Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow



I'm a firm believer in you can never have enough crap on a burger or dog.

A good burger should have (in addition to meat and bun)
chili (beef not bean)
pickles (not a typo)
more cheese, too
bacon or back bacon or ham
ketchup (but I won't add it if the rest is already put on by someone else)
onions (preferably fried)
mushrooms (sauteéd)
fried egg

Add more stuff for fun. Like KD or pineapple.

Cool tidbits on Lynn Johnston.

As for burgers, I like a little less stuff on mine. My usual Five Guys order is a cheeseburger with grilled onions, sautéed mushrooms and A-1 sauce.
I want a hamburger with just ketchup and more ketchup. And extra ketchup for the fries. I especially hate cheese on beef.
If you haven't figured it out, I'm a picky eater. I don't like salad so why would I want it on my sandwiches?

Who is Lynn Johnson?
Somehow or other I missed this post earlier...

In the fall of 1991 Ruby and I moved up to Lynn Lake, MB (where Lynn Johnston is from... or at least lived)
Many people there still remembered her.
Some tidbits...
The house where she lived still has an entire wall mural that she painted on it.
Her real life husband was apparently exactly like the comic husband John.
Remember the original dog, Farley? He died after rescuing April?
He's named after the town's main feature, the Farley Mine. (Gold if you're interested.)

Cool info there.
I always liked her take and insight on the adventure that is raising young'ens and on family life in general.

I disagree.
While I would never do what Carrie does (I still can't believe you only put ketchup on, Carrie)
I do believe in ketchup on meat.
I hear you. It's supposedly not done, but.
I'm a firm believer in you can never have enough crap on a burger or dog.

A good burger should have (in addition to meat and bun)
chili (beef not bean)
pickles (not a typo)
more cheese, too
bacon or back bacon or ham
ketchup (but I won't add it if the rest is already put on by someone else)
onions (preferably fried)
mushrooms (sauteéd)
fried egg

Not a bad list at all.
I wouldn't turn such down if offered.

Although given free reign...
I'd loose the mushrooms (and the ketchup obviously)
and have the tomato grilled first (or replaced with either a "fried green" one or a good salsa).
Still not sure about eggs on a burger either, but considering that I love steak-n-eggs, I really should give that a go sometime.

Add more stuff for fun. Like KD or pineapple.

Agreed on the pineapple as well (grilled of course).
But you lost me on "KD"... that's a new term to my untrained South'rn ear.
Cool tidbits on Lynn Johnston.

As for burgers, I like a little less stuff on mine. My usual Five Guys order is a cheeseburger with grilled onions, sautéed mushrooms and A-1 sauce.

I have 'em "all the way" aka with everything.

If you haven't figured it out, I'm a picky eater.

No! I never, never would have guessed!



I don't like salad so why would I want it on my sandwiches?

I'm going to go out on a limb and take a wild stab at this one.

Because you're a picky eater????

Who is Lynn Johnson?

Lynn Johnson is a cartoonist who had a very popular newspaper (and later books) cartoon called For Better For Worse.
She was different in that her characters actually aged as people normally do.
Her little kids in her cartoons eventually grew up and got married.

I always liked her take and insight on the adventure that is raising young'ens and on family life in general.

She introduced a gay character, ethnic characters and as I mentioned, aging.

and have the tomato grilled first (or replaced with either a "fried green" one or a good salsa).

I like that idea of grilling the tom.
I don't know if I've ever had that on a burger, but I'm betting it would taste better.

Still not sure about eggs on a burger either, but considering that I love steak-n-eggs, I really should give that a go sometime.

Try it. You'll change your mind.

Agreed on the pineapple as well (grilled of course).

Of course.

But you lost me on "KD"... that's a new term to my untrained South'rn ear.

KD originally Kraft Dinner is mac n cheese, comes out of a box complete with noodles and cheese mix.
(Cook noodles, add mix, butter and milk. Stir. Eat until you explode.)
KD originally Kraft Dinner is mac n cheese, comes out of a box complete with noodles and cheese mix.
(Cook noodles, add mix, butter and milk. Stir. Eat until you explode.)

As Tarzan said: "Oh I see..." KD = Mac-n-Cheese

Slap some-o that on a burger huh?
Gott'a admit, that notion never occurred to me... 'til now.

