Our little thread of BIG Resort changes*OLD THREAD link on last pg. to new thread!

Hello everyone! Going to try to catch up, not sure how far I can get before the kiddos need me.

Linda - Oh my goodness :eek: I am so sorry to hear about your back and the horrible treatment you received in the er. Sending you lots of :hug:

Candace - say what you want, but we know you will ch-ch-change again :rotfl:

dmindgal1 - I dont think I ever said welcome :wave2:

Miss - sorry to hear the furlough may be affecting you :sad1: Hope Miss M's dentist appt goes smoothly.

Jeanette - the frugal monster visited here and we are now booked off prop for Dec and Jan :sad2: But if I want to be able to keep taking mini trips, I have to compromise somewhere.

Jen - I am sure we can help you pick and change and change and change your resort for May :rotfl2:

SueM - congrats on the renos being done :banana: We love our Dyson, had it for years, well worth the money!

Hannah - I am sorry to hear of your losses, it is never easy. But with that said......CONGRATS on your engagement :jumping1: I cant wait to follow your planning!!!

Wookie - hope the day care doesnt get shut down. Did I miss the fact that you were looking to move out? I am guessing so since you said look at houses to rent :confused3

Shelia - I am so very sorry that you had to read about that stuff on FB. Sending you major :hug: and love!!!

I think that catches me up a slight bit, enough that I no longer feel horrible :p

I hope all my Canadian friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday!!!! And :wave2: to everyone I missed!!!

Hello everyone! Going to try to catch up, not sure how far I can get before the kiddos need me.

Linda - Oh my goodness :eek: I am so sorry to hear about your back and the horrible treatment you received in the er. Sending you lots of :hug:

Candace - say what you want, but we know you will ch-ch-change again :rotfl:

dmindgal1 - I dont think I ever said welcome :wave2:

Miss - sorry to hear the furlough may be affecting you :sad1: Hope Miss M's dentist appt goes smoothly.

Jeanette - the frugal monster visited here and we are now booked off prop for Dec and Jan :sad2: But if I want to be able to keep taking mini trips, I have to compromise somewhere.

Jen - I am sure we can help you pick and change and change and change your resort for May :rotfl2:

SueM - congrats on the renos being done :banana: We love our Dyson, had it for years, well worth the money!

Hannah - I am sorry to hear of your losses, it is never easy. But with that said......CONGRATS on your engagement :jumping1: I cant wait to follow your planning!!!

Wookie - hope the day care doesnt get shut down. Did I miss the fact that you were looking to move out? I am guessing so since you said look at houses to rent :confused3

Shelia - I am so very sorry that you had to read about that stuff on FB. Sending you major :hug: and love!!!

I think that catches me up a slight bit, enough that I no longer feel horrible :p

I hope all my Canadian friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday!!!! And :wave2: to everyone I missed!!!


Is that a challenge? :rotfl:

It has been a whole 48 hours since my last switch....:goodvibes
Oh my gosh it has been a long time! I have missed everyone dearly and hope everyone is doing well. I am very excited to be back and with news!

First off with the sad news. My furbaby BlackJack passed away back in January. She had, I believe, a tumor in her chest that was causing her to not breathe properly and more surgery would not have helped her live any longer. She had a tumor and some cysts on another part of her body a year before and luckily surgery helped her stay with us for another year. She was 12 years old and for those who know me, I'm sure you know she meant the world to me.

A couple of months ago my papa (my grandfather on my mother's side) passed away at the young age of 80 due to a few heart attacks that put him in the hospital for a week or so. We thankfully were able to say goodbye to him. Surprisingly he was chipper, cracking jokes and telling stories in the hospital. He was very accepting of what was happening, but it still didn't make it hurt any less for us. I was so grateful that DFi and I were able to see him in the hospital before he passed and that he got to see a picture of me in my wedding dress. Saturday was his 81st birthday so my mother, nana (my grandmother) and I visited his grave and brought balloons and flowers and went to the Cardinals game in St. Louis. My nana was praying for a win so hard and they won. It was worth every penny we spent on the tickets to see her so happy. My papa was a huge Cardinals fan (they even slaughtered the teams they were playing the weekend he passed away) and we knew it was only him and God answering her prayers.

