New Year, New Experiences! A January 2016 TR - I’m here at WDW! 3/25

Oh my gosh how did you do it?! I really want to know how you did it breastfeeding. DH is really, really wanting to do some type of road trip this Summer (definitely NOT a 12 hour one way trip) but maybe 7 hours, but i'll be breastfeeding too. Did you find you had to stop frequently or were you pumping too? If you'd rather send a PM than post publicly, please do!

Messaged you!!
Man only 4 days in and I'm relegated to page 3. I had such a higher opinion of myself. Guess I will follow along anyway :P
Yeeeeeeeeeeeahhh!!! You know I'm in!! Can't wait to read all about your trip!! :dancer:

Heck yes got the entire Fuller House Club here! Where's that fist emoji to unite us?!?

And I need to get on board your PTR quick fast. Your trip will be here in no time! :hyper:

Joining in and looking forward to this trip.

Yay good to see you! :welcome:

Messaged you!!

Thank you!

Man only 4 days in and I'm relegated to page 3. I had such a higher opinion of myself. Guess I will follow along anyway :P

:rotfl: Kari I was wondering where the heck you were! :goodvibes

Hey, we only give you crap because we care. Otherwise your absence would have gone unnoticed. :thumbsup2:rotfl2:

"You give crap, because you're a sap." If that's what you're handing out, i'll take it! :thumbsup2
I'm glad you're back. I need to know how you transferred you stuff from you old computer to the new one. I got a new one yesterday and can't figure it out. I've been googling, but evidently Windows 10 and Windows 7 aren't compatible for transferring. If your computer was even older than mine how did you do it? You can email me.

I can't believe that your DH thought he needed his PS4. Although I used to hate it that Fran brought her computer on trips, but now I bring mine so I can work on TRs when she is sleeping. So we all have our vices. Looking forward to hearing about the Poly, we got a studio for our last night after we leave the bungalows.
I am so sorry I am late to the party, but work and preparing for our Easter vacation didn't leave much DIS time. Now that I have saved my spot I am going back to read.
I'm glad you're back. I need to know how you transferred you stuff from you old computer to the new one. I got a new one yesterday and can't figure it out. I've been googling, but evidently Windows 10 and Windows 7 aren't compatible for transferring. If your computer was even older than mine how did you do it? You can email me.

I can't believe that your DH thought he needed his PS4. Although I used to hate it that Fran brought her computer on trips, but now I bring mine so I can work on TRs when she is sleeping. So we all have our vices. Looking forward to hearing about the Poly, we got a studio for our last night after we leave the bungalows.

Alison, I'm not at all familiar with Windows, I was transferring from one Mac to another via Migration Assistance through the same internet network. There's got to be tutorials on Youtube or something. Or hopefully someone here sees your question and they can address it! Sorry i'm of no help :sad1:

I am so sorry I am late to the party, but work and preparing for our Easter vacation didn't leave much DIS time. Now that I have saved my spot I am going back to read.

Karin :welcome:! Are you kidding you're definitely not late, you're right on time! And i'd like to apologize for not getting to all your TR's. I think i've caught up on "Think of all the Joy" but not the others yet :blush:
Thursday, December 31, 2015

We're going going, back back to Disney, Disney!


This was literally DH and me that early morning at 4am! Well, DH joined my dance around 4:20, but couldn't believe how excited he was! He's never like that but I actually think it's because all the plans that he made was about to come to life. This was his first trip he's ever planned before so the anticipation was too much for him, which made me even more excited :hyper: Our flight was set to leave at 9:30am out of LAX and it’s about a 2 ½ hour drive from where we live, depending on traffic so we needed to be on the road by 5am to give us enough time.

Because DM’s trunk is slightly bigger than ours


she drove over a few minutes to 5 and DH got everything packed up in her car. I should note that for Christmas, we bought her a large roller duffle like ours, which is probably the best bags ever! It expands, has multiple pockets on the outside and we can easily fit 3 side by side in the trunk with no issue, plus some room! So for DH to pack the car in probably 3 minutes or less was AMAZING! I highly recommend these bags if you’re shopping around for some.

They are normally $100, but we purchased them on Black Friday for $20 from Kohls! Seriously, best 20 bucks we’ve ever spent.