Now if I were to do such though, it wouldn't be made with KD.
Nope, I'd be using "Bad Mac"; my wife's version of the critter.
- has three or four kinds of cheese (more if we're feelin' adventurous)
- extra butter and replaces a good portion of the milk with heavy cream
- may or may not also include bacon or some other type of smoked sausage depending on the mood
- slow baked to ensure ultra creaminess (with even more cheese thrown on to crisp up at the end of the bake)
- the leftovers can be reheated, or sliced and fried, or breaded and deep-fried...

That stuff is so ridiculous, that my son routinely requests a batch instead of birthday cake.
(and since his BD is coming up soon, that means she'll be makin' some in the near).
Mmmm, Mmm, Mm, Mm, Mmmmmmmmmmmm...

some of that on a burger, may well be prohibited by law.
I may now have to break that law.
Mac and cheese on a burger? That is truly weird! You guys are just getting ridiculous! I wouldn't mind adding some baked beans but they're too messy! I think there's a hot dog at WDW that has mac & cheese on it.

What does everyone think of the free dining debacle of 2015? It makes me scared for next year. We really depend on getting the free dining with our trip. The percentage off a room isn't as good of a deal. We might have to stay at all star music! And possibly cut our trip short.
Slap some-o that on a burger huh?
Gott'a admit, that notion never occurred to me... 'til now.

I can't take credit.
I saw it on a menu at a great burger place.

Now if I were to do such though, it wouldn't be made with KD.
Nope, I'd be using "Bad Mac"; my wife's version of the critter.
- has three or four kinds of cheese (more if we're feelin' adventurous)
- extra butter and replaces a good portion of the milk with heavy cream
- may or may not also include bacon or some other type of smoked sausage depending on the mood
- slow baked to ensure ultra creaminess (with even more cheese thrown on to crisp up at the end of the bake)
- the leftovers can be reheated, or sliced and fried, or breaded and deep-fried...

Oh Lord, that sounds amazing.
Care to share the recipe???

some of that on a burger, may well be prohibited by law.
I may now have to break that law.

DO IT!!!!! :hyper:

Mac and cheese on a burger? That is truly weird! You guys are just getting ridiculous!

Oh not. It's not just us.
Check out the menu for "The Works" in Ottawa, ON.
Four rows down.

I wouldn't mind adding some baked beans but they're too messy!

Nope! pkondz is not a fan of baked beans.
But I commend you for thinking of something other than just ketchup.

I think there's a hot dog at WDW that has mac & cheese on it.

There... See? Not so strange after all.

What does everyone think of the free dining debacle of 2015? It makes me scared for next year. We really depend on getting the free dining with our trip. The percentage off a room isn't as good of a deal. We might have to stay at all star music! And possibly cut our trip short.

Okay, I must be out of the loop here.
What dining debacle of 2015?
A good burger should have (in addition to meat and bun)
chili (beef not bean)
pickles (not a typo)
more cheese, too
bacon or back bacon or ham
ketchup (but I won't add it if the rest is already put on by someone else)
onions (preferably fried)
mushrooms (sauteéd)
fried egg

You had me until the fried egg. What were you thinking?
As Tarzan said: "Oh I see..." KD = Mac-n-Cheese

Slap some-o that on a burger huh?
Gott'a admit, that notion never occurred to me... 'til now.

Now if I were to do such though, it wouldn't be made with KD.
Nope, I'd be using "Bad Mac"; my wife's version of the critter.
- has three or four kinds of cheese (more if we're feelin' adventurous)
- extra butter and replaces a good portion of the milk with heavy cream
- may or may not also include bacon or some other type of smoked sausage depending on the mood
- slow baked to ensure ultra creaminess (with even more cheese thrown on to crisp up at the end of the bake)
- the leftovers can be reheated, or sliced and fried, or breaded and deep-fried...

