Adulting is Hard, So I'm Running Away! ~ An Oct 2016 PTR ~ Update 10/19: Peace Out, Yo!

I hear ya, that is a hard decision regarding the AP's. Not sure what I would do in that case...

I'm jealous about GOT, I'll be out of the country and won't get to watch until the beginning of May!!
Well done on your continued weight loss, that's absolutely great and you should be proud!

I've never bought an AP so don't keep up with stuff but if over the years they generally only increase the price once a year I'd wait and see if you get them back at work. If not I'm not sure what to suggest:rotfl2: I'm a lot of help huh :lmao:
WHOO HOO! Six pounds less than you were the month before by itself is reason to celebrate! But 10% of your body weight is FANTASIC, SUPER AWESOME!!!!!!!! Congratulations on the continued success.

I don't have much advice on the AP...I think you just need to bring me and I will supply tickets, lol...seriously, I would hold off a little to see if you get them in. Generally you know a day or too ahead of time if Disney is raising rates, so you can always snag one then (just be prepared to do so at the drop of a hat :) ) Also, generally they only have increases once a I would not anticipate them having an increase until closer to the time they did the restructuring last year.

I tend to like lighter mystery books...if you ever have a hankering to read some of those, I could make some suggestions.

On a sad note, we have decided to cancel the October trip. I have not told my sister yet. If things work out, we will just see what we can manage closer to that time. But I will be officially letting my Nemo suite reservation go at AoA sometime this week (still trying to get myself to do it). But I still get to go in a month, so I can't be too sad! (now if that one falls through last all may have to form an intervention, cause I don't know what I will do then! LOL

Take care!
Way to go on the weight loss!! AWESOME!!!

Another great Disney update. I can't wait to see how your ADRs fall :)


when means I get to spend a week not being at work, reading books, enjoying the sunshine before it gets blistering hot and humid, hanging out in coffee houses and listening to local musicians, and basically just being as lazy as humanly possible. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Sounds DIVINE! Enjoy.

Speaking of my adventure... it officially starts in LESS THAN 200 DAYS!!! I missed the 200 Days benchmark yesterday, so today I'm celebrating LESS than 200 days left to wait!!! :hyper:


Which means that I've officially lost 10% of my starting body weight!


On the recommendation of @cinderkelly and @ALEXandFAB , I picked up "The Night Circus." I wasn't sure what to think at first, as I find "present tense" style to be a bit awkward, plus the way it jumps all over the story's timeline was hard to get used to initially. But once I got past those, I really lost myself in the story and the characters. Plus, I know it seems strange to think of a book as having "visuals," but I'm not sure how else to describe it... But the visuals in the book were absolutely breath-taking. It's just gorgeous, some of the things these two main characters create for one another. I think that's what truly made me fall in love with it, and what made it so different from the things I've been reading lately. It's just a really beautiful work!

I'm intrigued. Gotta add it to the list.
I have already taken a look at your spreadsheet and it looks like we will both be in Magic Kingdom on 10/27!! So, no excuses we must meet up!!!
YES! This is a definite! As you can see, I'm doing ADRs for both breakfast and lunch that day. So if ya'll would like to join me for either, just let me know within the next 2 weeks, and I'll make the ADR for 5 instead of 1! Or we can get together for the FoF parade, if you want. OR we can just exchange cell #s and try to find each other sometime during the that day. Whatever works best for ya'll... I'm flexible! :cutie:

I know what you mean about my ADR's!! I know we definitely want to do BOG for dinner this time and I want to try Via Napoli. I'm also thinking about trying Whispering Canyon too! Those are the only 3 I can think of at this point, so I have 3.5 weeks to figure it out!
I think I always have a super long list of places I want to eat at Disney, just constantly rattling around inside my food-addicted brain. :laughing:

That will be exciting and nerve wracking:)
But also FUN! Stressful, yes, but I still love the excitement of ADR day! Even if it means being up at 5:30am! Fortunately this time it falls not only on a Sunday, but also during my staycation, and I'm such a night owl that I will most likely just stay up, then go to bed after ADRs are done... if I'm not too excited to sleep! :hyper:

I am so jealous. I was 3 hours short of vacation before our trip a few weeks ago. Luckily, my boss is cool, and I earned it while I was on vacation.
That was really nice of your boss! I only earn vacation time for worked hours, meaning I have to physically have my butt in the office in order to accrue vacation/sick time. I don't get it when I'm on leave or during paid holidays, etc. But I can't complain, since I earn 2-3 times more than I would normally actually use, hence the need for me to take a couple of staycations each year, in addition to my annual big WDW trip. (It's a good problem to have, though! Not complaining!)

Ooooo, Tejas de Brazil. They are so good. Since I am recommitting to my diet, we will be eating at Fogo de Chao for our anniversary in a couple of weeks, so I can be sure to get my protein and veggies. No drinks or dessert though. I was really bad in December through March, so I really need to get back.
I've been wanting to go to Texas de Brazil since I very first heard of Brazilian steakhouses 10 years ago or so, and somehow have never made it to one! So I'm VERY much looking forward to finally crossing it off my list in October!

That is awesome! Good job:thumbsup2 10% is a huge deal. Technically, you have lost a little more than 10%:) I have been slacking off on my diet and exercise. So last week I started eating well again, and I am going to the gym on Wednesday. I have a long way to go exercise-wise to get back to where I was last September. I was really good then, working out twice a week and going to an intensive yoga class twice a week. It's so hard starting back though. So, congratulations! Remember what you have done and accomplished, not what you are not doing:)
Yes, you're exactly right! When I get discouraged, it helps to think about how far I've come, and how badly I do NOT want to undo the progress I've made!

Yay, yay! It's getting real now! Excited to see your new spreadsheet! :thumbsup2
I know, right?! I'm hoping the spreadsheet doesn't change TOO much after ADRs... Because if it does, that means ADR day didn't go well and I had to regroup. :scared:

I've never seen this but I think I would really like it. I need to see if we have it on Amazon Prime or something!
As far as I know, it's exclusive to HBO. A couple months ago when I decided I wanted to binge-watch all 5 seasons, I posted on FB asking if it was on Netflix of Amazon or anything, and a friend said it's not, but she gave me her HBO Go login and password so I could watch... and now I'm addicted!

This sounds like perfection! A quick 2-night visit with an AP wouldn't be out of the question either...Pop rates are looking pretty good. Just saying. :confused3
YOU FILTHY TEMPTRESS, YOU. :rotfl: Actually, I can't do that, as much as I would love to... I need my AP to not start until October 21st, because I need it to cover me for three trips: October 2016, February 2017, and October 2017. :thumbsup2

Hopefully they will go on sale soon! I'm ready to get this trip rolling!! :car:
You and me both, lady! :drive:

Hmm...I would probably just buy it now. But I have no patience and don't always make the best choices because I can't wait!
HAHAHA! So impulsive! Honestly, I've had the money set aside for it for a while now... I think it's just burning a hole in my pocket! Plus I really want to call and remove the Memory Maker from my resort booking, so I can get that $150 back and put it towards the rest of my trip savings, but I'm not doing that until after I actually go through with purchasing the AP! So I'm getting all kinds of itchy to get this done! :rotfl:

Congratulations! You're doing amazing!! :hug:
Thank you, honey! :hug:

This sounds fabulous! Kind of like how my Spring Break was - one of the perks of being a teacher, at least :) Hope you enjoy every bit of it!
I will! I'm going to stay up late and sleep in and just general be a SLOTH. :laughing:

But you still lost 6 lb! That's really amazing :)
Thanks! My goal is an average of 2-3 lbs a week, so I came in under that for March, hence my disappointment. But I have faith that April will be better. (In fact, I lost another pound this morning, so that's now 4 lbs down for April!)

