Adulting is Hard, So I'm Running Away! ~ An Oct 2016 PTR ~ Update 10/19: Peace Out, Yo!

total loss over the last 7 weeks of 25 lbs!!! :hyper:

This is AH-MAZ-ING!

YAY! I am so excited for you and the Princess race too.. that is going to be an accomplishment!

WOW! your going to have such a cheering crowd! well just know i will also be cheering you on right here!!!
Just came over to say :wave2:
Hello! :hug:

This is awesome! If taking a break from exercising is what keeps you going back to it, then that's the way to go :thumbsup2
The break definitely made me dread it a little less last night! I think I'll have to allow myself monthly breaks like that so I don't get burned out.

So many exciting developments!!!
I know, right?! :hyper:

Nice to see that spreadsheet out again. And when I saw Rivers of Light, I just had to cross my fingers that it opens in time for me to see it.
I hope that it's open in time for your trip too! I have no clue what time it's actually going to be showing, so on my spreadsheet I just took my best guess and will adjust later accordingly. I'll probably book the absolute latest dinner time at Boma that night, just to be safe.

So awesome that Mark and Debby will be cheering you on for the 5K. And that you'll have some walking companions.
I know, I'm excited! :goodvibes

And a big congratulations on the weight loss and sticking to it even when things are getting difficult.
Thank you! It is getting harder instead of easier! I MISS BREAD! And NOODLES. And POTATOES. And PASTA. And most of all... CAKE! :laughing:

Duh, didn't even see your last update before I wrote my last post :rolleyes:
That's okay, just means I get to hear more from you! :thumbsup2

Yay! It's every exciting :goodvibes We were passholders last year for the first time; they expire next week. I didn't think we were going to renew since we weren't going to go back anymore this year after our trip last month. But then 2 weeks ago DH said something about going for Thanksgiving again and I was like.....what :listen: and then another kid-free trip in the next 12 months and I said :banana: and we booked our resort for Nov. and we're getting AP's again!
OMG, how excitiiiiing! :hyper:

The coolest thing is having the AP slider for your MB. I sometimes found myself flinging my wrist around to show it off like it was a 15ct. diamond :rotfl2:
Bahaha! I'll likely be doing the same thing! :rotfl: (And to be fair, while it's no 15ct, that annual pass DOES cost more than the diamond right-hand ring that I wear did... :scared: )

First of all, congratulations on your weight loss. A little factoid that stuck in my head was that every pound lost relieves 4 pounds of pressure on your knees. Even if it's not totally accurate, it's this kind of 'every bit helps' that really comforts me and spurs me along in my own goals.
I hope this is true! Though it sure doesn't feel like I've taken 100 lbs of pressure off my knees yet... :laughing:

I am happy that you got a Kindle! I am also a book lover who thought I would never give up paper, but as someone who could read two books on a cross-country flight (each way), I now embrace having tons of stuff to read in one device instead of stuffing my purse full of books. I do use Kindle on my phone solely. My phone is ginormous and if I don't have to carry an extra device, it's better for me.
Yeah, I have a ginormous phone too (Note 4), and I don't mind reading on it from time to time and in relatively short doses. But for long reading sessions, it bothers my eyes, so I'm hoping that the Kindle e-reader (since it uses a different screen technology) will help with that and make me enjoy the concept of e-books more! ::yes::

Your spreadsheet looks so much like mine, it's scary!! I just added a new tab for the Flower & Garden menus so we can decide our plan of attack.
I did Food & Wine in 2014, and while I looked over the menus a bit before I went, I just kinda free-wheeled it. For Flower & Garden in 2015, I was much more meticulous, and went over the menus with a fine-toothed comb, ran cash totals, and made lists of "Must Eat/Drink!" choices, as well as "If I Have Tummy Room Left" runner-ups. I'll likely be going through that process again for Food & Wine 2016. :laughing:

How cool that your family is going with you again! Clearly you showed them a good time last time!
Yeah, I was surprised, especially with how much pain my aunt was in. But NOPE, they loved it and are ready to go back!!! :goodvibes

