Last Chance for a Summer Vacation Experience- August 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

Question of the Day

Mickey is someone we all have known our entire lives. We know his history.

Please introduce yourself for those new people and tell us your goals for the month.

Hi! I'm Patricia. I'm 27 and live 3 hours south of the Mouse in FL. I'm trying to loose the weight I gained once DH and I settled into happy lazy married life. I am really working on cultivating an active lifestyle since I have been a couch potato for the past 4 years! I am hoping the weight will start to come off naturally as a result (seen that a little bit already with last month). DH and I have been cleaning up our eating for the past few months and I think we are in a decent place. Not perfect, but finding a good balance including things we love to eat without complete deprivation. (<-- that basically means still keeping our 2-3 times a month Chick-fil-a in our diets LOL!)

Goal: At least (2) active hours per week

Plan: Mondays are spoken for with yoga. My cousin keeps me accountable for this since we go together. I have the elliptical for my other hour, or else biking with DH in the evenings, or a local free yoga in the park classes on Saturday. (These are HOT though but my favorite price, so....)

Obstacles: We are going to DISNEY! There is a trade show next weekend in Orlando so we will be there for 3 days. We haven't been since May and it is time! I miss it. Soooooo I'm going to have to make sure to reel myself in and not go crazy with snacks and things I love. OR if I do, to balance it out. We are staying at what I think is a really nice off-site hotel since work is paying ;) They have a nice looking gym from the pictures, so maybe for the first time in my whole life, I may actually exercise on vacation... maybe....

BUT, i'm going to Disneyland Paris solo for a couple days after he heads on for his last stop and back home. so yipppeee!!! anyone been and have any tips? I know nothing about DL, never ever thought i'd get to go!

AWESOME!!!! Phantom Manor! Phantom Manor! Phantom Manor! It soooo neat! Ride it once to see it and get a feel for it. Then google it and read the back story/plot then ride it again with new eyes. It's awesome!

Also, I remember saying to DH I loved something about their Peter Pan. It was slightly different, but I don't remember exactly how. I just remember that I liked the difference. I know-- helpful :rolleyes: haha!

Their castle show was gorgeous in 2014. I don't know if it's the same -- It was called Dreams when we were there and we watched it three times in the freezing rain because we loved it so much.

That's all I can think of for now-- so excited for you though!!!
BUT, i'm going to Disneyland Paris solo for a couple days after he heads on for his last stop and back home. so yipppeee!!! anyone been and have any tips? I know nothing about DL, never ever thought i'd get to go!

If you're going for a couple of days, look into the cost of an annual pass and it may be cheaper since you'll likely be buying merch and food (BIG DISCOUNTS). You also get into Disneyland Paris 2 hours earlier than everyone else - so that's a nice touch. We opted for the AP and it literally paid for itself.

Rides are fairly similar between parks, but Phantom Manor and Big Thunder are a little different! Also get to Disney Studios and go on the Ratatouille ride if you can. It'll blow you away :D
Im in for 5 pounds lost in August!

I am on Weight Watchers and will continue to work my program. I weigh in on Sunday so will post my weight going into the month then :)

Edited to add: Weighed in at 280.2 - my goal on August 28th is to be 275.2 - that is exactly 5 lbs

Wishing you success on your program for this month.

My goal is 5lbs! Hopefully should be easy since I've gained about 5 last month.

Summer is hard. I'm so off schedule w kids stuff. More eating out or treats and less me time for work outs.

My birthday - is in about 15 minutes!!! I have lunch plans, dinner plans, cake , then my sons bday on August 1!
Too much food this week.

My goal is to wake up on my bday morning and get my workout done! I have not done anything in maybe a month. Yuck.

My plan is to start to regain my focus. My son starts band camp this month so all of our busy days and being out w food temptations should hopefully be coming to an end.

Hope you and your son had great birthdays.:bday: I am still trying to get back to a regular exercise routine myself.

Can I join too please!

Reach my goal for July so the goal for August will keep it up. Same weight loss goal too - 2kg. I am 4 kg away from my final goal, so the last few could be little slower but it will be lovely to reach my goal for August too.

Summer & sun - being outdoors is great so I plan to make use of it

I love the outdoors but not as hot as it has been in the last 2 weeks here. I am hoping that it will be cooler in the coming weeks.

