Free Dining Oct-Dec Is Here!!

Me too. For all the people saying they don't blame Black - who else would you blame? :confused3 Hopes were raised. People changed plans. I hope for you all that something on August 1st meets your needs! :wizard:

No ones to blame. It is a rumor. It's not as if Disney said they'd be putting an offer out and didn't. The people who changed their plans based on rumors only have themselves to blame honestly.
No one has posted that they cancelled those that booked *thinking that FDing would be released either kept the reservation or are still hopeful? I saw a couple that booked anyway, even though there was no FDing today when they Disney might be on to something. How many bookings did they get because of this leak? How many people will figure out a way to make it work out regardless of the discount not being released. So many things could be at work here. Still hopeful for August 1st, but not booking anything until I know for sure :)
This also could just be Disney's way of thumping Social Media on the head. Let's face it, the Disney Company practically defines obsessive control of their brand.

I'm going to go get ready for work, and hope that at 10:00 am there is not a posting on the 'official' website announcing FD starting today. :rotfl:

Thanks for the info guys, no hard feelings.
Me too. For all the people saying they don't blame Black - who else would you blame? :confused3 Hopes were raised. People changed plans. I hope for you all that something on August 1st meets your needs! :wizard:

hmmm lets see - he doesn't work for Disney, well as far as we know. anything can change before release date and if he isn't the person making that final decision then he cannot be blamed because he doesn't have any say in. I think he took a big risk posting the info both because the person he got the info from could be caught and have his / her job be in jepoardy and also all these people that are attacking him now because Disney Visa wasn't released

Disney Visa has always been a speculation on any discount ever

To the person who the cm told them that DVisa is always offered first is mistaken there have been a few instances that it wasn't
No one has posted that they cancelled those that booked *thinking that FDing would be released either kept the reservation or are still hopeful? I saw a couple that booked anyway, even though there was no FDing today when they Disney might be on to something. How many bookings did they get because of this leak? How many people will figure out a way to make it work out regardless of the discount not being released. So many things could be at work here. Still hopeful for August 1st, but not booking anything until I know for sure :)

Someone just posted that a CM told them it was cancelled because they no longer needed to offer FD.
extreme??? so its ok for people to be planning a vacation for thousands of dollars to expect a discount and cry foul when a rumor falls through and blame people for giving them this information. you should never plan any kind of trip with the sole hope of receiving a discount so you can afford to go. wow...

Yes, it is ok for them TO PLAN a vacation for thousands of dollars with the hope of free dining. I DID NOT however, say that it was ok tO blame others when those plans fall through. was not . One should never make IRREVERSIBLE plans plans if they can not afford it, but they can plan so that they are prepared of discounts DO come out.
I called back and was told by CM that free dining was scheduled to come out but then cancelled due to getting enough rooms booked so they didn't have to offer it now?:worried:

That CM was probably just giving more rumored information. We all know that they often spread rumors just like we do, just so they have something to tell the masses that are calling in.
I have a friend who is a TA and she said they got word that the offer was coming out today but then Disney pulled it. I saw it posted on a lot of TA sites this morning and then it was gone so they must've had the info. Oh well! I will wait for the next offer I guess!
I agree. It was a "rumor", as it always is, and this time, it was incorrect. I think it's silly to buy plane tix, etc based on said rumor. I enjoyed having the heads up that it would MAYBE be today, bc that puts me on the lookout for what might be coming up. So I say THANKS to the people who put the info out there for our consideration.
I called back and was told by CM that free dining was scheduled to come out but then cancelled due to getting enough rooms booked so they didn't have to offer it now?:worried:

Thank you for sharing and that has been a worse fear. Disney pulled an offer at the last minute because they did not see a need. Hopefully they will regroup and there will still be some dates they still need to fill. : )

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Listen, I bought myself a really nice Gucci bag with the money we were going to save when FD came out - So this offer needs to go live people!!! Lets all sit around in a circle, put Black in the middle, and pray to the Disney Discount Gods that we will sacrifice Black (and Joe, and Mary, and whoever else we feel like) if the offer comes out by tomorrow morning.
Whos with me?!?!?
Free dining will be extended beyond September.

Bookings for these dates will begin August 1.

As usual, Disney Visa holders should have a few days notice to book early, likely on July 29. The dates are below:

Seems to me like the only real rumor was about 8/1. The rest was obviously speculation. From all the reading I do regarding Free Dining, I was suspecting that DV holders wouldn't be booking today. No big deal...the rumor is really for 8/1 anyway. The people who are being so negative should just relax. Let's wait and see what happens on 8/1.

Besides, Joe always says to wait until things go live to commit to nonrefundable plans. I have waited to book my vacation for months. I made alternate plans based on the new, rumored FD plans. I still kept my old plans too. If FD doesn't come out, we will go with our original plans. We haven't book flights yet because the offers aren't set.
Morning, everyone. I have been reading posts for the last 30 minutes trying to think of something comforting to say to all of you, but I'm coming up kinda empty. As has been mentioned by many, DV offers are assumed, not guaranteed. It has happened this way before. It saddens me to read some of the truly hateful remarks in this thread, but it warms my heart that so many of you are standing up for Joe and the others who have tried to help. We have ALWAYS said that no plans should be altered before the official release. Even if it isn't released this week doesn't mean it isn't coming. There are always Fall offers. I know everyone is disappointed. I am too. I got up 3 hours early to be excited for all of you, but now I'm just sad. Sad for all the disappointed people and sad that people can be so mean. Still have my fingers crossed for all of you to get something this week.
Listen, I bought myself a really nice Gucci bag with the money we were going to save when FD came out - So this offer needs to go live people!!! Lets all sit around in a circle, put Black in the middle, and pray to the Disney Discount Gods that we will sacrifice Black (and Joe, and Mary, and whoever else we feel like) if the offer comes out by tomorrow morning.
Whos with me?!?!?

I'm going into witness protection
I am not sure who this "Joe" is because I am not on here all the time but this "Joe" character might have just ruined it for everyone instead of helping.
This is all bat crazy! I am just sad for those that can no longer go. Moving on now...

August 1st isn't even here yet. Hopefully no one completely cancelled because there was no offer this morning. The 'rumored' date is Thursday.
Hmmmmm....maybe Disney finally decided to throw us Dis-ears a curveball????? Possible, given all the great info you all are sharing about your calls.

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