I'm so glad you enjoyed the books! I was a little nervous about them at first, but I've really enjoyed the series. I'm currently feeding my vampire obsession with JR Ward, but since I don't have her newest yet, I think Anne Bishop is up next :)
Have you read the 4th installment of The Others yet, the one what just came out last month? "Marked in Flesh?" If not, we might be in that one at the same time. I'll be starting it sometime this week!

And yay for being in the same month as ADR day! That's always a super exciting one :)
It's SO exciting! I'm so so so ready to get this done!

And I'm now adding the Night Circus to my list - it had been on there for a while after I heard a podcast about the book, but I never got around to it.
Definitely do, it's a great read!

Hopefully you can get a deal on the AP, but at the very least you should get your money's worth with two trips, even if it is expensive :/ And then there is the fact that the AP has made us plan another trip we weren't originally going to take this year :P So that's always a possibility :)
Oh, it's already planned to cover 3 trips... Oct. 2016, as well as Feb. and Oct. 2017! :goodvibes I would LOVE to slip an April 2017 solo trip in there too, but financially I just don't see a way. Oh well!

I hear ya, that is a hard decision regarding the AP's. Not sure what I would do in that case...
It's TOUGH, right?! :confused3

I'm jealous about GOT, I'll be out of the country and won't get to watch until the beginning of May!!
Oh, poor you... You'll be off gallivanting abroad, while I'm home watching TV! :rotfl:

Well done on your continued weight loss, that's absolutely great and you should be proud!
Thank you kindly! :-)

I've never bought an AP so don't keep up with stuff but if over the years they generally only increase the price once a year I'd wait and see if you get them back at work. If not I'm not sure what to suggest:rotfl2: I'm a lot of help huh :lmao:
You give GREAT advice, truly! :laughing:

WHOO HOO! Six pounds less than you were the month before by itself is reason to celebrate! But 10% of your body weight is FANTASIC, SUPER AWESOME!!!!!!!! Congratulations on the continued success.
Thanks so much, Lynn! :hug:

I don't have much advice on the AP...I think you just need to bring me and I will supply tickets, lol...seriously, I would hold off a little to see if you get them in. Generally you know a day or too ahead of time if Disney is raising rates, so you can always snag one then (just be prepared to do so at the drop of a hat :) ) Also, generally they only have increases once a I would not anticipate them having an increase until closer to the time they did the restructuring last year.
That's actually excellent advice, Lynn! Thank you so much! You've calmed a bit of my anxiety over the whole thing! :goodvibes

On a sad note, we have decided to cancel the October trip. I have not told my sister yet. If things work out, we will just see what we can manage closer to that time. But I will be officially letting my Nemo suite reservation go at AoA sometime this week (still trying to get myself to do it). But I still get to go in a month, so I can't be too sad! (now if that one falls through last all may have to form an intervention, cause I don't know what I will do then! LOL
Noooooooooooooo! :sad: I still say you make it a solo trip, lady!!!

Way to go on the weight loss!! AWESOME!!!
Thank you SO much!!! :hug:

Another great Disney update. I can't wait to see how your ADRs fall :)
They better fall right where I want them to, dangit! I'm not trying for anything super difficult, so I should be able to get everything I want... In theory! :scratchin

Sounds DIVINE! Enjoy.
I intend to! We're talking a week of epic laziness! I am so excited! :hyper:

Thank you so much! :hug:

I'm intrigued. Gotta add it to the list.
You really do! I loved it!
1. ADRs! That's right, it's almost ADR day, which for me is April 24th! Finally! Less than three weeks to go now! :hyper: I can't wait to get my massively massive list of ADRs booked and confirmed!

Ah!! ADR day is so close ... which means soon you get to share all the information about the yummy noms you'll be eating!

3. Staycation! As usual, I have too many unused vacation hours that are threatening to disappear if I don't use them soon. So it's time to take a week off to burn some of them up! I can't afford to go anywhere, when means I get to spend a week not being at work, reading books, enjoying the sunshine before it gets blistering hot and humid, hanging out in coffee houses and listening to local musicians, and basically just being as lazy as humanly possible. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Yay for staycation!
(My life is basically one long staycation, so I kinda get the joy of sitting around doing only what you want to do!)

