Adulting is Hard, So I'm Running Away! ~ An Oct 2016 PTR ~ Update 10/19: Peace Out, Yo!

Plans look good!
And that is a lot of dinners for one night!! Hopefully they'll announce something about Rivers of Light soon ... this is getting kinda ridiculous.

Congrats on the 80 lbs - that's awesome!!! I'm so incredibly excited for you!
It's good that you're making progress for the 5K, even if you're not going to the gym as regularly as you should. Truth is, we all fall off the wagon a little bit sometimes. You just have to get back to a regular schedule and not sweat it. I'm sure you'll do great ... as long as you keep up the training. And remember that there's a fun race waiting for you at the end of the road!

Also ... I'm disturbingly happy to know that I'm not the only person who keeps MagicBand boxes (although I tend to use mine to store other things). They're just so cute, I hate throwing them away!!
The Wave, Feb. 25th, 10:15am. WHAT IS YOUR SECRET?!?!

I was able to make it work to fly down on the 24th :banana:!! We don't land until 11:30pm but perhaps we could squeeze in a quick DISmeet before you leave?? I know you'll be busy with your fam and all but I'd love to say hi :wave2:. I'm not sure where we are staying yet but ASMovies is still on the short list, man rack rates are cha Ching for the night of the 24th for anything above a value resort. So depends on how the budget goes on where we end up ... But I'd be happy to stop by the Contemporary before your ADR if that works !

A few of you have asked how my ADRs went yesterday morning for my February family trip. I guess that means it's time I start up my PTR for that one, huh?

Get crack a lackin' on that PTR girl!

As of this morning, Aug. 25, guess who's lost 78 pounds (*EDIT, 08/26, 8:57am: Make that 80 lbs!*) since January 1st?

party: Amazing!!
Seriously, they need to figure out the Rivers of Light thing. At this point, I'm seriously wondering if we'll get to see it in January, which is pretty depressing.

So excited for your plans though - they look so fun!!

And I'll be looking for a February PTR - I have thought about starting one, but I'm so behind on my TR that I haven't. But our ADR date is tomorrow, so that's a thing - I'm hoping it goes well!

Super congratulations on the weight loss - that's a major accomplishment!
I, too, am super frustrated about the RoL stall out. It's REALLY hard to make plans for that evening for us too. But I do love that you got all of your FP+s and that your ADRs are lining up to make for a really great trip! So exciting!
You go girl 80 pounds! That is amazing! No joke you rock!

ADRs and FPs look good! ADR horder! Love it, I really feel like Disney creates this problem with booking so far in advance its crazy!

Looking forward to a Feb PTR! I need to keep living through everyone else having trips planned!!!
83 days until FP+! :cutie:
142 days until WDW!

Hey, ya'll! :grouphug:

Drive-By Update... This is what happens when Billie is bored (often) and hungry (always)...


This ... is a thing ... of BEAUTY!!:thumbsup2 Wow! Will you be stopping in at Food and Wine as well? I find myself wondering what your spreadsheet for F and W might look like!!! Thanks for your wonderful PTR! Cats, Disney, Food and Books are basically my favorite things in life!

Welcome back!! Looking forward to reading your update!!

ETA: And low and behold, there it is!! :woohoo:

ETA Again: 78 lbs - HOLY TOLEDO!!! GREAT JOB!!! I'm jealous! All I seem able to do is maintain. I don't have very good willpower!
Hahaha. Honestly, my willpower is the pits! (Hence why I can't get to the gym regularly.) I have no idea how I've stuck with this diet for 8 months! All I can guess is that I've finally found something tolerable enough that I'm not completely miserable while doing it. :confused3

Your trip is shaping up nicely it looks like! I want to go!!
So then go! I'll see you there!

I *MAY* be there on the 27th, so hopefully I can run into you at Trader Sam's!
That would be cool, I'd love to have a drinkin' buddy at Trader Sams!

And your 5K training - the weight loss is AMAZING, so you're obviously doing something right with your training!! How are you feeling???

Just remember, running the 5K is your reward for the hard work you put in before the race - it's all part of a process in making you the best, healthiest you that you can be!

Keep at it, lady! You're doing awesome!
Thank you for the encouragement!

Wow! 78lbs is epic and amazing. Good job on all that hard work. I know you aren't working out as much as you want, but preparing and sticking to a specific diet is time consuming and requires a lot of
Exactly! Thank you for enabling my laziness! :rotfl:

I'm trying really, really hard not to Dis too much tonight because I have soooo much still to do before we leave for DISNEY Saturday, but I had to say how wonderful on your 78lb loss party: That is truly something to be proud of!
I'm sure what you just said about my weightloss was super sweet and supportive, but all I actually got out of it was that YOU'RE AT DISNEY RIGHT NOW AND I'M NOT. :sad:

Even if ignoring your Dis friends isn't :rolleyes1 However adorable kitty pictures always win you points :thumbsup2
Yeah, I'm such a terrible DISer these days, it's awful! I'm glad that cute kittens help to ease the burn!

