Orlando Smackdown: Dis vs. Uni. Ch.16 Japan Hates me, Just Hates me 7-13

so I had another day to spend with Jackson.... he got a new game :Minecraft. I don't get it. he creates lands and castles and buildings and there are cows and pigs, and ghosts and weird creatures roaming around and you can build a house, with TNT, a bomb house. and I never felt so OLD in all my life!!!! and my 7 year old grandson is teaching me.
so Jackson wanted to play "disney scene it" and he points his finger at me at says
"you better take it easy on me cause I KNOW you know everything there is about disney. Grandma Smidgy!"

and I did NOT take liberty with the verbage. those were his exact words.. smart kid.

now, I do NOT "let: kids win. ok, maybe once in a while, when they are REALLY little. oh! or when playing HI HO CHERRY-O, because if you dont cheat and let the kid win, you'll be playing that stupid game for HOURS!!!

but I think if kids never learn how to lose gracefully, or lose at all, actually, and they think they should ALWAYS win and "be special" they will be in for a rather RUDE awakening in the real world when they 1) don't make the team 2)don't get the girl 3) dont' get the scholarship 4) don't get the job..

so , back at the ranch, Jackson and I are playing disney scene it and he beats me fair and square. and he is just thrilled. cause he knows he beat me fair and square.

and 7 is a GREAT age! his unique personality is really developing. he has that twinkle in his eye. he had learned the art of "irony" in conversation. I have been "teasing" him, so he has learned to "tease" back.
never talk "down" to children. they are so much smarter than you think.. and they can be as smart as you allow them to be. but always find a way to laugh with them.

7 is an awesome age :goodvibes! but that was 10 years ago for DS...but he is totally into Minecraft, and I am totally befuddled by it. I understood Pokémon - finally - but since he dumped that he has played stuff I've never heard of. At least he is not into the really grizzly stuff, but I watch him play sometimes, I see no point to it at all...someone says its like playing with Lego's, you build things and you can interact with other people on the site. Still don't get why he would spend all day on it if I let him...and it's summer and we are at work all day long...

Oh well, school starts soon. But by then he will have his driver's license and a car...maybe I will want Minecraft back ;) !
I'm guessing it's less than 24 hours now that you leave? Have a fun and safe trip. Looking forward to reading about it when you get back. If you come back. Might like it so much over there, you move there and forget about all of us and never post here again. Which sends the ladies into cardiac.......

Wow. Some dream that was. Yeah. Never happen in real life. Right?!:eek:

Some of us will miss you while you're gone. Me and Nebo on the other hand, well we may think of you occasionally and wonder if your sanity is still intact.

Until then, stay thirsty my friend.

Just checking in before we go. Doing this on the iPod since the laptop is put away already.

We're leaving for the airport in 7hours.

I was busy doing a million things when Nebo called to wish us a good trip. I'm afraid he didn't get as much out of it as I did. I was downstairs where the phone... Well... Sucks, so he could hardly hear me. Plus I was kinda distracted. Sorry about that dude, but your call did make my day

As for my sanity... No worries. It's long gone.

See y'all in a couple of weeks!
I have been having a few job related "glitches" of my own, so I'm sorry I haven't been here to pick up the slack.

We understand completely. Now that work has somewhat slowed down for me, and I'm not busting my buns so to speak on the latest conference they want me to help with, I've finally posted a new chapter after months on ours. And now I can finally come here in peace to read anything new and exciting :cheer2:

ok, not disney related: you guys all remember the TWINS!?

todd (Jackson's dad) had been recently reunited with them. they graduated with honors this june, and travis and dylan have been having a great time spending time with their little brother, Jackson.

well, Todd and Kimmy (the teacher, which is why we took the trip in august) are having a house built... a big house.. because the twins are moving in with their dad!!!