I'm back for accountability - and my one year on these challenges!

:jumping1:on one year.

I'm in! Can't wait to see some WDW as I have never been :D I'll be back tomorrow I need to think about my goal....

I am hoping that most of the pictures will be mine.

I'm in and I'm picking a weight loss goal this month of four pounds


I'm in. I'm going to up my step goal from 70,000 steps per week to 77,000 per week. I am also going to really try to track my food, but that won't be my official goal.

That's a lot of steps Good luck

Happy August everyone!! I hope to be back more regularly this month!

My goal for the month will be to lose 1.5 kg. Not a lot, but there will be a lot going on this month, so I hope I can still make it count!

I am glad that you are thinking about the month so you won't be disappointed.

I took a much needed break from this but I'm ready to get back in the game! I've been gaining and losing the same 5ish pounds. I'm ready to get back in and lose those last 20 pounds that i'm hanging on to.

My name is Paige. I live in Kansas City and I have a black and white kitten child named Nancy. I've lost about 50 pounds over the last year and I've been doing these challenges for a while. I had to take a few months off while I was working through my divorce. That's still an ongoing process but I'm ready to get back into a routine and back to my normal self.

My goal is to lose 4 pounds this month. I think that's doable. My only problem is that I've somehow managed to injure my leg while running and I'm a little afraid it's going to sideline me which is not good because I have 2 back-to-back half marathons in October.

My obstacle this month is going to be sticking to my plan. I've let myself relax which is not a bad thing because sometimes you need that!

I'm excited to be back on these boards. I've missed you guys!

My instagram name is paigevader!

Welcome back Paige. I have relatives in Kansas City and we were in Wichita in June for a wedding.

Injuries are tough. As someone who has injured both ankles and knees in my lifetime I hope your leg feels better soon.

I'm Ashley, 34 and from Iowa.

My goal is to lose four pounds this month which will bring me to 205.

Im Lena - 28 (29 NEXT MONTH!) - From Kansas!

My goal for the month is to loose 5 pounds and walk a minimum of 2 hours everyday - 1 hour on my lunch and dividing 1 hour between 4 slots at work of 15 minutse each - more if I am slow!

I am currently following the Weight Watchers program and finding success with that! I am in the "turtle club" which means the weight is coming off slowly, but staying off!

I am the wife of a US Solider - so my life can turn direction at any point and me be at home alone, so I am working on figuring out how to cook for one!

I am looking forward to another challenge month with ya'll!

Cooking for one is tough. I learned how to cook for a family of 8 and it was hard to cut down when we got married.

Hello everyone - welcome to August! I can't believe we're in the 8th month of the year and the Olympics are almost here! :D (Side note: I'm really excited for the Olympics this year because they're in RIO and I have a hunch the opening ceremony on Friday will be beautiful with all of the costumes and festivities. Plus, OLYMPICS.).

I'm Courtney :wave: I've been included in these challenges for a year now and they're great for accountability. If you're on the fence about joining - please join! You'll be amazed at how a support group can really keep you motivated to reach your goal. My goals over the last year have changed a bit - I've reached my goal weight and am in maintenance mode. Went from 215 pounds to a happy 140 and now am running half marathons! I'm located in Southern California - about 15 minutes from Disneyland... so you can guess what we do in our spare time? :P

Goal: Accomplish 3 workouts of at least 30 minutes per week.

Obstacles: There aren't any half marathons this month, so I need to use this month to prepare myself for the Dumbo Double Dare runDisney challenge for Labor Day weekend. It's hot. It's summer. And So Cal has been unusually humid this summer so it feels uncomfortable to run in this.

How I'll overcome: I signed up for the Hogwarts Running Club events and I haven't completed any of them this year.... so this will be my motivation. I have to accomplish 3 5Ks, 1 6K, 1 10K, 1 13K, and 1 half marathon. I am going to use my training runs as a means to finally finish these events and earn my bling :)

(More than likely, the half marathon will be split into 2, 10K runs so that I'm not running until 11pm after work :P )

I am looking forward to the Olympics also. I really like the winter ones(my sons and I for some reason are into curling. Don't ask us why we just are.)