First off, congrats on the 78 lbs!!! That is amazing. I won't talk about how my lifestyle change is going.

If it makes you feel anybody, I still feel like Violet every day! It's only the scale and the fit of my clothes that convinces me otherwise!

Okay, so looking at your schedule & mine, the 21st is good. Not only will we both be at HS at the same time, our FP+ for Toy Story are pretty close together too. We are also going to be at AK at the same time on the 22nd but I'm think the 21st might work better. What do you think?
I love the HS idea on 10/21! (But you already knew that!)

Looking forward to it.

I meant the meet - not the Ice-cream I swear!
I'm looking forward to all of it... The turkey sandwich on challah bread, the onion rings, the ice cream, and YOU!!!

Great work Billie!

Keep it up

Thanks, girl!!!

Congrats on the weight loss!
Thank you, Lynn!

I unfortunately had to cancel the fall trip. Hated doing it, but just do not have the funds. One day we will meet IRL!
Aww, that's a bummer! Well, I'm heading back in February 2017... *hint hint hint!*

Great Job!!! I am so so happy for you and your weight loss!!! doing a great job!
Thanks, Mo! My guru!

Hell i might just fly down for some of these dis meets!!!

Billie, we'll be in Epcot the night of the 27th, too! Let's try and meet up!! It will be me and my husband and my oldest... the youngest is staying with grandma and grandpa! But would love to meet ya!
Absolutely! PM me your phone number here or on FB and I'll send mine back, so we can text each other that night and try to find one another!

OMG 80 lbs?!?!?! That's wonderful!!! Awesome awesome news!
Can I ask what you are doing? My sister (chunkysis) is trying to lose the same amt of weight. But it's so hard for her.
I'm doing a LCHF diet, and honestly, it's pretty wacky, but it works for me! My diet mainly consists of meats (including eggs), cheeses, and water. I have a low-carb Atkins shake for breakfast, and then variations on meat & cheese for my lunch and late afternoon snack, and meat and a veggie for dinner. Often after dinner I treat myself to 1-2 pieces of sugar-free candy. On the weekends, I do spend a lot of time at my favorite local coffeehouse, and there I always order an iced coffee with heavy cream and sugar-free vanilla syrup. (The barristas there all know my order from memory now, which I love.) That's pretty much everything I consume. Oh, and the last week of every month, I do an Egg Fast, where I eat nothing but eggs all day every day for 7 days (which is pretty extreme and not something I recommend to anybody who isn't already LCHF/Keto adapted). And so the weight just falls off!

Your plans look great! LOL on the 4 ressies for Boma...I know, we've all done it when making ADRs. HAHA.
Isn't it crazy the lengths we have to go to?!?!

I have a tentative plan for Feb. I guess I should get crackin on the PTR too...but I am so lazy on the PTR side especially since I'll be doing a TR for disneyland!
We'll be there from Feb 23-28th at the Contemporary. Part of me wants to stay longer so that we'll hit the first part of the F & G festival again.
I'm lazy about all DISing lately, especially now that I can only do it from home! I'm scared of how long it's going to take me crank out my next TR... I better take super good notes on this next trip!

But I have plans to be back in May (since we will have annual passes n all!) for May the 4th. Never been there on that day so I think that will be pretty fun for us.
I've always thought it would be cool to go on May 4th! You'll have to tell us what kind of special going-ons happen at HS on that day!

My ADR day for feb is this sunday, and I have NO IDEA what to make. I really have not had time to think about it due to work because we're leaving next friday for california. so it's just werk, werk werk werk werk...for me. :rockband:
Wellll??? How did it go?!?!

I know I want to to California Grill for my bday. and The Wave too since we're staying at the contemporary. I think we'll do different meals than we did earlier this year just to mix it up. Although can't leave without my beloved Ohana. I do want to do LTT, 1900 Park Fare (dinner), Crystal Palace (breakfast), and maybe try Tiffins. I do also want to check out the new Art Smith homecoming in DS. Fried Chicken n Donuts? Sign me up.
Someday I will make it to the California Grill! It keeps getting slip to the back burner, dangit! We're checking out the Wave for breakfast on our departure morning. We're also doing Ohana for dinner, and Crystal Palace (dinner instead of breakfast this time). YUM!!! I'm really curious about Homecoming... It's all the kind of food that I grew up on and have here at home all the the time, so it's not SUPER exciting to me... But like you, the Chicken and Donuts is CALLING MY NAME. We do chicken and waffles here, but DONUTS? I so wanna check that out.