Seriously love your spreadsheet :lovestruc I've made one for our trip, but right now it just has which park we're going to and which restaurants. I have a hard enough time with just those things right now! I keep changing my mind on which restaurants to eat at. For us, this is a (kind of) once in a lifetime type trip. While that means we want to do it right.... it also means I'm trying to do EVERYTHING. It's not really once in a LIFEtime... we went 5 years ago, and we may go again in another 5 years. But we have young daughters that are PERFECT princess age. And in 5 years they'll be teenagers :sad: That's not to say we won't do Disney with them as teenagers... it's just a WHOLE different trip. So..... now that I've talked all about my trip... back to you ;)
I understand about having trouble deciding on restaurants... Which is exactly why my ADR list is so ridiculously long. :rotfl:

Awesome weight loss! I've been inspired on Dis and on other social media to get back on the wagon. The Disney trip has a big part in that... so yay! :goodvibes
Thanks! The DIS has been very helpful and encouraging for me!

Looking forward to seeing the real park hours when they're released... and MNSSHP tickets! And free dining! lol So many unknowns stress me out. What did you base your EMH info off of? I've looked at predicted crowd levels, and that's what I based my park days off of, but I'm sure I'll have to move it allllllll around when they officially release everything. :faint:
I did everything based off of 2015's October park hours and EMH. I did it this way for last year's December trip, and when the real park hours came out, I didn't have to change a single thing. It worked out perfectly... So I'm hoping that my luck holds out and I have the same experience when October 2016's park hours come out next month! Fingers cross! :goodvibes

25 pounds down in 7 weeks is super impressive - well done!! :thumbsup2
Thank you kindly!

That's exciting that you will have company for your Princess 5k trip! And it'll be nice to still have the solo time in October. I'm still jealous that you will be staying at the BC!
I still can't believe I'm staying at the BC! :eek:

Good luck with the treadmill this evening! I hope it is kind to you. I started Slim Fast today and so far it's not too bad. I was worried I'd be so starving I would want to chew my arm off, but nope - so far, so good! :banana::rotfl:
Are you doing the Slim Fast shakes for breakfast and lunch? If you are, you have my deepest admiration! :worship: And are you doing the high-protein shakes? That's the only time I can get by with a shake for breakfast is if it's packed with protein. And by lunch time, I need FOOD, even if it's just a light meal. Right now I'm doing an Atkins shake in the morning, then around 4-5 hours later for lunch I have a big salad (usually comprised of chicken salad on top of a big bed of baby spinach). If I get hungry again before the end of my workday, I keep Atkins snack bars in my desk. That usually holds me over just fine until I can get home and make dinner.

I can definitely see that being frustrating - but I know you can do it :) :) Having the confirmation that your work is paying off in some way is really important though - I totally hate the feeling that I'm just spinning my wheels and not accomplishing much, so hopefully with the rest your treadmill times can improve (and of course with everything else, hopefully the scale moves too)!
The scale finally moved, so that helped a great deal! Last night back on the treadmill was abysmal. Still having to go slow due to the pain in my legs. I have an idea for tomorrow night's workout that I might try, though, and hopefully it gives me some relief! Fingers crossed! :goodvibes

Yes!! Ours expire in September, so we're going to have to calculate the cost again - but if I do go down for Princess, it's definitely cheaper for me to get a pass (even without the Memory Maker) since we've got a May 2017 trip booked too. So I'm saving up a little at a time. We upgraded our honeymoon tickets to APs, so the cost of that was not as much considering my in-laws paid for the original tickets. The renewal cost for the AP is a little scary, but I know it makes more budget sense if we go even for a short trip in addition to the May trip. Remember to ask about discounts - I tend to forget and then kick myself for it later :P
How do the discounts work? Just ask anywhere we go at Disney? I'm assuming restaurants only do discounts if you have Tables in Wonderland (which I don't think I'm going to get, the $150 sign-up fee is a lot, and since I use the Dining Plan for most of my meals, I just don't see me saving over $150 by using it on the few extra meals I do).