That stuff is so ridiculous, that my son routinely requests a batch instead of birthday cake.
(and since his BD is coming up soon, that means she'll be makin' some in the near).
Mmmm, Mmm, Mm, Mm, Mmmmmmmmmmmm...

some of that on a burger, may well be prohibited by law.
I may now have to break that law.
My mom is a wartime girl, and grew up never wasting anything. So growing up we had a jar of bacon drippings that could be used as a substitute for any kind of kitchen fat. Well, try replacing the butter with bacon fat my friend. KD infused with the taste of baconey goodness. Mmmmmmm..... I haven't had KD in decades but I can still imagine that taste like it was yesterday.
So... the best parts... :rolleyes2

I think I got her to give up most of the secrets.
Just a minute and I'll post that up.

My mom is a wartime girl, and grew up never wasting anything. So growing up we had a jar of bacon drippings that could be used as a substitute for any kind of kitchen fat. Well, try replacing the butter with bacon fat my friend. KD infused with the taste of baconey goodness. Mmmmmmm..... I haven't had KD in decades but I can still imagine that taste like it was yesterday.

Yup. My momma did the same thing.
There are many, many ways to use bacon dripping, but down this way the most common ones generally involve vegetables.

Now then,Pkondz...
I believe you asked about the recipe for "Bad Mac", well here goes:

The Basics:
7 cups of shredded cheese
1 box elbow macaroni (or 8oz of whatever kind of pasta you like)
3 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
4 eggs
1/2 stick butter
season to taste
Bake at 350 for an hour or until done

The Cheeses:
You can use any arrangement of cheeses that strikes your fancy so long as it totals 7 cups, but…
The most common break down goes like this:
1 cup medium cheddar, 2 cups mild cheddar, 2 cups Colby Jack and…
2 cups of Velveeta (pre shredded or a sm box sliced)

** I can hear you sayin’, “Velveete! **gag**”, but you’re just gonn’a have to trust us on this. It’s consistency has a lot to do with the overall smoothness of the final dish. Combined with the rest of the cheeses, this is about the best blend.

The Detailes...
Preheat oven to 350.
Shred all cheeses and combine in a bowl, toss.
Boil pasta until just under cooked (make sure you add salt to the pasta water), quick rinse, drain
Mix eggs, milk, cream, salt & pepper, whisk until well belnded.
13x9 pan 4 inches deep (or deeper and this point is very important), sprayed with non-stick
Pour 1/2 of milk mixture in bottom of pan.
Add a layer of noodles, salt and pepper.
Top noodles with cheese, mix up and repeat layers.
Salt and pepper each layer.
Last layer = cheese heavy top,
pour rest of milk mixture over cheese top.
Poke holes for mixture to seep to bottom.
Melt butter (or bacon drippings) and pour over top
(that last one there is optional, and we often don’t do it)
Cover tightly with foil.

Bake time…
Ovens vary quite a bit. The original recipe says…
Bake 45 min, remove foil cook 5 min more​
In our house though, the right way to do it is…
Bake 1 hour, remove foil, add more cheese and/or bread crumbs to the top
Bake an additional 20 to 30 min​
Let stand 15 min or more

To make this a one-dish meal, add some type of meat such as:
Bacon or a sausage like chorizo or aundie, or a smoked sausage (or whatever else you like)
Just cook and drain the meat first and cut back on the amount of pasta by an equal volume.
My mom is a wartime girl, and grew up never wasting anything. So growing up we had a jar of bacon drippings that could be used as a substitute for any kind of kitchen fat. Well, try replacing the butter with bacon fat my friend. KD infused with the taste of baconey goodness. Mmmmmmm..... I haven't had KD in decades but I can still imagine that taste like it was yesterday.

My mom used to do the same.
I still remember she had an egg poaching pot with individual metal containers for eggs.
Never saw her poach an egg, but she used those to keep the bacon fat.
I believe you asked about the recipe for "Bad Mac"

That recipe sounds good!
I think I'll need to get another 13x9 pan though.
I don't think mine's 4" deep... is this a special pan you got?
Plus "Poke holes" with a fork? Finger? Wooden spoon handle?

And I didn't bat an eye at the Velveeta.
But I don't think I've ever bought any before.
So right there its' a new experience...
The end of a very long day...
But I should have the next chapter up tomorrow afternoon or evening.
I've finished it... and I'm not happy with it.
I may tweak it (that's tweak... not twerk. You do NOT want to see that!)
or I may just post it as is and risk losing some readers.
We'll see.
Right now, I'm just too tired to care.

Which is why I'm not posting it.


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