Major Drop in Quality of Disney CM's

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Sad to report that I noticed a significant attitude amongst the Disney CM's on my recent trip. I don't want to come down too hard on them because they don't make a ton of money but man, the magic is gone folks. They seem more intent on bossing people around and barking orders than trying to make one's trip truly magical.

My hotel stay didn't start off well. I had called several times before the trip to ensure that our room was 2 queens and a day bed like we get every year and we were told, "Yes sir of course" each time. Then we get there and they say, "Oh sorry sir, we're all out of those rooms" (this was at 11am). And then I say okay fine, I'll going to need a cot then. And they try to charge me for it, hahaha, I just about lost it 1 hour into the trip. Luckily cooler heads prevailed and I restrained myself, got the cot for free. However, end of the trip at checkout, they did mysteriously try to charge me $120 for the cot which I had to argue about and finally get the charge dismissed.

A lot of my dining experiences were pretty delicious but then I experienced some awful service at Le Celier. I ordered a soup, waitress forgot it. I ran out of coke, it took the waitress 10 minutes to even stop by the table again so I ask for a refill. My mom wanted mashed potatoes with her steak instead of the risotto, waitress said nope but that my mom could buy a side. Then the kicker was I was halfway through my steak and the waitress came by and asked me "if I wanted to box up the rest and if I was ready for dessert."

I noticed a lot of really bad, bad attitudes by the ride attendants. Almost as if they were working at Six Flags not realizing they were actually employed by Disney World. Has anyone else noticed that there now seems to be a Disney CM anywhere and everywhere bossing people around? Even the most basic attractions. Pretty soon they're going to have CM's telling you how fast you can walk in the park.

Now I know that some are going to tell me that they had some truly awesome interactions with the Disney folks and I had a couple good ones too, but OVERALL (that means on average), they have significantly dropped.

Humans are savvy and can read vibes others send off, even though you think you are holding it in. "Luckily cooler heads prevailed and I restrained myself, got the cot for free" - well I hope you would have restrained yourself - I'm thinking one of the main reasons CMs sometimes lose it is because guests treat them like crap most of the time. Did you pay extra for the two queen beds/daybed situation, was it a room category? Even so, sometimes things happen that the CM cannot control.

About Le Cellier, - I'm not getting what your issue was - either you got too much service or not enough????

I have also noticed more CMs doing crowd control, as it has been incredibly difficult to get anywhere lately without them. People are just not listening, so the CMs raise their voices. Simple requests like to go to the right of the traffic chains in Fantasyland, at the bottleneck by IASW - people have no clue and go left, then stop when they are blocked by a wall of people coming the other way. Dumb ducks!
While I did notice a lot of side talk that made it look like CMs were ignoring the guests, one particular CM will forever be etched in my memory. Sometime during our visit, the powers that be moved the Designated Smoking Area in Frontierland from near Aloha Isle to the entrance behind large planter. After walking around Frontierland, we noticed it on our way out. There were quite a few people in the area and three ashtray topped trash cans. Each can has printing on it stating: "Smoking in this Immediate Area Only". Okay, I can see why they moved it, there wasn't enough seating for people eating Dole Whips. While we stood there enjoying our smokes with about eight others, A CM marches over to us, pointing at our cigarettes and saying we can't smoke there. We point out the ashtrays and signage. She huffs and says, "well if you want to take a chance at being kicked out the park, that's your problem". Um..okay? She stormed away in a very un-Disneylike manner, muttering to herself.
I don't think it's the cost of Disney trips that raise the bar for people's expectations (aside from maybe first time visitors) but rather the precedent that Disney itself set in the way CM were trained to interact with guests.
I have an AP and I go a few times a week. All the CMs I deal with are wonderful.

I think the biggest problem they have is there are so many foreigners who don't speak English. A CM will make an announcement and many people don't understand and don't follow instructions so the CM repeats and still gets no response so then they have to raise their voices and get a bit aggressive. But I have found if I am nice to them and follow their suggestions then they are nice to me. I am wondering about the attitude of the complainers. Are they trying to say they are being nice and following the rules and the CM is being nasty to them? If so the CM should be reports, not whined about on a forum.

Well said. :thumbsup2
It's the guests. CM's are expected to deal with demanding guests(NOT saying you OP, your expectations sound reasonable) for little pay. People read what other people get and expect it all to happen to them and when it doesn't they're disappointed.

Guests are rude, mean and downright disrespectful and CM's are expected to smile back and take the abuse for so little money most full timers still qualify for medicaid.

Maybe if guests overall stop being such demanding morons some CM's won't seem so miserable.
It's the guests. CM's are expected to deal with demanding guests(NOT saying you OP, your expectations sound reasonable) for little pay. People read what other people get and expect it all to happen to them and when it doesn't they're disappointed.

