3,298 miles, 10 breweries, and 1 Mega Meet - a July '16 Trip Report *New 6/5/17 - Link to new TR!*

Scavenger hunt looks/sounds like a lot of fun.
And I love that picture of Olivia and Kevin! He really seems like such a sweet guy.

I love Emma's lack of interest in family pictures. She's adorable.

I really love all of the train pictures. I really need to take the time to take the train all the way around the park one day ... you really see a lot of cool stuff from the train.
Now that our next family trip is so close, reading all these TR's is reminding me of so many things we haven't done in awhile - riding the train! So relaxing.......I don't even know if my youngest remembers doing it, it's been so long.......

We did do Dumbo last Nov. :goodvibes I love it and it's one of the simple, "kiddie" rides that even my now 14yo (then 13yo) still enjoys.
While I was gone Peter was able to successfully make a trade with a Jawa - being awarded a wetnap ... so it was totally worth it :rotfl:

Perfect trade for a dessert party!! lol

Judi and I decided to share our meals. I got the Big Kahuna which came with a little bit of everything - French Toast, Pancakes topped with Pineapple Sauce and Macadamia Nut Butter, Eggs, Home-fried Potatoes, Ham, Bacon, and Sausage. Judi got the Tonga Toast: Banana-stuffed Sourdough French Toast rolled in Cinnamon Sugar and served with a Strawberry Compote and your choice of Ham, Bacon, or Sausage.

We went to Kona the next morning for breakfast before the podcast taping and did the EXACT same thing!! There's just so many good things to choose from there, why not have them all?! The kids options look really good too!

(though it was really hot so something that was timed and thus encouraged running was probably not the best for July in Florida, but still - we had a lot of fun)

This was ultimately the reason we decided against doing the scavenger hunt meet. Just way too hot! If the kids (or at least Paxton) would have been with us, we probably would have just because it seemed really fun for families with little ones along!

We stopped by the meeting place, but didn't really get a chance to talk to Micheal or Craig. We did get to say hi to @khertz and her husband whose trip reports I follow which was great as we had never met in real life.

It was so nice to finally meet you, Judi & your adorable kiddos!!

I did notice in another picture that Peter was making a wonderful face :rotfl:

That is fantastic. :rotfl2:
Seeing your train photos I realize that we have never done the full loop. I think we have missed going from the station to frontierland. Hmm, that must be rectified.
We did get to say hi to @khertz and her husband whose trip reports I follow which was great as we had never met in real life.
Awesome! :thumbsup2

Great family pictures! Glad you got onto Main Street in your matching shirts! :goodvibes

When we got out we noticed a gate with this sign and a patch of grass on the other side ... I guess it is an area for guide dogs to do their business - never saw it before though :confused3
I have heard these exist (from the DIS), but I don't remember actually noticing one like this.

um, that plan did not go flawlessly
Uh oh. :scared:

Playing in that play space is a must-do for the next trip -can't wait to see Maya playing in the toddler area and Aria & Izzy running around the big kid parts!
Agreed - Izzy is OBSESSED with playgrounds lately - she made me stop at one on the way home tonight. I'm sure they'll have a great time! :goodvibes
The scavenger hunt looked fun! We are doing one for our Girls' Getaway Weekend, so I'm excited to see other ideas!
Glad you got some time in Magic Kingdom!
Great update! I love all of the pictures of you guys on the train.

Michael is someone I really hope to meet and talk to some day.
SOunds like a great afternoon! I love the family pics, even if Emma wasn't cooperating! Peter's faces are too funny!

Getting some family pics on Main St is always a must so it was a good time to do it with the matching shirts ... I kinda love what Emma did - matches her personality and will be fun to look back on over the years ... and yeah, Peter makes some great faces!

Hey no photos?? Don't believe it happened!

Love these parts of the train ride too!

Yes coolest part!!

They have these in totally random spots. Poor guide dogs! THere's one near TT in EPCOT too.

Nice the kids got to play in the water and ride Dumbo! Playing in that play space is a must-do for the next trip -can't wait to see Maya playing in the toddler area and Aria & Izzy running around the big kid parts!