Now with the good news.

My DBF of four years proposed to me a few months ago! And after a few months of searching for a venue and going through lots of frustration, my mother threw out the idea of having the wedding at Disney World seeing as it would probably make me a lot happier. She didn't want to spend double the money for a big wedding here and have me not be that happy. So after much deliberating, since family is very important to the both of us, we chose Disney. We wanted to go with something that we know we will cherish for years. Plus we are saving my family a lot of money by doing the Escape Wedding and I know they can use that money toward something else.

Quite a few family members have been very supportive surprisingly. Not sure how my grandmother and grandfather on my dad's side will feel about it, but I know they will be happy to see me getting married. I don't know if I should regret it or not because my mother was complaining about it all weekend, but she kept saying it will be fine. She doesn't like having almost no control over the wedding and not getting as much bang for her buck. Plus I think she is sick of me talking about it for 10 hours (It's a 5 hour drive to St. Louis). I think she will get over it too.

It's so nice to be back and share my plans with everyone and catch up on everyone else's lives and trips! :goodvibes I hope there has been a lot of changing! I know there's a lot in my future! I've already been debating on a few resorts to stay at on our Disneymoon. I'm thinking POFQ or the mansions at POR, but who knows how long that will last! :rotfl: I haven't even chosen a date yet and won't be able to get one set 'til a few months from now. We're looking at the last Friday of September so we can hopefully get some low crowds, nice weather, catch the beginning of F&W and check out MNSSHP!

Hannah Welcome Back!

I think I fried my vacuum sucking up all that drywall and other dust for the past 2 months. Had to go buy a new vacuum yesterday :faint: decided on a Dyson.
It's been a long haul, but was worth it. The place looks great. Now need new furniture for downstairs rec room, but going to take my time as I'm not sure what I want yet!

Sue yeah for the renovations being done!

Well there you go then Sheila...come on down!!! Bella too of course, Maddie would be thrilled to have a roommate like you

So stupid, because you know it's a nosy neighbor thing...jeez I hope nothing happens

HANNAH!!!!! OMG HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were missed!!!

For our newer RCers..Hannah had been an RCer since our stepdisney was the RC Queen (miss that fine lady, she is a full time teacher, like our heather)...AH, welcome back girlfriend! First good first..CONGRATS! I knew you two were in it for the long run :hug: Port Orleans sounds very romatic for a Disneymoon!

I am very, very sorry for your losses

Very happy for you Sue!!

F&G here you come!!!!!!!!!
Guess whose DH was on YouTube watching Christmas videos of Epcot and MK...and old River Country...extinct rides..ummm basically all things Disney....MINE!!!!! I am SO happy:cool1:

Jeanette love that DH is getting excited

:lmao: I am sooo gonna jinx myself BUT I haven't changed from the poly in over a month. 49 days to go. I'll just change DHs resort...hahaha


I've missed so much, sorry to all.

Trish: My condolences to your family.

Sheila: I'm so sorry you've been getting that sort of news in such a cold, uncaring way. Social media can be more stressful than its worth -- more often than not.

All my Canadian pals: Happy Belated Thanksgiving! Hope everyone has some excellent meals and family time over the weekend.

Hannah: Sorry for your losses. :hug: Glad to see your return! :goodvibes Congratulations on the engagement -- very exciting times are in store.

Sue: Going to be posting any reno pics?!

Jen: Is that another one before the APs expire?!

Janet: Hope you didn't get too many dirty looks from the coworkers!
Loved the chit-chat.


Well, this is the week for us. Found out last Friday that the end of this week will start furloughs for the hub's work. With the trip coming up, it's bad timing to say the least; I just can't seem to muster any enthusiasm with this hanging over us. I really should be packing and making lists but can't seem to focus on it. :confused3 Anyway, enough of my whining. Taking Miss M to the dentist this afternoon for a check-up ... but she's got a tooth that has another one coming in over top of it. :scared: Not sure how they normally handle these things; I thought the adult teeth tend to push the baby teeth out but this one's a fighter. :upsidedow My offer to wiggle it goes rejected every time.

Miss so sorry about DH furlough this whole thing is just terrible

Hello all my RC ladies. Sorry I've been MIA.

