~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

Sounds like you had a good day yesterday :)

How exciting that you may have found a China hutch.

Awwww... I am so very sorry Lillian... I know how very difficult it is to lose a pet, my heart is with you as you begin to heal. Sending out hugs to you my friend. :hug:

Thank you so much :hug:
Hope you found a hutch D - can't wait to see! I have been poking around a little for a small cupboard kind of like your coffee hutch - its hard to find something small.

Yay for Disney updates next week! Can't wait to hear.

Mexican food; I can find something to eat fairly healthy, but those darn chips and salsa they serve beforehand. Gets me every time. Love, love, love Chipotle. I get the same thing every, single time.

I've been peeking in on your auction - as usual the bags are amazing. I will own a D original one day!

Is Allison's Paris trip coming up soon?

Stay strong and have a good week ahead! Hugs and prayers always.
:worship:Sounds like a nice day. You're doing so great with your lifting!

Mexican is my absolute favorite, too!
Lillian, just wanted to say how sorry I am about your pets. I know this has been a hard year for you. Hugs, my friend.:hug:
I know how it feels to be back on track - it feels good! It's definitely a mental thing. In Jan. I had blood work done and my cholesterol numbers were too high! Rather than give up and go on meds, I decided to get serious with diet/exercise. Fast forward to July I've lost 30 lbs. and my weight is back in the normal range BUT my cholesterol only went down a couple points :confused3 Still glad I lost the extra pounds and I'm determined not to go back to my old ways. Keep up the good work!

To answer your Southwest question - I rebooked one leg of a flight to get the lower fare so had a credit coming that I could use 1 year from the date the original air fare was booked. When I went in to book another trip, on the payment screen it gives you the option to use the fare credit - I had to enter the flight confirmation ID from the original flight. Then I just had to pay the difference - it was very easy!

Yes - it feels really good... I know it's only really been a couple of weeks, but it makes a difference - especially on my mind. ::yes::

That is awesome that you've lost 30lbs! :woohoo: Such a bummer that your cholesterol isn't cooperating though... Just know that you are doing good things for your body anyways, and hopefully your cholesterol falls into place properly. ::yes:: Congratulations to you for moving in the right direction!!! I am super proud of you!

Ahhh... That is good to know. So, if I choose to get a voucher refund, I'll need to take another trip? :scratchin Hmmmm... LOL

Sounds like you had a good day yesterday :)

How exciting that you may have found a China hutch.

Thank you so much

I did... How are you doing today?? I hope you are doing OK. :hug:

Yes - I did, but when we got there, it was gone... I was so disappointed.

Sending you extra hugs today my friend. :grouphug:

Hope you found a hutch D - can't wait to see! I have been poking around a little for a small cupboard kind of like your coffee hutch - its hard to find something small.

Yay for Disney updates next week! Can't wait to hear.

Mexican food; I can find something to eat fairly healthy, but those darn chips and salsa they serve beforehand. Gets me every time. Love, love, love Chipotle. I get the same thing every, single time.

I've been peeking in on your auction - as usual the bags are amazing. I will own a D original one day!

Is Allison's Paris trip coming up soon?

Stay strong and have a good week ahead! Hugs and prayers always.

Yes - I am still looking for a different cupboard type thing to go there, the one I have isn't working out very well. I've since had to move the coffee pot back to the counter top. However, my mugs are still in that little cupboard - so that is working out really well, not having them in the regular cupboards... and having my travel mugs in the shoe organizer has been the BEST thing ever! They are always together, they are never falling out when I open my cupboard doors (not that I have those either, LOL) and they are orgazined so nicely. ::yes:: I hope you are able to find something that works well for your space.

Well, I have time today - so I think I am going to do my Disney update today. :scratchin

I know - right? Those darn chips!!! UGH!!!! I know this, yet I still dig in, I know that once I have one, it's all over for me. ::yes::

Thank you! :lovestruc

Yes - Allison's trip to Paris is coming soon... I don't want to give out specifics here, but yes - it's soon. :lovestruc

Thanks Carol - sending you hugs and prayers too! :hug:

:worship:Sounds like a nice day. You're doing so great with your lifting!

Mexican is my absolute favorite, too!

I've been having some pretty good days lately - it feels good to be back on track again.

I know!!!! I just love it! I love other foods too (Um ~ all of them), but mmmmm... Mexican is the best!

