DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Local news is showing the funeral procession for Jose Fernandez. The Marlins and the players did it right the first game after he died. They all were allowed to wear Fernandez jerseys and the pregame memorial was moving. All the players were emotional but Gordon took it really hard. Tears were steaming down his face. Then he gets up to lead off, put on Fernandez's batting helmet and took the first pitch batting right handed. He then hits a blast to right field to start the game. As he rounded the bases, he is wiping tears away and pointing to the sky.

Sorry your Gators loss. That Louisville and Clemson game should be a good one.

I'm on the UL bandwagon even though I dislike their coach. I hope they slobber-knock Clemson.

Back from vacation and back to work.

Sorry about that.

I definitely need to stop by more often! Since we bought our "snowbird" condo in Cape Canaveral, we've been to WDW twice.

Nice place to settle. Lots of things to do a short ride away, not too crowded and you have KSC.

Can you guys stop moving m chair? everytime i come in here to sit my chair is in a different place. Please leave it right here in the corner under the light so I can see what I am reading

Don't blame us, it was the penguins.

Did you have to wait in line 2 hours for it?

Pre ordered and picked it up after waiting for about 15 minutes. It was really good.

'Morning all...
That Post-Disney-Depression is starting to set in.
At least we've got a number of expaditions planned for October to help keep my mind occupied.

That is an unfortunate side effect of a Disney vacation. Good you have other things to look forward to doing.

If you had to pick one thing and say it is your most enjoyable thing to do at Disney. what would that be?

You mentioned since the kids are older. We went from Dumbo, to R&R coaster to more adult things. We still do the rides but we also enjoy having a nice dinner or going to a lounge. We had a blast last year at Food and Wine. When I am solo, I do a lot of what you talked about, taking it easy and soaking up the atmosphere.

Obviously I haven't been coming in here on a daily basis for a few months now, so I'm sure this has been covered. But where is the Pirate Princess these days?

She is doing well. Got accepted in the UM's RASMAS Marine Science Grad School. She also was accepted as an intern into their Shark Research program. She goes out on their boat to wrangle sharks, take blood samples and analyze it in the lab.
Nothing. It's just a myth. Go back to sleep.
I suspected as much...

If you had to pick one thing and say it is your most enjoyable thing to do at Disney. what would that be?
Now it's taking time to do something new.
And at Disney, there's almost always something we haven't gotten to yet.

It's the worst week after coming home from WDW. The missing being there and the fact you have to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday really sucks.
That and the distinct lack of themeing (and no CM's to go out of their way to add magic).

Too crazy lately and just felt like plain garbage yesterday so stayed home and basically slept on and off all day.
Get better sir. Consider it an order if it makes it easier.

What ya got going on in October to help you recover?
October is always a busy month in music households.
A number of shows to hit and several trips up to WCU for games and competitions.
Might have to go to the Renaissance Festival just for the heck of it as well.

Who let you go on a vacation????
Called in a few favors just to tick you off.

So... it was a good trip?

Mission accomplished.

I thought that was where we buried the cat.
Hush, you.
She is doing well. Got accepted in the UM's RASMAS Marine Science Grad School. She also was accepted as an intern into their Shark Research program. She goes out on their boat to wrangle sharks, take blood samples and analyze it in the lab.
Awesome! Maybe we'll see her on Shark Week next year.

I guess that voucher won't do much good for visiting her though.
Awesome! Maybe we'll see her on Shark Week next year.

I guess that voucher won't do much good for visiting her though.

Actually the guy that heads the program was featured on the last Sark Week in an episode called "Tiger Beach." Interesting research and conclusions but his peers gave him grief for overplaying how dangerous his dive was with Tigers. Had to play it up for the cameras. No need to use a voucher to see her since she is living at home. Kind of tough getting used to it after four years away at school.
Drove up to Lexington last night. Stayed in a hotel (direct billed). 3 hour meeting. Drove home. 370 mile round trip & meal reimbursement. Could have been handled with a phone call. :furious:

Anyway, tennis tonight so it's all good.

If you had to pick one thing and say it is your most enjoyable thing to do at Disney. what would that be?