Sunday while coughing I manage to injure my back. I was unable to sit or walk because of pain. Jessica called an ambulance for me. Had 6 very nice looking young men in my bedroom. Xrays were clear. Doctor gave me a narcotic pain killer after I asked him not to because of my bad reactions to them. I was so sick. They tried to rush me out of there while I was still sick and couldn't sit or walk yet. They weren't busy .... for awhile I was they only patient in the ER. Jessica had to go all daughter bear on them. Once my stomach was feeling better we decided if I could manage to get to the car I'd be better off at home ... laid in the back seat all the way home. What really makes me mad is they discharged me with no instructions. Should I ice? Should I heat? Should I move? Do I need to see another doctor? Nothing! They did send me home with a non narcotic pain killer which I'm able to take without a problem. Couldn't they have given me that in the hospital? Anyway I'm mostly flat on my back in bed. I am getting up and moving around every hour. Typing this on my phone ..... Keep posting you ladies are my entertainment. Hugs to all.

Linda feel better back pain is the worst :hug:
Why is it such a rush!?!?!?!?!?!? I totally know what you are saying, and yes, it's a change, either up or down...doesn't matter! :rotfl:

I'm afraid I am going to end up like our dear Jeanette who managed to make so many changes on a reservation that it was frozen!!! :rotfl:

How I feel after I change: :dance3:
That is, until I find some reason to question myself :scratchin

Hello all my RC ladies. Sorry I've been MIA.

What really makes me mad is they discharged me with no instructions. Should I ice? Should I heat? Should I move? Do I need to see another doctor? Nothing! They did send me home with a non narcotic pain killer which I'm able to take without a problem. Couldn't they have given me that in the hospital? Anyway I'm mostly flat on my back in bed. I am getting up and moving around every hour. Typing this on my phone ..... Keep posting you ladies are my entertainment. Hugs to all.

Hello! So sorry to hear about your back!!!Not sure what the nature of your injury is, but I have been suffering from a hip condition for *thinks* 6 years now and had hip surgery so I can understand the 'flat on your back' frustration!!! I highly recommend alternating heat/ice (15 on/ 15 off/ 15 other...). Even better for me is if I can do ice near the bone and heat around the muscles - I often get sciatica from the hip fun and if I can get the ice closer to my tailbone and then do heat on my glutes, it seems to make everyone get along better! Hope you feel better!!! :flower3:

Hello everyone! Going to try to catch up, not sure how far I can get before the kiddos need me.

dmindgal1 - I dont think I ever said welcome :wave2:


THANK YOU!!!! This is by far an entertaining group that GETS the RC 'fun' (if I call it fun then it can't be stressful, right???) :lmao:

I just saw a commercial that had AKL in it and was like "Hmmmm...." I talk myself out of it because we'll spend most of our time at MK with littlest DD, but I can also talk myself into anything! :teacher: The official party-line for this trip is so we can 'test' WL to see if his family would enjoy it for a big trip in '16. But, if politicians can waffle, I can too!!!
Still on my phone so no multi quotes. Thanks for all the well wishes. The RC ladies are the best even the new ladies I haven't even welcomed yet! We think my back problem is either a really bad pulled muscle or a pinched nerve. I have been using ice and then heat which seems to make it better. Any advise from my Dis daughter who just happens to be a nurse?
Sorry to hear about your losses, but congrats on your upcoming Disney wedding!!

I think POFQ would be a great place to stay. Small intimate resort, boat to DTD, and carriage rides along the river! We stayed there last January and are booked there again this January.

Thanks! I am saving every penny to make sure we can stay at either PO resort! Both look super pretty! :goodvibes

Welcome back!!!! I had often wondered where you went. And he finally proposed!!!! How exciting!

Thanks! It took him long enough, but I am so glad he finally did!

HANNAH!!!!! :hug: OMG HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were missed!!!

For our newer RCers..Hannah had been an RCer since our stepdisney was the RC Queen (miss that fine lady, she is a full time teacher, like our heather)...AH, welcome back girlfriend! First good first..CONGRATS! I knew you two were in it for the long run :hug: Port Orleans sounds very romatic for a Disneymoon!

I am very, very sorry for your losses :hug:

:hug: Thank you so much! So glad to be back! Missed everyone lots!

