Transgenders and bathrooms....


DIS Veteran
Sep 10, 2003
Honestly, I'm not all that well versed on the transgender thing as it isn't intersecting with my life yet but....

When transgenders are permitted into the bathroom of the gender with which they identify, what's to stop some pervy guy/gal from just saying they identify with a certain gender just to go into the bathroom and "be pervy" (whatever perverts might do in the bathroom to be perverts)?

Or is there really nothing a pervert could do in a bathroom that other patrons of the bathroom might find perverse? I haven't given it a whole lot of thought.

FTR, I do realize that biological gals could be just as perverted in the women's bathroom (same for guys and men's bathroom) but I would think that would be much more rare.

This might be a giant can of worms but I want to know other's opinions on this.
What's to stop a perv from pretending to be the opposite gender and going into a bathroom now? I mean, really, if they are going to break the law to peak at people, or harass them, or worse, well why would they care about breaking that law?

And really, why put one group (trans people) into what has been shown to be a dangerous situation to them, because another group (pervy cis people) might do something bad. Why not just control what the bad guys do in the first place?

And if these pervy cis people are such a problem, why aren't we worried about what they might do to same gender children in the bathroom they would be using normally?
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A pervert is not paying attention to the assigned bathrooms anyway.
This is all a lot of fearmongering with no basis behind it.
Having a transgendered person use the bathroom they are most comfortable in does not make anyone any less safe than they are already.
They have obviously been using the restroom for all these years without anyone telling them where to go and I bet most use the one of the gender they identify with. Why on earth would it be a problem now?

Children are most likely to be molested, attacked, etc. by a pervert in their own family or parents' circle of friends not by anyone (transgender or not) in a restroom.
Honestly, I'd find it weirder if someone who looked like a man (but was biologically) was in the women's washroom (which is what the law states in those states with it) than if someone who looked like a woman but happened to have a ***** (which I wouldn't see/know about).

And, as NHdisneylover said allowing transgendered people to use the washroom matching their gender makes it no more likely that a perverted person would use the wrong bathroom with some perverted motive than it is now.
Let me first say I am a conservative Christian. So this is where I am coming from.
In 90% of most cases, you cannot tell if a person is transgender. I honestly feel bad for those who are transgender. They are the ones who are just going to the bathroom and doing their business and leaving. I am sick to death of these perverts giving transgenders a bad name. I am one who has young children, and I do not feel comfortable letting them use the bathroom alone in most places. We use the family bathroom or they come into the women's with me. my 7 year old is now at the point he can wait outside the bathroom in most places. I get where some people are honestly concerned about the perverts. We just need to be stricter on those who are caught peeping in the bathrooms and/or molesting or raping people.
Perverse behavior isn't gender specific. There is nothing to stop a perverse man or woman from going into their gender assigned bathroom and doing something unacceptable to other patrons.

A woman born to that gender can be just as "pervy" to other women and young girls and the same can be said about men.
What's to stop a perv from pretending to be the opposite gender and going into a bathroom now? I mean, really, if they are going to break the law to peak at people, or harass them, or worse, well why would they care about breaking that law?

And really, why put one group (trans people) into what has been shown to be a dangerous situation to them, because another group (pervy cis people) might do something bad. Why not just control what the bad guys do in the first place?

And if these pervy cis people are such a problem, why aren't we worried about what they might do to same gender children in the bathroom they would be using normally?
I'm not even going to waste my time... You've said it all perfect here :)
Honestly, I'm not all that well versed on the transgender thing as it isn't intersecting with my life yet but....

When transgenders are permitted into the bathroom of the gender with which they identify, what's to stop some pervy guy/gal from just saying they identify with a certain gender just to go into the bathroom and "be pervy" (whatever perverts might do in the bathroom to be perverts)?

Or is there really nothing a pervert could do in a bathroom that other patrons of the bathroom might find perverse? I haven't given it a whole lot of thought.

FTR, I do realize that biological gals could be just as perverted in the women's bathroom (same for guys and men's bathroom) but I would think that would be much more rare.

This might be a giant can of worms but I want to know other's opinions on this.
A pervert will figure out a way to be a pervert regardless if innocent people are allowed to use the bathroom of their identifying gender or not. There were plenty of perverts long before there were bathrooms that were gender friendly.

Painting a broad brush, punishing a whole group of innocent people because of some ridiculous phobias is wrong. Most people I see offering up the pervert excuse to not to allow transsexuals the bathroom of their gender are those who are phobic and trying to hide behind some weak theory.

And this thread will poof in 5......4.......3.......2........
Agree with many who posted above...nothing has changed and pervs will be pervs.

I do find it interesting that now with the bathroom issue everybody is suddenly concerned for women and children. Why is this concern just coming now? Why haven't these people stood up against rape culture when scandals of football players and coaches come out? Priests and politicians? Where have the boycotts been? Why is the message then all about what the girl did or why ruin these good men's lives? We hate to see our "heroes" fall, but the concern for womens' safety now seems a bit hollow and frankly as an excuse to further marginalize an already marginalized group.
Agree with many who posted above...nothing has changed and pervs will be pervs.

I do find it interesting that now with the bathroom issue everybody is suddenly concerned for women and children. Why is this concern just coming now? Why haven't these people stood up against rape culture when scandals of football players and coaches come out? Priests and politicians? Where have the boycotts been? Why is the message then all about what the girl did or why ruin these good men's lives? We hate to see our "heroes" fall, but the concern for womens' safety now seems a bit hollow and frankly as an excuse to further marginalize an already marginalized group.

I completely agree with you! Seriously, where's THAT outrage? And why are marginalized groups always the ones to have to protect against it? Men can and do control themselves all the time. To suggest that women have to change their habits (like not using the women's room) because men can't control themselves or do anything (like use a bathroom) without ulterior motives is offensive to both men and women.

Yea, it doesn't matter to me that much. I mean, if a guy is the girl's bathroom and all he does is go into a stall, use it, wash his hands, and walk out what? I've done that when the line for the ladies has been out the door and I couldn't wait. And, anyway, a transgender woman is a woman, not a man, and therefore makes sense to be in the woman's bathroom. And yea, they've been doing this for years and no one cared - until the Far Right decided to make them a political tool. Just like no one cared to outlaw gay marriage (making it technically legal before this) until the 1990s.

As far as more information about LGBT news and issues try and :)
Honestly, I'm not all that well versed on the transgender thing as it isn't intersecting with my life yet but....

When transgenders are permitted into the bathroom of the gender with which they identify, what's to stop some pervy guy/gal from just saying they identify with a certain gender just to go into the bathroom and "be pervy" (whatever perverts might do in the bathroom to be perverts)?

Or is there really nothing a pervert could do in a bathroom that other patrons of the bathroom might find perverse? I haven't given it a whole lot of thought.

FTR, I do realize that biological gals could be just as perverted in the women's bathroom (same for guys and men's bathroom) but I would think that would be much more rare.

This might be a giant can of worms but I want to know other's opinions on this.

This is a non-issue that was stirred up by a politician for political purposes.
Good grief. How sad that folks have nothing better to do than to harass folks minding their own business going to the bathroom. It doesn't speak well of a certain state. Unfortunately, decent businesses who aren't into being potty policemen are suffering from fewer tourists, events and conventions.


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