The people behind her had more than the fish to entertain them for a brief and terrifying few seconds. For her that is. For us, it was downright hilarious, and we laughed until our sides ached. At her expense, of course.

:rotfl::rotfl2::lmao: Oh man, this early lead might be insurmountable.

One unfortunate reality we saw across the board at Disney this trip was the downsizing of meals. During our 2010 trip we found meals to be bordering on obscenely huge. I’d banked on this when planning and budgeting, but had to do some major re-thinking and re-adjusting when we started consistently being served smaller-than-I’d-remembered (and more expensive) meals.

Uh oh. That sounds like an ominous development.

What I cannot tell you is what we did do. Because that would force me to get off my couch and fetch my TR Notes. I’m all cozy-like here on my couch with a Cider and Fireball and seriously not going to move.

Can't blame you there. Just make up something about an exploding helicopter.

As a side note, I hear there’s a supermoon this week. You should watch it.

I've seen too many through all my years of changing diapers.
I feel that way all about the exams. We're just in long term care right now, so I don't have to worry about killing anyone but I know that will for sure become a fear. I'm expecting that it'll be terribly difficult but I'm hoping that I'll make it.

Just keep studying hard, know your stuff, and sleep when you can. Keep us all posted on your progress! :)

That's me too. 23 and not going for anything strong.

I didn't like anything much at 23- you've got lots of time to develop a taste. I didn't enjoy better wine until a few years ago; now cheap, yucky wine is awful to me. Beer is gross in any form, although grapefruit beer is growing on me. But good quality tequila (anejo or a good resposado...) mmmm!

I haven't really noticed that. I have noticed slight cost increases but then again, I eat like a bird most of the time so I guess that could be why I didn't notice it.

We definitely do too. All of us. Well, except my very athletic Mikki. Normally, even at restaurants at home when we go out, we split stuff, sometimes even 3 ways.

We too have noticed over the last few years that the meals are getting smaller and the price is going up-up-up. We used to always share an entree with no app or dessert and be very content. Now we find that we need a least an app and entree, sometime more before feeling full.

Hi Kate! Yes, both of those seemed to be true, a double win for Disney. :( It's ok, I really don't mind, just would have rather been clued in before, so it wasn't a big sticker shock. I've done the math since coming home, and it still wouldn't be a good value for us to get the DP, but I do see the reason folks do it. The bottom line is tough to see.

Yep, I am a professor. Instruct psychology at an inter city community college. Which is why I tend not to post on TRs until late in the semester. Between classes and extra required work we put in a 40+ hour week - and I love it. I do plan to retire in a few years though, as soon as we pay the last year's tuition for our daughter's undergrad education. She is on her own for graduate school.

Yes, then you ARE busy! I'm so glad you love what you do; so many only tolerate their work. That's awesome that you can help your daughter pay for her school! We've managed to help Mikki out some, and also paid for Bek's Nursing degree, but only because we saved way early on for that. Mik is also working and paying about 1/3 of it herself; a big challenge while trying to go to school as well.

Do you have any big retirement plans? Any travel you want to do or hobbies you want to pursue?

This is the first year I had time to be an active participator in trip reports. Our daughter was one of those "involved in everything" child so our evenings and weekends were packed. Now that she is away at college, she no longer needs me. She needs my money but not "me". :thumbsup2 Shhh, don't tell her but I am kind of enjoying being able to focus on my needs for a change.

Don't be fooled... she still needs you. ;) Just in different ways. But I do get it! As the kids have started to leave one-by-one, it's great having more free time to pursue my own interests and have a little more spending money!
Supermoon! :rotfl:poor Anara! Sounds like a really great meal! I have to admit I enjoy the glow cube drinks, too, just because they sound so unusual and look so fun!

It was so funny! It was a really nice meal, and we did have many! I'm just getting started!

You know you can actually order those off the internet right? We did for our Nursing School party for my study group. The kids all loved them- and the adults well, did too.

Nice! Did you get a front seat? Or did you sit near the front and lean??

