Do you have synesthesia?

Do you have synesthesia

  • I have no idea what that is.

  • No

  • Yes

  • I think I might, but it's not very strong.

  • Other

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Seriously, though, DD3 sometimes tells me that a loud noise is "red" or that something sweet tastes "yellow". I thought maybe she had it, but I think it's just her fledgling vocabulary.
I can't believe I am the only one so far who knows what that is. YES!

I know - not a lot of people I know have it or know what it is. I grew up just thinking it was normal. I don't think I even mentioned it to anyone (which seems weird, but ??) until I started dating my husband and I mentioned something about a color of a letter and he looked at me like I was crazy.

Last night I was tucking my son in and he said, "Mom, what color is a triangle to you?" I was so excited (we both agree they're yellow). I asked him about other things then and he definitely has it. He's the only other one in the family that I know about.
Seriously, though, DD3 sometimes tells me that a loud noise is "red" or that something sweet tastes "yellow". I thought maybe she had it, but I think it's just her fledgling vocabulary.

Could be. It does run in families.
That is SO cool!

I knew about it because I've read a few books about it: A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass and Ultraviolet by RJ Anderson.
I know what it is only because my daughter just read a book about it & we were discussing.
I don't have any color/number associations but I do tend to have very strong smell associations, if that makes sense? It's likely just a quirk.
That is SO cool!

I knew about it because I've read a few books about it: A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass and Ultraviolet by RJ Anderson.

A Mango Shaped Space...that's the book my daughter just read. It was a school assigned book, she found it interesting.
We recently discovered that my DD6 has this. First in the family that we know of. I will definitely be checking out those books! Thanks!
I know what it is only because my daughter just read a book about it & we were discussing.
I don't have any color/number associations but I do tend to have very strong smell associations, if that makes sense? It's likely just a quirk.

I see colors for numbers and letters, days of the week, months. Also, sometimes I feel shapes in my mouth. I don't know why I do some times and not others. :confused3

Also sometimes I get a taste in my mouth when I see particular colors, but I don't know if this is a "normal" thing.

I'm very sensitive and can be very emotional - not sure if this correlates to synesthesia or not.
Wednesday is Indigo Blue is another book about it that's usually easy to find (except to me Wednesday is yellow) :)
I'm pretty sure that my DH does. He sees numbers as having genders. I think it's neat.
I'm pretty sure that my DH does. He sees numbers as having genders. I think it's neat.

I do that, too. To me, 4s are very masculine. 3s are feminine. And typically, the more masculine the number/letter, the darker the color is (4 is brown and 3 is yellow). I know it sounds a little crazy to people who don't do it (and, btw, it's just "there" it's not like you have to think about it or anything), so I'll stop there. :)
I do know what it is, and I don't have it. Nor have I ever known anyone that has it (that I know of). I find it fascinating though.
I have the lamest kind of synesthesia. Days, weeks and months feel like they have locations in physical space to me. My mom is the only other person I personally know who has this, and she didn't know about it until I told her.
ZephyrHawk said:
I have the lamest kind of synesthesia. Days, weeks and months feel like they have locations in physical space to me. My mom is the only other person I personally know who has this, and she didn't know about it until I told her.

I'm the same with days, weeks an months. I didn't know it was a thing though.
I don't but my dd has a friend who believes she does. My dd actually did a report on this for school last year so I know what it is.
I have the lamest kind of synesthesia. Days, weeks and months feel like they have locations in physical space to me. My mom is the only other person I personally know who has this, and she didn't know about it until I told her.

When I think of a month, I see it as part of a circle of all the months and they're always in the same spot. December is on top, June is on the bottom. Is this what you mean?


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