How awesome is that? I can only imagine how excited Todd and Kimmy are. It's evident how excited you are :goodvibes.

don't anyone say the Lord doesn't answer prayers. He might take His sweet time about it, but our time is not His time..( and no one tell Him I said that....:rotfl: don't worry, you won't go to hell for laughing. God has a great sense of humour. he did create the platypus, you know! )

(and whoever says God doesn't approve of sex never read the book of Solomon... but.. I digress....)

Have you ever watched the movie Dogma? Now that you mentioned this, it transported me back to a scene where Alan Rickman, playing the Metatron, was talking to the main character and mentioned how God had a sense of humor and referred to sex as part of it...Alan Rickman in Dogma

Now I digress...

so I had another day to spend with Jackson.... he got a new game :Minecraft. I don't get it. he creates lands and castles and buildings and there are cows and pigs, and ghosts and weird creatures roaming around and you can build a house, with TNT, a bomb house. and I never felt so OLD in all my life!!!! and my 7 year old grandson is teaching me.

I've heard of it, never seen or played it. Sounds way too complicated for this girl. I'm still trying to figure out Candy Crush and Despicable Me games on my phone. Seriously? How hard is it to match candy and advance to the next level?

so Jackson wanted to play "disney scene it" and he points his finger at me at says
"you better take it easy on me cause I KNOW you know everything there is about disney. Grandma Smidgy!"

and I did NOT take liberty with the verbage. those were his exact words.. smart kid.

Very smart kid. He knows his Grandma!

now, I do NOT "let: kids win. ok, maybe once in a while, when they are REALLY little. oh! or when playing HI HO CHERRY-O, because if you dont cheat and let the kid win, you'll be playing that stupid game for HOURS!!!

but I think if kids never learn how to lose gracefully, or lose at all, actually, and they think they should ALWAYS win and "be special" they will be in for a rather RUDE awakening in the real world when they 1) don't make the team 2)don't get the girl 3) dont' get the scholarship 4) don't get the job..

(may I interject here that it would be better for them to lose out on # 2 and not get the girl. thereby increasing their chances of #3 and #4 / as a mother of sons let me say to allyou young boys.. there will be plenty girls AFTER college, AFTER you get the job.

(this is the point where you ALL point out to me how NO ONE listens to me!!! son #1 got the girl..lost the girl, blah blah... skipped a few steps. got a job and a good girl, then got the kids back.

son #2 got the girl, (took her to her senior prom when he was a junior), went to college, married her, waited a couple years, had kids.

ok. lost my point... OH YEAH!!!! Mom, (or grandma) is NOT goinhg to let you win! cause you never know what life will throw at you, but you better NOT be "coddled"!

so , back at the ranch, Jackson and I are playing disney scene it and he beats me fair and square. and he is just thrilled. cause he knows he beat me fair and square.

Great job Jackson! I need to dust off my game, We haven't played that in ages. But I know better now than to play with Momma Smidgy! :) :rotfl:

and 7 is a GREAT age! his unique personality is really developing. he has that twinkle in his eye. he had learned the art of "irony" in conversation. I have been "teasing" him, so he has learned to "tease" back.
never talk "down" to children. they are so much smarter than you think.. and they can be as smart as you allow them to be. but always find a way to laugh with them.

Great advice!
Have fun Ponzi! (Did I really just say that? I mean seriously? He's going on vacation, away from home, to a place he has never been, and will be surrounded by his family and magnificent scenes...Drat...now I'm depressed because I'm at work :crazy2:)
awwww poor nebo! so sorry to hear that the wrist is not healing up the way we were all hoping for you. Sending prayers for you.

Ponzie I know you are already on your way but have a safe trip and have lots of fun.

