Somebody's Gonna Pee in a Cup, West Coast - Link to new TR 1/21

Well, you know, I just want to be perfectly clear. Just in case somebody would ever be debating about running from DCA to DL to use an Indiana Jones FP while the clock is ticking. I just want them to know they can probably make it. :rolleyes1

Awesome! I can see where that would be really, really helpful information.:sad2:
Ok… bad news. Friday, was a very full, fun day. And we have hardly any pictures. In fact, the first update has none. I apologize in advance.
That's unfortunate.

I got to DLH and walked past the CM’s directing runners to where they needed to go to get to the corrals. There was a roadblock set up in front of the DLH with 2 CM’s standing next to it. I figured they’re next to a roadblock, they must know what is going on.
One would think...

They looked at me and told me they didn’t know. They said they only knew about the traffic closures at the exact spot they were placed and didn’t know about anything else.

I mean, to a point, I can understand a CM in guest services not knowing what is going on with road closures 2 days in advance. But the morning of an event, if you’re set up in a traffic control role and can’t even answer those questions, there’s something seriously wrong.
::yes::::yes::::yes:: No kidding!

Anyway, I felt good about it, finally having seen it myself. But I did want to be 100% sure. I never saw a car come or go the whole time I was there, so I approached the guard shack to ask. Unlike the day I rolled into DLH, the guard answered me in no uncertain terms that I would be able to get out that way the following morning.
Huzzah! Answers! :cheer2:

I stopped at the Haagen Dazs store to grab a couple of pastries for breakfast
Haagen Dazs makes pastries?:confused3

But the one that really made me do a double and then a triple take was a guy dressed as a Starspeeder from Star Tours.
:rotfl: Awesome!

One family had effectively shut down 2 whole lanes right at rope drop.

But I know for a fact that the mom, or whoever she was, who was pushing the stroller knew I was trying to get around. Just based on eye contact and the look I got. I pretty much took it as a “screw you, you’re not getting in front of us.”
:mad: You gotta hate those entitled types!

Nobody else was in line yet, so the captain of our sub told us that while she’d normally tell us to move all the way in, we could sit anywhere we wanted since we were getting a private charter.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t quite the case. A couple of families walked up before the closed the hatches, so they were able to board with us. But it was still far from being a full sub.
Well boo! But not full is better then packed right?

I didn’t research the attractions
A Diser didn't research something completely before the trip?!? :scared1::rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:

And it is on ground level. It is a much different experience from the MK counterpart
Ground Level would be all the difference. ::yes::
I'm glad you finally got some answers about getting out. I can't believe they let someone run in something that big either, wish you had pictures of it, sounds interesting. Too bad you didn't get the shirt it sounds amazing. I really like the one you got though. I got the one of Darth Vader on dumbo last week and I am in love with it. I'm interested to hear if your DCA is as successful.
I have been MIA on the trip report boards (and barely keeping up with the FAQ I manage), but I'm glad to be back here and catching up on reports. Right now, I have read through your two life updates.

I loved the stories from the start of your son's baseball career. That first league with the little kids is so fun to watch! You never know what will happen.


Happy (belated) birthday to your DD. Looks like the party was a smashing success based on the pictures.


I'm relatively new around here, so I didn't know that you lived on a farm (and a large one at that)! Congratulations on getting the corn planted so quickly and to have it growing already. I wish you a successful and bountiful harvest.

I work on a farm (not as a grower, but a teacher). The land has been farmed since 1635 and the stone manor house on the property was built around 1690. The farm was originally 400 acres and now we have about 230. The company I work for is a historic organization, but we do lease a lot of our land to local farms- mostly corn, but some other veggies too.

Hope you will keep us updated as the season progresses.

I woke up earlier than normal on Friday morning. Our last park day.

The last day is always the worst, but also the best. It's a confusing day for any Disney fan.:rolleyes:

They looked at me and told me they didn’t know. They said they only knew about the traffic closures at the exact spot they were placed and didn’t know about anything else.

I'm sorry, what? How was this so unorganized? His is not like the Disney I know and love. I'm still blaming California.

