Your "Oh, I wish I would've brought..."

I always bring breakfast foods (kids eat while I get ready and drink my coffee), kids favorite snacks, extra comfort item, very small first aid kit with extra band aids (very expensive in the parks), tylenol, benadryl and a cough/sore throat medicine (you'd be shocked how often these all come in handy), thermometer, zip lock bags, peanut butter and bagels (for quick meal).
Shower curtain liner to cover the stroller/sit on if floor is wet.

Metal clips from the dollar tree.

Extra shoes and flip flops/sandals for when it rains
Do not get a cheap poncho.

Water bottle with filter(Disney's water is disgusting)
I can't leave home without an extra memory card, Shout wipes for dripping Mickey ears, and Downy wrinkle release, clothes are always wrinkled by the time I get there ..... maybe bc I'm already packed:yay: Have a great trip!!! Are you staying on property?
superglue. DD's prescription sunglasses broke, and we were headed on a cruise after the parks. They don't sell superglue anywhere on property. After a couple of days of asking everywhere we could think, some magically showed up in our room along with a lot of Mickey stickers. :cheer2:

This makes me smile
Great ideas! We are flying so some items won't make the cut, but many of these are on my list already. One thing I hadn't thought of was the clothes pins- good idea!

Yes, we are staying on property and have no car and I hate spending money on overpriced items that I could've brought along, so this is GREAT!

Keep the ideas coming! :-)
If you have more than a week before you leave, mail a package with things to your resort. We did this and it was a life saver! We flew so we couldn't pack too much in luggage so one week before the trip, I mailed a box of juice, snacks, dollar tree souvenirs, etcand it was there waiting in us when we arrived to check in at our wdw resort.
Thermometer and any type of pain reliever/fever reducer, especially if you have young kids. I, too, hate to pay so much more for the same darn thing I could have brought from home.
I found that the large clips (made to hold a beach towel to a chair) are perfect. They work as intended as well as to hold swimwear or other clothing to dry, and to hold curtains closed.

I also buy Disney night lights from dollar tree and leave them with housekeeping for another guest.

Sport variety of frogg togg is also perfect. The slit to keep it in place meant not worrying about losing it on rides.
I will add a Sharpie. There is always something that needs to be labelled...identical Mickey's for the kids, my 3yo...haha, but seriously, writing your cell # on them somewhere isn't a bad idea. Not really different from the $$$ ID tatoos you can buy.

Portable charging for cell phone/tablets. They are small and convenient. Can charge on the go, just attach, and throw into your bag. Saves you from having to track down an outlet in the parks.
FYI- I'm usually good for carrying OTC pain pills in my purse- esp excedrin (the parks don't sell it) BUT just be aware, if you're in a pinch and don't have a Tylenol, Advil, (or probably) benedryl- the nurse at the first aid desk will give you a dose! Saved me the day that I started having sudden flank pain from my first ever uti. (Salt water hot tubs in Daytona=bad!)
Did a little shopping yesterday... bought clothes pins (50 for $1.79- haha). I am glad you mentioned that- I cannot sleep with light poking through the curtains. I also bought some Shout wipes, dental floss things, and small tissue packets.

Will be stocking up on a few others things this weekend- definitely clorox wipes are on my list! :-)
So I hope this doesn't count as going off topic but it seems like I need to pack my house including the kitchen sink...are there any items parents feel like they brought too much of or things they just didn't need?
Different sized ziplocs for everything!! Leftover food from meals saved for snacks, wet clothes, change of clothes for little ones, I use them for everything at Disney :)
So I hope this doesn't count as going off topic but it seems like I need to pack my house including the kitchen sink...are there any items parents feel like they brought too much of or things they just didn't need?

I think you just have to know what you personally are likely to use. For example, we rarely take OTC meds at our house. I couldn't tell you the last time I took a Tylenol or Advil, nor the last time either of my kids had anything. So, unless someone is actively sick, I don't take kids' meds along. I figure if I really HAVE to have it, I'll buy it either on-site or take time to go off-site for it. (And I have to REALLY need something to take time to go off-site; once I'm under the arch, I don't leave.) Likewise, with the suggestions here on the DIS, I've taken ziplock bags along -- never used a one, even though I use a lot of them at home. We don't often swim at WDW because we swim a lot at home, so keeping track of clothespins to hang up wet suits isn't a high priority for me. We have other routines for dirty clothes (I bring a plastic garbage bag) so I don't bring a pop-up hamper. My husband and I generally leave all our "stuff" in the same place every time are not like some people who are always looking for our keys, sunglasses and wallets, so I don't need to bring a bin to put that stuff in one place. I'm also not all that concerned about germs, so I don't bring Clorox wipes, handi-wipes, etc. I have had the same Shout wipe in my park backpack for at least 5 years. I bought a travel first-aid kit and haven't used the first item out of it as long as I've had it.

I do take a multi-arm power unit with me, so we can plug in all our devices in one spot. I keep a Sharpie in my car, so if I need one, I have access to it, and have needed it several times. As I said in my previous post, I carry scissors because I do find them to be useful for cutting tags off items, etc.

Everything sounds like a good idea when you read about it, but you just have to know what you personally are likely to use and what is worth the weight of transporting it.
letsgoreds said:
I will add a Sharpie. There is always something that needs to be labelled...identical Mickey's for the kids, my 3yo...haha, but seriously, writing your cell # on them somewhere isn't a bad idea. Not really different from the $$$ ID tatoos you can buy.

Portable charging for cell phone/tablets. They are small and convenient. Can charge on the go, just attach, and throw into your bag. Saves you from having to track down an outlet in the parks.
Did I read this right. ...write cell # on children?

Not a bad idea
Yes, write cell # on child where others won't see it until it is needed...This last trip, I took a couple of cheap containers to put uneaten food in or that cupcake you didn't have room for at dinner...I carried the small one only at dinner time as it was cumberson in my bag...many a grape stayed fresh!!!
I agree- you can't take everything. My experience is that, the items you decide you don't ever use and leave at home are the ones you really need! That's life, right?

I will bring ziplocks- we use these a lot for leftover food or to bring a few snacks along with us. We also put things in them that we don't want getting wet on water rides. Change of clothes is a must. My kids always seem to spill an entire glass of juice all over or drop a big glob of food down the front of their shirt. And I am not normally a person who would even make an attempt at stains, but I do use Shout wipes or stick when traveling since it will be a while before anything sees the washing machine. Always have nairclippers, tweezers, and a cosmetics scissors. I will likely not bring a first aid kit, but I do throw some triple antibiotic and bandaids in my toiletry bag. Even if there's no blood, sometimes a bandaid just helps the tears go away. ;) We also rarely take OTC meds, but a small bottle of children's tylenol and a bag of Advil don't take up much space and are very much appreciated if needed! Likewise, no hamper- we use a garbage bag. Sharpie will be coming along for the ride! :)

I really like the portable changer idea. Had not thought of that one and was worried about my phone battery not making it an entire day. I will have to look into that!


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