Canadian Buffoon European Vacation - 30/03 - Endings and Silver Linings

Dearest Pkondz,

Please kindly remove your Polar Vortex from the US. It is wreaking havoc in approximately 26 of our states. Are you Elsa in disguise? ;)

I have already had enough of your Canadian arctic fury.

I yield.

Your cold friend,


Consider it done.
I'm at work right now, but I'll have it gone by the end of the week.
Now I need to plan a return trip to Germany and Austria. There are a lot of spots that I missed (darn military deployments!) Maybe 2015. :)

Jill in CO
Oh yeah. One more thing.
Did I mention it's been a little coolish around here, lately?

Here's an article from one of our newspapers.

I especially like the way the Environment Canada dude keeps saying cool, not cold but cool. Now THAT'S a true Canadian. We weren't quite that "cool" here in Ottawa, but we've been feeling it. My office started a couple of mornings last week at 13C (indoors), it is really hard to type with gloves on! That's what I'm doing right now too - with windchill in the -40 (C or F doesn't really matter) region this morning, my office is an ice box again and the gloves are on!
Wow! More amazing pics! I had a feeling the Frei parking was going to get you - and no, I don't speak German! - It's like Hotel California, you can park anytime you like, but you can never leave - unless you pay your 3 Euros.:goodvibes

It looks like the amazing view might be worth the squishiness, but I would never convince DH of that. :sad2:

I'm sorry how cold it is for everyone way up there - the heaters can't even keep up, sounds like. We had 21F last night, which here in the South is quite cold. :cold: I do remember our North Dakota days, when if it got up to 30F in the Winter, we would put on our shorts, wash our cars and throw a BBQ!:lmao:

Try to stay warm!
This way to the egress!

After just another breathtaking, heart achingly beautiful drive through alpine valleys and forests,

Wow, even imagining - it's beautiful. :goodvibes Your pictures have been breathtaking. So it's probably a x10 situation, eh?

(I won't tell you that I just spent 2 minutes going "where's the times sign on the keyboard?" :rotfl2: WHERE IS IT? :confused3- that's so heart achingly stupid, isn't it? :lmao: I love it. :thumbsup2)


You're good at these hmmm moments, eh? :thumbsup2

The ice fields are more fun. Skiing or sledding in the summer.
The summit is... well, the summit.

I pick the summit.

Huh? :confused3 :rotfl2:


With any luck, many of the people ahead of us will not have purchased their tickets and we'll get on quicker.

Sort of an evil fastpass.

I'm hearing an evil laugh from the Hilarious House of Frightenstein right now.

World domination is put on the backburner.

Totally. :rotfl2:

Oh boy, that must have been absolutely breathtaking! :goodvibes

If you do make the trek up to the cross, and fall from there?
You will not need medical care.
You will die.
On the plus side...
You will have a very long time to think about how silly you were for not watching where you were putting your feet.


Crap. Crap. Crap. I took out the picture with the HAPPY HAPPY people. :rotfl2:;)

Oh no I didn't. :dance3: There they are! :rotfl2: :thumbsup2.

Albert Einstein's definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

So of course I tried it again.

We're all ridiculous like that, eh? They were all so polite to you. :thumbsup2 That's lovely. Try going over the George Washington Bridge and finding yourself stuck in the E-Z Pass lane, trying to get out. Zero compassion. :rotfl2::lmao:

There have been claims that many people who've prayed here have been miraculously cured.
The interior of the church reflects its importance as a pilgrimage site.

The statue is located just behind the altar.


I think we visited the interior for just under two minutes.

For two minutes, I guess. :lmao: ;)

But I had one more little thing on my bucket list for Germany.
And tomorrow, it was going to happen.

I was not going to be denied!!


Can't wait. And then Venice!
Now I need to plan a return trip to Germany and Austria. There are a lot of spots that I missed (darn military deployments!) Maybe 2015. :)

I have one word for you...


I especially like the way the Environment Canada dude keeps saying cool, not cold but cool. Now THAT'S a true Canadian.

Ruby has her own expression for when it's ridiculously cold.
She says it's 'stupid cold' out.

my office is an ice box again and the gloves are on!

Wait... Isn't that expression: "The gloves are off"?
I guess in this case we can make an exception...

Wow! More amazing pics! I had a feeling the Frei parking was going to get you - and no, I don't speak German! - It's like Hotel California, you can park anytime you like, but you can never leave - unless you pay your 3 Euros.:goodvibes

Last thing I remember, I was
Driving, my foot on the floor
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Sich entspannen, " said the German,
"Wir sind so programmiert, erhalten.
Sie können jederzeit die Sie mögen,
Aber es wird 3 euro kosten lassen! "

"Huh?" <massive guitar solo>

It looks like the amazing view might be worth the squishiness, but I would never convince DH of that. :sad2:

Heights? Or confined spaces?
If it's confined spaces, he can always walk up.
(Might be a while, though)

I'm sorry how cold it is for everyone way up there - the heaters can't even keep up, sounds like.