BTW what days are we overlapping?
We;re there Feb 20-25. On 2/23 we'll be at Hollywood Studios, on 2/24 at Epcot, and on 2/25 having a 10:15am breakfast at The Wave before heading home. I'll be posting our schedule and everything in the PTR, whenever I get around to starting it, Haha.

:wish80 CONGRATS!!!!! that is amazing.
Thanks, girl! I always forget about those icons! Love them!

WOW Billie!! Congrats on that amazing weight loss! :cheer2::banana: You should be so proud!
Thank you so much!

Your plans look great! Glad the pixie dust worked and you got everything you wanted!
Yes, the pixie dust totally came through for me!

I might be in Disney during the same time you are (too hard to stay home during F&W when I live so close:earseek:). I was able to snag a FP+ for FEA during my trip. I see you were able to get one too, are you excited to ride it and see what they did:boat:?
I'm actually super excited to see the new Frozen ride! I'll mess the Maelstrom as much as the next old school Epcot fan, but I am also super curious to see what they've done with the place!

I feel special. lol

In all seriousness though your weight loss is incredible. :worship:
Thank you most kindly!

Shoppergurl1020 is my sister and we are trying everything possible to make a trip happen during your time and hope we can meet up at some point with you. You need to keep us updated on the Boma situation on Friday, otherwise we would like to meet up with you at Epcot on Sunday.
Absolutely, that would be awesome! I'm sure as it gets closer, my plans will gel and I'll know more what's happening when and where. I'd love to meet you both!


Plans look good!
And that is a lot of dinners for one night!! Hopefully they'll announce something about Rivers of Light soon ... this is getting kinda ridiculous.
It's pretty stupid. And annoying. Argh.

Congrats on the 80 lbs - that's awesome!!! I'm so incredibly excited for you!
It's good that you're making progress for the 5K, even if you're not going to the gym as regularly as you should. Truth is, we all fall off the wagon a little bit sometimes. You just have to get back to a regular schedule and not sweat it. I'm sure you'll do great ... as long as you keep up the training. And remember that there's a fun race waiting for you at the end of the road!
What keeps happening is when I get off of work, I turn and stare at my gym bag. And instead of grabbing it and changing into my workout clothes, I end up saying, "Not today, bag. Not today." And just going home for dinner and a nap. :faint: So lazy is me!

Also ... I'm disturbingly happy to know that I'm not the only person who keeps MagicBand boxes (although I tend to use mine to store other things). They're just so cute, I hate throwing them away!!
I can't, it's crazy! I'm not even doing anything with them, just stacking them up, assuring myself that SOMEDAY I will be happy that I kept them all! Someday...

I was able to make it work to fly down on the 24th :banana:!! We don't land until 11:30pm but perhaps we could squeeze in a quick DISmeet before you leave?? I know you'll be busy with your fam and all but I'd love to say hi :wave2:. I'm not sure where we are staying yet but ASMovies is still on the short list, man rack rates are cha Ching for the night of the 24th for anything above a value resort. So depends on how the budget goes on where we end up ... But I'd be happy to stop by the Contemporary before your ADR if that works !
Ahhhh! Excellent! And actually, the morning of 2/25, I'll be at the Contemporary for breakfast at The Wave. @chunkymonkey wil be staying at the Contemporary. @LindseyJo22 will be just a quick monorail ride away at the Polynesian. Hmmm... Maybe we can all four get together that morning! I could head that way an hour or two of my family (our ADR isn't until 10:15am) so I can meet up and spend a little time with all my girls before ya'll head off to the parks for the day... Maybe something like that would work out? :scratchin

Get crack a lackin' on that PTR girl!
I know, I seriously need to!!

party: Amazing!!
Thank yoooooou!

Seriously, they need to figure out the Rivers of Light thing. At this point, I'm seriously wondering if we'll get to see it in January, which is pretty depressing.
You're telling me! I can't believe that it's nearly September and it's all so up in the air!

So excited for your plans though - they look so fun!!
I think they will be! I'm really really looking forward to it.

And I'll be looking for a February PTR - I have thought about starting one, but I'm so behind on my TR that I haven't. But our ADR date is tomorrow, so that's a thing - I'm hoping it goes well!
Wellll.... How DID everything go??!!

Super congratulations on the weight loss - that's a major accomplishment!
Thanks, girl!!

I, too, am super frustrated about the RoL stall out. It's REALLY hard to make plans for that evening for us too.
I know, it's ridiculous!!!