Bags packed, bladders emptied (spoiler alert, I now know of every bathroom location within the World ::yes:: ), coffee ready, we were on the freeway at 5:10am! I’d definitely call that a success. I ended up sleeping for the majority of the ride, thank goodness for DM keeping DH awake by talking and keeping him entertained. We made a Starbucks stop about halfway for DH and to use the restrooms, making pretty decent time. When we were about to arrive into the LAX area, DH suggested dropping us all off and going to park the car. UH. BIG FAT NO FROM ME! If anyone can remember last year, DH did this for us, which did help a little, however, he ended up missing the main parking lot 3 times due to just not paying attention.


It took a good 10 minutes to find some open spots in Lot C but eventually took this picture at 8am on the dot!

I was thinking, “Okay, cutting it a bit close, but we’re doing okay!” Twenty-five minutes later a shuttle FINALLY arrives. :eek: We’ve never had any issues waiting for shuttles in this lot, they seem to always be non-stop, but I’m thinking because we were so far back and out of the way, we had to have just missed one. Nevertheless, we were on the bus no problem and as soon as we pull up to our Terminal, DM says, “The car isn’t locked!” :headache: She’s able to see from her remote when the car is unlocked/locked. DH forgot to lock it, but there was really nothing we could do at this point but pray that no one steals the car seat.

When we walked up to the Check-In line….


I’ve never, in all my years of flying, have never been in a line like this. I usually see lines as long as this and thank God I’ve never had to wait, but now it was finally our turn. It was at least 40 minutes before we got to a kiosk to check our bags. The SWA worker at our kiosk said the luggage belt was broken and that we would have to put our bags over to the side and hand them off to a worker. I should have known then, that this would be a major no-no. DH and DM took them over to a worker and I heard DH ask, “Are you sure this is where we drop our luggage off?” and the worker replied, “yes, sorry for the inconvenience but our belt is down.” Let’s remember this, shall we.

We had absolutely no time to do anything at this point, we made it through security no problems (milk, drinks, sandwich and all!) and arrived to the gate as they were boarding Group B. No bathroom break, no pre-boarding alcoholic drink for DM, our Boarding Group A had come and gone and we got into a very long line.

We literally took the last row of the plane with three seats together and DM took the outside seat of the aisle next to us. And when I turned around to let DH, my party was no where to be seen. Okay, they were right behind me. Turns out, one of the Flight Attendants asked DS if he wanted a picture in the cockpit!

Very, very cool and DS was super excited that he got to ‘fly the plane’.

This was the first trip that we didn't take a car seat, I used the CARES Harness strap that I bought used on Ebay for way cheaper than a new one. Which was probably a good thing because it didn’t really work for us. Not sure if we were working it wrong or if it was because we were the very last row against the wall, but it never seemed to get tight enough around the back of the seat to stay up properly, but it did provide a little security for DS. We ended up not even trying it on the flight home.

I took some video of the takeoff and it’s a rarity that we were able to see the ocean during takeoff. It’s either super early and overcast when we leave so this was a real treat!

I downloaded Minions and Shaun the Sheep movies onto the iPad and let DS watch one of them and after about an hour or so, I broke out the PB&J for his early lunch.

Now is the best time to mention it, this was definitely one of the best flight crews we’ve ever experienced! They kept wanting to give DS extra snacks and drinks and at one point, I took DS to the restroom and when we got out he kept pointing at something in the snack prep area but I was trying to get out of the way and one of the FA’s said, “Hold on, what is he pointing at?” And he was pointing at the little SW Heart stir sticks so they gave him a few of those. Then they told him to go back tohis seat and they would give him something else. So we went back and one of the guys brought over a paper model airplane!

Which DH helped him build

This kept him occupied for a good while!

At some point during the flight, DH took some random pics

Then a FA came back and gave DS this luggage tag.

And about 45 minutes till landing, another FA came back over and said, “Excuse me Mom, but is he allowed to have these?” and had a fistful of good Godiva wrapped chocolates. I was thinking, “Uh, he’s not, but I’ll take them!” :rotfl2: and told him absolutely!

I’m not sure what was up with all the ‘gifting’. Perhaps they were rewarding his good behavior (he was amazing on each flight we took this trip!) or we were just being sprinkled with pixie dust, either way, it was very thoughtful and much appreciated.

Our second flight from St Louis to Orlando was very uneventful and short and both DS and DH slept the entire time!
:bitelip::hyper: Which gave me more time to read and watch some Top Chef on the free TV Southwest provides.