I was the first one on the bus. OF COURSE I took the front seat. ;)

Ah. Now it makes sense. I was thinking "Sheesh. Just sneak him in."

Just between you and me, that's what we did with Mikki. ;)

Please. Must you use the word... 'trumps'?

LOL! I'm in wait and see mode.

:laughing: Soooo glad you included that last bit.
"That's it? What a crummy food court!"

Once in a while I can actually be a pretty mediocre writer. HAHA!

I'm more or less shocked that you found something you all could enjoy.

We share stuff a lot, and none of us is especially picky. We have always allowed our kids to have ONE food item that they could pick out or request left out. For Mikki it's mushrooms, Anara gets a pass on shrimp, Zach eats anything. I hate broccoli and bananas (I'm the mom. I get 2. )

Next time, you'll have to do what I did. I gave them about a dozen choices with my two faves pointed out.

Why didn't I think of that!?!

But fiber is good for you!

I eat well! This morning I made an almond milk, vanilla yogurt, marionberry, strawberry and avocado smoothie. Plenty of fiber there.

Is that one of them thar angry birds I hear about all the time?

I have never played that or watched the movie, so I'm a bit naive about angry birds. Except the one that crapped on my head while I was standing in line for the HM at DLR when I was 13.

To the room that wasn't ready? Supposedly because there were still people in it? That room?


that one.

And now you know why I didn't use the DME baggage service on my last trip.

I will think long and hard about using it again. Although, not having my underwear made for a pretty hilarious memory.

Rules are meant to be broken though, so.... hmmmmmmmm........

This is true. So you can expect that this won't be the first phone issue we had.......


Nothing makes a man move faster than a woman who wants him to bring her underwear.

Unless the woman is 25 years older than the man who would be bringing them. Mrs. Robinson I am not.

Oh? Interesting. More relaxing?

Yes! I shall expound about my wanderings and meanderings.

Well, I can't remember ever seeing that.

I am starting to wonder if it's new. You are the 3rd or so person to say that they've never seen it; even from folks who've been there recently. Huh!

I remember being startled by an owl that flew low over my head one night.
Heard the hoot. Never heard or saw anything else.

They actually demonstrated that with her flight. They are perfectly silent when flying.

That's great, no?

Too cool for school!

Comin' atcha. Prepare to duck.

no pun intended.

well, maybe a little. so sue me. put it on my bill.

That's an owl. Not a duck!

Q: What do you call an owl with a sore throat?

You did better than I did.
I actually called our zoo once and asked if I could shoot their eagles flying.
I was invited to come before the zoo opened. The guy took me to the cages where he went in and shooed one off its perch two or three times. I didn't get a single decent shot.

Oh man, that stinks! Sorry you didn't get any at all. I wish I knew the secret other than pure dumb luck!

OMG, fine make me scroll back up and figure out the heck we're talking about...

oh, right. Ok, I'll go back and look. Maybe I missed another photo, when I screwed up yet another update. Every. Single. Time. Alison explained it one about the code when copy and pasting from Word. I have no idea, but suspect it's an extra I'm not going to PM you. I don't have a clue... unless... wait.... maybe I do.[/QUOTE]

You didn't PM me. At least I don't think you did? Tomorrow morning I'm going to create a new spreadsheet for the Contest and tally up photo scores up to now. Which reminds me, I need to add a C photo.

I keep hearing more and more people who really enjoy this tour.

That'll be a fun update.

No potty breaks for you, huh?

So much to see; so much to do! Can't. Stop. Touring!

Should have. It's such an easy fix. Just throw it back on the grill or in the oven for a bit.

I know, I know. Just don't want to be *that* patron.

But did he interact with the guests? If the answer is yes... good. if not... loser!!

No. He was a loser.

She? Who? Which she?!?!? Who?!?!?!?!?

I added her name, since it wasn't clear"] thingy somewhere that makes everything a link so no one can quote. Whatever. I'll fix it.

I'm not going to PM you. I don't have a clue... unless... wait.... maybe I do.

You didn't PM me. At least I don't think you did? Tomorrow morning I'm going to create a new spreadsheet for the Contest and tally up photo scores up to now. Which reminds me, I need to add a C photo.