I'm Melanie a stay at home mom to 5 kids. I live outside Jacksonville, Fl and am currently an AP to WDW.( I'm so excited for the Disney World theme this month!! ) Before having kids I weighted 224lbs (10 years ago, what!? Where does the time go?) After having #1 I lost over 60lbs but after having the other 4 I've slowly gained it back. So I started running a little over a year ago to lose baby weight and so I could run Disney. I have lost 25lbs in the past year. Currently I am training for the Goofy Challenge in January where I will run a half marathon on Saturday and then a full marathon on Sunday, because apparently I have lost my mind :) To prepare for that I decided to do run the Dumbo Double Challenge in Sept. So this month will be a busy running month.

My goal for August will be to lose 6 lbs and to get in all of my training runs.

Best of luck training.

hi all :wave: i'm trying to be is sooo busy and exhausting!

I'm Molli, I'm in for this month even though I have two trips planned! I just returned from our annual Scrap Hags long weekend at a cropping B&B and i'm so fluffy. my big shorts are tight. I've been making terrible choices like Moscow Mules all summer long. I need to clean up my eating, journal and get back to feeling good as a benefit of my choices. Next week my oldest DH and I are going to LA for 5 days, we were supposed to be visiting her BF on a business trip that has now been postponsed. we are still going :teeth: at the end of the month my DH had a business trip to Paris get scheduled and I get to go! i'm soooooo excited. and now mad at myself for gaining back some weight over the summer. BUT, i'm going to Disneyland Paris solo for a couple days after he heads on for his last stop and back home. so yipppeee!!! anyone been and have any tips? I know nothing about DL, never ever thought i'd get to go!

so my goal is food journal, steps and complete a local workout challenge that I joined for the month. i'm hoping these actions will give me enough confidence to step on the scale again ;(

I'm a SAHM with two DD, ages (almost) 24 and 19. the youngest just went back to UC for the year. I work part time contingent as an x-ray tech in a local office. My FT job is managing my health and hormones as i'm a Cushing's disease survivor and current Addison's warrior

:thanks: dona for hosting! love the pics!

Hi Molli Have fun in Paris.

Hi! I'm Patricia. I'm 27 and live 3 hours south of the Mouse in FL. I'm trying to loose the weight I gained once DH and I settled into happy lazy married life. I am really working on cultivating an active lifestyle since I have been a couch potato for the past 4 years! I am hoping the weight will start to come off naturally as a result (seen that a little bit already with last month). DH and I have been cleaning up our eating for the past few months and I think we are in a decent place. Not perfect, but finding a good balance including things we love to eat without complete deprivation. (<-- that basically means still keeping our 2-3 times a month Chick-fil-a in our diets LOL!)

Goal: At least (2) active hours per week

Plan: Mondays are spoken for with yoga. My cousin keeps me accountable for this since we go together. I have the elliptical for my other hour, or else biking with DH in the evenings, or a local free yoga in the park classes on Saturday. (These are HOT though but my favorite price, so....)

Obstacles: We are going to DISNEY! There is a trade show next weekend in Orlando so we will be there for 3 days. We haven't been since May and it is time! I miss it. Soooooo I'm going to have to make sure to reel myself in and not go crazy with snacks and things I love. OR if I do, to balance it out. We are staying at what I think is a really nice off-site hotel since work is paying ;) They have a nice looking gym from the pictures, so maybe for the first time in my whole life, I may actually exercise on vacation... maybe....

AWESOME!!!! Phantom Manor! Phantom Manor! Phantom Manor! It soooo neat! Ride it once to see it and get a feel for it. Then google it and read the back story/plot then ride it again with new eyes. It's awesome!

Also, I remember saying to DH I loved something about their Peter Pan. It was slightly different, but I don't remember exactly how. I just remember that I liked the difference. I know-- helpful :rolleyes: haha!

Their castle show was gorgeous in 2014. I don't know if it's the same -- It was called Dreams when we were there and we watched it three times in the freezing rain because we loved it so much.

That's all I can think of for now-- so excited for you though!!!

My yoga instructor retired a year ago and I still haven't found a class to replace it. It is something I need to work on.

Have a happy and healthy day.
I'm in for August... My goal will be to lose 6 pounds.

I'm Lizanne, singleton of a certain age living in Seattle. As anyone who follows me on Intragram knows, I have two cats who get photographed frequently. I started this weight loss journey the beginning of the year and put in several really good months followed by several really bad months. I'm clawing my way back, but the sugar addiction has ahold of me right now.