I know this means nothing to most, but the DL vets might understand the area and know what I’m talking about.

Yeah, not clue here...:sad2:

They were playing Star Wars music, and I think I started whistling along with it as I walked back towards DTD and GCH.

I do this all the time! I was whistling the Death Star song while doing the dishes the other day! :darth:

Again, these were much cheaper, and much better than what we got our first morning from the QS place in GCH.

That stinks, most of the WDW food is expensive, but at least most of it is good too. It's really sounding like GCF ain't all that grand!

But the one that really made me do a double and then a triple take was a guy dressed as a Starspeeder from Star Tours

That takes some resinous dedication, not just to make something like that, but to then run in it!

And three, I couldn’t believe that they’d let someone run in something so… big and bulky.

I thought the same thing! How is that safe, or fair to other runners?

One family had effectively shut down 2 whole lanes right at rope drop.

Lovely. I hate it when people have that kind of attitude. Just cause your MB didn't work doesn't mean I should have to suffer along with you! Come on people.

And as it turned out we were first in line!


I pretty much took it as a “screw you, you’re not getting in front of us.”

This is out of order, but yeah, this person sounds like a wonderful human being.

The Finding Nemo subs were a fun ride, but I definitely wish it was Captain Nemo instead.

I see what you Did there :rolleyes1 I remember 2,000 Leagues, I was afraid we were gonna drown in those submarines. Glad Nemo was fun though!:thumbsup2

And it is on ground level.

Lame! I hate the Astro Orbiter; not a fan of high up open spaces (the Ferris wheel terrifies me) but if you're gonna do it, do it right! Who wants to circle the second level of a theme park? I'd rather be terrified and see everything. But then again I'm odd.:banana:

But I wish I would have just bought it.

That stinks. When it comes to shopping I'd rather have buyers remorse than regret not getting something. Sorry you missed it. I bet you can find it online, maybe a google image search?

Now let’s see if a regular park opening at DCA is more kind to us than the early entries had been.

I hope it was!pixiedust:
Your parking adventures have me stressed out. Sheesh!! I really hope it all works out when the time comes!

I really liked the Subs. Last time I was there, we actually did the handicapped version, where you go into a little theater, and watch the video on a screen. Not quite the same, but still a very good option for those who can't do the regular ride. More importantly, my aunt enjoyed herself too.

Ahhhh, a quick little park hop. Nice move! Anxious to see where you headed to first.... although I do have an idea. ;)
I love all of the family pics in Carsland! It's so fun when it's all lit up at night, just like in the movie. We STILL never did eat at Flo's but it is such a cute CS place.

It is really disappointing and quite frankly, embarrassing, that the CM's could not give you an answer on traffic closures. I'm sure it is madness to have everyone where they need to be, you would think everyone would be up to date on that info! I'm glad you got your answer though about being able to get out the following morning.

I'm so glad you finally had a successful early entry morning! I hope the luck continued over at DCA.
Sounds like a you spent a few nice moments touring the DL hotel lobby though. I love early morning resort strolls.

That is so unfair to us East Coast (or at least not West Coast) early risers to have a 10 am rope drop. I can't even imagine!!! Even the 9 am early entry at CA is ridiculous. I was so glad for the 7 am openings at the parks during our summer DL trip.

So frustrating that RSR was down. AGAIN!!! :headache:

Peter Pan is a family favorite (at least for my DH and me, the teens not so much), and we did that first thing on the morning DL opened early. Yup, 30 minute wait. I wish it had FP.

The pictures from Dumbo and Tea Cups are precious. Totally worth doing!

We didn't do much else in Fantasyland- no Small World, or Canal Boats or Alice. I like the idea of Disney characters in Small World, and nice that you were able to experience the holiday overlay with some different songs.

I did ride Roger Rabbit (standby) with Brenda (emmysmommy) but that was the extent of it. It was our first time every stepping foot in a Mickeystoontown land. Never made it at WDW.

And the last picture I took this trip…

From the carousel, looking out at the castle. Beautiful. Went out with style!

The spontaneous pictures of the kids with Donald are awesome. The ones with Mickey are great too!