Hannah: Sorry for your losses. :hug: Glad to see your return! :goodvibes Congratulations on the engagement -- very exciting times are in store.

:hug: It's very exciting for sure! Despite some hiccups on the way, we are very much looking forward to planning our Disney wedding and Disneymoon! This will be DFi's first trip ever so I want to make it extra special for him!

SO sorry to hear of your losses! Both my grandfathers passed within 3 days of each other last year and it was truly hard to cope. Like yours, however, both were in great spirits until the end: one passed in his sleep, the other during heart surgery. I hold close the fact that they didn't suffer and were positive even until the end!
Congrats on your wedding! I really wanted a Disney wedding but married into the military where my options were "pick a long weekend and hope I don't have duty" :rotfl: I made him promise for a vow renewal down the road at Disney, though, and we did APs for our 'honeymoon' the year we lived in Florida.

I hold the fact that he was so happy and didn't suffer 'til the very end very close as well. I am very sorry for your losses! :hug:

I wouldn't mind a year long honeymoon in Florida. :rotfl: Hopefully you get that vow renewal!

Hannah - I am sorry to hear of your losses, it is never easy. But with that said......CONGRATS on your engagement :jumping1: I cant wait to follow your planning!!!

Thank you so much! It was hard this past Saturday because it was my papa's birthday, but we got through it. Especially since his baseball team won! I can't wait to share my plans with everyone! :hyper:

Hannah Welcome Back!

Thanks! :hug:

I hope everyone is doing well! :)
It's official, I have a reservation and David took the time off, we will be heading to Disney the afternoon of Dec 5th for the weekend. Going to meet some very special ladies!!!!! I am soooo excited!!!!!

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards
It's official, I have a reservation and David took the time off, we will be heading to Disney the afternoon of Dec 5th for the weekend. Going to meet some very special ladies!!!!! I am soooo excited!!!!!

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards

Reservation ..... Where??? And I'm sooooooo excited too!!!
Reservation ..... Where??? And I'm sooooooo excited too!!!

Since I wanted 3 nights and we are "saving money" we will be off property. We are heading back to Lake Buena vista Resort village & Spa. It's only a few miles away and we get a 2BR condo for less than it would cost us to stay at a value. It's kinda a no brainer since we drive. Although the spoiled brat in me really a wants to be back at CR ;)

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards
It's official, I have a reservation and David took the time off, we will be heading to Disney the afternoon of Dec 5th for the weekend. Going to meet some very special ladies!!!!! I am soooo excited!!!!! Sent from my iPad using DISBoards
OMG!!! Sooo excited :) that's WONDERFUL! Can't wait to meet you :) and I'm onsite at POFQ from Dec 5-9 :)
Oh my gosh it has been a long time! I have missed everyone dearly and hope everyone is doing well. I am very excited to be back and with news! First off with the sad news. My furbaby BlackJack passed away back in January. She had, I believe, a tumor in her chest that was causing her to not breathe properly and more surgery would not have helped her live any longer. She had a tumor and some cysts on another part of her body a year before and luckily surgery helped her stay with us for another year. She was 12 years old and for those who know me, I'm sure you know she meant the world to me. A couple of months ago my papa (my grandfather on my mother's side) passed away at the young age of 80 due to a few heart attacks that put him in the hospital for a week or so. We thankfully were able to say goodbye to him. Surprisingly he was chipper, cracking jokes and telling stories in the hospital. He was very accepting of what was happening, but it still didn't make it hurt any less for us. I was so grateful that DFi and I were able to see him in the hospital before he passed and that he got to see a picture of me in my wedding dress. Saturday was his 81st birthday so my mother, nana (my grandmother) and I visited his grave and brought balloons and flowers and went to the Cardinals game in St. Louis. My nana was praying for a win so hard and they won. It was worth every penny we spent on the tickets to see her so happy. My papa was a huge Cardinals fan (they even slaughtered the teams they were playing the weekend he passed away) and we knew it was only him and God answering her prayers. Now with the good news. My DBF of four years proposed to me a few months ago! And after a few months of searching for a venue and going through lots of frustration, my mother threw out the idea of having the wedding at Disney World seeing as it would probably make me a lot happier. She didn't want to spend double the money for a big wedding here and have me not be that happy. So after much deliberating, since family is very important to the both of us, we chose Disney. We wanted to go with something that we know we will cherish for years. Plus we are saving my family a lot of money by doing the Escape Wedding and I know they can use that money toward something else. Quite a few family members have been very supportive surprisingly. Not sure how my grandmother and grandfather on my dad's side will feel about it, but I know they will be happy to see me getting married. I don't know if I should regret it or not because my mother was complaining about it all weekend, but she kept saying it will be fine. She doesn't like having almost no control over the wedding and not getting as much bang for her buck. Plus I think she is sick of me talking about it for 10 hours (It's a 5 hour drive to St. Louis). I think she will get over it too. ;) :rotfl: It's so nice to be back and share my plans with everyone and catch up on everyone else's lives and trips! :goodvibes I hope there has been a lot of changing! I know there's a lot in my future! I've already been debating on a few resorts to stay at on our Disneymoon. I'm thinking POFQ or the mansions at POR, but who knows how long that will last! :rotfl: I haven't even chosen a date yet and won't be able to get one set 'til a few months from now. We're looking at the last Friday of September so we can hopefully get some low crowds, nice weather, catch the beginning of F&W and check out MNSSHP! :goodvibes
(((HUG))) Hi Hannah!!! So happy to see you back! So glad you got your hearts desire for the wedding!!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear all the planning details! :) it'll be AMAZING I'm sure :)
(((HUG))) Hi Hannah!!! So happy to see you back! So glad you got your hearts desire for the wedding!!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear all the planning details! :) it'll be AMAZING I'm sure :)