But I do love that you got all of your FP+s and that your ADRs are lining up to make for a really great trip! So exciting!
I'm so excited, I can't stand it!

You go girl 80 pounds! That is amazing! No joke you rock!
Thank you so much!!

ADRs and FPs look good! ADR horder! Love it, I really feel like Disney creates this problem with booking so far in advance its crazy!
They totally do! It's awful! I'm just glad my dinner choice for that night is relatively easy to get an ADR at, so that I could stack them, then later narrow it down to the one that will work best.

Looking forward to a Feb PTR! I need to keep living through everyone else having trips planned!!!
I'm going to be like that in 2018 when I take mye break from vacationing for a year! It's gonna be tough!

This ... is a thing ... of BEAUTY!!:thumbsup2 Wow! Will you be stopping in at Food and Wine as well? I find myself wondering what your spreadsheet for F and W might look like!!!
Prepare yourself for shock and awe...


Thanks for your wonderful PTR! Cats, Disney, Food and Books are basically my favorite things in life!
Yep, those things are pretty much my whole life, haha.

Holy smokes!! That is fantastic Billie! Yeah-yeah!!
Thanks, lady!!! :D
What keeps happening is when I get off of work, I turn and stare at my gym bag. And instead of grabbing it and changing into my workout clothes, I end up saying, "Not today, bag. Not today." And just going home for dinner and a nap. :faint: So lazy is me!

So (and I know this doesn't work for everyone) ... this is why I run in the mornings. I set my alarm for early on run days (seriously, early ... as in, 5:50 AM), and if I'm already being bugged by my alarm that early, I might as well get up and run. If I end up not getting up on time or deciding to run later in the day ... it doesn't happen. "Not today" is something that happens to me more than I'd like to admit. You are not alone.
That said ... mornings don't work for everyone. Some people can't get up earlier to exercise. You have to see what works for you.
So (and I know this doesn't work for everyone) ... this is why I run in the mornings. I set my alarm for early on run days (seriously, early ... as in, 5:50 AM), and if I'm already being bugged by my alarm that early, I might as well get up and run. If I end up not getting up on time or deciding to run later in the day ... it doesn't happen. "Not today" is something that happens to me more than I'd like to admit. You are not alone.
That said ... mornings don't work for everyone. Some people can't get up earlier to exercise. You have to see what works for you.
Mornings are definitely not my jam. It's all I can do to get up and ready for work on time. Getting up even earlier and going and being physically active is just never gonna happen, lol. I know a lot of people who do, but I'll never be one of them.
Ahhhh! Excellent! And actually, the morning of 2/25, I'll be at the Contemporary for breakfast at The Wave. @chunkymonkey wil be staying at the Contemporary. @LindseyJo22 will be just a quick monorail ride away at the Polynesian. Hmmm... Maybe we can all four get together that morning! I could head that way an hour or two of my family (our ADR isn't until 10:15am) so I can meet up and spend a little time with all my girls before ya'll head off to the parks for the day... Maybe something like that would work out? :scratchin

I think that sounds like a great plan! I'm toying with an arrival night stay at WL before we move to the BCV so that would work out great! Where can we get a cocktail at 9am?? :teeth:
I think that sounds like a great plan! I'm toying with an arrival night stay at WL before we move to the BCV so that would work out great! Where can we get a cocktail at 9am?? :teeth:
Hmm... I could book us a table at The Wave for whatever time would be best, since ADRs are easy to get there. At that hour, they do bloody marys, mimosas, sangria, and a "spiked latte" that I have every intention of drinking that morning!

@chunkymonkey and @LindseyJo22 , would any of me and Kelly's scheming over here work for ya'll?
So (and I know this doesn't work for everyone) ... this is why I run in the mornings. I set my alarm for early on run days (seriously, early ... as in, 5:50 AM), and if I'm already being bugged by my alarm that early, I might as well get up and run. If I end up not getting up on time or deciding to run later in the day ... it doesn't happen. "Not today" is something that happens to me more than I'd like to admit. You are not alone.
That said ... mornings don't work for everyone. Some people can't get up earlier to exercise. You have to see what works for you.

Mornings are definitely not my jam. It's all I can do to get up and ready for work on time. Getting up even earlier and going and being physically active is just never gonna happen, lol. I know a lot of people who do, but I'll never be one of them.

Oh I love you... On a non run morning I get out of bed at 530 on a run morning 445....
Would love to go in February, but unless I win the lottery or get in another business, that is not going to happen. I work with retirement plans and our big deadline is March we do not vacation between Jan 1 and April 15th (our second big deadline). So here's hoping for that winning lottery ticket.


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