I keep hearing more and more people who really enjoy this tour.

That'll be a fun update.

No potty breaks for you, huh?

So much to see; so much to do! Can't. Stop. Touring!

Should have. It's such an easy fix. Just throw it back on the grill or in the oven for a bit.

I know, I know. Just don't want to be *that* patron.

But did he interact with the guests? If the answer is yes... good. if not... loser!!

No. He was a loser.

She? Who? Which she?!?!? Who?!?!?!?!?

I added her name, since it wasn't clear.
Those drinks look like a lot of fun!

They were! A glow cube makes everything fun!

Boo on everything being too small. I hadn't figured on sharing much, but then, LTT was our only entree ordering ADR. Not a problem at Tusker House - just going in knowing it was expensive, but eat all you want, lol. Sorry to hear it didn't work out the way you expected.

Nah, it was all good. We learned our lesson early on in the trip and made adjustments as we went. We snacked a bit more, which in the end added a bit more fun too. :)

But, yay for a diver and a great view of the fish! Cool theming and entertainment is the best part.

For sure! I think our favorites were Raglan Rd., Via, and here. Great places, all!

Oh, yeah - supermoon! Dd and I saw it on our way home. It was huge! We were driving straight towards it. Dd said she finally understood why people say the moon looks like cheese, lol.

Too cloudy here in Oregon. BOOO! I got to see the last one we had a few years ago, and that was really fun. IT really does look like cheese!

Yeah, that's why we get the dining plan, no sticker shock. Plus, my DH is a big eater so no sharing entrees for him. Also I don't like fish.
I want to try this but we always go to Biergarten and we really want to try France. I may never get here!
I see you got a pic of @pkondz doing his dive!

Coral reef has a pretty good steak, and the pork and chicken options looked pretty good as we watched them pass through the restaurant. Almost went with the chicken, in fact with Anara. I think it's worth it just for the atmosphere- very relaxing. Biergarten is fun too, but very different. That's loud and upbeat by nature, and next time, I may go back there to show the kids. I really loved it! Never have dined in France either. Might have to someday.

LOL! I'd have invited him to dinner afterwards if that'd been him.
I Love these light fixtures!

Aren't they lucious?! They remind me of Chihuly glass!

Great table, nice view!

Nice update, sorry your meat was undercooked. I have a hard time sending things back too. I agree on the portions getting smaller and the prices getting higher. The table service places were always pricey though in my experience. When I went with my parents years ago, We never did a lot of them, maybe once a trip until the dining plan came out. partially price and also not wanting to take the time it took to do a TS meal. Even now if we didn't have the dining plan, most likely we would eat mostly Counter service.

I won't make the same mistake again. Yes, I ordered it a certain way, but should have been brave enough to get it cooked a little more.

Yeah, TS places are really, really expensive, but I have no problem splurging at Disney when I only go once every few years. I know it's going to be a very expensive vacation, and have saved what I need to in order to get those unique, one-of-a-kind venues. I don't think I'd have built as many in with young kids, but with them being older now and able to sit still through a meal and add great conversation, it's just nice to have gotten to slow down and relax with them for an hour or so. There are some great CS places as well! We always enjoy CHH and the places around The Springs.

Great review and insight of Coral reef. Reminds me of a restaurant at The Atlantis.

I've never gotten to go there, but hear it's amazing! What do you like about it?

If you are a DVC member or an AP holder you could get a Tables in wonderland card. 20% off your food and drink bill. I think it's $500 to spend to break even then you start winning. But don't quote me. Worth if you have a party that is larger or you drink alcohol at WDW as that is not cheap!

We aren't either of those. The other TS meals we did, we got to use Pat and Marv's discount, so that was nice. We just paid them back cash. I also used my Chase Visa discount a few times like at Artist Point. (Forgot about it here, which kills me.)
Whew. For a second, I didn't think I'd be allowed to eat with you guys.

Mind you, this isn't always how it plays out. When Anara puts her legs up on her chair, Mike pokes her with his fork, and things usually go downhill from there. I think you guys will fit fit right in.