So onto more WDW things, though... Did ya'll see that MNSSHP dates were confirmed? HOORAY! And my chosen date of 10/23 works out great, so I'm happy about that! Now if they would just hurry up and go on-sale so that I can buy my ticket! :hyper:

Disney actually do something soon instead of 5 seconds before the event? That's a crazy idea ....

I'll be staying that very first night at the Holiday Inn & Suites Universal in a Standard King Bed room. Since I'm not going to Universal on this trip, the hotel's super-close proximity to those parks doesn't interest me. However, it's only 2.5 miles from Texas de Brazil (which I'm considering taking an Uber over to and back so I can have a few cocktails with dinner), and I got a SUPER rate through work... Just $77, no tax! Can't beat it! And it's connected to it's own TGIFriday's that offers a breakfast buffet in the mornings, so that will be a perfect place to fuel-up for my day before heading over to start my Disney adventure! :cutie:

Yay for having the hotel booked! Proximity to food is always the best way to pick a hotel. Always.

Speaking of my adventure... it officially starts in LESS THAN 200 DAYS!!! I missed the 200 Days benchmark yesterday, so today I'm celebrating LESS than 200 days left to wait!!! :hyper:

Yay for less than 200 days! :cheer2:

(B) Just suck it up and buy it direct from Disney now for $797, and try not to cry if we get them back to sell and I see how much I could have saved if I had just waited.

This is what I would do. With all the weirdness with Disney tickets right now, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't give them back to you to sell. It stinks to pay more, but ... it's better than waiting for another price increase.

This is kinda significant because when I started this 3 months ago, I weighed 370 lbs. Which means that I've officially lost 10% of my starting body weight! Many many years ago when I did Weight Watchers, they taught us to celebrate those 10% goals, and it's always stuck with me as a pretty cool thing to get excited about! :hyper: I'm 10% smaller! I take up 10% less space!

OMG YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so incredibly happy for you and proud of you! You are awesome!
Congratulations Billie on the weight loss. We're all rooting for you. Keep up the good work.
So excited to hear what you get for your ADRs. I do 't have anything to add regarding the tickets, but it would be strange to see them jump again before your trip.
I can't wait to get my massively massive list of ADRs booked and confirmed!

I have too many unused vacation hours that are threatening to disappear if I don't use them soon.
This is a problem I will never, ever have. Between actual vacations and having to cover days where there are no classes during my son's school year...*POOF* vacation days = gone. Only 9.5 more years until all my vacation days are mine again :sad::laughing:

and basically just being as lazy as humanly possible.
This sounds so incredible right about now!

Just suck it up and buy it direct from Disney now for $797, and try not to cry if we get them back to sell and I see how much I could have saved if I had just waited.
I would wait just a bit more, and then this is probably what I would end up doing...

I've officially lost 10% of my starting body weight!
:dancer: YOU ROCK!
I need to get my lazy tushie moving so I can lose the last 20 lbs...and finally make it to my goal of an even 100 lbs lost :goodvibes

I know it seems strange to think of a book as having "visuals," but I'm not sure how else to describe it... But the visuals in the book were absolutely breath-taking.
Yes!! EXACTLY. This is EXACTLY what I enjoyed so much about this book...the author's beautiful/immersive writing style.

Re: the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series author. She just released the prologue for her new book, entitled Strange the Dreamer (OMG!!!) to be released Sept 2016:

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

On the second sabbat of Twelfthmoon, in the city of Weep, a girl fell from the sky.

Her skin was blue, her blood was red.

She broke over an iron gate, crimping it on impact, and there she hung, impossibly arched, graceful as a temple dancer swooning on a lover’s arm. One slick finial anchored her in place. Its point, protruding from her sternum, glittered like a brooch. She fluttered briefly as her ghost shook loose, and then her hands relaxed, shedding fistfuls of freshly picked torch ginger buds.