Well, she posted a comment discussing our meetings so does that count as proof?

I think I also love that part of the train ride, going through Splash Mountain, as it makes you think that when they built Splash Mountain they had to/chose to build it so it went over the train tracks - so from an engineering feat it is cool - and figured why not take advatange of that and show the scene from the train

I had just never seen the spots for the guide dogs - I mean, it totally makes sense to have it we were just caught off guard a bit

I am not sure if things totally worked as they wanted when they designed the wait area for Dumbo - but it is cool they have it and if anything I think the parks need more play areas for the kids to burn off some energy (whenever I see the ones they put up for Flower and Garden at EPCOT I think they need to have them up all year)

Scavenger hunt looks/sounds like a lot of fun.
And I love that picture of Olivia and Kevin! He really seems like such a sweet guy.

I love Emma's lack of interest in family pictures. She's adorable.

I really love all of the train pictures. I really need to take the time to take the train all the way around the park one day ... you really see a lot of cool stuff from the train.

I am glad we did the scavenger hunt - something different, it was a lot of fun, and got to meet some fellow DISers. And Kevin really is a nice guy and very easy to talk to. I love him on the podcast but in person he is even more personable and welcoming

Thanks! Emma does all these cute things all the time - keeps her out of trouble at times ;)

The Train is something we always have to do - partly for Peter but partly for the view it gives you and also just remembering how much Walt loved trains
Now that our next family trip is so close, reading all these TR's is reminding me of so many things we haven't done in awhile - riding the train! So relaxing.......I don't even know if my youngest remembers doing it, it's been so long.......

We did do Dumbo last Nov. :goodvibes I love it and it's one of the simple, "kiddie" rides that even my now 14yo (then 13yo) still enjoys.

Definitely do the train next time! It is relaxing and just gives you a different point of view of the park. Plus Walt loved trains so it is also that connection to him

I still love Dumbo and love the water they have now at the bottom - and it is beautiful at night. I did prefer the previous location right in the middle of Fantasyland/behind the Castle though

Perfect trade for a dessert party!! lol

We went to Kona the next morning for breakfast before the podcast taping and did the EXACT same thing!! There's just so many good things to choose from there, why not have them all?! The kids options look really good too!

This was ultimately the reason we decided against doing the scavenger hunt meet. Just way too hot! If the kids (or at least Paxton) would have been with us, we probably would have just because it seemed really fun for families with little ones along!

That's funny/cool you guys did the same as us - and really, it makes so much sense to get to share and try different things at Kona!

I think if we had wound up doing other meet-up activities we may have skipped the scavenger hunt but it was the one things that was scheduled earlier so we figured we would at least have that set and then none of the other things really fit into our schedule and/or weren't the best to do with kids .... but other than the heat it really was a ton of fun and I am glad we did it ... just next time we should celebrate the podcast on its half-birthday so it isn't in July ;)

It was so nice to finally meet you, Judi & your adorable kiddos!!

That is fantastic. :rotfl2:

I am really glad I spotted you and got to say hi - wish we had more time to chat but I'll take what I can get - obviously a lot of running around during the weekend to different events

Gotta love Pets' faces ;)

Seeing your train photos I realize that we have never done the full loop. I think we have missed going from the station to frontierland. Hmm, that must be rectified.

Definitely something to think about for your next trip - doing the full loop on the train. It's a nice break to just sit and ride around as well - plus it is that connection to Walt who loved trains so much
Awesome! :thumbsup2

Great family pictures! Glad you got onto Main Street in your matching shirts! :goodvibes

I have heard these exist (from the DIS), but I don't remember actually noticing one like this.

Uh oh. :scared:

Thanks! Getting some family pics on Main St is always a must for us so thought it was a good opportunity to do it as we had the matching shirts on

I actually had not heard about the areas for the guide dogs - but now having seen this one it totally makes sense for Disney to have them

It's not horrible, but just resulted in some cranky kids who wanted to go in there but they wouldn't let us take in a stroller that another one was sleeping in so we couldn't go in ... but that is for another update

The scavenger hunt looked fun! We are doing one for our Girls' Getaway Weekend, so I'm excited to see other ideas!
Glad you got some time in Magic Kingdom!