Now that my kids are older I really enjoy just taking the time to walk around or sit and just watch the surroundings. Seeing the magic as it develops for others just makes my day. I love to see younger kids and their families smiling,giggling and just have a plain old good time.Though the times with my own family are great I just get that extra boost from watching others....

I know I know the creepy guy watching everyone

I like people watching, the rides like others said, and drinking around the world at Epcot. My favorite though is the day ending fireworks, especially at TOTWL. It's something about listening to the music (from whichever show) and watching the fireworks to end a magical day. I want to retire and watch those shows every night.

I'm on the UL bandwagon even though I dislike their coach. I hope they slobber-knock Clemson.

Petrino is a great college footbal coach. Great person? Well, i think that is where you are going....
Don't be impatient, guys. Retirement will come soon enough, believe me! We're in Florida for the winter do to my DW's health; not a great reason to be there.

Believe it or not, my favorite thing to do at WDW is probably Splash Mountain. I don't know why but I just really enjoy that attraction.

zippity doo dah
If you had to pick one thing and say it is your most enjoyable thing to do at Disney. what would that be?

Now that my kids are older I really enjoy just taking the time to walk around or sit and just watch the surroundings. Seeing the magic as it develops for others just makes my day. I love to see younger kids and their families smiling,giggling and just have a plain old good time.Though the times with my own family are great I just get that extra boost from watching others....
I actually enjoy the character meets, especially the princesses. I haven't had a trip to WDW in 2 years, but the last time the girls were 7 and 14. I enjoy how happy they are around the characters. The youngest was still in the princess loving stage, and even my teenager is enough of a Disney fan that the characters aren't "not cool" yet. That might change by the time we go for another trip. I have never done and adults only trip, so that would be a very different experience.

I want to retire and watch those shows every night.
There's that "retire" talk again. Is that the place where they keep the unicorns and leprechauns?
If you had to pick one thing and say it is your most enjoyable thing to do at Disney. what would that be?

Now that my kids are older I really enjoy just taking the time to walk around or sit and just watch the surroundings. Seeing the magic as it develops for others just makes my day. I love to see younger kids and their families smiling,giggling and just have a plain old good time.Though the times with my own family are great I just get that extra boost from watching others....

I know I know the creepy guy watching everyone

Crank calling Epcot pay phones in England...
Local news is showing the funeral procession for Jose Fernandez. The Marlins and the players did it right the first game after he died. They all were allowed to wear Fernandez jerseys and the pregame memorial was moving. All the players were emotional but Gordon took it really hard. Tears were steaming down his face. Then he gets up to lead off, put on Fernandez's batting helmet and took the first pitch batting right handed. He then hits a blast to right field to start the game. As he rounded the bases, he is wiping tears away and pointing to the sky.

Nicely done. And here I hadn't even heard he'd passed!

Actually the guy that heads the program was featured on the last Sark Week

I would pay to watch episodes of Snark Week.
If you had to pick one thing and say it is your most enjoyable thing to do at Disney. what would that be?

Now that my kids are older I really enjoy just taking the time to walk around or sit and just watch the surroundings. Seeing the magic as it develops for others just makes my day. I love to see younger kids and their families smiling,giggling and just have a plain old good time.Though the times with my own family are great I just get that extra boost from watching others....

My most enjoyable thing is spending time with my family but other than that it is coming around the corner and seeing the Castle for the first time.

Buddy, I got nothin' for ya tomorrow. And I ran record shops for 15 years.

Tune in tomorrow.
Morning fellas. We are in Fall weather here, with 50s in the AM and 60s/ low 70s in the PM. I miss that summer heat. Today is my last day for the week as I'm taking tomorrow off to play tennis in the morning and enjoy the day.

There's that "retire" talk again. Is that the place where they keep the unicorns and leprechauns?

I have my lotto retirement dreams and then my usual retirement plan. :lmao:

I'm eligible for retirement in 6 more years, which would be pay & health insurance. That same time frame has both dds out of high school and the house paid off. I may stick around for them to finish college if that is their plan, but that makes it 10 years. Still, the plan is to retire in my 50s, sell the house, move to Florida, buy annual passes and enjoy retirement. There is still much that can happen in 6-10 years, but it is decent plan that we are both working towards.
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Thursday's such a crazy, lazy day
Thursday has its own peculiar way of saying: ‘Hey’
Sometimes Thursday almost makes you want to run away
Thursday's such a crazy, lazy day.