Lillian, just wanted to say how sorry I am about your pets. I know this has been a hard year for you. Hugs, my friend.:hug:



So yesterday... I drank coffee all morning. LOL It was just one of those days. ::yes::

Josh had something going on until noon yesterday... When he came home, we hooked up the trailer and headed into the metro... This China hutch had been on Craigslist for well over a week - and I had been watching it... It was the exact size and exact look I wanted. It started at $48 and had dropped down to $24... So even at it's first price, it was well within my budget... (cabinet shown in the center of pic with the curvy front)


Even though it was on Craigslist - it was in a store... So I contacted the store yesterday morning and it was still available. We drove an hour +, with the trailer, and by the time we got there, it was gone. I was soooooooo sad. I had several opportunities to buy it over the last week or so, and I never did. I am really kicking myself over that one. I just keep telling myself that there will be another one, in my price range... and I don't have to have it immediately - I have time. But it was still a bummer. Oh well.

So, we took the long way home... Stopping at Goodwills and other thrift stores on the way... Trying to console ourselves... and justify the fact that we were hauling around an empty trailer. :scratchin But no luck... All we found were 2 Tervis mugs at Goodwill for $1 each... They aren't the greatest - but at least one is Disney. ::yes:: And the replacement lids alone are like $4??? So, they were a good deal.


I tried to console Josh a little bit, by offering to strap the Tervis' down on to the trailer... He didn't see my humor. :scratchin

Home we went - we had to drop V off at work... While we were in town, we went out for dinner... It was delicious... Just a little cafe in town, but they do good food. ::yes::

Then we sat around all night, and were lazy. It's rare that I get a lazy night when I don't have a HUGE list of things that need to be done... So, there was no guilt at all last night. It was kind of nice, but also kind of odd.

Today will be much the same as last night... Seriously debating on digging out those chalk paints I got from JoAnn's a few weeks ago, and seeing if I am any good at that? :scratchin LOL

A couple of photos from Allison over the last few days...




Disney budget update

I am not sure if you guys get into the whole Disney budgeting "thing", but I do. I hate planning for it - but I love it when it comes together. Typically, when we stay at WDW, I just bring a whole stack of GCs + $40 cash ($20 for in the airport on the way there and $20 for on the way home)... But staying at SoG... I need to do things a little differently.

We all know there are different categories when planning a trip... There's airfare, which is always a huge unknown... Tickets... Food (many people don't think to budget for food and it's a biggie)... Resort... Plus all the little things that really add up... Tax... Tips... Town car... Souvenirs... Baggage... Some people have stroller rentals... So, I thought I would share my budget with you all - there are so many variables that happen with trip planning, but I am at a point now where I have numbers dialed in on all of it - mostly.

Resort (10 days) - $766 - due to the way I booked and the promtions, I've had to put down a pretty big percentage of deposits, so my balance is $507, due at check in... This is usually the very last thing I save for.

Airfare r/t MSP to MCO - $750 - My original budget was $600, but it just wasn't coming down... So, I re-evaluated and bumped it up to $800. I've booked and paid for it already, but I am still checking back - several times per day - for refunds.

Tickets - 4 day parkhopper salute ticket for V - $198 - Remember, I have an AP this year, so the only ticket I need to purchase for this trip is V's parkhopper.

Food - $1200 - as all of us know - this is one of the biggest variables... A person can spend a LOT or just a lot. LOL No matter how you do it - food still costs so much. Within my food budget, I also figure tax and tip where necessary. There are some days where we have 2 sit down meals, and some days where we have all counter service meals, and days were we have a mix... My total DISNEY food budget for this trip is $1200. I know that seems like a lot - and it is, but like I said, we like our Disney meals... and this is a celebration trip for V. But, due to our first trip in 2003, and not bringing enough $$ with for food... I learned my lesson, and I always bring enough for food, and then some, just in case. $1200 includes all of my buffers. LOL

Town Car - r/t MCO to SoG $150 - This is regular price, including tips both directions. In the past, I've been able to find discounts for the service I prefer to use, but if they are to be found - it won't be until closer to our trip.

Then we have a few extras thrown in... MNSSHP, because that's an extra on TOP of the extra I've already allowed for V to choose - she is paying for that one on her own. She has been working hard and saving hard for this and we will be ordering those tickets this week.