Guests are rude, mean and downright disrespectful and CM's are expected to smile back and take the abuse for so little money most full timers still qualify for medicaid.

Maybe if guests overall stop being such demanding morons some CM's won't seem so miserable.

CMs are hired from the same pool of people the guests come from. Society in general is more rude and disrespectful these days. As a result you're going to find it in CMs as well as guests.
The room and cot issue I can see being upset about. As far as le cellier many times substitutes can't/won't be be made. To be upset because a waitress asked if you would like a box for .5 a steak is really a non issue...just say 'no thanks, I'm not finished yet' pretty much end of story.

It wasn't just the substitution issue, it was that in combination with several other things including forgetting to place my soup order, then bringing it without a spoon, taking 10 minutes for a coke refill, etc.

Actually it is an issue to be asked if I want to box up my steak while halfway through. I could perhaps let that slide if it was a 1 TS meal, NOT a signature dining experience. I'm giving up 2 meals and the service NEEDS to be there. Bottomline.

It is a signature today only because of mass hysteria several years back that fed upon itself and became self-fulfilling, thereby making it a signature in Disney's eyes, and bottom line. No where near being a true signature.

Could care less what the reason is for it being signature. If I'm paying 2 dinners, I expect quality service, not servers asking me if I want to box up my steak as I'm literally halfway through it and continuing to cut and eat.

Don't blame the CM's, blame Disney. Greed makes companies do a lot of less than magical stuff.

To the OP, the resort policy is to put people in rooms. If someone else was checking in and wanted your room category, they would get it even if you called 100 times to confirm.

At Le Celier the CM probably got in trouble because you took too long to eat. They are expected to turn tables over in a specified time.

In the parks, CM are suppose to move people along, ordering the heard moves it faster.

Disney is now all about filling the parks, moving the guests, and increasing the profit. Their 1.5 billion investment in MDE and MB's is to increase profit, not to improve the guest experience.

:earsboy: Bill

Bill not sure why you're trying to excuse poor behavior. Just because that's the way it is doesn't mean that's the way it should be. I came here to post and express my thoughts concerning my interactions with the CM's. I guess my standards are higher than yours.

While there is no guarantee about room type, if I call several times and am told, "Yes sir you will be getting a room with 2 queens and a day," by damn golly I expect to get that room. And if I don't, then I expect Disney to make the necessary adjustments to see that my party is sleeping comfortably without trying to UPCHARGE me!!!!

I don't care how much trouble she got in. If a server walks by, sees that a guest is literally halfway through a $50 steak and is continuing to cut and eat, and then asks him if he would like to box up the rest, that is RUDE!!! There is no defense for that. She could have asked if I was done which would have been 100x better than simply asking me if I wanted to "box up the rest."

You can move people along in a courteous, tactful manner. I've been hearing a lot lately that the CM's aren't as nice because they're having to deal with entitled/demanding/upset guests. Perhaps if the encounters with the CM's were better, the guests wouldn't be acting so entitled. It's a 2 way street. The worse the CM's get, the worse the guests are going to get.

I think the biggest problem they have is there are so many foreigners who don't speak English. A CM will make an announcement and many people don't understand and don't follow instructions so the CM repeats and still gets no response so then they have to raise their voices and get a bit aggressive. But I have found if I am nice to them and follow their suggestions then they are nice to me. I am wondering about the attitude of the complainers. Are they trying to say they are being nice and following the rules and the CM is being nasty to them? If so the CM should be reports, not whined about on a forum.

I agree, the language barrier with foreigners is a big big problem. The CM's however typically quickly realize that and start making physical gestures so that the foreigners can understand what is being asked.

Humans are savvy and can read vibes others send off, even though you think you are holding it in. "Luckily cooler heads prevailed and I restrained myself, got the cot for free" - well I hope you would have restrained yourself - I'm thinking one of the main reasons CMs sometimes lose it is because guests treat them like crap most of the time. Did you pay extra for the two queen beds/daybed situation, was it a room category? Even so, sometimes things happen that the CM cannot control.

About Le Cellier, - I'm not getting what your issue was - either you got too much service or not enough????

I have also noticed more CMs doing crowd control, as it has been incredibly difficult to get anywhere lately without them. People are just not listening, so the CMs raise their voices. Simple requests like to go to the right of the traffic chains in Fantasyland, at the bottleneck by IASW - people have no clue and go left, then stop when they are blocked by a wall of people coming the other way. Dumb ducks!

Except they could control it. I checked in at 11am, so on the slim chance that all the queen/daybed rooms had already been checked into for the day, I would then expect to OFFER me a cot and certainly not try to charge me for it. That's just bad folks.