True. If you turn the fan on the car all the way to full, it's so cold that you quickly suck all the heat out of the engine, unless the RPMs are high enough (i.e. not idling).
It's a dance between keeping the revs up and the fan low.

We had 21F last night, which here in the South is quite cold. :cold:

21F? Suntan weather! Sweet!

I do remember our North Dakota days, when if it got up to 30F in the Winter, we would put on our shorts, wash our cars and throw a BBQ!:lmao:

:laughing: Yup! That's about right!

Wow, even imagining - it's beautiful. :goodvibes Your pictures have been breathtaking. So it's probably a x10 situation, eh?

Pretty much. The pictures don't even come close.
There were many times when we were driving that we'd just shake our heads at how beautiful it was.
Words just can't describe it. Pictures don't do it justice.

(I won't tell you that I just spent 2 minutes going "where's the times sign on the keyboard?" :rotfl2: WHERE IS IT? :confused3- that's so heart achingly stupid, isn't it? :lmao: I love it. :thumbsup2)

OMG! :rotfl2:
Back before computers, you could spend quite a bit of time looking for the number one key on a typewriter.
But at least there wasn't one, so you had an excuse!

You're good at these hmmm moments, eh? :thumbsup2

hmmmmm...... what are you trying to say?

:rotfl: I was wondering if anyone would catch that.
I thought, "We don't have any snow gear, so sledding/skiing might not be such a good idea."
Plus, if you're on a mountain, you want to reach the top, right?

Of course, as it turned out, we didn't quite make the very top after all.

I'm hearing an evil laugh from the Hilarious House of Frightenstein right now.

You should probably consult a doctor about that.

Crap. Crap. Crap. I took out the picture with the HAPPY HAPPY people. :rotfl2:;)

Oh no I didn't. :dance3: There they are! :rotfl2: :thumbsup2.

They do look absolutely thrilled, don't they? :laughing:

Can't wait. And then Venice!

I hope people won't be disapointed.
Just because it's on my list, doesn't necessarily mean it's on yours.

Next chapter will take us to Venice.
Ok. I just had this whole breakdown ready to post and now it's gone. :headache:

I think there must be an evil spirit in this TR that doesn't want us posting new stuff.
Ok. I just had this whole breakdown ready to post and now it's gone. :headache:

I think there must be an evil spirit in this TR that doesn't want us posting new stuff.

Ya know, I think you might be ri...

What's that?


What do you thi....


Consider it done.
I'm at work right now, but I'll have it gone by the end of the week.

Good night! Talk about taking multi-tasking to a new level! You were working, scaling the mountains of Germany(remember for me as the reader when I read a chapter it's happening in "real time"....take that Keifer!), and you are casually moving crazy,evil, cold air masses with a wave of your hand. Super Pkondz indeed! ;)

By the way, just for the record, we did break the previous low record for my little corner of the world on Monday night. It was 11 degrees here, previous record was 16.

And I promise to comment on the chapter, but it will have to be tomorrow. The BCS games wreaked havoc with my sleep over the past week and I am feeling the need to hibernate a little.

Good night! Talk about taking multi-tasking to a new level! You were working, scaling the mountains of Germany(remember for me as the reader when I read a chapter it's happening in "real time"....take that Keifer!), and you are casually moving crazy,evil, cold air masses with a wave of your hand. Super Pkondz indeed! ;)

By the way, just for the record, we did break the previous low record for my little corner of the world on Monday night. It was 11 degrees here, previous record was 16.

Well there ya go.
Doesn't that give you a sense of pride?
A "I survived 11F!" kind of feeling?
I mean, once you thaw out and feeling returns, of course.

And I promise to comment on the chapter, but it will have to be tomorrow. The BCS games wreaked havoc with my sleep over the past week and I am feeling the need to hibernate a little.

It's tomorrow now.
Still waiting.....

And I promise to comment on the chapter, but it will have to be tomorrow. The BCS games wreaked havoc with my sleep over the past week and I am feeling the need to hibernate a little.

I'm still feel like I'm trying to catch up on sleep. There were some awesome games though! Wish they would show a little earlier in the day so I don't stay up until midnight or one, and then need to get up at 5:30 to go to work!!
Great chapter Pkondz!

Germany is just beautiful. It was already on my travel bucket list, but let's just say that your chapters are pushing it ahead of a few other places. One of my long ago high school history teachers retired and is working on her bucket list by taking two trips a year, one to a country overseas and the other to states/areas of the US that she has not visited before.

The absolutely packed cable car was hilarious. You know you are way too close when you can tell who has on deodorant and who does not. :sad2:

Your views of the scenery are AMAZING!! It most definitely makes the discomfort of the ride up worth it.