MNSSHP - $200 - This is V's responsibility to pay for - Not much to say about this... LOL It is what it is. It allows us an extra admission into MK though - and over a 10 day trip, only having a 4 day parkhopper for V, this helps a lot. ::yes::

Then, as V's graduation trip extra... She has also chosen Universal... This is a HUGE expense, and not one I look forward to paying for... Just this portion of the trip alone costs us about $500 for ONE day... Is it worth $500? Probably not, but it is fun and it's what V wanted to do as her extra. Within this - I have to budget separately, because, for some reason, Universal doesn't accept Disney GCs... :scratchin LIke Allison - we will be spending one day here, and we will be doing this one with Santos.

Universal tickets - $310 - This includes park to park admission for 3 days... It's their "military salute ticket variation" 3 park to park days for the price of 1... even though we only go for 1 - I buy the 3 days just in case, since it's the same price. However, since I already used one for myself this year - there may/may not be some sort of rule that I can only get it once... If that's the case - I will just buy a regular 1 day park to park ticket for the same price. Make sense?

Cash food - $475 - now this might be strange for some of you... but since we are staying at SoG and they don't take Disney GCs either... I need cash for the airport, plus cash for our morning Starbucks & any snacks/food/restaurants we choose to purchase while we are at SoG... Plus, I need cash for our our food & souvenirs at Universal. So, this is a lot more cash than I usually take (BTW, it's not really in the form of cash - LOL - but it's the equivalent).

Souviniers - $ unknown - So, this is the final, final thing I pay for... It's usually determined by "what's left" at the end of our trip... I usually have a couple of items in mind when I go, and I try to bring with enough for those. This trip - I'd like to replace my Splash Mountain coffee mug... I'd also like to purchase my 2016 Alex and Ani bracelet... And maybe a sweatshirt/t-shirt or something... So, I'd really like to have about $200 with for that stuff, at least. But, like I said - I don't save for that until everything else is paid for. ::yes::

Any of my Disney GCs, I purchase at Target - I know the 5% savings off of that purchase isn't huge, especially since the only thing I'll really be using the Disney GCs for on this trip is Disney food and souvenirs... but over the course of the trip, the 5% still allows me an approximate additional $75 in GCs for my $$... And sometimes, that equals my only souvenir $$, so I will take it. ::yes::

If you add it all up... The grand total for this trip is $3849... That is EVERYTHING though - except for souvenirs... I honestly don't know how I'd pull it off if we didn't have the benefit of staying at SoG... That $79/night room rate really helps us out a lot. It makes the planning a little more difficult, as far as trying to figure out how much I need to bring for cash & Disney GCs... Plus the added cost of a town car... but in the end, it's worth it... Deluxe accommodations for the cost of less than Value... I can do that. :lovestruc

So there you have it...

What do I have paid for? And what do I have left to save for? Let's just say that I am well on my way... ::yes:: And what isn't paid for already, has a plan of attack for saving... This trip is right on track for being paid in full before we ever leave. I am very proud to say that I've never incurred any credit card debt from any of our trips, thus far... I always find a way to pay cash for them before we leave. :woohoo:


So... I hope you all enjoyed that little budgeting how-to... LOL

And I hope you have a fabulous remainder to your weekend! :lovestruc

What a shame that the China hutch was gone when you got to the store. Crossing my fingers you will find a new one in your price range soon.

Looks like Allison is still having fun in Europe.

Looks like you have thought of everything in your Disney Budget.

Thank you for the extra hugs :hug: :hug:
I'm doing OK. The worst time is when I go to bed and can't help thinking about my 3 cat friends that I've lost.
Love, love, love the budget breakdown! I am a huge budget/list/organization nerd so this makes my heart quite happy! Thank you for sharing. :yay:

It's just crazy how much we can spend on Disney food, isn't it?!

We have been to US once and you are so right, it's extremely expensive for a day but worth it for the experience and considering this is V's extra, I think she will love it.

Your budgeting looks to be right on track and that's such a great feeling!

Happy Sunday!
Thanks for the budget breakdown. Seems like I'm always crunching those numbers to make it work in my favor. The cost of food seems to be a big expense no matter how you slice it. SOG looks like a big savings for you.
So sad that the hutch was gone when you got there to purchase it! That's so disappointing. Another one will come along, though.

I, too, love Chipotle. And Mexican food. Yum.....