The scavenger hunt was really fun! Happy to share some more tasks if you are interested in ideas (some were specific to the Podcast team but a lot were getting photos in various areas of the resorts such as finding the 5 legged goat or just things like a black car with a NY license plate or something like that) A few definitely involved getting a CM or two in on the act

Great update! I love all of the pictures of you guys on the train.

Michael is someone I really hope to meet and talk to some day.

Thanks Ryan! Yeah, I just got to say hi to Micheal, but hoping some day to really get to chat with him - love Connecting with Walt!

Though I am friends with him on Facebook so have interacted in that medium a few times - but not the same as in person
Just caught up after a few weeks away from the boards. I've read a few reviews of the Star Wars dessert party now and it does seem pretty good. Definitely something I would consider doing. The scavenger hunt looks like it was a lot of fun. I so wish I could have arranged to get to the meet. Maybe one day I'll get to an event in Florida and perhaps meet the elusive John & Kevin. I'm looking forward to the new Connecting with Walt shows coming out this month. Michael does seem like a really interesting guy to talk with.
Just caught up after a few weeks away from the boards. I've read a few reviews of the Star Wars dessert party now and it does seem pretty good. Definitely something I would consider doing. The scavenger hunt looks like it was a lot of fun. I so wish I could have arranged to get to the meet. Maybe one day I'll get to an event in Florida and perhaps meet the elusive John & Kevin. I'm looking forward to the new Connecting with Walt shows coming out this month. Michael does seem like a really interesting guy to talk with.

Obviously there is an extra cost for the Start Wars Party (which will turn into the Holiday Party for a bit) and if you are with a family of 3, 4 + it can add up, but I think the value is there given the setting, the food, the drinks, and the reserved spot

They still haven't said anything official by there is talk of having something next Jude for the 20th anniversary of the DISboards - so that could be an opportunity ...

I still haven't listened to the latest Connecting with Walt series but I need to make time for that - maybe use that for motivation to get to the gym ;)
Part 34: At Disney - Day 3: Fort Wilderness
Headed to the Hootenanny

When I last left off, which feels like eons ago - apologies for that!, we were headed to the boat launch at Magic Kingdom - but which boat would we be taking? Well, the title of this chapter should have given you a clue. If you still need more of a clue, this picture should give it away


We were, in fact, headed to Disney's Fort Wilderness - for the first time. The kids weren't super excited for our plans - but I think just because they didn't quite know what to expect. Peter was at least interested in the boat ride and checking out the sites ... as you can tell Olivia was just thrilled with it all :|


But we arrived at Fort Wilderness and headed to our exact destination - passing a blurry sign for Fort Wilderness (I assume it was the sign that was blurry as obviously it is impossible that I could have taken a blurry photo) and then to a blurry sign for the checking booth (come'in Disney, get with it! #ThanksShanghai) for our dining destination - Pioneer Hall for the Hoop Dee Doo Review!


At least the sign with the menu on it is in focus - #priorities


On the way over Emma had fallen asleep. Peter wanted nothing to do with the family photo and was acting asleep. So we decided to play it up and asked Olivia to pretend to be asleep too ...


We then got on line for when they would open the doors to the hall. We took turns going to the bathrooms while waiting - I appreciated that even the signs for the bathrooms were themed as well as the tile work inside the bathrooms


Where the line wrapped was right by the side entrance to the theater (we would use this door later on during the show ... yup, more foreshadowing)


Up next, we actually get in the theater!
Part 35: At Disney - Day 3: Fort Wilderness
Chowing Down and Enjoying the Show

A bit before showtime we were let in and led to our table which was fairly up close and fairly centered - so I think it was a good spot. Here is a view from our table. That young couple in front of us were really nice and the girl was asked to be part of the show and let's just say the guy enjoyed it!


After we sat down we were provided with a menu and our drink orders were taken. One thing we liked about this meal when I discussed it with Judi was that all-you-care-to-enjoy sangria was included - so we both got that to drink. While not the best we have ever had it was pretty darn good and refreshing ... and was all-we-cared-to-enjoy - and we did!