Smidgy that is awesome news all around about your sons and your Jackson story is so cute. I already read to Scarlett, she just snuggles in and listens to her grammy read Madeline to her, it is a win win, I get to read all those great kids books again and she gets snuggle time after we take our walk in the morning. Going to miss going for walks with Scarlett and what's her name again... oh yeah shawndell, (her mother and my daughter/) when the new school year starts in two weeks. we joke that we are off to see scarlett and those people she lives with:rotfl:

and on another note" SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE hubby just ordered tickets to D23 for next Saturday. So excited. I won tickets to the first one they did back in 09 and it was amazing. Cannot wait to see it this year.
someone says its like playing with Lego's, you build things and you can interact with other people on the site. Still don't get why he would spend all day on it if I let him...and it's summer and we are at work all day long...

Oh well, school starts soon. But by then he will have his driver's license and a car...maybe I will want Minecraft back ;) !

when I related that to my son todd tonight (he and jackson ate at the restaurant) he said that was a very good analogy!
and welcome to the thread, by the way!!!

Going to miss going for walks with Scarlett and what's her name again... oh yeah shawndell, (her mother and my daughter/) when the new school year starts in two weeks. we joke that we are off to see scarlett and those people she lives with:rotfl:

:rotfl2:when todd and jackson came into ther estaurant tonight I walked right past my son and gave jackson oa huge hug!todd was like, "oh sure, I know where I stand!"
i never heard of that movie!I'll have to add it to my 5 page long Netflix list! :rotfl:
there was a movie I realy like where al pacino (or was it robert DiNero;)) played the Devil.. it was set in the business world, and the lead actor discovers he is actually the devil's son...ooh!
I think it might have been The Devil's Advocate? anyway, he gives a soliloquoy that is really great!

Yes, it was the Devil's Advocate with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino. Very good movie. Wasn't the end just mind blowing?
i never heard of that movie!I'll have to add it to my 5 page long Netflix list! :rotfl:
there was a movie I realy like where al pacino (or was it robert DiNero;)) played the Devil.. it was set in the business world, and the lead actor discovers he is actually the devil's son...ooh!
I think it might have been The Devil's Advocate? anyway, he gives a soliloquoy that is really great!

After some thought, it has come to my attention that I should probably put in a warning of sorts for this movie...While i love the movie and think it's hilarious and thought provoking, the language is a little vulgar. But it does have an interesting cast; Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Alan Rickman, George Carlin, Linda Fiorentino, Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith (AKA, Jay and Silent Bob), Chris Rock, Selma Hayek...and Alanis Morrisette as God. So if you are not turned off by crude language, then I would say you should check it out.

On another note: I love Devil's Advocate.
so sorry to hear you had to cancel your dec. trip. prayers for you 2, for things to get better!:grouphug:

Thanks Smidgy, Bill has arthritis and bursitis in his left hip. Medications have helped his pain a lot so the sneak rebooked the trip lol.

I have to unplug his computer.
Thanks Smidgy, Bill has arthritis and bursitis in his left hip. Medications have helped his pain a lot so the sneak rebooked the trip lol.

I have to unplug his computer.

yay for him (that the meds helped and he diecide he could do the trip) :banana:
Thanks Smidgy, Bill has arthritis and bursitis in his left hip. Medications have helped his pain a lot so the sneak rebooked the trip lol.

I have to unplug his computer.

So glad to hear that the meds are helping with his pain. And YAY for rebooking the trip!!
I'm still around. It will proabably be a while before Nebo is though. Talked to him last night. He's doing good. He said it's been hard to us the confuser with the brace on his wrist, so he hasn't even tried. Plus he doesn't want to push his recovery too fast and it not heal right.

I wonder if we can get smidgy to write a chapter? She's filled in really good for his absence.
I third that suggestion, al together now, "smidgy,smidgy Smidgy!"
poor nebo. Hope he knows how much we all miss him but want him to heal up well.
This gives me time to finish Tman's tr. while waiting for our passes to open up again.
Did get a pretty good dose of Disney at D23 last Sat though.

Feel better Nebo:flower3:
One more post this morning before work, I think we all need to start saving up and have a big dis meet at the 2015 D23 show. hehehe


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