Thanks for the budgeting info. I've got our trip fully paid for in advance, too....just need to cash a batch of checks so I have the amount of cash on hand that I want to have and we're all set and ready to go. I've got my GCs (purchased at Target, of course!), cashed in my Disney Visa rewards points, and then will have cash on hand. Magic bands are decorated (except my sister's -- I still need to do that one...) and plans made. I continue to check several times per day for a FP for Frozen Ever After but no luck yet....
Thanks for posting your Disney budget. Your food numbers are very realistic I think. Do you miss the dining plan? We are better off without it because I go nuts trying to get my "value" out of the plan instead of just eating what I want.
Thanks for posting your Disney budget. Your food numbers are very realistic I think. Do you miss the dining plan? We are better off without it because I go nuts trying to get my "value" out of the plan instead of just eating what I want.

I agree about the dining plan. Charlie and I usually end up splitting a lunch because its so much food. Last year when we went with family, we had qs credits left over. :eek: Although the convenience of using them is great, we now get the Tables in Wonderland card and just charge it and pay it off at the end of the trip.
I am so jealous of all your Disney bags and accessories! Do you happen to have an online store or anything? Hey if not that could be a way to add to your budget!!!
Your budget breakdown is super helpful-thank you! Looks like you are in a good place for your trip-that is awesome. :thumbsup2 I am currently planning our trip in March (staying offsite) for 9 of us this year!:) Newly married son and his wife plus oldest son's girlfriend along too-makes for a big party but more fun! I am trying to budget for food and your breakdown was helpful.
I'm so sad you didn't get your hutch, but I have to admit you cracked me up offering to strap down the Tervis cups in the trailer!! :)

Love your budget planning. I am the exact same way!! No one in my family appreciate my neuroses about planning down to the penny, but they sure aren't complaining when the trip comes and we're all within our budget!!
What a shame that the China hutch was gone when you got to the store. Crossing my fingers you will find a new one in your price range soon.

Looks like Allison is still having fun in Europe.

Looks like you have thought of everything in your Disney Budget.

Thank you for the extra hugs :hug: :hug:
I'm doing OK. The worst time is when I go to bed and can't help thinking about my 3 cat friends that I've lost.

It was such a bummer - but I am confident that I will be able to find another one eventually. And hopefully it will be a little closer to home. ::yes::

She is having a good time... We miss her a lot though.

I sure hope so... It gets pretty easy to plan after so many trips. ::yes::

Sending you hugs. :lovestruc

Love, love, love the budget breakdown! I am a huge budget/list/organization nerd so this makes my heart quite happy! Thank you for sharing. :yay:

It's just crazy how much we can spend on Disney food, isn't it?!

We have been to US once and you are so right, it's extremely expensive for a day but worth it for the experience and considering this is V's extra, I think she will love it.

Your budgeting looks to be right on track and that's such a great feeling!

Happy Sunday!

Thanks! I truly enjoy planning the trips and crunching the numbers. And it's even more fun when I know I can pay for it... When I first write it out and start planning - those numbers are always so overwhelming... but then I break it down into manageable chunks, and before i know it, I have it all figured out. ::yes::

I know - it's so crazy... And I totally over estimate. When I went with Suzi in November - that was the first trip I had done in a very long time with out the dining plan - so I was able to get a pretty good estimate on what it would cost me per person for these trips... For Allison's trip - I should post my figures from that, because it was crazy - even though we didn't eat at all the places I had written down, over all, I want to say that I came in within $10 of my budget. LOL I thought that was pretty darn good budgeting. LOL

Yes - it is crazy expensive... I was kind of hoping V wouldn't pick U/S for that reason... Up until Allison and I went there in January, she was still planning to do MNSSHP as her extra - but then when we got home, I knew I was a goner. LOL Allison told her about U/S, and she had stars in her eyes just like Allison did... :scratchin So, I knew I was going to have to pay for it all over again. ::yes:: But I am looking forward to going back - the only benefit I get, is that I get to go twice. :woohoo: LOL

Thanks - I hope so... I build so many buffers into my budget - especially the food portion of it... I'd like to be way under this time, because, well, it looks terrible on paper. LOL

Thanks for the budget breakdown. Seems like I'm always crunching those numbers to make it work in my favor. The cost of food seems to be a big expense no matter how you slice it. SOG looks like a big savings for you.