It was when we landed in Orlando when all of our good fortune took a turn for the worse.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Problems, Problems Everywhere!


Once we landed at the airport, I volunteered to check us into our room at the Hyatt Regency with DS and let DM and DH go and retrieve the luggage and I’d text them the room number. Side Note: I highly recommend this hotel to anyone looking to start or end their trip! The rates have always been very decent for us and the rooms are clean and nice.

Because it was New Years Eve, when I arrived at check-in, they offered both DS and I some sparkling apple cider! Very nice touch. DS was the most careful he’s ever been in his entire life, carrying his cider to our room.

Once in our room, DS told me, “Cheers!” with his glass and I wondered where in the heck he picked that up from! :rotfl:

“Cheers and Junk” :laughing:

After a good 45 minutes I called DH and asked what was going on. He said about half the planes luggage still hadn’t come through yet.

Getting restless, I took DS down with me to Starbucks to pick up some milk and fruit to put in our fridge for the next morning and let him see ‘Mickey’

DS and I ended up going down to the luggage carousels to see what was happening and there was no one there :confused3 But there was a long line of people snaking out of the doors at the Lost and Found, including DM and DH at the counter :headache::mad: I wanted to cry.

I got DM’s attention and she came out and told me that everyone that had flown in from Los Angeles had gotten their luggage lost! Had to have been from that conveyor belt that was down, I just knew it.

I eventually had to go into the office to give specific items that would be found in my luggage along with the brand names of all the luggage and how much was spent. But what was even more frustrating, is that they lost DS’s gate checked stroller from LA as well :confused3 I had it checked so that it would go all the way through to Orlando and not St Louis so it would be less for us to deal with during that layover. I've never gate checked it all the way through to our destination before, and now i'm scared to do it ever again!

There was nothing that could be done. They told us to come back at 11:30pm as that was the last flight from LAX and perhaps the luggage would be on that flight.

We walked back to the room, pissed off and hungry. Room service was definitely in order, so ordered a few entrees and apps. Luckily, getting food into our stomachs cheered us up a little bit.

Although DH and I were so ready to go to bed, we had to stay up and go back down at 11:30 to see if anything had come in. At 11:30pm, luggage was coming around the conveyor belt, people were picking up there things and soon it was just DH and I left in the room. Nothing. No luggage. No stroller. Next arriving flight was at 10:30am the next morning :sad:

Midnight came and went as we did our best to get ready for bed, with the TWO toothbrushes for FOUR people that Housekeeping sent up and no clean clothes to get dressed into after our showers. I ended up washing DS’s totally filthy shirt with the shampoo and blowdrying it as best as I could for him so he could at least have something clean in the morning. Fortunately for me, I was a total slob on the plane and wore total lounge clothes with a few layers, so I was at least comfortable going to bed. DM and DH on the other hand both wore jeans and button ups/polos so we had a good laugh before falling asleep that if anyone needed to get up in the middle of the night, to announce they were getting up so we could all look away since they were in their unmentionables :lmao:

Side note. DM never sleeps with covers over her. She’s always warm. Well around 3am she got up to fiddle with the AC but instead, somehow, she managed to set the fire alarm off in the room! The siren was going, a light was flashing, DH jumped out of bed half naked, I jumped up yelling to get out but she managed to turn it off. What the DEVIL?! DS slept through that nonsense luckily, but it took us all a bit to settle back down. Now looking back, that was a hilarious moment but oh man, that was so not what we needed at 3am that morning!
Last edited:

This was literally DH and me that early morning at 4am! Well, DH joined my dance around 4:20, but couldn't believe how excited he was! He's never like that but I actually think it's because all the plans that he made was about to come to life. This was his first trip he's ever planned before so the anticipation was too much for him, which made me even more excited
Love how excited the hubby was. Only a month to go until we are doing that same dance!

So for DH to pack the car in probably 3 minutes or less was AMAZING! I highly recommend these bags if you’re shopping around for some.

Thanks for the hint. 2 of our 3 pieces of luggage are broken so we are definitely in need.

Bags packed, bladders emptied (spoiler alert, I now know of every bathroom location within the World ::yes:: ),
You and me both. We went when I was pregnant with Casey and I was the same way. To this day Jason still calls the bathroom my favorite attraction.

