What's the most pain you've ever experienced?

Physically? It is a toss up, open hysterectomy, micro facture on my left knee or the urethroplasty I had when I was 7.

I remember every second of the recovery of each of those surgeries.

Mentally? The death of my parents.
Worst physical pain, for me, would be the pain I had in my mouth and throat (face and neck, too) while going through radiation for head and neck cancer. I was on 75 mcgs of fentanyl and the pain was still excruciating. My mouth would just throb with every heartbeat. It was pretty unbearable. Drs couldn't give me anymore pain killers, because I'm so tiny, they didn't want to overdose me. I couldn't even swallow my own salvia. I had a peg tube and ate nothing by mouth for about 10 months, I couldn't even do liquids for about 4 months or so. I don't even know how I got through that. I have had a few gall bladder attacks, and they are bad, but radiation was way worse, for me.

Mentally, the death of my brother.
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Kidney Stones - 1st(thank God the drugs kicked in at ER)
Shingles - 3rd(vicodin was my friend)
C-Section was like a cakewalk with a spinal. I felt nothing.
Wow. Really nothing like some of what you have been through, but in my own right:

1. Most mentally painful: When I cut the tip of my finger off in a veggie slicer about 18 months ago. yeah, it hurt, but to this day I feel faint and nauseous thinking about it. I still have no sensation on the tip of my finger, and a waxy looking skin-covered bubble over the tip from where the skin and scar tissue grew back. The worst part was how the gauze stuck to the open flesh once I was able to take the pressure off to get a good look at it. It was more mentally traumatic than physically! I’m getting shaky again thinking about it too much, so….

2. Most physically painful was when I broke my ankle. I was carrying DD12 down a set of stairs when she was 10 months old and missed the last step. Saved the baby, sacrificed my right foot/ankle. It took months to heal and man it hurt! Especially when I would lower it down after it had been up for a while – all that blood rushing to my foot. Ouch!

I had three kids, and the middle one came too fast to get an epidural so she was all natural – no pain meds at all. I would do that over again 10 times over than having to go through the pain of the two above again!
Delivering my first child. I still refer to that as my trip to the dark side. The next two were a walk in the park in comparison.
A gout attack in my big toe (total freak occurrence...happened when I was 20). Holy cow I wanted to die it hurt so badly.

Also, some of my migraines have made me faint they were so bad.
Broken heart was the worst emotional pain.

Physical pain was a raging UTI paired with a bladder infection.
My c-section itself went fine, but 8 hours later, a nurse physically forced me out of bed to use the bathroom. My pain level was, I kid you not, at least 1,000. I screamed with every step. I was sweating and freezing both at the same time. I was actually begging to die, I was in so much pain.
Induced labor... and calcium re-absorption/frozen shoulder - the pain that night (til the blessed steroid shot the next day) was like constant labor pains, without a break or pause, and my arm was literally frozen in place and completely useless.
This past year I had over 65% of my liver removed due to multiple tumors (one with cancer). This involved 2 major surgeries and 5 hospitalizations 6 hours from home. The scar looks like someone tried to cut me in half. I was out of it for 3 months, but remember the pain.
I've had two babies. I've had multiple hospital stays for asthma and depression (which truley is "mental pain") but nothing...and I mean NOTHING can touch having an abscessed tonsil lanced with a scalpel while complety wide awake and not numb in the slightest. I don't know if this is a normal thing to do in a situation like that or if it was because it was a crummy overseas military hospital or maybe because my airway was about to be compromised they did what they had to do. This happened when I was I think 13 and I can still recall the pain. Also being held down and having someone come at you with a scalpel is completely traumatizing.
Natural birth with baby stuck in a posterior position
Just read this but this was what happened to my with my first, laboured for two days, gave up trying to do it natural after day 1! I was 19 years old and that baby just turned 17 yesterday!
I had three out of my four babies in a posterior position, all natural births. Painful but I got through it. I think the worse pain was breaking bones. When I was ten, I saw someone on TV in a circus riding on two horses - standing up with one foot on one horse and one foot on the other horse. Well, we were living on a farm. We had horses! I could do that! So I got two of our horses, put bridles on both of them, led them up to the fence and climbed onto one. Got the other one close enough that I could put one foot on the back of each horse, and clucked to them. Well, one went left and one went right and I broke my leg. That hurt a lot. Then a few years later I was riding my horse with friends and we decided to race to the end of the field. I was riding bareback, but I did it all the time so I felt I'd be fine. When my horse reached the fence at the end of the field, instead of stopping, she jumped the fence - and I wasn't expecting it, so I fell off. Broke the other leg. Yeah, not fun. Plus I had to ride that horse back to the farm crying in pain the whole way.


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