AHHHH!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: That's so exciting :D And it's great that you'll have a partner to walk with :)
Yeah, I'm pretty excited! I just hope she doesn't dust me! :rotfl:

Woo hoo! Success!!! So glad for you that you're seeing progress :)
Me too! I am feeling much better about the whole thing again! :goodvibes

Yeah, I read the books and have basically given up. I don't think the next book is going to see the light of day before HBO finishes the show off however they want, so I don't think you're probably missing too much by starting the show. It is awesome, though I've only seen the first two seasons (like I said, I got a little fed up after reading all the books). But it's supposed to be wonderful :)
You should consider giving it another try! It's really good! ::yes::

:cheer2: Yay for the annual pass! I'd love to get an annual pass if only because it would mean I'd be going on at least 2 trips in one year. :laughing:
I'm not supposed to even being going on ONE trip this year, much less two of them! :rotfl:

It's so great that they'll be joining you and cheering you on. :thumbsup2 And someone to walk with, too. Score!
Yes! It should be fun! I'm excited! :hyper:

So happy for you, Billie!! :cool1:
Thanks! Hope I can keep it up. 25 down, 165 more to go. :scared: :laughing:

Congrats on the weight loss. That's amazingly awesome. Good work.
Thanks, girl! I appreciate that! :-)

I'm so excited for awesome is that!!! I've always be tempted to buy one just so that I'd have an "excuse" for lots of trips lol. Way to go on getting back on that exercise is always a challenge.
Yeah, it's kinda funny that this is the year I'm getting an AP, because I wasn't supposed to be going at ALL this year. And I really really REALLY need to be saving for a new car, not finding more excuses to go back to Disney! :rotfl:

Regarding the e-reader...I have a Kobo..which is the Canadian version of the kindle lol..but I love it. I hope that soon you will be as happy with it as I am...It's so great to go on a trip and be able to bring a bunch of books with you on there. Plus I love reading in bed with the backlight...even though they say that's no good for your sleep lol
Can't be any worse than a big ol' LED screen in your face at night, like with a tablet or phone! :laughing:

I've never had an AP - are there other benefits beyond the ticket savings? Like discounts in gift shops and for meals?
That's my understanding! :thumbsup2

I too had sworn off e-books but like you my house was overflowing with books and I no longer had any place to put them. I got my e-reader about a year ago and love it. It is also very useful when traveling, don't have to worry about books taking up room in my luggage. I still prefer a physical book though so I have been trying to borrow from the library more rather than purchasing them.
I've been considering going to my public library again! I just still owe them, like, $12 bucks from the last time I went through a library phase. I'm TERRIBLE about getting books returned on-time! :laughing:

How fun that you have made Disney converts out of your aunt and uncle!
I know! I can't believe it! :rotfl:

Yeah! I love this post! First 25 pounds you go girl! :cheer2:
Thanks, Lauren! :hug:

Hope the gym went well last night!
Blehhhhh. It did NOT. I did my full 45 minutes, but I had to go slow, legs are still killing me. Thinking of mixing up my routine and going to test a theory tomorrow night in hopes it gives me some relief! :scratchin

Yeah for Uncle Mark and Aunt Debbie becoming Disney lovers, have a cheering section and Having a 5k partner!!!:cool1:
Yes! I am really looking forward to it! :goodvibes

Annual pass!!!!!!!!:banana: I mean I'm not sure this even needs a comment! :cheer2:
Hahaha. Exciting stuff, right?!! :hyper:

When you plan your fall 2017 trip let me know I'm planning on too, and trying to figure out my dates, I have a few I am tossing around right now!
Well, my AP will expire on 10/21/17, so it will have to be before that! And I want to avoid Columbus Day, which is 10/09/17. So right now, if I manage to squeeze in an October 2017 trip, I'm thinking it will likely be 10/13-10/20. :thumbsup2