Later, they would say these had been hummingbird hearts and not blossoms at all.

They would say she hadn’t shed blood but wept it. That she was lewd, tonguing her teeth at them, upside down and dying, that she vomited a serpent that turned to smoke when it hit the ground. They would say a flock of moths had come, frantic, and tried to lift her away.

That was true. Only that.

They hadn’t a prayer, though. The moths were no bigger than the startled mouths of children, and even dozens together could only pluck at the strands of her darkening hair until their wings sagged, sodden with her blood. They were purled away with the blossoms as a grit-choked gust came blasting down the street. The earth heaved underfoot. The sky spun on its axis. A queer brilliance lanced through billowing smoke, and the people of Weep had to squint against it. Blowing grit and hot light and the stink of saltpeter. There had been an explosion. They might have died, all and easily, but only this girl had, shaken from some pocket of the sky.

Her feet were bare, her mouth stained damson. Her pockets were all full of plums. She was young and lovely and surprised and dead.

She was also blue.

Blue as opals, pale blue. Blue as cornflowers, or dragonfly wings, or a spring—not summer—sky.

Someone screamed. The scream drew others. The others screamed, too, not because a girl was dead, but because the girl was blue, and this meant something in the city of Weep. Even after the sky stopped reeling, and the earth settled, and the last fume spluttered from the blast site and dispersed, the screams went on, feeding themselves from voice to voice, a virus of the air.

The blue girl’s ghost gathered itself and perched, bereft, upon the spearpoint-tip of the projecting finial, just an inch above her own still chest. Gasping in shock, she tilted back her invisible head and gazed, mournfully, up.

The screams went on and on.

And across the city, atop a monolithic wedge of seamless, mirror-smooth metal, a statue stirred, as though awakened by the tumult, and slowly lifted its great horned head.

"The Others" that begins with the book "Written in Red."
Added to my never-ending "to read" list ::yes::
I have not cancelled it yet, and unless someone desperately needs the deposit money I probably won't do so until much closer. Right now, I can't afford a solo trip, but that's okay...just builds up anticipation for the next one!
Ah!! ADR day is so close ... which means soon you get to share all the information about the yummy noms you'll be eating!
And girl, you know how much I love to talk about FOOD. Especially now, since I have to eat all the good stuff with my IMAGINATION.

Yay for staycation!
(My life is basically one long staycation, so I kinda get the joy of sitting around doing only what you want to do!)
I want your life. Gimme.

Disney actually do something soon instead of 5 seconds before the event? That's a crazy idea ....
Yet they wants us to figure out what we want to eat on vacation 6 MONTHS in advance.

Yay for having the hotel booked! Proximity to food is always the best way to pick a hotel. Always.
Yep. #priorities

Yay for less than 200 days! :cheer2:
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

This is what I would do. With all the weirdness with Disney tickets right now, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't give them back to you to sell. It stinks to pay more, but ... it's better than waiting for another price increase.
And dangit, I just WANT it! I want my Annual Pass! I want it NOW!

OMG YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so incredibly happy for you and proud of you! You are awesome!
Thank you!!! :hug:

Congratulations Billie on the weight loss. We're all rooting for you. Keep up the good work.
Thanks so much! :hug:

So excited to hear what you get for your ADRs. I do 't have anything to add regarding the tickets, but it would be strange to see them jump again before your trip.
I agree, you're right, it would. I might hold out a little longer.


This sounds so incredible right about now!
It will be! I can't wait for my lazecation!

I would wait just a bit more, and then this is probably what I would end up doing...
I think ya'll are right, I'm gonna wait a bit and see what happens.

:dancer: YOU ROCK!
I need to get my lazy tushie moving so I can lose the last 20 lbs...and finally make it to my goal of an even 100 lbs lost :goodvibes
You can do it! My next big goal is 50 lbs lost, which as of this morning, I'm only 11 lbs away from!