Thanks! :hug: DFi and I are already making a list of restaurants for the Disneymoon and I told my mother that I will not let her leave WDW 'til we go to BoG for lunch or dinner. The moment I heard about BoG I told her that we will dine there together one day because BatB is hear favorite Disney movie so I'm glad we will get the chance to do so! She is not much of a Disney person so she's been all "ugh" about me wanting to take her to the restaurant (and constantly reminds me that I'll be on my Disneymoon with DFi. :rotfl:), but I want to at least do one thing with her. :upsidedow

I've been doing research for DFi's sister and her family as well so we can save them some money. Her husband is in the Navy and I want to give them the option of at least SoG or the Military discount at a WDW resort. Are there discounts on single day tickets or is it only the 4-day ticket promotion that's going on right now? I figure there might not be any discounts for one or two day tickets since our families will only be there Thursday-Sunday. Thursday and Sunday being the travel days, Friday being the wedding day and Saturday being the only play day.
Linda 6 young men in your bedroom? Well if that's what it takes...:rotfl2:
I hope you're feeling better soon.

Thanks everyone for the congrats on Reno completion. I'll try to send some pics to post!!

Liking the Dyson, but not used to an upright. Always had canister. It will take some getting used to.
Good morning! Sitting here with my coffee :surfweb: waiting for Andrew and David to shower and get out of here so I can get laundry going, shower, and head to the grocery store, don't I have an exciting day planned :rotfl:

Hannah - I love that you are insistent on going to BoG with your mom! I think it is perfectly fine that you want to spend a little time with your mom on your Disneymoon! I am sure you will get the answer to the military tickets soon as more people check in this morning.

Marie - I am soooo excited! I basically told David I was taking the kids and going whether he was or not :laughing: There was just no way I could go up for the weekend alone, the kids would have never let that happen. I hope everything is going well up there :hug:

Linda - I forgot you were staying off prop as well. How is the back doing today? I hope you are doing a bit better each day :flower3:

dmindgal - My kids have no interest in AKL for some reason, but I agree if you spend most of your time at the MK, staying at WL is really much more convenient :thumbsup2

Hope everyone has a great day!

Mama!!!! Yes cold alternating with heat...rest and anti-inflammatory..a muscle relaxer could help..ugh you should follow up with an orthopedic they can give you some great exercises to help..but you'll be resting for the next week or so. I'm so sorry mama :hug: I'm off to pediatrician for a well visit for DS5...be back!!!
Morning all! and happy HUMP day!! (can hear that camel now!!)