I had no idea you would walk the 5Ks at Disney....that just put it higher on my bucket list.
You can walk them, but from what I understand, you just have to be a fast walker. While I've been told they don't especially enforce it at the 5K, Disney does ask that you can keep a pace of at least a 16-min mile. Plus every stop for character photos counts against your time, too. I figure in order to be truly ready for it, I want to be able to easily walk and occasionally lightly jog the whole 3.1 miles in 45 minutes or less. That's what my training goal is! :goodvibes

Congrats on everything! I got a tablet for Christmas but as of right now, all I use it for is playing games and grocery shopping.
One time I told a friend I wanted a tablet just so that I can play Angry Birds on a big screen. :laughing: Now I just want one so that I can watch shows while I'm on the treadmill!

We have our daily plans done (hoping to do a PTR update today) and the only time we match up right now is all day on the 23rd and the evening of MNSSHP.
Once the real park hours for October 2016 are released next month, I'm sure I'll be shuffling things around. @hokieinpa and I are planning on getting lunch at The Wave around 2pm on 10/25, then heading over to MNSSHP for the 4pm entry... I'm sure when the time comes we can exchange phones number and text each and maybe get together to watch HalloWishes or something! :goodvibes

This is AH-MAZ-ING!
Thanks, Mo! :hug:

YAY! I am so excited for you and the Princess race too.. that is going to be an accomplishment!
It sure will be! I know it's "just" a 5K. I mean, they let kids walk/run in 5Ks. But for me, it's a HUGE deal. I'm nervous, but also really excited! :goodvibes

WOW! your going to have such a cheering crowd! well just know i will also be cheering you on right here!!!
I was going to do it regardless, but a tiny part of my was a little bit sad that there wasn't going to be any family or friends to hug me at the end and tell me congratulations. So I'm really happy that Mark & Debby are up for the job. :cutie:
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Are you doing the Slim Fast shakes for breakfast and lunch? If you are, you have my deepest admiration! :worship: And are you doing the high-protein shakes? That's the only time I can get by with a shake for breakfast is if it's packed with protein. And by lunch time, I need FOOD, even if it's just a light meal. Right now I'm doing an Atkins shake in the morning, then around 4-5 hours later for lunch I have a big salad (usually comprised of chicken salad on top of a big bed of baby spinach). If I get hungry again before the end of my workday, I keep Atkins snack bars in my desk. That usually holds me over just fine until I can get home and make dinner.

I'm not doing the strict Slim Fast plan which only gives you 1200 calories a day. That's just not enough for me especially with my job. I use My Fitness Pal (a free calorie counting app) and it recommends a bit over 1400 calories a day for me to lose about 2 lbs a week at this point. I have a shake for breakfast along with something like yogurt and granola, then a mid-morning snack and a larger lunch. Then I do a shake and something small like an apple with peanut butter for dinner. So far, so good!

I have no idea if what I got is considered a high protein shake - I think so? It's the chocolate powder that I mix with skim milk. Funny story, I ordered it on amazon and it exploded all over me and the fridge/floor/counter yesterday morning when I opened it. Gotta love living at a high elevation! :laughing: I think I lost at least one shake's worth of powder if not more and I had to beat my dog to the powder on the floor. That's all I need is for her to get sick from eating Slim Fast!
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I have no idea if what I got is considered a high protein shake - I think so? It's the chocolate powder that I mix with skim milk. Funny story, I ordered it on amazon and it exploded all over me and the fridge/floor/counter yesterday morning when I opened it. Gotta love living at a high elevation! :laughing: I think I lost at least one shake's worth of powder if not more and I had to beat my dog to the powder on the floor. That's all I need is for her to get sick from eating Slim Fast!
Oh nooooooooo! I shouldn't laugh, but that's FUNNY! You poor thing! :rotfl: Years ago when I gave the Slim Fast thing a chance for breakfast, I was buying the ones in the cans. And I remember there was regular Slim Fast, but also a variety with higher protein. I was buying those, because I was hungry a half hour after drinking a regular one. By lunch time, I really was ready to gnaw my arm off. :laughing:
So while my workouts have been frustrating, at least I have good news on the diet/weightloss side of things. I didn't think I was going to, as I got stuck and the needle on the scale wasn't moving for a while there... it even seemed to go up one day. But I'm very happy to announce that over the weekend I lost another 3 pounds, for a total loss over the last 7 weeks of 25 lbs!!! :hyper:

Way to go!! That is quite the accomplishment. Keep up the good work :thumbsup2

In other news, a friend gave me her HBO Go login information so that I could FINALLY sit down and binge-watch all 5 seasons of Game of Thrones. I'd been wanting to watch it for years, but I kept telling myself I would wait and read the books first, but I never got around to it. And then when I read that they are continuing on with Season 6 this year even through the author isn't getting the books out fast enough... I said screw it, I'm watching the dang show. Ya'll, I'm COMPLETELY sucked in. I finished Season 4 last night (the finale was EPIC), and am dying to get home and start Season 5! (...After I go to the gym, of course. :rolleyes1 )

Oh my goodness.. I never thought in a million years I would be into GoT. My DF is all over it. So then one day he was watching Season 2 with his dad (who is also hooked) and I happened to sit down for an episode. Well that's all I needed! I asked if he would start over and watch with me and he was like uhhh, yes! We binge watched season 1-5 over the summer. Some weekends we would stay up until 3/3:30 in the morning. I would be fighting sleep so hard and look at him all, "just. one. more :faint:" hahahah! Who is your favorite character(s) so far? I will always love Khal and Khaleesi :lovestruc

Also, as some of you already saw in my replies, I broke down over the weekend and bought a KINDLE! I've always sworn off e-books, plus I don't like reading on a tablet because of the glare. But my bookshelves are overflowing at this point, so a friend talked me into checking out eReaders. I really like the Kindle Paperwhite, but didn't want to pay $120 for something I may end up not even sticking with. So I went on eBay last night and got a gently used one with cables included for only $60! According to the description, it's being sold by a college student who randomly won it as a door prize at a campus event, used it a couple times, then never touched it again. I'm EXCITED! It's already been shipped, I've been tracking the package, and it should be here in the next day or two! :D

I love my Kindle! Although at work I actually listen to audiobooks (I use Audible) with my headphones. Perks of an office job. If you have a library card see if they have the eBook function. You can check out a book for the alotted time period and it will download to your kindle. When you're done you e-return it. You can set up a wish list, place holds, and even ask for an extension if you're not done and no one else is waiting for it. It's amazing!
How do the discounts work? Just ask anywhere we go at Disney? I'm assuming restaurants only do discounts if you have Tables in Wonderland (which I don't think I'm going to get, the $150 sign-up fee is a lot, and since I use the Dining Plan for most of my meals, I just don't see me saving over $150 by using it on the few extra meals I do).

I know there are quite a few dining discounts for AP holders (usually 10% or so) - though some of the restaurants in Epcot restrict to lunch hours for the discount. I'm not quite sure if it works with the dining plan, though since that's all prepaid and pre-priced. We usually pay OOP for food, so remembering to ask about the discounts is nice. And every little bit helps if you have a few OOP meals anyway.

In addition, there are merchandise discounts (also 10%), which are nice when souvenir shopping :) I'm pretty sure all of the big souvenir stores like the one in MK offer a discount, and the Lego store does too (though Downtown Disney is kind of a toss up - it seems like some places do have one and some don't). Basically, it never hurts to ask, and if they do have a discount it's kind of an extra bonus :)

One other cool perk is that you get a little bit off of the cost of tours as well (AllEars says 15%) - so if you had the time & energy, it might be a good year to do some of those too :)
In addition, there are merchandise discounts (also 10%), which are nice when souvenir shopping :) I'm pretty sure all of the big souvenir stores like the one in MK offer a discount, and the Lego store does too (though Downtown Disney is kind of a toss up - it seems like some places do have one and some don't). Basically, it never hurts to ask, and if they do have a discount it's kind of an extra bonus :)
We've found that TONS of places offer the 10% AP discount :thumbsup2 Our first trip with our AP's we kept kicking ourselves after buying something b/c we'd forget to ask, so the next trip we just asked everywhere lol. Each trip I think we've found like one merch place that doesn't give the discount. The only one I remember off-hand is the Arribas Bros. cart outside PoTC. Even if you only save a couple dollars one place, over the course of your trip it can add up!
Hellos! I know I haven't been around much! :hug:

Me neither :hug: for some reason I've been in a Disfunk lately, so much to catch up on! I'm blaming the head cold :bitelip:

I'm admittedly getting discouraged, but I don't want to come here and be all negative either. I did lo

We are here for ya girlfriend, in good times and in bad :thumbsup2

My ADR list has gotten pretty much out-of-control (and I like it that way)...

I LoVE your ADR list!! :love:

I come out better financially if I just buy myself an ANNUAL PASS. So. That's what is going to h

YES!!!! I'm so excited for you!! :teacher: :cheer2: We can be AP buddies! Warning...annual passes will lead to planning multiple trips! :rolleyes1 That's all I Have to say about that

I'll probably plan something for the beginning of next October so that I can be sure to get at least three trips out of it! :hyper: Because you know, I like to spend dat moneh moneh that I ain't got yet...

Like I said... Gotta get your money's worth out of that puppy!

So they're going back to Disney World with me Feb. 20-25!

That's so cool! I do believe someone's got the Disney bug ::yes::. That's really great that they loved it enough to want to go back!

I ended up just letting my legs rest for 6 days. Forcing myself to go back tonight after work though, and get back into it! Hopefully the pain will have calmed down enough for me

I totally approve of that strategy. Sometimes you've just got to listen to your body screaming "give me a break!" Slow and steady :fish:

total loss over the last 7 weeks of 25 lbs!!! :hyper:

That is AWESOME!!!! :dancer: You go girl! That has got to feel amazeballs
It's been awhile since I have been on the Dis but since I finally have a PTR to start I have been checking out pages. I have started yours but still have quit a few pages to catch up on. Just wanted to say that I am here and I am reading.:wave2:

Ok, now back to reading.:surfweb:
And in about 3 weeks, the official park hours will be released, and screw everything up. :laughing:

Yeah, seriously. Park hours always screw up plans. Oh, Disney, why must you always break our hearts after we spend so much time planning?

For the first time in my life, I'll be a Walt Disney World Annual Pass Holder!

OMG ANNUAL PASS!!! I'm so super jealous!!

Speaking of the February trip (which I am resisting creating a PTR for quite yet), there's been an interesting change there, as well. It all started with my Aunt Debby posting on my Facebook that they're ready to go back to Disney! So I gave her a call, told her that my October trip is a solo adventure, but invited her and my Uncle Mark to join me in February, and be my cheering section at the finish line... And they LOVE the idea! So they're going back to Disney World with me Feb. 20-25!

Yay!! That is so awesome!! It'll be really nice to have someone waiting for you after the race!

And this time, their psuedo-adopted daughter (she was their neighbor when she was a teenager and they became like a second family to her, and still are 20 years later) is going to join us too, AND she is going to walk the 5K with me! :goodvibes

Extra yay! It's definitely nice to have someone sharing this experience with you!

I'm sure I'll be like the poor cat on the left...


I feel like this is a good time to share that I fell off the treadmill once. I was watching baseball and the Yankees manager did something stupid (which is not unusual), and I started yelling at the TV. And then I fell off the treadmill. It wasn't fun, but it was kinda funny.

As for training for the 5K, I was super lazy last week. I was having a lot of pain in my legs out of no where (I think it was a combination of my Fibromyalgia plus pushing myself a little too hard), so I was dreading going. I ended up just letting my legs rest for 6 days. Forcing myself to go back tonight after work though, and get back into it! Hopefully the pain will have calmed down enough for me to push through! I'm going to start back slow and see how it goes.

Uh-oh. Pain is never fun. Hopefully the rest helps, but if it doesn't ... talk to your doctor!