Re: the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series author. She just released the prologue for her new book, entitled Strange the Dreamer (OMG!!!) to be released Sept 2016:
Yep. That's going on the list. :thumbsup2

Added to my never-ending "to read" list ::yes::
I have one of those, too! :goodvibes

I have not cancelled it yet, and unless someone desperately needs the deposit money I probably won't do so until much closer. Right now, I can't afford a solo trip, but that's okay...just builds up anticipation for the next one!
I can't afford a solo trip either, honestly. #irresponsible :rotfl:
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Yesterday was both our ADR day for our October trip and our fastpass day for our June family trip. Does this mean we go to Disney too often? ;) We have eleven people on this June trip with four separate rooms and all of them linked to each other. It is crazy.

I haven't linked our October and December trips to my MDE account yet because I don't want all the extended family peeps seeing everything we are doing in October and December. I get too many comments from them. So I only booked our Liberty Tree Tavern lunch for October. That is probably the only one that is hard to get at the time we like to eat. Otherwise, we like to be a little flexible. But I do think I want to try and get another Yak & Yeti Dinner and hopefully see the new River of Light show. When we ate at Yak and Yeti in February the waiter brought me the wrong drink and it was fantastic. I told him that he couldn't take it back. It was called a Yak Attack - a truly appropriate name for a lightweight like me. ;) Now I have to have pot stickers and a Yak Attack - and some other food, too.

I'm getting really antsy about buying my Annual Pass. See, for years previously we've sold them at a my work for a discount. Then when Disney restructured the APs a few months back, we were told we couldn't sell them anymore. We've been figuring we'd get them back eventually, but no luck so far. And the big price hike Disney just did has got me scared. So my options at this point are:

(A) Continue to wait to see if we get them back at work so that I can get a discount, but also run the risk of us NOT getting them and meanwhile Disney could raise the price again on buying it direct through them, costing me more in the long run, or...
What if you wait until you get close to your 60 days out before deciding what to do. That should be safe enough, shouldn't it?

I've officially lost 10% of my starting body weight!
Yahoo!!! That is really good.
Ooey gooey toffee cake!, ADRs, ADRs, ADRs!

I dream of being able to do this for more than an occasional half day.

I tend to like lighter mystery books...if you ever have a hankering to read some of those, I could make some suggestions.

Suggestions please! I've added "The Night Circus" to my reading list.

Have to add: Congratulations on 10% plus weight loss! Fantastic and motivating! I was sick for a few days a couple of months ago and still haven't got back into my exercise routine.
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I can't afford a solo trip either, honestly. #irresponsible :rotfl:

I have a gut feeling that the family I am going with in May is going to cancel , so I may be looking for a roommate...I have tickets and a family suite at AS Music booked! And if they do, I may seriously be looking for one or two people to share the room cost with me...:rotfl:Because I seriously want to go in May!

Ooey gooey toffee cake!, ADRs, ADRs, ADRs!

Suggestions please! I've added "The Night Circus" to my reading list.

I like The # series by Janet Evanovich (although I like her Wicked series a whole lot better) abut her latest ones (20's) are as good or may be too predictable for me. I like I like Joanne Fluke's Hannah Swensen series (I like to bake too, so I always like seeing recipes too, lol.
Yesterday was both our ADR day for our October trip and our fastpass day for our June family trip. Does this mean we go to Disney too often? ;) We have eleven people on this June trip with four separate rooms and all of them linked to each other. It is crazy.
That's SUPER crazy! Though I can relate. Right now my Feb. 2017 trip is 7 people between 4 rooms. And potentially expanding to 9 people/5 rooms. And I'm managing them all through my MDE account! :scared:

I haven't linked our October and December trips to my MDE account yet because I don't want all the extended family peeps seeing everything we are doing in October and December. I get too many comments from them. So I only booked our Liberty Tree Tavern lunch for October. That is probably the only one that is hard to get at the time we like to eat. Otherwise, we like to be a little flexible. But I do think I want to try and get another Yak & Yeti Dinner and hopefully see the new River of Light show. When we ate at Yak and Yeti in February the waiter brought me the wrong drink and it was fantastic. I told him that he couldn't take it back. It was called a Yak Attack - a truly appropriate name for a lightweight like me. ;) Now I have to have pot stickers and a Yak Attack - and some other food, too.
I'm making a stop into Yak & Yeti in October just for an appetizer and the dessert wontons (since I made the grievous error of skipping out on them last time)... I'm thinking I'll need to add this Yak Attack into that plan!! ::yes::

What if you wait until you get close to your 60 days out before deciding what to do. That should be safe enough, shouldn't it?
This is what I'm leaning towards, though 60 days is cutting it a bit close for me. I'll probably wait until 90 days or so, and if still no word on us selling them at work, I'll just go ahead and buy it from Disney direct!

Yahoo!!! That is really good.
Thank you!!! :goodvibes

Ooey gooey toffee cake!, ADRs, ADRs, ADRs!
Mmmm... I can't wait to try that Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake. It's the entire reason I'm doing an LTT lunch ADR! :hyper:

I dream of being able to do this for more than an occasional half day.
I LOVE BEING LAZY. :lovestruc

I've added "The Night Circus" to my reading list.
Hooray! I hope you enjoy it! :cutie:

Have to add: Congratulations on 10% plus weight loss! Fantastic and motivating! I was sick for a few days a couple of months ago and still haven't got back into my exercise routine.
Thanks! :hug: Yeah, I'm not sure how or why I fell off the exercise wagon last month, but I'm definitely back on it now!

I have a gut feeling that the family I am going with in May is going to cancel , so I may be looking for a roommate...I have tickets and a family suite at AS Music booked! And if they do, I may seriously be looking for one or two people to share the room cost with me...:rotfl:Because I seriously want to go in May!
I'm going to PM you about this! :D

I like The # series by Janet Evanovich (although I like her Wicked series a whole lot better) abut her latest ones (20's) are as good or may be too predictable for me. I like I like Joanne Fluke's Hannah Swensen series (I like to bake too, so I always like seeing recipes too, lol.
My mom likes Janet Evanovich and Nora Roberts. Pretty much all she reads, actually!
I am not a romance person, and Nora Roberts has too much of that crap for me, lol....and Evanovich actually has several different series of books, one being a romance and the two I like are more mystery (and funny romance if you want to say romance at all)...I am not a pining for love in a book person...I want humor and murder solving. Nothing I have to think too hard for either. (I have to do too much of that for my mortgage paying job...I do not want to have to think too deeply while I am reading a book, sad, I know. :)
I couldn't get multi quote to work on my phone. I am checking in on my lunch break and just have to comment.

Here's part of a quote I need:
I'm going to PM you about this! :D
Reply: I sense a dangerous situation developing. Are you sure The World can handle the two of you at the same time?

The other quote got away from me entirely. I want to say Thank you to Lynn for book recommendations! I really appreciate it!
I get to spend a week not being at work, reading books, enjoying the sunshine before it gets blistering hot and humid, hanging out in coffee houses and listening to local musicians, and basically just being as lazy as humanly possible. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

That sounds just awesome!!

However, it's only 2.5 miles from Texas de Brazil

Yum!! We have a place like that here that is just delish...only down side is I'm always so full after lol
I am so excited that I stumbled upon your PTR for October 2016!! After reading your past reports last year, I was inspired to take my first Solo trip last November & I had a blast!! So... :thanks::thanks::thanks:

Anyway, I'm super excited for you to be staying at the Beach Club Resort, it's always been on my "dream" list too. I will be in WDW at the same time (Oct. 26-31) with my DS11, so if there's a chance for us to bump into each other while we're there, that would be super cool. :D

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your PTR (I only got to the 9/26/15 update so far) & following your future WDW adventures!!



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