Nevertheless, we were on the bus no problem and as soon as we pull up to our Terminal, DM says, “The car isn’t locked!” :headache: She’s able to see from her remote when the car is unlocked/locked. DH forgot to lock it, but there was really nothing we could do at this point but pray that no one steals the car seat.
Hey, you only had 25 minutes to make sure it was locked. Give DH a break ; )

I’ve never, in all my years of flying, have never been in a line like this. I usually see lines as long as this and thank God I’ve never had to wait, but now it was finally our turn. It was at least 40 minutes before we got to a kiosk to check our bags.

urns out, one of the Flight Attendants asked DS if he wanted a picture in the cockpit!

This is awesome. I didn't think they let kids do this any more. And I can't believe how big he has gotten!!!!

Now is the best time to mention it, this was definitely one of the best flight crews we’ve ever experienced! They kept wanting to give DS extra snacks and drinks and at one point, I took DS to the restroom and when we got out he kept pointing at something in the snack prep area but I was trying to get out of the way and one of the FA’s said, “Hold on, what is he pointing at?” And he was pointing at the little SW Heart stir sticks so they gave him a few of those. Then they told him to go back tohis seat and they would give him something else. So we went back and one of the guys brought over a paper model airplane!
They sound amazing.

At some point during the flight, DH took some random pics

I spy with my little eye a baby bump!!!!! Do I win a prize or something for being the first one to spot it?????

Once we landed at the airport, I volunteered to check us into our room at the Hyatt Regency with DS and let DM and DH go and retrieve the luggage and I’d text them the room number. Side Note: I highly recommend this hotel to anyone looking to start or end their trip! The rates have always been very decent for us and the rooms are clean and nice.
I had no idea you were staying here. We are doing the same thing next month, so glad to hear you had a good experience. We don't get in until 8 pm and I had some Hyatt points to use so it seemed a no brainer.

“Cheers and Junk” :laughing:


I got DM’s attention and she came out and told me that everyone that had flown in from Los Angeles had gotten their luggage lost! Had to have been from that conveyor belt that was down, I just knew it.

DM and DH on the other hand both wore jeans and button ups/polos so we had a good laugh before falling asleep that if anyone needed to get up in the middle of the night, to announce they were getting up so we could all look away since they were in their unmentionables :lmao:
Having Mom with you certainly added a mother dimension!

Side note. DM never sleeps with covers over her. She’s always warm. Well around 3am she got up to fiddle with the AC but instead, somehow, she managed to set the fire alarm off in the room! The siren was going, a light was flashing, DH jumped out of bed half naked, I jumped up yelling to get out but she managed to turn it off. What the DEVIL?! DS slept through that nonsense luckily, but it took us all a bit to settle back down. Now looking back, that was a hilarious moment but oh man, that was so not what we needed at 3am that morning!
The "perfect" end to the not so perfect day. Gotta love Mom
I forgot to tell you congratulations on your pregnancy. Your son is absolutely adorable. My worse fear is lost luggage when starting a trip. Hoping your luggage showed up the next morning.
should note that for Christmas, we bought her a large roller duffle like ours, which is probably the best bags ever! It expands, has multiple pockets on the outside and we can easily fit 3 side by side in the trunk with no issue, plus some room! So for DH to pack the car in probably 3 minutes or less was AMAZING! I highly recommend these bags if you’re shopping around for some.

Oh I like that bag! We need another big one so I may look into that. It looks so roomy and I have the pockets.

spoiler alert, I now know of every bathroom location within the World

I can imagine! My favorites in MK are the ones back in Storybook Circus.

Nevertheless, we were on the bus no problem and as soon as we pull up to our Terminal, DM says, “The car isn’t locked!” :headache: She’s able to see from her remote when the car is unlocked/locked. DH forgot to lock it, but there was really nothing we could do at this point but pray that no one steals the car seat.

Oops! I'm guessing this turns out well but it's so something my mom would do too.

“Are you sure this is where we drop our luggage off?” and the worker replied, “yes, sorry for the inconvenience but our belt is down.” Let’s remember this, shall we.

I'm thinking this won't have a happy ending... :sad2:

Too cute! I bet he loved that!

I used the CARES Harness strap that I bought used on Ebay for way cheaper than a new one. Which was probably a good thing because it didn’t really work for us.

We'll be taking Jake for the first time in May with no seat on the plane. I've thought about a CARES harness but now I'm not so sure.

Now is the best time to mention it, this was definitely one of the best flight crews we’ve ever experienced!