I've been to WDW about 35 times, but every trip I learn about something new, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what Mickey has to share. I've met the talking Mickey once, have to say he really freaked me out ;).
I haven't been keeping up with the forum but I think I lost almost ten pounds in July. :) I was at 300.4 on June 30th I'm so close to leaving the 290s too hanging around 291.4 over the weekend. I haven't been making the gym more than a 2-3 times a week and tracking hasn't been great but for other reasons I haven't had much of an appetite. It's nothing worrisome it will pass as its not anything bad, really. Just good reasons. Life is nearly perfect right now. :) Just a lot of change and possibly more to come. I need to keep the habit up and increase it back to full schedule so I can keep it going. I don't want the success to stop.
Hi all - I'm Sam joining you all from Australia :D I have been joining in since the start of the year .... I can't believe it is August! I must admit I haven't made as much progress as I would have liked weight loss wise - but I am becoming a more active person and am starting to pay more attention to my food - I'm not always perfect but I am definitely more aware and have a run of good days then seem to go off track for a few (like the last 2 days!).

To help me consolidate the role that walking needs to play in my life and I am going to continue with a walking goal this month. I am going to aim for 40 minutes walking for at least 20 days this month.

Challenges: Work days when I am visiting schools - the routine of those days are different than when I in the office - turns out it is easier to get more walking in on my office days now that I have worked out a walking plan for there. Me - keeping up the momentum and motivation to walk after work.

Tools: Tracking my walking, steps, walking with the kids Pokémon hunting, checking in here.

@donac great pics of your boys - I bet going through those photos is making you very nostalgic with their weddings coming up.
Happy Tuesday everyone!!

First my introduction: My name is Magdalene, I am in my mid forties and live in Germany (and am German). I have a long distance relationship with my American significant other, neither of us has any kids, but Michael would love to have a dog! :dog: He lives in Florida, but currently is visiting here! :love: I have been around in these challenges for what feels a long time and really have not lost a lot in those years, more or less lost the same pounds over and over again. However, I do credit these challenges to be the reason that I managed to stay around the same weight most of the time and never totally go up into areas that I do not want to be in ever again. My goal for this months is only to lose 1.5 kg (that is about 3.5 pounds) as my boyfriend's mother and brother are coming to visit and we will be doing lots of touring which will include lots of eating out. And to be honest, if I would manage that goal I would be really thrilled as that would mean that I am getting really close to the magical barrier of 70kg! I so much want to have a weight starting with a 6 on the scale!
I haven't been keeping up with the forum but I think I lost almost ten pounds in July. :) I was at 300.4 on June 30th I'm so close to leaving the 290s too hanging around 291.4 over the weekend. I haven't been making the gym more than a 2-3 times a week and tracking hasn't been great but for other reasons I haven't had much of an appetite. It's nothing worrisome it will pass as its not anything bad, really. Just good reasons. Life is nearly perfect right now. :) Just a lot of change and possibly more to come. I need to keep the habit up and increase it back to full schedule so I can keep it going. I don't want the success to stop.

Yeah!! :cool1: For leaving the 300s far behind!! Seems like you are on a good track at the moment!!

@donac - I am willing to do the december thread

Thanks for volunteering Lena!!! :thumbsup2
Hi All,

My name is Nia and I am nearly 38, full time workin mum of 9 year old. We are all on health kick right now, with my husband trying to up his protein and play tennis and me thinking holiday in 80 days!

I joined the groups in March and I am now 10.3kg lighter. I have another 4.7 to my goal weight and hope to loose at least 2 kg this month. I would like to up my effort in the gym (weight lifting) as now near my goal weight I feel upping my strength is great goal to carry me over to maintenance

Looking forward chatting to all, new and previous month participants
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Good Morning Glad to see people here. It is Aug 1 and the last month before summer unofficially ends.

Let's start the vacation.

The leader for this vacation to Disney World is none other than Mickey himself. He is the first person you probably want to see when you get to the MK so we will start with him.

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This is my nephew on the left and my two sons with the head guy.

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Here am I this past Oct having dinner with Mickey and his friends at the Land

Question of the Day

Mickey is someone we all have known our entire lives. We know his history.

Please introduce yourself for those new people and tell us your goals for the month.