Well...whatever floats your boat, I guess.

For me the problem with fish is that they taste like fish.:crazy2:

I'm that way with catfish and trout. Yuck. I like cod or halibut the best, but authentic wild caught PNW salmon is the bomb diggity!


How ironic that you use that! There were more than a few times I was afraid to death to sneeze.

Oh, I'm supposed to know what that means? Hang on, Google is my friend.

Well, that sounds horrifying. Please, just go. Use @Poolrat 's doggy spot if you have to.

It's not for a lack of bathrooms, I'm just to stubborn. Or busy. OR both.

Interesting. I wouldn't have guessed that.

I was skeptical too!

Wow. So it sounds like you agreed it was true, as opposed to being something the servers just say to the people who don't get the window seats.

Oh, it definitely was. We'd have been very happy up at the windows as well, but this was very, very nice! For example, the diver never went over to the far (our) left. Those folks sitting at that window never saw him or knew he/she was there. Bummmercakes for them!

:rotfl2::rotfl2: I can neither confirm nor deny that I'd do the same.

So you're just a big kid! LOL!

Anara is in the lead for my favorite Steppe kid!

She's pretty great!

Pretty sure that's @pkondz. Looks like he's about to feed some old grandpa to the sharks.

Yeah, that would be just like him too. :rotfl2:

:rotfl::rotfl2::lmao: Oh man, this early lead might be insurmountable.


Uh oh. That sounds like an ominous development.

You'll get true to life tales of entire bank accounts being emptied out in the blink of an eye. Stay tuned and don't miss a thing. Full story at 11.

Can't blame you there. Just make up something about an exploding helicopter.

I actually almost did to mock.... er, I mean, pay devoted homage to your TR writing style.

I've seen too many through all my years of changing diapers.

The man has skillz! I have a diaper wipe, and I'm not afraid to use it!
No Super moon here. Again it is cloudy and has been for the last two days .A pity because I don't think I will be around in seventy years time for the next one. There's always tomorrow.
No Super moon here. Again it is cloudy and has been for the last two days .A pity because I don't think I will be around in seventy years time for the next one. There's always tomorrow.

Do you live in the PNW as well? Our weather here in Oregon is going to stink right on through it. I'm really sad. I had my photoshoot place all picked out where I could get it reflecting on our river too. Oh well. I KNOW I won't be around in 70 years. LOL! I suppose I could drive over to Eastern Oregon, but have to work....
A little bit further than PNW I am from across the pond in Scotland. like yourself I am really disappointed not to be able to catch this moon it starts to shrink after tonight.It has been on the tv news this past two days with the usual good shots of it.
Pretty sure that's @pkondz. Looks like he's about to feed some old grandpa to the sharks.

Justifiable homicide.

I was the first one on the bus. OF COURSE I took the front seat. ;)

Yeah! To heck with that old geezer and his older old lady in the wheelchairs!!

Just between you and me, that's what we did with Mikki. ;)

I won't tell a soul.

LOL! I'm in wait and see mode.

As is my entire country.

Once in a while I can actually be a pretty mediocre writer. HAHA!

Always great to succeed at something, isn't it?


(kidding. you're an excellent writer.)

I hate broccoli and bananas (I'm the mom. I get 2. )


Why didn't I think of that!?!

That's what makes me, me.

I eat well! This morning I made an almond milk, vanilla yogurt, marionberry, strawberry and avocado smoothie. Plenty of fiber there.

Sounds good. Minus the avocado. Not a fan.

I have never played that or watched the movie, so I'm a bit naive about angry birds.

I've only played it once, when Kay showed it to me.
I failed to see what the fuss was about.

Except the one that crapped on my head while I was standing in line for the HM at DLR when I was 13.

And then you ate it with a nice chianti and some fava beans...

I will think long and hard about using it again. Although, not having my underwear made for a pretty hilarious memory.

If we do Disney at the same time, I shall encourage you to use it.

This is true. So you can expect that this won't be the first phone issue we had.......



Unless the woman is 25 years older than the man who would be bringing them. Mrs. Robinson I am not.