I love doing it, and I don't know that I've ever shared my budget breakdown here before, I know I didn't for Allison's trip - and before that, we always stayed on Disney property, so it was kind of an "all inclusive" type thing... Staying at SoG - there is a lot more "work" involved in planning... But I love it there, and I am so grateful that we get the privilege of staying there. ::yes::

Food is terrible... And I don't get groceries delivered, I've never found them necessary - so we eat out for every meal... If we need anything else, we just buy it at the resort store... but we get water and things like that in the park for free - so it's really not that necessary to buy that much food... For us, I feel like grocery delivery would be wasteful. I am so full all the time from all of the other meals - it's VERY rare, if ever, that I get back to the room and need a snack. LOL

It is a big savings... but there are a few different dynamics that go with staying there - which involve a lot more planning and preparedness. But the benefits and price far outweigh the hassle... We are very much looking forward to staying there again this trip - well, V not as much... It's not her beloved FQ. LOL But there is NO way I could afford both of these trips if we were staying on Disney property. ::yes::

So sad that the hutch was gone when you got there to purchase it! That's so disappointing. Another one will come along, though.

I, too, love Chipotle. And Mexican food. Yum.....

Thanks for the budgeting info. I've got our trip fully paid for in advance, too....just need to cash a batch of checks so I have the amount of cash on hand that I want to have and we're all set and ready to go. I've got my GCs (purchased at Target, of course!), cashed in my Disney Visa rewards points, and then will have cash on hand. Magic bands are decorated (except my sister's -- I still need to do that one...) and plans made. I continue to check several times per day for a FP for Frozen Ever After but no luck yet....

It was such a bummer... but I am still looking... It's not as if I need a hutch right this moment, mine is fine and so far no takers on it... So, I will just take my time and find the right one at the right price. Besides - I am a little bit intimidated about painting such a huge item. :scratchin

I know... Ahhh... It's my favorite!!!!

Yay for having your trip paid off before you go, it's such a relief isn't it? :woohoo: Eeeep!!! And your trip is coming soooo quickly!!!! :woohoo: Soooo exciting! Wishing you luck for FEA... Sending pixie dust you get it! :lovestruc

Thanks for posting your Disney budget. Your food numbers are very realistic I think. Do you miss the dining plan? We are better off without it because I go nuts trying to get my "value" out of the plan instead of just eating what I want.

You're welcome... I don't think I've ever shared my Disney budget here before? :scratchin For food... I plan out each meal - not necessarily exactly where, but I know what our ADRs are going to be, so I can plan those out... Then I can kind of "build" our day around those and what we typically eat. For Allison's trip, at the end, I came in within $10... That was pretty good budgeting IMO. LOL

Not really - I do miss the convenience of it. Right now, I have to save my food receipts and enter them into my budget at the end of the day... It takes all of 2 minutes, but it's kind of a pain... I am really religious about it for the first several days, but once I realize I am on track - I get a little more relaxed about entering it every night. So, yes, I miss the convenience, but that's about all. I honestly feel like we get adequate/enough/too much food paying OOP too. ::yes:: At least OOP feels a bit less wasteful.

I agree about the dining plan. Charlie and I usually end up splitting a lunch because its so much food. Last year when we went with family, we had qs credits left over. :eek: Although the convenience of using them is great, we now get the Tables in Wonderland card and just charge it and pay it off at the end of the trip.

I kind of wish I would have purchased TiW... But I crunched the #s, and I just didn't think I'd get my $$s worth out of it. ::yes::

I am so jealous of all your Disney bags and accessories! Do you happen to have an online store or anything? Hey if not that could be a way to add to your budget!!!

Thank you so much! :lovestruc My sincerest apologies, but I am not allowed to discuss any information about my business here on The Dis. I hope you understand and will continue to follow along on my TRs. :lovestruc

Your budget breakdown is super helpful-thank you! Looks like you are in a good place for your trip-that is awesome. :thumbsup2 I am currently planning our trip in March (staying offsite) for 9 of us this year!:) Newly married son and his wife plus oldest son's girlfriend along too-makes for a big party but more fun! I am trying to budget for food and your breakdown was helpful.

You're welcome! :) I really love planning and budgeting out trips... It's so much fun. I hate paying for them, but I always do. LOL One thing I do like about staying at SoG, is that nothing - except for our park tickets - has to be paid for until we get there, so I feel like I have more time to save. I like the relief of being paid off at 45 days, but it also adds so much stress too. ::yes::

That sounds like a really fun and awesome trip!!! There is such different planning involved with staying at a non-Disney resort... Just the transportation planning is enough to sway me to stay at Disney - there are just so many variables there. I hope you are able to get it all figured out. ::yes::

I'm so sad you didn't get your hutch, but I have to admit you cracked me up offering to strap down the Tervis cups in the trailer!! :)

Love your budget planning. I am the exact same way!! No one in my family appreciate my neuroses about planning down to the penny, but they sure aren't complaining when the trip comes and we're all within our budget!!