They also brought out the corn bread (which was good - a sweeter style) and the salad (which was also pretty good, if a bit basic - definitely fresh tasting)


The show started with some music being played. It was great as it was live musicians (one played the piano, the other a banjo) and then the cast came in through the crowd and did a few numbers.


For those of you that haven't seen the show - it is an over-the-top vaudeville style show with tons of bad puns and great humor and just a really good time. I can certainly see it not being everyone's cup of tea - but if you just kinda go with it and enjoy the puns it is really entertaining.

Then they brought out the food which again is all-you-care-to-enjoy and presented family style in buckets - such as this bucket of chicken:


I tried a bit of everything as you can see on my plate on the left. The chicken is seriously some of the best I have had. The ribs weren't the best but not terrible. The sides were all solid with the beans probably being the best. Judi asked if there was pork in the beans (as she doesn't eat beef or pork) and they asked her if she would like the alternate food option which was salmon which she accepted - and she was glad she did as she said it was excellent. It was nice they offered this to her even though she could have found enough with the chicken and stuff to eat. So, something to keep in mind if you would prefer salmon


We then got some more performances - I love the performer playing Two-Bit:


Including parts where they would come out into the audience and ask if anyone was celebrating a birthday or anniversary and we mentioned that Emma was celebrating turning 2:


A bit after this we realized Emma needed a diaper change and I volunteered to take her - so out the side door and to the bathrooms we went. Knowing very little of Disney is done by accident I loved the fact that the tile image above the changing table was of the back-sides of horses ;)


Up next - more show and dessert!
Part 36: At Disney - Day 3: Fort Wilderness
Straw - Berry - Short - Cake

Shortly after we returned it was time for some audience participation including some napkin twirling. Also grabbed this shot of Olivia who seemed to enjoy the show despite her protests of not wanting to do this (in this angle you can also tell that it wasn't exactly a full house - this was the 4pm show on a Sunday)


They then did a number about dessert featuring the waitstaff who came out with it - Straw-Berry-Short-Cake! I guess since we had more than 4 people they gave us two orders, which was plenty! I loved it, though Judi felt it could have used even more strawberries. As you can see in the photo, Emma was very excited about this part!

A few more songs while we ate dessert - including a very funny one featuring a bear that including audience participation - including the girl who was at the table in front of us on the right in the picture:


They then passed out washboards to play which the kids loved - Emma took this very seriously


And then the show was over. We had a blast - I thought I would enjoy it but I honestly liked it so much more than I expected. I totally get it isn't for everyone but if this is something you think you might like I definitely recommend you give it a try!

Then we were back on the boat headed back to the Magic Kingdom. We figured we would spend a bit more time there as we had energy and figured walk off that sangria a bit. I was also able to make some spur of the moment FP+


I thought this was a pretty neat shot capturing a lot of Disney with being on a boat, watching a monorail go by with a set of Mickey ears in front of it


I was explaining to Judi about the water bridge, which she didn't quite get/realize we went over. So I made sure to capture a picture of it when we go over the bridge on the boat while the car and bus traffic goes under the water:


Some more "Walt Disney World" shots with the ferryboat with the Grand Floridian in the background and then a shot I love of Peter staring at Space Mountain

Coming up next - we get a lot accomplished during our unplanned Magic Kingdom evening!

We tried Hoop de Doo for the first time on our last trip and I'm so glad we did. My 8 year old especially loved it! Awesome to know about the salmon option too.
Olivia looks thrilled! :rotfl:

Disney needs to budget some money into getting clearer signs! ;)

Looks like you got a great table! It is pretty awesome that it's all your care to drink at HDD. I'm glad you all enjoyed the dinner show, even the kids! Looks like a fun time.

Great ferry shots!
Hoop dee doo is something I have always wanted to do but just never have gotten too. It looks like you had a blast!
I'm glad you guys had a good time at HDDR. It looks like a lot of fun and the food seems to get good reviews. That's great that there is a salmon option, too.

We have several photos of our girls when they were young with looks similar to Olivia's on the boat!
Hoop De Doo looks like a lot of fun! I'm glad you guys enjoyed!
Although Disney really needs to fix those blurry signs...


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