I am starting to wonder if it's new. You are the 3rd or so person to say that they've never seen it; even from folks who've been there recently. Huh!

At the risk of giving away points on my thread, I did do rope drop there one day and they didn't have it then.
I do recall that they used to release.... doves or pigeons every day. The local hawks figured it out and came for dinner and they stopped doing it.

They actually demonstrated that with her flight. They are perfectly silent when flying.

::yes:: It was the coolest thing.

Q: What do you call an owl with a sore throat?

A bird that doesn't give a rat's patootie.

Oddly enough, the other day Ruby told me that someone called me an owl.
I said. "Who?"

Oh man, that stinks! Sorry you didn't get any at all. I wish I knew the secret other than pure dumb luck!


OMG, fine make me scroll back up and figure out the heck we're talking about...

A missing pic.

You didn't PM me. At least I don't think you did? Tomorrow morning I'm going to create a new spreadsheet for the Contest and tally up photo scores up to now. Which reminds me, I need to add a C photo.

I did just now. I forgot.
Because reasons.

So much to see; so much to do! Can't. Stop. Touring!

:laughing: Who has time to pee! You'll sweat out any excess liquid. Go! Go! Go!

I know, I know. Just don't want to be *that* patron.

Nah. Steaks are probably the most mis-cooked food ever.

No. He was a loser.

pfftt... rookie.

I added her name, since it wasn't clear

Ah! I'll go back and take a peak.

That'll be a fun update.

So much to see; so much to do! Can't. Stop. Touring!

I know, I know. Just don't want to be *that* patron.

No. He was a loser.

I added her name, since it wasn't clear.

Comments so nice she quoted them twice.
A little bit further than PNW I am from across the pond in Scotland. like yourself I am really disappointed not to be able to catch this moon it starts to shrink after tonight.It has been on the tv news this past two days with the usual good shots of it.

OK, Then I have THE MOST FABULOUS STORY COMING UP, when I get to my Victoria and Albert's update. Seriously, you are going to love the whole thing. Yeah, dinner was great, but what happened during coffee course will blow your mind. Let's just say, it involved Scots.

If I'm not mistaken you aren't too terribly far north of the 45th parallel either and have the same crappy weather we do. Rainy, foggy and certainly cloudy most of the 7 months of winter. So much for moon viewing this time around. Our forecast says socked in for 4 days straight.
I'd love to stay and play some more, but work is looming. And this girl, needs her coffee. Shocker, no coffee until 12:35. What IS this world coming to? More replies tomorrow. And your C photo. And hopefully Contest Points up til now. :)

Hope you are all having a splendiferous day!
Looking forward to your update on victoria and Albert 's It must be the curse of the 4th Parallel we get a lot of cloud here as well yep winters here are not much fun :- dark,wet cold and last what seems along time.
I know that wasn't really Ponzi but it was funny that you showed that pic and he just talked about his dive on his TR.

When we go back in 2018 I want to stay for at least ten days so I might be able to squeeze in a third Epcot restaurant. We're going with friends so not sure how the days will go. Plus we want to do at least two days at Universal since DH and I have never been. I need to talk to Alison to see if she can spare some points.
Just keep studying hard, know your stuff, and sleep when you can. Keep us all posted on your progress! :)
Definitely will do. I wasn't in class today cause I wasn't feeling great, so now I'm more afraid of falling behind.

didn't like anything much at 23- you've got lots of time to develop a taste. I didn't enjoy better wine until a few years ago; now cheap, yucky wine is awful to me. Beer is gross in any form, although grapefruit beer is growing on me. But good quality tequila (anejo or a good resposado...) mmmm!
Really the only thing I'm big on is like the Grey Goose slushies from France. Those I love, but I'm not big on wine or beer.

We definitely do too. All of us. Well, except my very athletic Mikki. Normally, even at restaurants at home when we go out, we split stuff, sometimes even 3 ways.
Hmm, I wonder why I haven't noticed it. Maybe it's because we've been going every year since 2012 and so if it just changes a little each year it doesn't seem so drastic.
Because, if you do Disney like I do Disney, septic uremia is a real possibility.