That makes the flight so much better! And I hadn't even thought about it being such a long flight for you. We have a 2 hour flight down and it feels like an eternity. So DS did a great job!

“Excuse me Mom, but is he allowed to have these?” and had a fistful of good Godiva wrapped chocolates. I was thinking, “Uh, he’s not, but I’ll take them!” :rotfl2: and told him absolutely!

You totally deserved that chocolate. No guilt. :thumbsup2

Now that's a pose we see pretty often around here.

I got DM’s attention and she came out and told me that everyone that had flown in from Los Angeles had gotten their luggage lost! Had to have been from that conveyor belt that was down, I just knew it.

Oh no!! That is the worst thing ever. Travel is stressful enough without the added element of lost luggage and a stroller. I'm sorry! :(

DM and DH on the other hand both wore jeans and button ups/polos so we had a good laugh before falling asleep that if anyone needed to get up in the middle of the night, to announce they were getting up so we could all look away since they were in their unmentionables

You have a pretty close family there!

Well around 3am she got up to fiddle with the AC but instead, somehow, she managed to set the fire alarm off in the room! The siren was going, a light was flashing, DH jumped out of bed half naked, I jumped up yelling to get out but she managed to turn it off. What the DEVIL?!

Your mom is like a comedy routine all by herself! :rotfl:
Alison, I'm not at all familiar with Windows, I was transferring from one Mac to another via Migration Assistance through the same internet network. There's got to be tutorials on Youtube or something. Or hopefully someone here sees your question and they can address it! Sorry i'm of no help :sad1:

Thanks for answering me. I should have realized you're a Mac person. I got my documents from my Carbonite account, and the pictures I'm just using a thumb drive, but it's only 32 gigs, so lots of back and forth. I have a few more pictures than that! :rolleyes1
That's great that you DH was so excited due to the fact he did/was involved in the planning - it really is exciting when you get to realize all that effort you put into the planning

bummer about the delay with the shuttle and then the security line making it tight on time, high on stress, and low on pre-boarding alcohol for DM!

That's so cute that they let DS "fly the place" - that must have been such a thrill for him

And sounds like a great crew! I've never seen that paper plane thing before but they should always give those out to give the kids something to do!

oh no! That sucks about the luggage! Such a helpless feeling as just nothing you can do

Glad you can look back now and find the fire alarm situation funny - I am sure that was quite the scene at the time though!

Hope the next day goes better!
Your son looks so big compared to your list trip report!! He is seriously adorable:lovestruc

The luggage mishap sounds awful... I'm always afraid of that happening when I fly! I never do well at packing enough in my carry-on just in case that happens.

Definitely cracking up at the "unmentionables" and your mom pulling the fire alarm in your room though!:rotfl:

Hoping your trip starts to get better soon!!
AHHHHH!!! I'm so glad you are back for another report! I've loved reading your last few (and caught them after you finished them, so I didn't have to wait :rotfl:) But here we I have to wait now. I can't wait to read more and I can't wait to hear all about the gender reveal.

I sure do hope you get your luggage soon and that the trip gets better for you. :smooth:
This was literally DH and me that early morning at 4am!
I think I am the only DISer who doesn't do that. I even wake up AT Disney going, "Well, I could get up and ride things or I could sleep some more..." and have to force myself up. :rotfl:

This was his first trip he's ever planned before so the anticipation was too much for him, which made me even more excited :hyper:
Glad he was so excited and involved!

I highly recommend these bags if you’re shopping around for some.
Thanks for the recommendation - they look nice. We got our luggage at Kohl's on Black Friday too - we got some large rolling bags that roll while upright and in all directions, which is SOOO nice. I like all the pockets on the ones you have.

Twenty-five minutes later a shuttle FINALLY arrives. :eek:

DH forgot to lock it, but there was really nothing we could do at this point but pray that no one steals the car seat.
Well, at least you have the comfort of knowing that carseats are often a pain in the rear to remove, so they'd have to be pretty determined. Might be easier to just steal the whole car.

I’ve never, in all my years of flying, have never been in a line like this.

Let’s remember this, shall we.

no pre-boarding alcoholic drink for DM,
Whoa! And she survived the flight?!?

Turns out, one of the Flight Attendants asked DS if he wanted a picture in the cockpit!
Wow, that's awesome! Of course, if it were Izzy, knowing how much she loves buttons would probably terrify me that she'd messed up something and our flight would be in danger. :rolleyes1

Now is the best time to mention it, this was definitely one of the best flight crews we’ve ever experienced!
Yay! Glad you had such a good experience! That little plane is really cool!