Yay for rides on Space, Buzz and BTM. I really liked BTM at DL. Like you, I'm not sure if I like one better than the other but I think BTM is my favorite Disney ride. It just makes me smile. Wherever it may be.

So sorry about your phone. We all knew it was coming, but it doesn't make it any less painful...

At least it seems like you were able to get your pictures, and hopefully most of your other data/info from it.
Carsland at night looks like pure magic! I love the family photos that you got there. Honestly, what I'd be most excited to see at DLR is Carsland (and Walt's apartment of course ;) )
::yes:: It really is amazing and it lives up to all the hype and expectations that had been built up!

It's never a bad idea to have ice cream.

What a frustrating time trying to see how that race would affect the other guests!
I know. I was really disappointed by the whole thing and really feel like the Disney customer service that I've always had a great appreciation for let me down on this one.

The Nemo Subs look cute. I'm afraid I'd feel claustrophobic in them. Was it tight?
Not really... I mean it is a narrow walkway, between the seats and the wall, but it really isn't all that claustrophobic. There's enough room to stand up inside them. And if you're scared and feel the need to see daylight, just look up to where the boat's driver stands.

We've never done Astro Orbiters. Maybe this year? Or, with Roni's fear of heights, maybe not LOL-
:rotfl2::rotfl: You know... if 2 certain princesses really want you all to do it... :rolleyes1

I'm glad that you got to go on Star Tours! Too bad about the shirt. If you're still interested, I found 2 websites that sell it (besides Ebay) and
Yeah, just help me spend more money... :rolleyes1.

I figured you were probably referring to people who had been to DL more than twice.
But it's still a sobering reminder that as much as I love that place, I don't know anything other than the parks, the hotels I've stayed at, and DTD. Nothing about the Disney hotels, nothing about the streets ... I guess I have to go back and stay on property next time.
I really do see the benefit of staying off-site there, more so than at WDW. I wouldn't be in a rush to stay on site unless you've just got a really good reason for doing so. I'm sure the savings are well worth it for a lot of the good neighbor hotels there.

One thing that people who don't do Disney races (myself included until a few months ago) don't seem to realize is that these races are so walker-friendly - especially the 5K. For all of the races, the people who wear the least running-friendly costumes tend to be the ones who plan to walk the whole thing. Since they don't enforce the pace requirement at the 5K (at least in Florida, might be different at DL where they run through both parks), people take it as an opportunity to wear a costume that they wouldn't wear at a race where they have to run.
I can see that. I kind of assumed that was the case with the 5K. But that was just a huge costume! :faint:

:laughing: We never are, are we?
Of course not!

I'm going with both.
Maybe leaning a bit more towards the crazy side.

I thought everyone already had those installed???
Not yet, but I will! Our stroller will look like something out of Mad Max.

Huh. I'd sure love it if they would.
Especially now with the latest in technology, you could make it so amazing.


I should write my reports like that. It would save a whole bunch of typing.

"So guess what I was going to do? Dive Quest! Swimming with the sharks at the Living Seas!
So I did that and then went to Mousegears to look for a shirt."

Yup. Lots shorter and easier to write.
:sad2: I'm sorry. I told you I just puke an update out and hit post. I do tend to glaze over things that just don't have a good story. I mean, I rode Star Tours. Solo. It was Star Tours. There just isn't much else to add. It isn't like I was blowing bubbles at a stingray or something. I wasn't even the Rebel Spy. And our Starspeeder was only about half full.

What an update with no pictures? Pshaw. ;)
:sad2: I hang my head in shame.

Well, I read it anyway! Danged rude woman at the turnstiles.
It was frustrating. It clearly didn't slow us down too much in the end though.

I hope you get a chance to procure that shirt someday -- it's so you!
If I see it around somewhere, I'll probably grab it. :thumbsup2
I'm glad you finally found a knowlegeable CM to answer your parking dilemma. :thumbsup2

But the one that really made me do a double and then a triple take was a guy dressed as a Starspeeder from Star Tours.

Now that's creative. ::yes::

ne family had effectively shut down 2 whole lanes right at rope drop.