As much as I am anticipating hearing your thoughts on Venice, I am a little sad that we will be leaving Germany soon. Though I am looking forward to reading how the Suitcase of Evil fares in round three. ;)

And now Mr. I'm Still Waiting, I have posted on the most recent chapter within the previously specified time frame, with a generous 23 minutes to spare. So take that! ;)
I'm still feel like I'm trying to catch up on sleep. There were some awesome games though! Wish they would show a little earlier in the day so I don't stay up until midnight or one, and then need to get up at 5:30 to go to work!!

You are absolutely right, the games were really good and competitive, well worth the time to watch if you like football. I was pulling for Oklahoma. What a great win! And what a great series of BCS games to end on.

My problem was that I needed a little decompression time after most of the games so it was tough to get quality sleep. I was still wired!

Still totally worth it though! ;)
Great chapter Pkondz!

Thankyou, thankyou very much, I'm here all week.

Germany is just beautiful.

Yes. Yes it is.
I never get tired of it.

Not that I'm there a lot... been four times now, though.

It was already on my travel bucket list, but let's just say that your chapters are pushing it ahead of a few other places.

Wow! I never thought my TR would have that kind of an impact on anyone.

One of my long ago high school history teachers retired and is working on her bucket list by taking two trips a year, one to a country overseas and the other to states/areas of the US that she has not visited before.

That's great.
Too many people retire and just... stagnate.

You've worked hard all your life. Go have one now!

The absolutely packed cable car was hilarious. You know you are way too close when you can tell who has on deodorant and who does not. :sad2:

I am blessed with a notoriously poor sense of smell.

Your views of the scenery are AMAZING!! It most definitely makes the discomfort of the ride up worth it.

Would've been nicer if we could've moved around a bit...
Ah well...

What we saw was nice, though.

As much as I am anticipating hearing your thoughts on Venice, I am a little sad that we will be leaving Germany soon. Though I am looking forward to reading how the Suitcase of Evil fares in round three. ;)

Funny you should mention that... :laughing:

And now Mr. I'm Still Waiting, I have posted on the most recent chapter within the previously specified time frame, with a generous 23 minutes to spare. So take that! ;)

Well done.
Here's your gold star.


If you could've done it with thirty minutes to go, you'd have gotten a Wunderbar.
:rotfl: I was wondering if anyone would catch that.
I thought, "We don't have any snow gear, so sledding/skiing might not be such a good idea."

But the pictures would have been oh so fabulous. :rotfl2: :thumbsup2

Maybe even a couple with some females glaring back at you. popcorn:: :duck:

Can't wait for Venice!
But the pictures would have been oh so fabulous. :rotfl2: :thumbsup2

Maybe even a couple with some females glaring back at you. popcorn:: :duck:

Can't wait for Venice!

I value my skin far too much to make theirs wet and cold.
They would take mine in trade.


5 days and Ponzi hasn't posted here. That's too long for even him. Now you could expect that from me, but for him, this is unusual.

Maybe I should call him and see if he's alright.

Ok. That didn't work. The person walking across the street just looked at me funny.

Anybody have his phone number? I know Nebo does, but he hardly comes around anymore.
Venice, Venice, we want VENICE! :goodvibes

And not Venice Beach.;) But then again, you're so entertaining I would take anything.
5 days and Ponzi hasn't posted here. That's too long for even him. Now you could expect that from me, but for him, this is unusual.

Maybe I should call him and see if he's alright.

Ok. That didn't work. The person walking across the street just looked at me funny.

Anybody have his phone number? I know Nebo does, but he hardly comes around anymore.

Venice, Venice, we want VENICE! :goodvibes

And not Venice Beach.;) But then again, you're so entertaining I would take anything.

Ponzie, where are you?:scratchin

Big news!
Turns out I have a sixth sense!
I'm psychic!

Just today, I thought I'd get cracking and start the next chapter.
I spent an hour or so cropping and photobucketing pictures.
Tomorrow, I'll start writing.

Then I come on here and there's three posts.

Not convinced?

Then... One of our door locks wasn't working, so I went downstairs to grab a screwdriver.
While I was down there, I remembered that I was supposed to change the furnace filter at the start of January.
I hadn't done it yet, so... I did.

The lock wasn't fixable by me, so I had to take it to a locksmith.
Then I remembered that I needed a couple specialized light bulbs,
so while I'm out, I'll swing by Home Depot and pick some up.

What has this to do with anything?

I've been to Home Depot hundreds of times. And I've never seen any kind of demos.
I walk in, grab the bulbs, then head off to the cashier.
On the way there, a young lady says to me, "Hey! You wanna see something really neat?"

Being a sucker for a pretty face, I say 'sure'. (That's how I got on to Nebo's TRs, ya know.)

She says, "When was the last time you changed your furnace filter?"

I look at my watch, "About an hour ago."

She laughs and points to the cheap filter on her left.
"I bet you replaced it with one like this, right?"

"Nope." I replied. "I used a Filtrete filter."

Which, of course, is the brand she was demonstrating.

Sick sense.


If it's really slow at work...
and I don't have to train the new guy...
There might be a chapter up late tomorrow (working 3pm - 11pm).


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