Yeah, Thursday's such a crazy, lazy day, let's go have a picnic
Thursday's such a crazy, lazy day, hope it doesn't rain
When I'm feeling Thursday, I go and have a drink
If Thursday was a boat, I bet it'd sink.

I did on Monday, I tried on Tuesday
Wednesday's simply not my cup of tea
Thank Heaven, it's Friday, thank the Lord for the weekend
Thursday now, that's such a crazy, lazy day.

They say Monday's child is full of grace
Tuesday's child is fair of face
Thursday's child has far to go and it's no wonder
When the week becomes a rat race
You can bet, win, show or place
But never bet on Thursday ‘cause God's not on its case.

Thursday's such a crazy, lazy day, don't get me wrong
It's just that Thursday's twice as long as it should be, it's twice as long
Mondays, Tuesdays, weekends, Fridays don't get in my way
But Thursday's just a crazy, lazy day.

Monday is a blues day that goes for Tuesday
Wednesday's just the middle of the week, yeah, mmm
Friday is just another payday, the weekend's just another heyday
But Thursday's surreptitiously unique.

That's why I didn't go to work today
Thursday's got its own peculiar way of saying: ‘Hey’
Sometimes Thursday makes you want to run away
Thursday's such a crazy, lazy day
Thursday's such a crazy, lazy day.
If you had to pick one thing and say it is your most enjoyable thing to do at Disney. what would that be?

Now that my kids are older I really enjoy just taking the time to walk around or sit and just watch the surroundings. Seeing the magic as it develops for others just makes my day. I love to see younger kids and their families smiling,giggling and just have a plain old good time.Though the times with my own family are great I just get that extra boost from watching others....

I know I know the creepy guy watching everyone

Soaking in the surroundings and just watching people is definitely high on my list. If I'm there with the whole family my absolutely favorite thing is riding Everest with my son. Every trip that we are there together my son and I sneak off to AK and ride Everest without the rest of the family. It's usually either at rope drop or late in the evening when it's close to walk on. If the whole family isn't there my favorite thing is wishes.

Crank calling Epcot pay phones in England...
Can you still do that.

I'm eligible for retirement in 6 more years, which would be pay & health insurance. That same time frame has both dds out of high school and the house paid off. I may stick around for them to finish college if that is their plan, but that makes it 10 years. Still, the plan is to retire in my 50s, sell the house, move to Florida, buy annual passes and enjoy retirement. There is still much that can happen in 6-10 years, but it is decent plan that we are both working towards.

Right now I'm targeting 6-7 years from now as the target goal for retirement. I won't have insurance covered so I will most likely be working primarily to pay for that. I'm actually going back to school slowly getting my MBA so I can use that to help resetting my career. My goal is to wind up doing something on Disney's analytics team. The only issue is that I think the recent hires on that team have been in California not Orlando even though they have some people in Celebration.
I'm eligible for retirement with a huge penalty right now... in 3 more years no penalty, but reduced pension.... in 10 years, full retirement.
Part of me wants it to be 10 years from now. Part of me wants to be 10.... make it 20..... 25.... yeah... 25 years younger.

I have my lotto retirement dreams and then my usual retirement plan. :lmao:

I read that there's a fairly significant percentage of the population who actually have "win the lottery" as part of their retirement planning.

Wow. :sad2:
Wow...it's starting to feel like the good old days. I don't stop over one day and the next I'm several pages behind.
I read that there's a fairly significant percentage of the population who actually have "win the lottery" as part of their retirement planning.
There's also a whole lotta stupid in this world.

Actually the guy that heads the program was featured on the last Sark Week in an episode called "Tiger Beach." Interesting research and conclusions but his peers gave him grief for overplaying how dangerous his dive was with Tigers. Had to play it up for the cameras. No need to use a voucher to see her since she is living at home. Kind of tough getting used to it after four years away at school.
Yeah, I noticed the Miami contingent on the show this year. Weren't they in Australia? You'd think they could find plenty of sharks closer to home!


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