Some people use those strollers as barriers to ward off other guests getting where they need to go. So annoying.

Our CM, who had been apologizing to me the whole time, apologized again. Nothing she could do, it wasn’t her fault. The other CM even looked over and gave me a quick apology.

We saw quite a bit of that - CMs apologizing for entitled guests behavior.

Personally though, I remember the old 20,000 Leagues subs from MK. And I miss them.

This kind of makes me wish I'd become a Disney fan sooner.

I didn’t buy it because I’d already bought a shirt.

And I really didn’t need it.

But I wish I would have just bought it.

I hate it when that happens! I'm still thinking about some things I passed on, too. Maybe you can find it again on your next trip.

Sounds like you had a great morning. :thumbsup2
Awesome! I can see where that would be really, really helpful information.:sad2:
Just trying to provide a public service... :rolleyes1

That's unfortunate.

One would think...

::yes::::yes::::yes:: No kidding!
Sadly, by this point, I just wasn't even surprised by it. You just kind of reach a point where you want to throw up your hands and give up.

Huzzah! Answers! :cheer2:

Haagen Dazs makes pastries?:confused3
Well, I assume they do it everyday... I know they had a sign up announcing that they'd be opening at like 4 am on race days. They had equipment to make coffee, so I'd assume that the store in DTD anyway, must be open for coffee and pastries in the mornings on a regular basis.

It was. I couldn't believe what I was seeing at first.

:mad: You gotta hate those entitled types!
It was frustrating. It didn't slow us down too much, but it was just one of those cases where it was clear that they knew what they were doing and didn't even care.

Well boo! But not full is better then packed right?

A Diser didn't research something completely before the trip?!? :scared1::rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:
I know... I should hang my head in shame. :rolleyes1

I did minimal research. Basically I just tried to get a basic game plan together as far as which rides are slow loaders and when it would be a good time to do certain things. But in a way, I really didn't want to over plan for DL. Since it was my first time ever being there, I kind of wanted to be able to just take it in and go with the flow a little bit without knowing everything... if that makes sense to anyone on the Disboards. :rotfl:

Ground Level would be all the difference. ::yes::

I'm glad you finally got some answers about getting out.
So am I!

I can't believe they let someone run in something that big either, wish you had pictures of it, sounds interesting.
I wish I could have got a picture of a lot of what I saw that morning. If I had my phone, I probably would have.

Too bad you didn't get the shirt it sounds amazing. I really like the one you got though. I got the one of Darth Vader on dumbo last week and I am in love with it. I'm interested to hear if your DCA is as successful.
Thanks, I like the one I got too. I've never seen the Darth Vader on Dumbo shirt before! :thumbsup2

I have been MIA on the trip report boards (and barely keeping up with the FAQ I manage), but I'm glad to be back here and catching up on reports. Right now, I have read through your two life updates.
Welcome back!

I loved the stories from the start of your son's baseball career. That first league with the little kids is so fun to watch! You never know what will happen.
It is interesting to say the least. Drives you nuts as a coach though. :rotfl2:

Happy (belated) birthday to your DD. Looks like the party was a smashing success based on the pictures.
It was. She really had a great time!

I'm relatively new around here, so I didn't know that you lived on a farm (and a large one at that)! Congratulations on getting the corn planted so quickly and to have it growing already. I wish you a successful and bountiful harvest.

I work on a farm (not as a grower, but a teacher). The land has been farmed since 1635 and the stone manor house on the property was built around 1690. The farm was originally 400 acres and now we have about 230. The company I work for is a historic organization, but we do lease a lot of our land to local farms- mostly corn, but some other veggies too.

Hope you will keep us updated as the season progresses.
Thanks! That's cool. So for the historic farm do they work some of the ground using historic methods, or do they just simply rent it out to modern producers?
The last day is always the worst, but also the best. It's a confusing day for any Disney fan.:rolleyes:
::yes:: The best and the worst, all wrapped into one.

I'm sorry, what? How was this so unorganized? His is not like the Disney I know and love. I'm still blaming California.
I'm going with that theory too. :thumbsup2

I do this all the time! I was whistling the Death Star song while doing the dishes the other day! :darth:
The cantina song is the one that I always seem to get stuck in my head.