I’ll wait…..

Great, now that you’ve learned a new word and what it means,

I googled it but didn't understand how it got into the bloodstream....

She told me our table was actually ready and that she thought we’d be happier there.

Interesting. I've never been in that row, and would be open to the possibility that it could be a good spot. I've been on the top row and know that is not a prime location.

There are 4, maybe 5, huge aquarium windows with a table directly in front of each one. While from those tables you certainly get an up close and personal fishy view, those views are actually very limited.

We have sat at one of those tables right up next to the aquarium and I thoroughly enjoyed it as I could really follow the fishes in detail.

Did I complete this big undertaking?

Oooh! Ooooh! I have an idea! :rolleyes1

Mikki, who’s 21 now, ordered up the Magical Star Cocktail. Like most 21 year olds, she doesn’t necessarily love the taste of quality booze, so orders highly disguised kiddie versions with pretty, lighted ice cubes.

I don't know if this is a situation where you want further education to take place or not... :scratchin

Pretty sure the liquid portions of our meal accounted for roughly half of the $108 bill.

I'm surprised that you got out of there at that low of a bill!

We had agreed to start with an appetizer to share and decided on the Creamy Crab-Spinach Fondue- toasted panke, fresh herbs, and lavash for $14.

Dang. When I read the menu that's the one I wanted to see, and now I'm too lazy to google since my first search came up a dud.

We ordered it medium rare, and it comes with a side of mashed potatoes and a veggie. This was a mistake, as it was too underdone for both of us and I suck at sending food back. We ate it, but we both would have loved it more if I’d ordered it medium instead.

Sounds like I would have loved it! remind me not to split a steak with you! :rotfl: I like mine almost still mooing....

One unfortunate reality we saw across the board at Disney this trip was the downsizing of meals.

I guess I noticed that too, well except for the special events.

We passed on dessert as we’d hit the financial limit (about 2 entrees ago), and sadly, we actually left a wee bit underfed.

That is a shame.

What I cannot tell you is what we did do. Because that would force me to get off my couch and fetch my TR Notes.


I’m all cozy-like here on my couch with a Cider and Fireball and seriously not going to move.

OK. You're excused. :teeth:
Looking forward to your update on victoria and Albert 's It must be the curse of the 4th Parallel we get a lot of cloud here as well yep winters here are not much fun :- dark,wet cold and last what seems along time.

I could come up with a clever title that fits a nice letter and stick in early. LOL! That's the beauty of doing my trip OUT OF ORDER & alphabetically. HAHAHAHAHA!!

Well, at least there's the DIS and all the DISFriends to keep us company when we can't be outside much. :D

I know that wasn't really Ponzi but it was funny that you showed that pic and he just talked about his dive on his TR.

I thought it was great that they coincided too! And not even planned that way either!

When we go back in 2018 I want to stay for at least ten days so I might be able to squeeze in a third Epcot restaurant. We're going with friends so not sure how the days will go. Plus we want to do at least two days at Universal since DH and I have never been. I need to talk to Alison to see if she can spare some points.

You will LOVE a 10 day trip! It really does give you the luxury of slowing down and taking in slower, quieter meals, and seeing the details of the parks. I've never ever done US either, but would like to now that I've read the Potter series (well, reading it anyway.) I've not ever rented/leased/whatever points either. Still have some resorts (even mods) that I want to stay in first. :)

Definitely will do. I wasn't in class today cause I wasn't feeling great, so now I'm more afraid of falling behind.

Uh OH! I hope that doesn't make you miss anymore. Boy, I don't know what I'd have done if I'd missed a lecture!

Really the only thing I'm big on is like the Grey Goose slushies from France. Those I love, but I'm not big on wine or beer.

Those are pretty tasty, I won't lie.

Hmm, I wonder why I haven't noticed it. Maybe it's because we've been going every year since 2012 and so if it just changes a little each year it doesn't seem so drastic.

Could be it's been incremental and not noticeable unless you've missed a bunch of years....? I'll buy that.


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