I am in for the month. My goal for this month will be to continue to get 10,000 steps a day, step 2 days using the Wii board and do squats every day. With the squats I started last night with 10 and will add 5 more each day.

For everyone that does not know me I am Stephanie. I just turned 37 a few days ago. I have been married almost 13 years and have 2 kids. My son is 10 and my daughter is almost 9. Right my daughter keeps me very busy. She has some vision issues that she is going to therapy for and that is taking up a lot of time. She also just finished up PT on her ankle. My son is really into Pokemon Go right now so my husband and I have a walking buddy. He makes sure we get out and walk right now.

School starts 2 weeks from today. I am not really ready for it yet knowing my son will be in middle school. 5th grade I feel is too young for a middle school setting but he is excited. I am ready to be back on a schedule though. I do much better with work outs during the school year. This year I have scaled back the amount of activities I do at the school. I am a part of the PTA and was on the board. It felt like i was going to several meetings a month and had no time for really anything. This year I am just part of the PTA but not on the board so I am not obligated to or go to everything. I can pick and choose depending on what is going on in my life at the time.

Here's to a great August and and great start to the school year!
Good Morning everyone.

Today we are starting at rope drop at Magic Kingdom. They have a great show every morning. The train comes in and characters pile out of the train and start singing the Welcome Song.

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Mickey and Minnie are also part of this group.

I was wondering how do you start off the morning.

Do you have to eat breakfast and then go off to work?

Do you try to get your workout in before the day starts?

Or are you the type to just grab a cup of coffee and off you go.

When you are in Disney World do you do rope drop or leisurely make your way into the parks?
Good Morning everyone.

Today we are starting at rope drop at Magic Kingdom. They have a great show every morning. The train comes in and characters pile out of the train and start singing the Welcome Song.

View attachment 185537

Mickey and Minnie are also part of this group.

I was wondering how do you start off the morning.

Do you have to eat breakfast and then go off to work?

Do you try to get your workout in before the day starts?

Or are you the type to just grab a cup of coffee and off you go.

When you are in Disney World do you do rope drop or leisurely make your way into the parks?

Morning routine: 5AM - 30 minute son the treadmill and then back to bed. Alarm goes off at 7:00 and i have a homemade breakfast sandwich. Then I walk to work!

At Disney - we rope drop, but spend about an hour or so wandering Main Street USA - we enjoy it and I always find a few pairs of earings that I cant' ive without!
Good Morning everyone.

Today we are starting at rope drop at Magic Kingdom. They have a great show every morning. The train comes in and characters pile out of the train and start singing the Welcome Song.

View attachment 185537

Mickey and Minnie are also part of this group.

I was wondering how do you start off the morning.

Do you have to eat breakfast and then go off to work?

Do you try to get your workout in before the day starts?

Or are you the type to just grab a cup of coffee and off you go.

When you are in Disney World do you do rope drop or leisurely make your way into the parks?
Lately breakfast has been the biggest challenge and sets my day up for failure as I'm consuming too many points and having sugar, because I stop at Starbucks for a Chai and pastry, yup that's right, sugar with my sugar. Being as I work in Seattle there are about four Starbucks between my bus stop and the office... It's torture.

I do get up and get going when I'm at WDW, and I probably hit RD more often than not. I also do pre-opening breakfasts, not to get a head start on rides but to have some quiet time in the park. I've mentioned before that I love going in the front of EPCOT at RD and then walking back to France for breakfast, because no one else is around and it feels like my own private park. Hopefully the Frozen Ever After madness will stay on that side and it will still be possible to enjoy this bit of magic. The first morning of the trip with Nephew2 we went right to MK for RD after just arriving on the red eye... Talk about a sleepy pre-teen. But I wanted to do that because MK had just been open till 1am and I thought the crowds would be light. Boy were they, we walked on to a dozen different attractions before lunchtime. Then went back to the hotel and crashed!
I was wondering how do you start off the morning.

Do you have to eat breakfast and then go off to work?

Do you try to get your workout in before the day starts?

Or are you the type to just grab a cup of coffee and off you go.

When you are in Disney World do you do rope drop or leisurely make your way into the parks?

I eat on a routine and part of that routine is 2 oz of Cheerios with 8 oz of milk. Nearly every morning... yes, I'm boring :P

My workouts are usually in the evening - but I also walk for 30 minutes per day on my breaks at work so that helps.