That stinks, most of the WDW food is expensive, but at least most of it is good too. It's really sounding like GCF ain't all that grand!
You know... I hate to pick on the food too much. Because QS just has too much competition. There are table service restaurants in the resort that get rave reviews. Granted we didn't try them so I can't speak from experience. But with GCH's location, I had a shorter walk to the Haagen Dazs store in DTD from our room than the walk to the QS place. So I'm sure this probably has a pretty big impact on it. Maybe not a good excuse, but there's just a lot of competition and better options around.

That takes some resinous dedication, not just to make something like that, but to then run in it!

I thought the same thing! How is that safe, or fair to other runners?
That's what my thinking was! I'd think something that big in the corral would be a bit of an inconvenience... and then talk about a moving roadblock... :faint:

Lovely. I hate it when people have that kind of attitude. Just cause your MB didn't work doesn't mean I should have to suffer along with you! Come on people.
Yeah... I mean they could have easily rolled the stroller a few inches one way or another to make enough room for us to slide through. But they clearly had no desire to let anyone get through that gate before they did.

First time I've ever had that distinction for any Disney ride!

This is out of order, but yeah, this person sounds like a wonderful human being.
Oh yeah. Struck me as being one of the finest specimens. :rolleyes1

I see what you Did there :rolleyes1 I remember 2,000 Leagues, I was afraid we were gonna drown in those submarines. Glad Nemo was fun though!:thumbsup2
:thumbsup2 I remember being kind of freaked out by them too when I was little. I really thought we were going under water! It was such an amazing ride when I was growing up and I think that's why I feel so nostalgic for it.

Lame! I hate the Astro Orbiter; not a fan of high up open spaces (the Ferris wheel terrifies me) but if you're gonna do it, do it right! Who wants to circle the second level of a theme park? I'd rather be terrified and see everything. But then again I'm odd.:banana:
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I know! It is nothing but Dumbo... only on the other side of the castle!

That stinks. When it comes to shopping I'd rather have buyers remorse than regret not getting something. Sorry you missed it. I bet you can find it online, maybe a google image search?
Yeah, I'm sure I can find it. Not that I need the encouragement to go spend more money! :rotfl2:

I hope it was!pixiedust:
You can't have bad luck 3 mornings in a row.

Can you???? :confused3 :eek:

Your parking adventures have me stressed out. Sheesh!! I really hope it all works out when the time comes!
I was really stressed about it. I mean, I feel like I was being a little too OCD about finding out about it. I mean they'd given me a paper that said to park there and I could get out. But I really wanted to have more information, especially given the fact that I've never driven around the area before and we'd have to catch a flight. I wanted to make sure we left in plenty of time and I just didn't want any surprises!

I really liked the Subs. Last time I was there, we actually did the handicapped version, where you go into a little theater, and watch the video on a screen. Not quite the same, but still a very good option for those who can't do the regular ride. More importantly, my aunt enjoyed herself too.
Well that's something different! I didn't even know they had that!

Ahhhh, a quick little park hop. Nice move! Anxious to see where you headed to first.... although I do have an idea. ;)
Third time's a charm??? :confused3

I love all of the family pics in Carsland! It's so fun when it's all lit up at night, just like in the movie. We STILL never did eat at Flo's but it is such a cute CS place.
Thanks! It really is so special there at night. The whole land is so immersive as it is, but when the sun goes down it just really feels like the town comes to life! I know I've read about it and seen pictures, but this is one of the few things that really lived up to and exceeded all expectations and hype.

It is really disappointing and quite frankly, embarrassing, that the CM's could not give you an answer on traffic closures. I'm sure it is madness to have everyone where they need to be, you would think everyone would be up to date on that info! I'm glad you got your answer though about being able to get out the following morning.
I know. As I mentioned, I was probably being a little too OCD about it, but I just wanted to make sure there were no surprises since I wasn't at all familiar with the area. The fact that nobody could answer my questions about road closures and a good route to the interstate just frustrated me to no end. I mean really, how did they even get to work???? They've got to know something!!!!

