"This is NOT the once in a lifetime trip I was hoping for!" - (Baby Simba - 12/18)

I am so sorry to read the trip was not as great as you hoped it would be and even more sorry to hear that three of you were sick for parts of the trip. I am glad you still had some good times and am looking forward to reading about them. Claudia is soooo adorable. I want a daughter so much! I laughed when you talked about the Filipino genes, because none of my in-laws looks their age while many in my family look our age or older than we really are. The darker the skin, the better one ages.

I am already excited to delve into this report and looking over the chapter links has me really excited.
One small warning about the monorail sets: they are HUGE if you are going to use them under a tree. I set mine up with the Contemporary and the old version they had of Spaceship Earth, and it's absolutely massive! Definitely not saying don't use it under the tree, just be aware that when you add the buildings to it, it quickly becomes really, really big.
Oh yeah, funnel cakes are easy to make. I don't even have the fancy smancy cake kit. I just use a funnel and my deep cast iron skillet. I've even made them out of pancake mix before when I was too lazy to get out the cookbook.
Can you believe we have never even set foot on the Boardwalk!? That's definitely an area we need to explore. I know Brandon would love to take pictures there. We're planning on walking over to Cape May and possibly Beaches and Cream on our next trip, so we'll explore then, I think.

SHOPPING!!!!! HOW FUN!!!!!!!!! I am looking forward to the days when my kids actually WANT to shop with me!!

Santa brought the Monorail and Contemporary for Julia for Christmas. A few years ago, he brought her the Castle. On our most recent trip, the girls chose Epcot as their "big" souvenir. On Julia's birthday, she got the Poly set. I am looking forward to finally being able to put this around our Christmas tree next year, and also to adding pieces! I know there is a Space Mountain set, and sometimes the Tree of Life (even though it isn't on the monorail loop) pops up for sale, as does Hollywood Studios. Those two are hit or miss online. I am going to keep on adding, even if they aren't on the loop! They are too fun, and the kids love them! (Me, too!)

It's so neat that you could just hop over to Epcot on a whim. My dream.

Wow, you updated a lot over the weekend! I was busy cleaning because I have company coming Friday so no DIS time for me.

It was cute to see how excited Otaku was to go in the Japan store. I understand spending a long time in there, there is just so much to see.

That line for TT was crazy compared to the rest of Epcot!

I'm glad Otaku liked ToT. I dragged DH on that one on our honeymoon and he still hasn't forgiven me 15 years later. Funny thing is he is claiming he will ride it again in Oct. I doubt that will happen.

The breakfast at Kouzzina looks really good. That's another restaurant I would like to try someday.

Yay for a fun shopping trip to DTD. The ice cream from Ghirardelli looks so good!
Oh no. Poor Ron. I know you said at the beginning that you all had a touch of sickness at one point in time, but I so didn't want it to be true. Sounds like you girls had fun though
Hi Mel,

Love the idea of a late breakfast/brunch break around the Boardwalk - we've tried dinner at Kouzinna but not breakfast yet, looks like a really different menu :thumbsup2

Sounded like an excellent shopping trip to DTD too! :goodvibes

Emma princess: x
I am also wondering if you have some news to share with us!

Great update, I love The Boardwalk and shopping at DTD :)
I loved our dinner at Kouzzina- I really really want to try breakfast. We canceled our ADR last trip (would have been too rushed on our departure day) it looks so yummy and passed out Claudia... ADORABLE!

Love your shopping update and what a great and sweet idea about the picture cube... Claudia and Otaku are so cute.... I am in agreement with Ghiradelli is absolutely divine- a few years ago I swear we ate there 3 or 4 times....

I am also wondering if you have some news to share with us!

Great update, I love The Boardwalk and shopping at DTD :)

Me too!!!
Love the shopping morning/afternoon!!! I love Disney Christmas ornaments, but I also loveeee Rons idea of the monorail! We want that too! :)

Breakfast looks yummy, and Claudia is too cute all passed out in her stroller! And those photos are her and Otaku are awesome, she looks like she really loves her big sister :hug:

I too am wondering if you have news to share ;):rotfl:
Totes not sure when I last commented, SO, I’m gonna start with Japan! Lawl. Sorry if I’m repeating myself haha. I’m so glad she found her niche in Disney! I definitely have had people go INSANE in that store, and I’ll admit, when I saw the Sailor Moon section I went a bit bonkers!

FREE FUNNEL CAKES?!?! Heck yes. That’s awesome, and weird that they only took cash…I feel like Disney isn’t the biggest “cash” place…maybe it’s just for me since it’s just too much of a pain to exchange money before we leave, and I hate carrying that much cash, and atms in Disney are so limited!