Really? Most people on the thread were able to tell what my issue is. It's a signature dining experience so I paid 2 dinners. I ordered a soup, she forgot it and I actually had to ask is it coming. Then it was brought without a spoon, I had to ask for the spoon before she ran away again. My mom was told she couldn't substitute for mashed potatoes yet my brother and I were able to substitute for fries. At one point I ran out of coke and had to wait 10 minutes before my waitress even bothered to show up at my table and again, I had to ask for a refill rather than her recognizing that my glass was empty and asking if I wanted a refill. And lastly, I was asked if I wanted to box up my steak halfway through it as I was literally cutting it and continuing to eat.

So really? You don't get what my issue there is?
DH and I were discussing this yesterday while listening to the DISunplugged podcast where they had brought up the subject of CM's. On our trip in September I was prepped for awful service but I have to say I didn't get that. We had lots and lots of pleasant, helpful and attentive CM's who were cheerful and helpful. What we DID notice was the disconnect in the age-gap. The older, full time CM's routinely went over and above our expectations. I noticed the younger college kids, while always NICE, were often found chatting amongst themselves, and just going through the motions. Not a huge deal. Just an observation.

We try to give off the friendly vibe all the time while at the World so we can diffuse any potential bad CM moments right off the bat. I always thank them profusely.
To the OP, you are missing my point. Blame Disney, not the CM's. Disney hires, trains, pays and fires the CM's. If they are not meeting standards or expectations, Disney should take action. For the most part, employees will try to get away with things and not all are best suited for their positions. If Disney wanted to improve the guest experience, they would monitor their employees better, re-train and or terminate those not meeting standards.

Problem I fear is that Disney has lowered the bar and the standards and is now allowing everything Disney to be just good enough instead of being exceptional.

This saves them money.

:earsboy: Bill
To the OP, you are missing my point. Blame Disney, not the CM's. Disney hires, trains, pays and fires the CM's. If they are not meeting standards or expectations, Disney should take action. For the most part, employees will try to get away with things and not all are best suited for their positions. If Disney wanted to improve the guest experience, they would monitor their employees better, re-train and or terminate those not meeting standards.

Problem I fear is that Disney has lowered the bar and the standards and is now allowing everything Disney to be just good enough instead of being exceptional.

This saves them money.

:earsboy: Bill

Disney might teach efficiency but that doesn't mean the CM's have to be impolite and/or rude in their interactions. I'll give you a more concrete example which isn't an example of rude behavior but certainly not something that Disney would teach during training:

I was walking into Splash Mountain and 2 CM's were having a discussion about what bars they were planning to hit after their shift. Is that Disney training? Really?
DH and I were discussing this yesterday while listening to the DISunplugged podcast where they had brought up the subject of CM's. On our trip in September I was prepped for awful service but I have to say I didn't get that. We had lots and lots of pleasant, helpful and attentive CM's who were cheerful and helpful. What we DID notice was the disconnect in the age-gap. The older, full time CM's routinely went over and above our expectations. I noticed the younger college kids, while always NICE, were often found chatting amongst themselves, and just going through the motions. Not a huge deal. Just an observation.

We try to give off the friendly vibe all the time while at the World so we can diffuse any potential bad CM moments right off the bat. I always thank them profusely.

I agree, I thought that Pete made some great points in that podcast.
My mom was told she couldn't substitute for mashed potatoes yet my brother and I were able to substitute for fries.

This is restaurant policy at Le Cellier. They will sub something that is a side for another entree, but they will not allow subbing a side accompanying an entree for an item that is on the separate sides list. This "beef" is with the management, not the server.
This is restaurant policy at Le Cellier. They will sub something that is a side for another entree, but they will not allow subbing a side accompanying an entree for an item that is on the separate sides list. This "beef" is with the management, not the server.

So you pick 1 out of my 5 complaints about Le Celier and tell me that my "beef" is with management. Cute.
DH and I were discussing this yesterday while listening to the DISunplugged podcast where they had brought up the subject of CM's. On our trip in September I was prepped for awful service but I have to say I didn't get that. We had lots and lots of pleasant, helpful and attentive CM's who were cheerful and helpful. What we DID notice was the disconnect in the age-gap. The older, full time CM's routinely went over and above our expectations. I noticed the younger college kids, while always NICE, were often found chatting amongst themselves, and just going through the motions. Not a huge deal. Just an observation.

We try to give off the friendly vibe all the time while at the World so we can diffuse any potential bad CM moments right off the bat. I always thank them profusely.