I'm so glad you finally had a successful early entry morning! I hope the luck continued over at DCA.
We're due for a lucky morning there!
Sounds like a you spent a few nice moments touring the DL hotel lobby though. I love early morning resort strolls.
Definitely. I really did like that. I just wandered around the lobby and didn't see another human being the whole time. It was a great opportunity to just soak in some Disney history.

That is so unfair to us East Coast (or at least not West Coast) early risers to have a 10 am rope drop. I can't even imagine!!! Even the 9 am early entry at CA is ridiculous. I was so glad for the 7 am openings at the parks during our summer DL trip.
It was difficult to wait until it was time for rope drop. But on that same token, it was kind of nice. Because DW is NOT and early riser so it was a lot less stressful to get everyone up and moving. I'm not even sure when the last time was that we did a morning EMH at WDW.

So frustrating that RSR was down. AGAIN!!! :headache:
::yes:: Fun ride. But reliability stinks!

Peter Pan is a family favorite (at least for my DH and me, the teens not so much), and we did that first thing on the morning DL opened early. Yup, 30 minute wait. I wish it had FP.
That's just nuts how quickly it lines up. I couldn't believe it!

The pictures from Dumbo and Tea Cups are precious. Totally worth doing!
::yes:: Absolutely!

We didn't do much else in Fantasyland- no Small World, or Canal Boats or Alice. I like the idea of Disney characters in Small World, and nice that you were able to experience the holiday overlay with some different songs.
I could take or leave the Canal Boats. They were interesting to see since it was totally unique to us, but not sure it was really worth the wait. But Alice was cool to see and I loved the differences between the IASW versions.

I did ride Roger Rabbit (standby) with Brenda (emmysmommy) but that was the extent of it. It was our first time every stepping foot in a Mickeystoontown land. Never made it at WDW.
I get that. Mickey's Toontown never really appealed to me much at WDW. But the kids are just at a perfect age for it now and we enjoyed it at DL. Kind of makes me miss having it at WDW, but I'm sure we'll quickly grow past that age anyway.

From the carousel, looking out at the castle. Beautiful. Went out with style!
Beats a close up shot of the pavement.

The spontaneous pictures of the kids with Donald are awesome. The ones with Mickey are great too!

Yay for rides on Space, Buzz and BTM. I really liked BTM at DL. Like you, I'm not sure if I like one better than the other but I think BTM is my favorite Disney ride. It just makes me smile. Wherever it may be.
Oh yeah, I can't ever ride BTMRR too many times. No matter which version it might be!

So sorry about your phone. We all knew it was coming, but it doesn't make it any less painful...
It just made the last day frustrating. Couldn't take pictures. Couldn't text DW. And worst of all, my in flight entertainment was going to be the kindle app on my phone. :headache:

At least it seems like you were able to get your pictures, and hopefully most of your other data/info from it.
Yeah, I had it set to back up every night on wifi so I really didn't lose anything. And my camera app was set up to put the pictures directly onto the SD card. Trust me, I learned this lesson when I drowned my phone a couple of years ago. :rotfl2:

I'm glad you finally found a knowlegeable CM to answer your parking dilemma. :thumbsup2

Now that's creative. ::yes::
Indeed it was. I saw multiple Vaders, but that was the only Starspeeder I saw.

Some people use those strollers as barriers to ward off other guests getting where they need to go. So annoying.
:sad2: It really wouldn't have slowed them down any either to just let me go by.

We saw quite a bit of that - CMs apologizing for entitled guests behavior.
And it is a shame that it has to come to that.

This kind of makes me wish I'd become a Disney fan sooner.
That ride is one of the most vivid memories I have from my first trip when I was 3. I mean, I don't remember much from that trip. But I remember riding that submarine and totally believing (maybe freaking out) we were going under water.

I hate it when that happens! I'm still thinking about some things I passed on, too. Maybe you can find it again on your next trip.

Sounds like you had a great morning. :thumbsup2
I'm sure if it turns up again, I'd have a hard time passing on it. :thumbsup2
I was up at about 4:30.


