Free Dining Oct-Dec Is Here!!

I am sorry but I am so pissed! The main people that started this rumor should somehow get in trouble for this. How sad to do this to so many people.

Shame on you. The people who posted this information were upfront at all times that this was rumored and constantly counseled people not to make reservations based on this speculation, especially if they couldn't afford it otherwise. I'm sorry that you got your hopes up, but the poster did caution people about this being not true until officially announced.
Why should they get in trouble? They are nice enough to let everyone know when these offers are about to come available.
The rumor was for August 1st, we all speculated DV members would get it today.

I appreciate the people who put out the info, and will be calling August 1st. :)

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Maybe they shouldn't say anything until they know for sure.
I am sorry but I am so pissed! The main people that started this rumor should somehow get in trouble for this. How sad to do this to so many people.

That is a bit over the top.

Really. It's not like anyone died. I appreciate the people who share this information, who are almost always accurate, and help us get ready when it does happen. I don't see that anyone misled anyone intentionally.

Perspective, people.

I'm thinking of checking back each day up through the 1st to see if the DV offer happens. Otherwise, we'll give it try with the GP offer.
No it's not. Everyone was planning vacations around this offer, taking off work, saving money and now their dreams have been shut down. It was so bad that even Disney knew and prepared the CM's. It wasn't just a small rumor. Even Travel Agents thought the rumor was real.

It sounds like it just isn't being released early to DV members. Several people, including myself, were told to check back on the 1st by the CM's talked to. I think we're all a little frustrated but it will work itself out, probably Thursday morning.
Shame on you. The people who posted this information were upfront at all times that this was rumored and constantly counseled people not to make reservations based on this speculation, especially if they couldn't afford it otherwise. I'm sorry that you got your hopes up, but the poster did caution people about this being not true until officially announced.

Shame on me! lol
:confused3 OK after chatting with a CM for a few minutes she told me there is nothing in the system for FD got the standard script replies blah, blah blah but she was very sympathetic. She ended the call with the standard Have a magical day and then slipped in "keep checking back this week though" So who knows. :confused:
Just got off the phone with a great cm! She was very kind and apologetic! She encouraged me to keep looking and said remember DV always get first shot at new deals! Call back soon!
Shame on you. The people who posted this information were upfront at all times that this was rumored and constantly counseled people not to make reservations based on this speculation, especially if they couldn't afford it otherwise. I'm sorry that you got your hopes up, but the poster did caution people about this being not true until officially announced.

I agree. :thumbsup2
No luck here. I will be calling every morning for the next few days. Black said it could be as early as today, but that is just an estimate. So I will keep trying daily. Hopefully it will happen before Aug. 1st. .......Still hopeful!
I am sorry but I am so pissed! The main people that started this rumor should somehow get in trouble for this. How sad to do this to so many people.

No reason to be upset. We all did it to ourselves. Nobody made us do it. Acting on rumors on the Internet is usually not a good idea but we all wanted to believe it. I hold no one responsible but myself for any actions I took - like being up at 6am this morning to call in.
Just appalled at some of the responses on this board this morning this is a non official forum nothing more. Its all good when these rumors are right and praise is passed around but as soon as one of the rumors is not true you are ready to crucify someone for being wrong. Is all fun when you can get a jump on the rest of the world due to one of these rumors being true but it fell through this time and someone said people should be punished for starting these rumors& WoW! If you are that dependent upon a discount maybe should not be going!!!
Danny is the ONLY one that has always been 100% correct. So I'm not necessarily surprised about this. I'm up first thing too calling, hoping its true. But it's just a rumor and it was stated over and over that people shouldn't change and make plans around this until its official. No reason to be mad at the people that leaked the info. Still holding out for Aug 1st and hoping to hear from Danny!
No it's not. Everyone was planning vacations around this offer, taking off work, saving money and now their dreams have been shut down. It was so bad that even Disney knew and prepared the CM's. It wasn't just a small rumor. Even Travel Agents thought the rumor was real.

Overdramatic just a touch?
No it's not. Everyone was planning vacations around this offer, taking off work, saving money and now their dreams have been shut down. It was so bad that even Disney knew and prepared the CM's. It wasn't just a small rumor. Even Travel Agents thought the rumor was real.

This is why you should not plan a vacation around rumors unfortunately. Even those who share the leaked info post that disclaimer. It didn't get released today but that doesn't mean it can't still happen. Book the vacation you want/can afford, discounts aren't a guarantee.
In all fairness, their prediction was that it would go live August 1. The pattern often is that Disney Visa holders get a head start the prior Monday and all the DV holders hoped that would hold true this time. That aside, it is only a prediction. They don't gain anything by gathering the information and passing it along. I'm upset that it didn't happen this morning too but no need to get out the pitchforks....

I agree. I am thankful that they try to pass info on, even if it's not always accurate.
Hopefully later in the week....

Joe and the rest here have been great, however without confirmation from Mary at mousesavers and Deb at allears, it didn't seem like the discount was going to be today.

Fingers crossed.


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