And about 45 minutes till landing, another FA came back over and said, “Excuse me Mom, but is he allowed to have these?” and had a fistful of good Godiva wrapped chocolates. I was thinking, “Uh, he’s not, but I’ll take them!” :rotfl2: and told him absolutely!
:thumbsup2 I'd do the same thing. I might have stealthily removed one from a snack box on our last flight, then ate it when Izzy wasn't looking. :rotfl:

I’m not sure what was up with all the ‘gifting’. Perhaps they were rewarding his good behavior (he was amazing on each flight we took this trip!) or we were just being sprinkled with pixie dust, either way, it was very thoughtful and much appreciated.
Maybe they knew where your bags were. :scratchin

Our second flight from St Louis to Orlando was very uneventful and short and both DS and DH slept the entire time! :bitelip::hyper: Which gave me more time to read and watch some Top Chef on the free TV Southwest provides.
That sounds like a perfect flight!

Once in our room, DS told me, “Cheers!” with his glass and I wondered where in the heck he picked that up from! :rotfl:
Haha, Izzy's been "cheers"-ing since she could barely talk. My dad and step-mom had done it in front of her way back when and she picked up on it! So cute when they do that!

But there was a long line of people snaking out of the doors at the Lost and Found, including DM and DH at the counter :headache::mad: I wanted to cry.
:sad: I want to cry for you! :hug: What a nightmare!

I've never gate checked it all the way through to our destination before, and now i'm scared to do it ever again!
I didn't even know you could do that, but I guess I'll avoid it.

Nothing. No luggage. No stroller. Next arriving flight was at 10:30am the next morning :sad:
That is really, truly awful. Ugh. :sad2:

Well around 3am she got up to fiddle with the AC but instead, somehow, she managed to set the fire alarm off in the room! The siren was going, a light was flashing, DH jumped out of bed half naked, I jumped up yelling to get out but she managed to turn it off. What the DEVIL?!
Wow, could this evening get any worse? I guess at least it didn't set off the sprinklers or evacuate the hotel. But still...that's pretty bad. :scared:

I hope the next day is better! What a rough streak of luck!
This was literally DH and me that early morning at 4am! Well, DH joined my dance around 4:20, but couldn't believe how excited he was! He's never like that but I actually think it's because all the plans that he made was about to come to life. This was his first trip he's ever planned before so the anticipation was too much for him, which made me even more excited
Awesome! I'm glad that he was so excited about it. I'm sure all the planning he did this time helped.

I should note that for Christmas, we bought her a large roller duffle like ours, which is probably the best bags ever! It expands, has multiple pockets on the outside and we can easily fit 3 side by side in the trunk with no issue, plus some room! So for DH to pack the car in probably 3 minutes or less was AMAZING! I highly recommend these bags if you’re shopping around for some.
But are they still big enough to accommodate your mom's souvenirs?

When we were about to arrive into the LAX area, DH suggested dropping us all off and going to park the car. UH. BIG FAT NO FROM ME! If anyone can remember last year, DH did this for us, which did help a little, however, he ended up missing the main parking lot 3 times due to just not paying attention.

I was thinking, “Okay, cutting it a bit close, but we’re doing okay!” Twenty-five minutes later a shuttle FINALLY arrives.
Yikes! It is pretty ridiculous for an airport parking shuttle to take that long at any airport.

Nevertheless, we were on the bus no problem and as soon as we pull up to our Terminal, DM says, “The car isn’t locked!” :headache:
Oh no...

DH forgot to lock it, but there was really nothing we could do at this point but pray that no one steals the car seat.
Look at the bright side. If they want to break into the car, at least they won't have to smash a window.

I should have known then, that this would be a major no-no. DH and DM took them over to a worker and I heard DH ask, “Are you sure this is where we drop our luggage off?” and the worker replied, “yes, sorry for the inconvenience but our belt is down.” Let’s remember this, shall we.
Uh oh...

No bathroom break, no pre-boarding alcoholic drink for DM, our Boarding Group A had come and gone and we got into a very long line.
Wow... you had Group A and still had to miss boarding with them? That stinks. This is actually what I don't like about SW. I'd rather just know where I'm sitting ahead of time.