But I'm very happy to announce that over the weekend I lost another 3 pounds, for a total loss over the last 7 weeks of 25 lbs!!! :hyper:

YAY!!!! 25 lbs ... that is so awesome!

In other news, a friend gave me her HBO Go login information so that I could FINALLY sit down and binge-watch all 5 seasons of Game of Thrones.

Meh. Apparently I'm the only one who doesn't watch this show. I'm not a big George R.R. Martin person.

It sure will be! I know it's "just" a 5K.

IT IS NOT "JUST" A 5K. It is 3.1 difficult miles. Believe me, until I actually had my first 3.1 mile training run (which, granted, was like 2 months before the race), I wasn't sure I could do it. And I have always walked a lot, even before I started running. A 5K is a lot harder than people think it is.
(Okay, rant over)
I have never seen GoT either. And I've only seen the first of the Harry Potter movies. And I don't own a smart phone or a kindle thing. I'm not 85, I just live like I am apparently, ha!
I totally forgot to mention the AP!!!
Your going to love every bit and I just know your going to renew it.. it has too many perks.
My ADR list has gotten pretty much out-of-control (and I like it that way)...
I don't like it, I love it, love it, love it, love it. So good it hurts.... Ya know I love me a list of out of control disney food. Looking good!

I come out better financially if I just buy myself an ANNUAL PASS. So. That's what is going to happen. For the first time in my life, I'll be a Walt Disney World Annual Pass Holder! :goodvibes Even if I only use it for these two trips, it's still totally worth it... But let's be honest, I'll probably plan something for the beginning of next October so that I can be sure to get at least three trips out of it! :hyper: Because you know, I like to spend dat moneh moneh that I ain't got yet...
WOOHOO. Speaking of loving things, yeah for Disney math. We went back and forth on getting them again this year and ultimately decided to renew them (cause $100 savings a piece, hello). As long as you get two trips in they make sense financially. Then other trips after that are of course really free ; ) And don't forget you can get a Tables in Wonderland card now too. My favorite little AP perk.

It all started with my Aunt Debby posting on my Facebook that they're ready to go back to Disney! So I gave her a call, told her that my October trip is a solo adventure, but invited her and my Uncle Mark to join me in February, and be my cheering section at the finish line... And they LOVE the idea!
That is so great. Their faces and early nights didn't always show it, but clearly they had a blast. Fingers crossed we'll be down there then too so we can all be at the finish line ; )

But I'm very happy to announce that over the weekend I lost another 3 pounds, for a total loss over the last 7 weeks of 25 lbs!!! :hyper:
Oh Billie, that is wonderful!!!!! So, so, so happy for you.

In other news, a friend gave me her HBO Go login information so that I could FINALLY sit down and binge-watch all 5 seasons of Game of Thrones.
Hope you enjoy. And when you're down watch True Blood and Big Love if you have some time. Besides Sopranos, they are my most favorite HBO series.

Also, as some of you already saw in my replies, I broke down over the weekend and bought a KINDLE!
Hope you enjoy it. I don't use mine as much as I'd like, cause I just don't have time to read, but when I get some beach time I totally but it into overload. Nothing better than loading it up and having to carry only that to the beach ; )

That's it for now. Toodles! :cutie:
Toods (totally gonna try and make that a thing)
or the first time in my life, I'll be a Walt Disney World Annual Pass Holder!
Oh, yeah!! :cool2:

but invited her and my Uncle Mark to join me in February, and be my cheering section at the finish line... And they LOVE the idea!

And this time, their psuedo-adopted daughter (she was their neighbor when she was a teenager and they became like a second family to her, and still are 20 years later) is going to join us too, AND she is going to walk the 5K with me!
Oh-oh, they've been bitten by the Disney bug! So happy to hear they'll be joining you and that you'll have a walking partner for the 5K.