I woke up at 3:15am for years (7.5 to be exact!) to go to work and looking at that time just makes me cringe. How I did it, I have no idea. But on vacation?! :faint:

But I quickly saw that I wasn’t the only one who wasn’t headed to the race. I saw a group of people walking from GCH towards DLH, dressed in suits and hauling their luggage. I would assume they were staying at GCH for a conference (I’d seen some people in the conference areas during our stay) and they were headed out to catch a flight. Clearly, GCH really did just toss everyone out on their own to get to transportation and deal with moving their luggage.

Still can't believe they didn't handle this event properly for guests staying at GCH. Hopefully they get it together next year.

I got to DLH and walked past the CM’s directing runners to where they needed to go to get to the corrals. There was a roadblock set up in front of the DLH with 2 CM’s standing next to it. I figured they’re next to a roadblock, they must know what is going on.

I told them where I was parked and asked if I could get out now if I wanted to.

They looked at me and told me they didn’t know. They said they only knew about the traffic closures at the exact spot they were placed and didn’t know about anything else.

:headache::rolleyes: Of course they didn't know.

I stopped at the Haagen Dazs store to grab a couple of pastries for breakfast, since DW and I didn’t have anything to eat back in the room. Again, these were much cheaper, and much better than what we got our first morning from the QS place in GCH.

They serve Peet's coffee too! Oh wait, you don't care.:laughing:

But the one that really made me do a double and then a triple take was a guy dressed as a Starspeeder from Star Tours.

He had what must have been a huge box, shaped and painted like a Starspeeder. There was a hole in the middle for him to basically stand in it and it hung from straps on his shoulders. It stood out to me for a few reasons. One, you just couldn’t miss it. Two, it was unique. And three, I couldn’t believe that they’d let someone run in something so… big and bulky.

:lmao: That is pretty darn cool! Would have been entertaining to see him run, that's for sure!

But I was stuck.

I had the stroller.

We had to go through the gate between our turnstile and the next one over. It seemed that the family over there was having some issues getting their tickets through. And they’d parked their stroller right over in the middle. I couldn’t get around it. They weren’t going to move it. And I couldn’t get out of the way of the people behind me trying to get through our turnstile.

One family had effectively shut down 2 whole lanes right at rope drop.

They finally got it straightened out and made it through. Our CM, who had been apologizing to me the whole time, apologized again. Nothing she could do, it wasn’t her fault. The other CM even looked over and gave me a quick apology. It wasn’t a huge delay so it wasn’t a big deal, but just really frustrating. If they’d have kept their stroller off to the side with them until they were ready to actually go through the gate, it wouldn’t have even been a problem. But it was like they just didn’t want to let anyone else get in ahead of them.

I HATEEEEE when this happens! And it seems to happen a lot. I'll be on one side, good to enter through but on the other side of the shared stroller/wheelchair gate, they're having issues but they're lined up first and don't care about letting others through :mad::headache::mad:

But I know for a fact that the mom, or whoever she was, who was pushing the stroller knew I was trying to get around. Just based on eye contact and the look I got. I pretty much took it as a “screw you, you’re not getting in front of us.”

So many evil words come to my head :stir::furious:

Despite the hold up at the turnstiles, we were still well ahead of the bulk of the crowd. We headed down Main Street and once again, kept to the right. But instead of going through the castle, we made a hard right hand turn and entered Tomorrowland. We decided that we’d to ride the Finding Nemo subs before it got lined up this morning. And as it turned out we were first in line!

Very cool!

Unfortunately, that wasn’t quite the case. A couple of families walked up before the closed the hatches, so they were able to board with us. But it was still far from being a full sub.

Hey, at least it wasn't full. Oh man, those things are terrible when they're filled. Especially during the Summer when some folks don't believe in deodorant :faint:

So instead, we went to Astro Orbiter.

We enjoyed it. It has never been a must do for me. I enjoy doing it once in a while at MK, but I do think I like it better there than at DL. The DL version is right at the entrance to Tomorrowland next to the hub and some rockwork. And it is on ground level. It is a much different experience from the MK counterpart.