We literally took the last row of the plane with three seats together and DM took the outside seat of the aisle next to us. And when I turned around to let DH, my party was no where to be seen. Okay, they were right behind me. Turns out, one of the Flight Attendants asked DS if he wanted a picture in the cockpit!
Cool! You can't turn down that offer! I didn't even know they could still do this.

Now is the best time to mention it, this was definitely one of the best flight crews we’ve ever experienced! They kept wanting to give DS extra snacks and drinks and at one point, I took DS to the restroom and when we got out he kept pointing at something in the snack prep area but I was trying to get out of the way and one of the FA’s said, “Hold on, what is he pointing at?” And he was pointing at the little SW Heart stir sticks so they gave him a few of those. Then they told him to go back tohis seat and they would give him something else. So we went back and one of the guys brought over a paper model airplane!
That's great! I'm glad they were so good to you.

And about 45 minutes till landing, another FA came back over and said, “Excuse me Mom, but is he allowed to have these?” and had a fistful of good Godiva wrapped chocolates. I was thinking, “Uh, he’s not, but I’ll take them!” :rotfl2: and told him absolutely!

“Cheers and Junk” :laughing:

I got DM’s attention and she came out and told me that everyone that had flown in from Los Angeles had gotten their luggage lost! Had to have been from that conveyor belt that was down, I just knew it.
Oh no...

We walked back to the room, pissed off and hungry. Room service was definitely in order, so ordered a few entrees and apps. Luckily, getting food into our stomachs cheered us up a little bit.
I'm glad the food helped. But this definitely isn't the way to end/begin the year.

Midnight came and went as we did our best to get ready for bed, with the TWO toothbrushes for FOUR people that Housekeeping sent up and no clean clothes to get dressed into after our showers. I ended up washing DS’s totally filthy shirt with the shampoo and blowdrying it as best as I could for him so he could at least have something clean in the morning. Fortunately for me, I was a total slob on the plane and wore total lounge clothes with a few layers, so I was at least comfortable going to bed.
Really? They couldn't spare a couple more toothbrushes for you?? :faint:

Side note. DM never sleeps with covers over her. She’s always warm. Well around 3am she got up to fiddle with the AC but instead, somehow, she managed to set the fire alarm off in the room! The siren was going, a light was flashing, DH jumped out of bed half naked, I jumped up yelling to get out but she managed to turn it off. What the DEVIL?!

I'm really sorry about the lost luggage. This isn't the way anybody ever wants to start their trip.
Wow! What a way to start a vaca.... yikes! At least your accommodations were at MCO -- so you could be close when / if your luggage arrived on a later flight :thumbsup2
They are normally $100, but we purchased them on Black Friday for $20 from Kohls!

:eek: Wow, that's a steal!

If anyone can remember last year, DH did this for us, which did help a little, however, he ended up missing the main parking lot 3 times due to just not paying attention.

But now I'm sure he knows where it is.

DM says, “The car isn’t locked!” :headache:


It was at least 40 minutes before we got to a kiosk to check our bags.

:faint::faint: Come on, people! That's the worst.

How cool is that??

Very, very cool and DS was super excited that he got to ‘fly the plane’.

Hey, what does this button do?

I took some video of the takeoff and it’s a rarity that we were able to see the ocean during takeoff.

Ma'am, please put away your electronic devices.

So we went back and one of the guys brought over a paper model airplane!

This is the best flight ever!

I’m not sure what was up with all the ‘gifting’. Perhaps they were rewarding his good behavior (he was amazing on each flight we took this trip!) or we were just being sprinkled with pixie dust, either way, it was very thoughtful and much appreciated.

That's awesome! For some reason, they only give my kids stinkeye. :confused3:rolleyes1

Once in our room, DS told me, “Cheers!” with his glass and I wondered where in the heck he picked that up from! :rotfl:


“Cheers and Junk” :laughing:


I got DM’s attention and she came out and told me that everyone that had flown in from Los Angeles had gotten their luggage lost! Had to have been from that conveyor belt that was down, I just knew it.

Urge to kill...rising...

Well around 3am she got up to fiddle with the AC but instead, somehow, she managed to set the fire alarm off in the room! The siren was going, a light was flashing, DH jumped out of bed half naked, I jumped up yelling to get out but she managed to turn it off. What the DEVIL?!

Holy cow. So far I like it better when she was staying home!

DS slept through that nonsense luckily

Wow! That's a gift! You are truly blessed!


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