I am bummed about it - but there will be another one... I check Craigslist about as often as I check airfare. LOL

Thanks! Yah - I don't think anyone here truly appreciates it either... but my planning allows us to eat whatever we want while we are there. Allison told V when we got home in January, that paying OOP wasn't any different than DDP... She actually complimented me on my planning and my ability to be able to pay for it all, with out having to worry about us running out of $$ or over spending. So, that was a really cool compliment... I think Allison realized how much work went into me making sure we had enough. :woohoo: MY goal was for them to really be able to enjoy these trips... They LOVE ddp, and I want to show them that Disney can be done equally as well with out it. ::yes:: I think I did that with Allison - but V is a little skeptical yet. :scratchin


Oh my gosh! I was soooooo bored yesterday! I was looking for something, anything to do.

I've had a super full plate for so long now, with huge and important deadlines... To have this lull, is really difficult for me.... I never not have anything to do... :scratchin

I started off my morning by making a couple of salads... A large fruit salad to get me through my week for snacking and whenever I need some guilt free food.


And then, I cleaned the house...

I was literally wandering around - looking for something - anything to keep me occupied. I didn't want to sew, because I needed to take a weekend off - I've been working entirely too much lately. I decided to dig out my new chalk paints and attempt to paint my "consolation prize" from the store where my hutch was gone from... It was a unique - hand made - wood pedestal thing... It's kind of cool. ::yes:: And it was $1. I had a hard time deciding what color to paint it, but in the end, I went with coral... I've been trying to avoid that color, because I don't want too much of it once I paint the hutch... And forgive the photo - it really is coral, but it looks very pink. ::yes::


Considering I've never chalk painted anything in my life, and I had NO clue what I was doing, I was just adding paint all over like a maniac... I think it turned out OK?

I thought about going around the house and painting my interior doors on the main level, but i never did. It's still on my to-do list... but I need courage... I plan to paint them black. ::yes:: And even though I LOVE the look of it - it's just hard to find the courage to do something so drastic. Here's the look I am going for... This is NOT my house - LOL... Just a photo I found on Google to show what I am thinking.


One day, soon, I will find the courage... Maybe even today? :scratchin LOL Josh would probably kill me... LOL My family doesn't have much faith in my "visions" as they call them... But once I am done - they all love it. One day, they'll trust me, I hope. ::yes::

That's about all... I sat on my tablet all night, in between waiting for coats of paint to dry... All in all - a very boring weekend. ::yes::

Today - I plan to work out here shortly.

I have to get some business stuff done today.

Then I will be working upstairs all day... It's kind of nice to have a simple work load for once.

I may decide to start on V's trip bag early, just so I am not wandering around the house looking for projects. :scratchin

That's about all... A nice boring, uneventful day ahead of me.

I hope you all have a great day! Sending pixie dust out to all! :lovestruc

LOL My family doesn't have much faith in my "visions" as they call them... But once I am done - they all love it. One day, they'll trust me, I hope. ::yes::

Sounds like my family when I create, or find a new recipe to cook.....
So interesting to see your budget breakdown. We love Disney World but it is soo expensive. It's nice to see that other people have to watch their pennies to get there. :)
Love the coral color! I debated painting our spare room a light coral color but was vetoed. I had to settle for light gray walls with coral and turquoise accents. My family ALWAYS gives me a hard time about my vision for a space to the point that I give up to appease them but in their defense there have been a few times I've had to repaint because the wall color was not what I had hoped.:)
Thanks for sharing your budget plans! I also price out our vacations ahead of time and make sure I've saved enough to cover it before we leave home. So, it's interesting for me to see how someone else goes about it. If I didn't budget ahead of time, I think it would all feel very out of control LOL I do put most of it on my Disney Visa to get the Disney dollars but pay it off as soon as we get home. Your plans are coming together nicely. How wonderful you can take advantage of SOG. Even with some inconvenience, the savings is HUGE!

My mom had one of those wood pedestal stands that you painted. She put the lovely fake fruit in it and it went on our dining table. You have to love the 70's!
I love the way the pedestal stand turned out. Did you decide to go with wax or poly over the paint?

That fruit salad looks so good....yum.....

I know what you mean about wandering around the house looking for things to do. My problem is that my house is completely full of things that *need* to be done...but that I don't want to do. LOL!!!!

What is the theme for V's park bag for this trip?


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