I've done this once as an adult. Me, being the size I am compared to you, have no idea how you didn't complain about this ride! I felt so squished and felt like I was going to fly out of one side, DH and I were holding on for dear life. I wouldn't mind trying it at the MK though.

DW decided that she was ok with taking the kids for another ride on Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters and I was grateful to hop on my starspeeder for a quick flight with C3PO.

Cool! Glad you were able to get on it with no wait.

But then I saw the epic shirt that I’ve seen pictures of, but had been unable to find, even at World of Disney in the huge display of Star Wars themed merchandise that they had.

It was the shirt with Darth Vader and storm troopers on the carousel with the quote, “This will be a day long remembered.”

I didn’t buy it because I’d already bought a shirt.

And I really didn’t need it.

But I wish I would have just bought it.

Shoulda bought it.:rolleyes1

Next time?? Wait, is there ever going to be a Disneyland next time??

Now let’s see if a regular park opening at DCA is more kind to us than the early entries had been.


I woke up at 3:15am for years (7.5 to be exact!) to go to work and looking at that time just makes me cringe. How I did it, I have no idea. But on vacation?! :faint:
Well, I never really fully adapted to west coast time on this trip. And that actually worked out great on this trip. I mean, 4:30 am was kind of like 7:30 am at home... and that's actually about as late as I ever sleep in. Being in bed at 9 the night before, 4:30 wasn't bad.

Still can't believe they didn't handle this event properly for guests staying at GCH. Hopefully they get it together next year.
That was my biggest disappointment about the whole thing. They just seemed ill prepared and it was as if they made no effort to accommodate the guests there.

:headache::rolleyes: Of course they didn't know.
Because why would they?

They serve Peet's coffee too! Oh wait, you don't care.:laughing:
That means absolutely nothing to me, but thanks for sharing. I'm sure that might help somebody plan for a future trip. :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

:lmao: That is pretty darn cool! Would have been entertaining to see him run, that's for sure!
::yes:: It was one of a kind.

I HATEEEEE when this happens! And it seems to happen a lot. I'll be on one side, good to enter through but on the other side of the shared stroller/wheelchair gate, they're having issues but they're lined up first and don't care about letting others through :mad::headache::mad:
Yeah. I mean, just move it forwards or backwards a few inches so I can get around. It won't take you any longer at all!!!!

So many evil words come to my head :stir::furious:
::yes:: Mostly the 4 letter kind. One had 5 letters and started with a "b" though.

Very cool!
::yes:: First time I've ever had that happen for any ride!

Hey, at least it wasn't full. Oh man, those things are terrible when they're filled. Especially during the Summer when some folks don't believe in deodorant :faint:
Oh my gosh. Hadn't even considered that. :eek: :faint:

I've done this once as an adult. Me, being the size I am compared to you, have no idea how you didn't complain about this ride! I felt so squished and felt like I was going to fly out of one side, DH and I were holding on for dear life. I wouldn't mind trying it at the MK though.
Well, I do remember it was cramped. But it was me with DD so it was almost as if I had the whole thing to myself. I did have my legs stretched out through the whole rocket. There's definitely no way in heck I could ride it with another adult. :rotfl2:

Cool! Glad you were able to get on it with no wait.
::yes:: I love Star Tours. I was already kind of resigned to the idea that I might not get a chance to ride, but I'm so glad I did!

Shoulda bought it.:rolleyes1

Next time?? Wait, is there ever going to be a Disneyland next time??
Well... who knows? It was definitely a "once in a lifetime" type of trip. I think comparing apples to apples, we're always going to choose WDW over DL for a vacation. But if I ever have a chance to get back out to the West Coast for some reason, I think I'd have to make a detour through Anaheim. :rolleyes1
Great update, Andy. I'm glad you FINALLY got an answer about exiting the parking garage the next day.

You guys got a few of those slow loading rides in...good for you. I miss the 20000 Leagues Under the Sea too.

That's too bad you didn't get the t-shirt (Mark has it and wears it all of the time).

I sure hope that your regular park opening at DCA is kinder to you.


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