Oh my gosh it has been a long time! I have missed everyone dearly and hope everyone is doing well. I am very excited to be back and with news!

:wave2: Hannah!! Welcome back and congrats on the engagment and :yay: for a Disney wedding and disneymoon! A late sept, catching Halloween wishes, and F&W seems perfect.

So sorry for the loss of your fur baby and your papa.:hug: For sure your papa was cheering along with you all on that Cardinals win.

Oh it will be wonderful to be part of your planning process, love the idea of FQ!

I think I fried my vacuum sucking up all that drywall and other dust for the past 2 months. Had to go buy a new vacuum yesterday :faint: decided on a Dyson.
It's been a long haul, but was worth it. The place looks great. Now need new furniture for downstairs rec room, but going to take my time as I'm not sure what I want yet!

Awesome Sue!! Congrats, now the fun can start with shopping for new furniture, accessories, etc. :) btrw we have a Dyson, it's great!

Guess whose DH was on YouTube watching Christmas videos of Epcot and MK...and old River Country...extinct rides..ummm basically all things Disney....MINE!!!!! I am SO happy:cool1:

Fabulous Pas!! How I wish my DH could be so mesmerized!

:lmao: I am sooo gonna jinx myself BUT I haven't changed from the poly in over a month. 49 days to go. I'll just change DHs resort...hahaha

:rotfl2: Yes my friend you have already done that. No changing the Poly, you hear?

Janet: Hope you didn't get too many dirty looks from the coworkers! ;)
Loved the chit-chat. :hug:

Nope :goodvibes No I just look the part that I'm conducting a very important conversation.. which I was! :thumbsup2

Well, this is the week for us. Found out last Friday that the end of this week will start furloughs for the hub's work. With the trip coming up, it's bad timing to say the least; I just can't seem to muster any enthusiasm with this hanging over us. I really should be packing and making lists but can't seem to focus on it. :confused3 Anyway, enough of my whining. Taking Miss M to the dentist this afternoon for a check-up ... but she's got a tooth that has another one coming in over top of it. :scared: Not sure how they normally handle these things; I thought the adult teeth tend to push the baby teeth out but this one's a fighter. :upsidedow My offer to wiggle it goes rejected every time.

Sorry Miss .... for you and all our other affected RCers and families. :hug: Hoping Miss M's appt went well. :)

Hello all my RC ladies. Sorry I've been MIA.

Sunday while coughing I manage to injure my back. I was unable to sit or walk because of pain. Jessica called an ambulance for me. Had 6 very nice looking young men in my bedroom. Xrays were clear. Doctor gave me a narcotic pain killer after I asked him not to because of my bad reactions to them. I was so sick. They tried to rush me out of there while I was still sick and couldn't sit or walk yet. They weren't busy .... for awhile I was they only patient in the ER. Jessica had to go all daughter bear on them. Once my stomach was feeling better we decided if I could manage to get to the car I'd be better off at home ... laid in the back seat all the way home. What really makes me mad is they discharged me with no instructions. Should I ice? Should I heat? Should I move? Do I need to see another doctor? Nothing! They did send me home with a non narcotic pain killer which I'm able to take without a problem. Couldn't they have given me that in the hospital? Anyway I'm mostly flat on my back in bed. I am getting up and moving around every hour. Typing this on my phone ..... Keep posting you ladies are my entertainment. Hugs to all.

Linda, :hug: so grateful that Jess was there to watch your back (no pun intended :goodvibes)

And 6 young men?? Now Rosie will want to know if they were 6 HOT italians :laughing:

Feel better soon Linda!! Disney is beckoning.. :hug:

It's official, I have a reservation and David took the time off, we will be heading to Disney the afternoon of Dec 5th for the weekend. Going to meet some very special ladies!!!!! I am soooo excited!!!!!

:yay: So excited to be able to meet up with you all again!!

Mama!!!! Yes cold alternating with heat...rest and anti-inflammatory..a muscle relaxer could help..ugh you should follow up with an orthopedic they can give you some great exercises to help..but you'll be resting for the next week or so. I'm so sorry mama :hug: I'm off to pediatrician for a well visit for DS5...be back!!!

Sound advice from our RC Nurse! Hope all goes well with Brian's appt. :)


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