Rides which might not fit the big/tall?


Earning My Ears
Jun 16, 2016
My SO is a big man around 6'2 and 350ish, I'd like to know which rides he might not be able to get on. We will be going to MK, HS, AK, universal islands of adventure as well.
Off the top of my head.... teacup ride has very small seats; speedway maybe too - not sure about some of the little kid rides at MK (DD is 17 so we haven't done them in years). Haven't been to AK in a while but I think most of them are ok.
I'm bigger and taller.. Some rides at disney might be a little uncomfortable but it's really just sum of all thrills and astro orbit that he might have an issue...

When riding space mountain, he wants to not be in the first seat. aka, not rows 1 or 4., 2-3,5-6 are good. rows 1 and 4 have less leg room but the others you put your legs under the seat in front of you. Can be awkward getting in/out but he will fit and enjoy..

Search for the "everything pooh sized" thread that goes into a lot more detail...

Universal is a whole different kettle. Most rides are rated for up to 6'7" but sometimes a heftier and taller man just won't fit. I haven't tried too many rides there (just getting my feet wet now at that park). Universal does have test seats outside of the ride that someone may not fit in to try before you get in line to know if your wasting your time. For example, I do not fit in any of the harry potter rides.
On many Disney sites, you may find this referred to as "Pooh-Sized" riders, and if you'll search that phrase, you'll find many good, thorough threads here. I also recommend Allears.net and their WDW At Large section - if has lots of tips, specifics about ride vehicles, where a person carries their weight (overall, tall, short and chesty, bigger legs, etc).

The good news about Disney is that for the most part riders of all sizes can enjoy nearly all the rides!

My dad was about your DH's size last trip and rode every single ride in all the parks that he wanted to. I think we didn't happen to do Astro Orbiter, and many people say they can be tricky. 7 dwarfs can be uncomfortable with long legs, but he fit. I'm heavy with my weight all over and found Speedway awkward but definitely do-able.

I hear that Universal is a lot more challenging for bigger riders. Hopefully others will chime in with specifics.
My husband is 6'4" and I'm 5'9" and we both have very long femurs, so we have a horrible time on bench seat/boat rides in which you have to sit and have a wall in front of your knees. We often have to sit completely sideways which causes a problem when they're trying to squeeze 4-5 adults across a row.
Thank you so much everyone, :worship: this helps me so much. I will also search for pooh sized as suggested. pooh:
DH is shorter but about the same weight, which means he would likely be/look bigger than your DH. He can ride everything at WDW (that he's tried). There is one and was one in Anaheim that he can't ride (Maliboomer, which is gone, and Goofy's Sky School when it was themed Mulholland Madness) because of the way he carries his weight everywhere. GSS has upside-down U-shaped lap restraint and you have to put your legs inside the "legs" of the restraint, and his tree trunk legs can't do that. Because he can't get his legs in there he can't get the bar under his belly, and it won't lock. Sigh.

Universal is NOT good for Shrek-sized people. The Mummy will likely never work, same with Gringott's, because of similar restraints to Goofy's Sky School. He's getting closer and closer with the Hulk's bigger seats. Not sure when Forbidden Journey will be possible, since he has a "deep" chest as well as quite a bit of width at the shoulders; that combined with the belly and his legs just makes it difficult.

But with the extra 2-3 inches of height, and depending on how exactly your hubby is built, things might be more possible for him. Try the seats outside the bigger attractions. On FJ if he's borderline on the seat outside, have him try inside; it sometimes works for some people.

DH still has a great time at Universal, despite not fitting on everything he wants to ride. He has hopes that someday he'll find a way to combat his horrible metabolism (and he's dealing with a pituitary tumor that makes everything even more difficult) and will ride those rides. But in the meantime he has fun.
Universal is horrible... Forbidden Journey while it has modified seats are still horrible. Gringotts is bad because of the leg part of the restraints. I saw bigger people riding but few and far between. Its more about where you carry the weight. They will have you test out the seats on FB before you get to the loading platform. And as someone else said... they have sample seats at all ride entrances. On one of my rides we had a guy about 6'4. He as stocky but not that large and the way the leg bar hit he tried and said it was just not feasible. Google and you will find many forums that talk about it... people even have pictures of them in the seats.
My 14 year old son is 6'6" and 200 lbs. this last March he rode everything but Astro orbitor was tough (he had his own rocket too) and he realized that sitting in certain seats on space mountain helped too
I am exactly the same size. 6' 2" 350 lbs and I can ride almost everything at Disney and almost nothing at Universal/IOA.
Bluto's barges have 1 seat in each raft with an extra long seat belt. Minions was doable but painful. MIB was a tight fit but doable. The shows were all fine but the rides are few and far between.
My brother is 6'6" and about 400# the last time he was in Orlando. He's been able to ride everything at WDW, although with some discomfort (he said 7DMT was pretty bad, but tolerable for the few minutes the ride lasts). (Note that he never tried Sum of All Thrills, but that's closing/closed, right?)

Like others have said, Uni was a different story. He couldn't ride most things and doesn't want to go back at all. He has lost some weight, but he's still a big guy and doesn't think there's any way he'd fit on the Uni rides.
Anyone have any more input on lack of leg room/lap bars that can't fit over knees? My dad is 6'4 (but pretty slim) with especially long legs and has had problems in the past with bars unable to lock in position because his knees come up so high when sitting in ride vehicles.
My husband is 6'8" and 265 lbs. he fit everywhere! CMs will seat him accordingly.
Although he can always ask for the "LeBron" seat on Space Mountain!
Anyone have any more input on lack of leg room/lap bars that can't fit over knees? My dad is 6'4 (but pretty slim) with especially long legs and has had problems in the past with bars unable to lock in position because his knees come up so high when sitting in ride vehicles.
That's my brother exactly. Don't sit in the front seat of Space, 7dwarfs is tricky, but ok once you get your legs under the bar. I don't recall him complaining of much else. . .
I agree with just about everything here, especially about Universal. I was 6-2, 370 (I've lost 30 since then. Yay!) and didn't fit ona damn thing. Gringotts I checked three times and they said no problem, just ask for the larger seats, but the lap bar wouldn't lock so I had to get off. Pretty embarrassing, and enough to keep me from going back unless I'm a lot thinner.
My SO is a big man around 6'2 and 350ish, I'd like to know which rides he might not be able to get on. We will be going to MK, HS, AK, universal islands of adventure as well.

My husband is 6'3" and a bit over 300lbs. There was one ride at Universal he couldn't ride, the castle ride in the Harry Potter Section, and that was because his shoulders were too high. At WDW, he is pretty uncomfortable in 7 Dwarves, but he fits. He also says he doesn't have enough leg room in Space Mountain, but he can make it work.


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