As for Disney World - we're definitely rope drop people. We have an itinerary down to the minute, including park hours, FP+ times and really just trying to make sure we can squeeze it all in.
Good Morning everyone.

Today we are starting at rope drop at Magic Kingdom. They have a great show every morning. The train comes in and characters pile out of the train and start singing the Welcome Song.

View attachment 185537

Mickey and Minnie are also part of this group.

I was wondering how do you start off the morning.

Do you have to eat breakfast and then go off to work?

Do you try to get your workout in before the day starts?

Or are you the type to just grab a cup of coffee and off you go.

When you are in Disney World do you do rope drop or leisurely make your way into the parks?
I am so not a morning person! LOL I wake up whenever the kids get up and then make them breakfast. I usually eat a kashi bar and chocolate almond milk to start my day because it is easy. I tried to run before DH goes to work but I just could not get into that routine, I run much better at night. However on the weekends I have started to run early because with the heat and humidity:crazy2: here in FL I really don't have an option but I go back to bed as soon as I get back.

At WDW we always try to make it to rope drop but we are usually coming from 2 hours away and it is hard to time it just right (last time we were so close but the monorail was down>:(). I actually don't think I have ever been at MK for rope drop but I have for all the other parks.
I am a stay at home mom and my kids are older, so I am able to start off my morning slowly. I start the coffee, feed the dogs and spend at least a half hour drinking my coffee. Unless I have somewhere to be, I try to make oatmeal every morning for my husband and myself. If I don't give him something, he'll go to work without breakfast. I have my oatmeal with chia seeds, a little whole milk and a bunch of frozen berries to sweeten it. I used to do brown sugar, but I'm happy now with the berries. :)

Some mornings I hop on the treadmill shortly after my breakfast. I really want to get into that habit on mornings that I can. Otherwise I usually do it in the evening.

Although we are not morning people at all in real life (my husband doesn't work until noon), at Disney, we are definitely a rope drop family. We normally go during the fall when most parks close early, so getting up early isn't too difficult.

I got my 11,000 steps yesterday. My 9 year old kept asking all day if I would take her to the exercise park in our neighborhood. I'm able to walk a pretty good loop and still see her, so I told her we would go after 8 when it cooled down. Well, at 8:00 I looked and the temperature was still 99 degrees! We went anyway and it wasn't too bad, surprisingly. I would have rather used the treadmill, but it's nice to have someone encouraging me to do my steps. :)
I was wondering how do you start off the morning.

Do you have to eat breakfast and then go off to work?

Do you try to get your workout in before the day starts?

Or are you the type to just grab a cup of coffee and off you go.

When you are in Disney World do you do rope drop or leisurely make your way into the parks?

I am not a morning person at all. I squeeze in every last minute of sleep I can and am usually up and out the door within 30 minutes (it ain't glamorous where I work so not much primping). Then I'll grab some fruit and cheese or a microwavable oatmeal cup to make at my desk when I get to work.

I wish so badly that I could get up and work out and get it over with, but I am just not wired to be up early.

Recently I have been grabbing coffee with my fruit and cheese. I find that it really does give me more energy at work and helps me not be as snacky all day like I used to be. I am not sure if it's worth the calories of the coffee vs the calories of the snacking.... but I do have more energy so there's that.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE rope drop-- but only at MK or parks that aren't at WDW. Non-home parks for obvious reasons. But MK for the show :love: My trip isn't complete without seeing the show and crying like a baby. It just gets to me for some reason. Sometimes we run for a ride, but other times we just get a coffee and walk Main St and soak it all in.

Yesterday was a little off. My cousin canceled on me for yoga and DH was offered to do some extra work for some extra money, so I skipped yoga to help him work and get half the money. I did feel like I got some activity in (we were filling gallon containers and putting them on pallets-- so this was labor not computer work!). But that definitely doesn't count for my goal. So I am going to go to yoga tonight instead.

I also got a dress I am really desperate to fit into. An older Lilly Pulitzer dress that's a cat print. I love cats and am currently figuring out a way to run up to see Cats on Broadway next month (my all time favorite show-- I'm a crazy cat lady supreme). Anyway, I really want to fit into that dress..... sooooooo I've got the motivation now-- let's go!


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