Holy cow that’s a long line for TT! I definitely would not have gotten in it! I find Epcot to be one of those parks that you don’t really need EMH for, Mom and I were kinda wandering waiting for WS to open with the am emh. AK is super fun, especially on a day when you’ve got something to do that afternoon, gets you out faster, and MK, well, theyre just awesome with EMH!

WHO COULD RESIST EMH?!! I’m SUPER pumped that we have AM EMH at Dhs on our next trip, it’s gonna be GREAT! I’m going to ride ToT SO MANY TIMES! Oh my gosh, that first pp, Claudia’s looking at the Pluto that got added in like “what the heck are you doing in our picture?”

Awesome ride pics!! I’m assuming you had PP plus if there’s a border on a ride pic? I’ve probably missed this tidbit of info before, did you like it? Aw man, one of my favorite things to do is hang out in a ride exit area, especially intense ones, everyone talking different things about it, and the pictures, can be hilarious!

Looks like breakfast was delicious!

Okay, pause, did I miss something? Was it already known about baby #2 while you were down in Disney? Or is this just “we’re going to have another baby and won’t be back in Disney, so let’s buy stuff now” ? Either way, cool cool, lol, I’ve definitely bought a onsie for my completely non existent future child, bahaha!

Awe, how awesome that they gave you a discount! That’s great! I definitely got a free ice cream bar from a guy at MK for being Canadian once, he had been raised in Van and then moved down to Mexico haah! Looks like an awesome shopping spree! I usually end up only buying something at TrenD, and wanting to buy everything everywhere else…having a minimum wage job helps with the not buying everything in sight. Baha! One of these days I’ll be rich! I’m loving the whole “let’s walk over to Epcot” kind of thing on a whim, that’s why I’d love to stay at a boardwalk or MK resort!!
Thanks for the pictures and resort review. I just booked a stay there, so I love seeing the pics. It looks awesome. I just wish we could afford a Cars room for the trip. The Little Mermaid room looks nice though (and it is tied with The Lion King for my favorite Disney cartoon).

I am so sorry you missed the NYE celebration. It sounds like you really needed the rest though. I have seen a lot of arguments at Disney but never a physical one. Wow. I am glad you got out of there when you did. I do not like pineapples, so I would not want a dole whip either. I heard a rumor that they come in 2 other Flavors. I will look into that this fall.

The formula spilling sucks. I remember dealing with formula at Dl twice when Xander was a baby. He nursed too, but I never nursed him in public. Connor never accepted formula or my milk in a bottle, so I had no choice but to accept nursing him in public.

I hope the extra sleep made the next day a little better for you.
I have always wanted to stay at the Beach Club, so it was nice to read your review. Reading you enjoyed AoA more had me even more excited about our trip.

I am sorry that you picked up the flu just before the trip. I have teased Crap a few times about over reacting to a sickness he gets first. Then, when it hits me, I realize why he was so out of it. We've all been there. That was a lot of snow you had. With the sickness and the weather, you must be pretty tough to forge on and ate the trip anyway. Hope it gets better before the trip ends.
I'll come back to do replies later tonight or this weekend, but I'll at least end the suspense now. I'm NOT pregnant... yet. We knew we wanted to have a second kid, and we knew we would not be back to Disney until said second kid was at least a year or two (or three), which is why it was on my mind while buying stuff. We wanted to start trying in January, and I was really hoping it would work right away (the timing would have been perfect for so many reasons), but that darn sickness decided otherwise. We haven't had any luck since then, but we'll keep trying. ;)
I'll come back to do replies later tonight or this weekend, but I'll at least end the suspense now. I'm NOT pregnant... yet. We knew we wanted to have a second kid, and we knew we would not be back to Disney until said second kid was at least a year or two (or three), which is why it was on my mind while buying stuff. We wanted to start trying in January, and I was really hoping it would work right away (the timing would have been perfect for so many reasons), but that darn sickness decided otherwise. We haven't had any luck since then, but we'll keep trying. ;)

I know it will happen when the time is right. I thought I would start trying when Connor turned 2. Now that he is so close to 2, I feel like it will take a little longer than planned. Everything happens for a reason.
I'll come back to do replies later tonight or this weekend, but I'll at least end the suspense now. I'm NOT pregnant... yet. We knew we wanted to have a second kid, and we knew we would not be back to Disney until said second kid was at least a year or two (or three), which is why it was on my mind while buying stuff. We wanted to start trying in January, and I was really hoping it would work right away (the timing would have been perfect for so many reasons), but that darn sickness decided otherwise. We haven't had any luck since then, but we'll keep trying. ;)

Good luck in trying :) we spaced our girls 22 months apart and so far it was a lot of work at first but we are seeing benefits now. We can see that they will be playmates and have a strong bond (well at least until the teenage years roll around!) The sweetest is how our littlest Olive looks up to Zoey :) Good Luck!


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