Yup, excellent point regarding the age gap Jennasis. I'm going to agree with you there. The pleasant CM experiences I had were with older CM's. In my OP, almost all my negative encounters were with younger CMs.
On my most recent trip I had a bad experience with a CM at Pop Century Check In. The first CM experience ever for my BF and she acted as though she didn't want to help us at all (we got none of our room requests and we simply asked if there were any rooms with lake view left). This was 9am. She was huffy and talked in an exasperated voice as though we were inconveniencing her with our question. He actually said he was surprised because he thought Disney was supposed to be magical. I was mortified.:sad2: Luckily we had no other CM issues and when we checked into AS Movies the CM was Fantastic. Needless to say we are never staying at Pop again.
I think that most of our CM experiencing were good, it just so happens that the bad ones are more likely to stick in your head unfortunately.:crazy2:
Sad to report that I noticed a significant attitude amongst the Disney CM's on my recent trip. I don't want to come down too hard on them because they don't make a ton of money but man, the magic is gone folks. They seem more intent on bossing people around and barking orders than trying to make one's trip truly magical.

My hotel stay didn't start off well. I had called several times before the trip to ensure that our room was 2 queens and a day bed like we get every year and we were told, "Yes sir of course" each time. Then we get there and they say, "Oh sorry sir, we're all out of those rooms" (this was at 11am). And then I say okay fine, I'll going to need a cot then. And they try to charge me for it, hahaha, I just about lost it 1 hour into the trip. Luckily cooler heads prevailed and I restrained myself, got the cot for free. However, end of the trip at checkout, they did mysteriously try to charge me $120 for the cot which I had to argue about and finally get the charge dismissed.

A lot of my dining experiences were pretty delicious but then I experienced some awful service at Le Celier. I ordered a soup, waitress forgot it. I ran out of coke, it took the waitress 10 minutes to even stop by the table again so I ask for a refill. My mom wanted mashed potatoes with her steak instead of the risotto, waitress said nope but that my mom could buy a side. Then the kicker was I was halfway through my steak and the waitress came by and asked me "if I wanted to box up the rest and if I was ready for dessert."

I noticed a lot of really bad, bad attitudes by the ride attendants. Almost as if they were working at Six Flags not realizing they were actually employed by Disney World. Has anyone else noticed that there now seems to be a Disney CM anywhere and everywhere bossing people around? Even the most basic attractions. Pretty soon they're going to have CM's telling you how fast you can walk in the park.

Now I know that some are going to tell me that they had some truly awesome interactions with the Disney folks and I had a couple good ones too, but OVERALL (that means on average), they have significantly dropped.

It's funny that your experience with the CMs is that they are becoming more bossy. After our last few trips, in intense crowd situations, our experience was the opposite. My observation was that many were young, perhaps part of the college program and hesitant to tell folks what to do. To maintain crowd control, they really need to be more assertive.

Not negating your experiences. I think we've had very similar ones over the years and have also thought CM quality was suffering. Then, we'd have a couple of "magical", over-the-top encounters with top-notch CMs. Guess there will always be that mix and can only hope to encounter more of the positive than the negative. :)
OP, have you e-mailed Disney guest services? I think you should. We vacation in WDW about 5-6 times a year and I'm happy to say I've had only a few bad experiences with CM's (and many good ones!). I've contacted Disney guest services on a few occasions to report both good and bad experiences and I've always gotten a follow-up call. I honestly think Disney wants to know about the guest experience so they can go back and re-train staff if need be.
OP, have you e-mailed Disney guest services? I think you should. We vacation in WDW about 5-6 times a year and I'm happy to say I've had only a few bad experiences with CM's (and many good ones!). I've contacted Disney guest services on a few occasions to report both good and bad experiences and I've always gotten a follow-up call. I honestly think Disney wants to know about the guest experience so they can go back and re-train staff if need be.

I use to do that when I was certain I would be going every year. I would take names down for CM's, both bad and good, and send Disney a follow-up email.

To be honest, I don't care to go to that much effort anymore. Plus, my last trip, although fun, wasn't to the caliber I expect for the amount of money I'm spending so doubt it will be an annual trip for us. I'm going to Puerto Rico next week for 5 days, staying at a beachfront hotel, with lots of delicious restaurants on the street, and it's literally costing me a third of what I spent at Disney.
My sister did the College Program in the mid nineties. Traditions training was 3 days long. She was SHOCKED to hear how short it is now. I think that has a good deal to do with it.

I need to point out, however, that during our June trip, the CP kids were awesome. Especially at Epcot. They were friendly, enthusiastic, and chatted with us. They made a lot of jokes about my Hogwarts shirt and birthday hat, and asked lots of questions about the Disneyland pins I was wearing just to confuse people. ("Where is Goofy's Kitchen? I've never heard of it." "Oh, it's about 3,000 miles that away.")
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