Forcing myself to go back tonight after work though, and get back into it! Hopefully the pain will have calmed down enough for me to push through! I'm going to start back slow and see how it goes.
You've got this! :cheer2:

total loss over the last 7 weeks of 25 lbs
That's AMAZING!:thumbsup2

plus I don't like reading on a tablet because of the glare.
Same here. I love my Nook (was an Xmas gift a few years ago) for reading because the screen is completely matte. Much easier on my old eyes. Now though, I'm going to start audiobooks again (I go through phases of wanting to read vs. wanting to be read to during my commute). I've got The Cuckoo's Calling (finally!) cued up on my Audible app and I'll start it this afternoon. Super excited. Oh, what would we do without books, glorious books?!
Blehhhhh. It did NOT. I did my full 45 minutes, but I had to go slow, legs are still killing me. Thinking of mixing up my routine and going to test a theory tomorrow night in hopes it gives me some relief! :scratchin

Excited for an update... Good for you powering thought, but i am looking forward to hear how mixing it up is working out!

Well, my AP will expire on 10/21/17, so it will have to be before that! And I want to avoid Columbus Day, which is 10/09/17. So right now, if I manage to squeeze in an October 2017 trip, I'm thinking it will likely be 10/13-10/20. :thumbsup2

Maybe a month off... Currently i am looking at Sept 16-23 or November... October is hard for me unless I go towards the end of the month which is an option but the earliest i could arrive in October is the 21ish.... I may just miss you AGAIN!
You can walk them, but from what I understand, you just have to be a fast walker. While I've been told they don't especially enforce it at the 5K, Disney does ask that you can keep a pace of at least a 16-min mile. Plus every stop for character photos counts against your time, too. I figure in order to be truly ready for it, I want to be able to easily walk and occasionally lightly jog the whole 3.1 miles in 45 minutes or less. That's what my training goal is! :goodvibes

Yeah, I don't think I walk quite that fast yet. Maybe I'll shoot for the Wine & Dine next year.

One time I told a friend I wanted a tablet just so that I can play Angry Birds on a big screen. :laughing: Now I just want one so that I can watch shows while I'm on the treadmill!

That's a good idea, actually. :)

Once the real park hours for October 2016 are released next month, I'm sure I'll be shuffling things around. @hokieinpa and I are planning on getting lunch at The Wave around 2pm on 10/25, then heading over to MNSSHP for the 4pm entry... I'm sure when the time comes we can exchange phones number and text each and maybe get together to watch HalloWishes or something! :goodvibes

Sounds good to me. We hadn't really planned on watching HalloWishes but I might be persuaded to make an exception. :rolleyes1
The plans look great! Keith and I got Annual Passes during our November Trip for the exact reason you described. We knew we would be going back with the kids in March so when I crunched the numbers for tickets for the 2 of us on each trip it came out cheaper to do APs. We were just going to use it for the 2 trips, but then Keith mentioned the other day about going again in October 2016 right before our APs argument out of me, but we will have to see.

Congrats on the weight loss...I know how hard it can be!! Great job!!
Hi Billie!

total loss over the last 7 weeks of 25 lbs!!! :hyper:

GREAT news! That is already a great accomplishment! So very, very proud of you. :) WOOT!

Sounds like a great plan to have company on your 5K too; hopefully that'll keep you motivated and more eager to train and WAY more fun during the walk/run.

Have missed you on the DIS- here and on my PTR. We're both busy and I know I'm not on nearly as much as I'd like to be. Someday, things will be different.
Hi Billie! Just catching up. Congratulations on your weight loss. You are inspiring so many people. I hope your knees feel better. I was doing three 30 day challenges at a time plus a 30 minute elliptical and my left knee was killing me. I think it was from the squats. I had to lay off and slowly it's getting better. Don't push yourself too hard that you'll make your knees hurt.
On a Disney note. I love your spreadsheets. We are going in November and I like to stop in to see how many days you have until park hours are released so I can gage when our park hours will be announced. Have you ever done the dessert party? We are debating this one. My oldest has severe food allergies so we never eat out. I know Disney is great with allergies, but just wondered if it was worth it.
Keep up the good work.


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