Funny responses from strangers...

leeg229 said:
I'd get asked all the time " So, You ever meet Snooki or Jwoww?" I would just shake my head because it seems like that's all New Jersey is known for now.

I actually live spitting distance from where those shows are filmed and no one in this area likes or watches them. I also don't know anyone like them. They're actually transplanted New Yorkers. New Jersey has some of everything, in people and terrain.
I look forward to visiting my mother-in-law in San Antonio just so I can go to
Whataburger. Yes, I know they are in other states but we don't have them here so for me it's a Texas thing :)

Mmmm...Whataburger! It's something about the pickles, mustard and delicious little squares of onion! I'll take mine with grilled jalapenos too!
It's like when anyone from the STATE of New York saying "I'm from NY" and having someone automatically assume you mean New York City. Although honestly I don't know anything north of Albany.

This is what we always get everywhere. It's very annoying, especially when people try to argue with you about it.

"Wow this must be quite a shock for you to be in the country"
"Nope. Where we live is much more rural than here."
"That's funny. New York is so crowded/busy/etc"
"Our town has a gas station and a post office. No traffic lights. The closest stores are 45 minutes away. You do realize there is an entire state, not just the city?"
"I don't think so. You are making that up"
All the time. :headache:

DH & I both grew up in FL and we feel like every time we are at Disney people act weird or give us nasty looks if we say we're from NY. I'd almost rather just lie and say we're from FL.

In a BWV hallway I got asked by a lady if I could bring her extra towels. I looked at her like what?? Her DH was walking beside her when she had stopped me but he just kept on walking, I think really embarrassed, while saying 'she is NOT the maid!' Yes, they were white. Yes, I'm of Mexican descent. And no, I was not wearing a mouse keepers uniform...
Born, raised and living in Kentucky here (though I did live in some other places in young adulthood). I have an accent, but don't use much local slang because I was raised to speak with decent grammar (though admittedly I slip sometimes).

What tickles me is when someone from another state meets me and then relates the time they went to the Kentucky Derby, as though my yearly calendar revolves around that or horse racing in general. I have never been to the Derby, nor really even want to go. I think horses are beautiful animals, but couldn't care less about racing. When I am asked who I think will win the Derby this year, I always respond with something like, "Does Secretariat have any great grandkids running this year?" ;) Kentucky is a bigger and more varied state than what a lot of people who haven't been here imagine.

It's sort of like asking someone who lives in Tallahassee what MK's park hours are going to be 3 months from now.

haha so true! I have a good friend born and raised in Louisville and she's never been to the Derby! I don't really understand people living somewhere and not taking advantage of the awesomeness around them though. Maybe because we're always moving, I'm used to doing all the things there are to do in any given area because we never know when we're moving next.

And funnily enough, I ran into so many people from my area of KY on our last trip. I swear the whole state was on fall break at once, everywhere i turned was another family from KY!
Not in Disney, but being a military brat, return stateside after living overseas for several years and your cousins are shocked you speak English! LOL!
We're from the middle of Kansas and we always get the Wizard of Oz references:

-Where's Toto?
-You're not in Kansas anymore.
-Just click your heels.

Doesn't bother me in the least. I love my state, it's a wonderful place to live. And, NO, we do not travel in covered wagons. :lmao:
I live in NJ on the hudson river directly across from the Empire State Building. So while it's technically NJ it's really just a borough of New York.

I always get people asking if where I live is like the Jersey Shore. "Are people really like that?" type of comments. So I tell them that in order to live where I live you have to master the Jersey Fist Pump and them I show them how it's done....Jersey Style!

You may as well live up the stereotypes!

And yes....I am afraid of anyone who says they're from Detroit.
I always love to tell people I am from Holland and then when they look at me with an odd look I will add Michigan. Then the next question is always is that by Detroit? No we are actually by lake Michigan and closer to Chicago then Detroit.
We're from Texas and have answered many humorous questions over the years, and we've enjoyed every single one:

Yes, we will eat BBQ for breakfast, if it's in a taco.

No, I own no livestock.

Yes, I do call people honey and sweetie and I do say bless her/his heart before I insult someone.

No, I do not care a gun, but about half my family has a concealed handgun license.

No, I do not use Aquanet.

No, I do not drive a pickup, but a 14 year old Suburban.

No, I am not an Aggie or a Longhorn.
Jasonkat said:
I live in NJ on the hudson river directly across from the Empire State Building. So while it's technically NJ it's really just a borough of New York.

I always get people asking if where I live is like the Jersey Shore. "Are people really like that?" type of comments. So I tell them that in order to live where I live you have to master the Jersey Fist Pump and them I show them how it's done....Jersey Style!

You may as well live up the stereotypes!

And yes....I am afraid of anyone who says they're from Detroit.

What are you afraid of (bang bang) it is safe here (bang) it is a really beautiful city (bang bang bang sorry in the middle of a shoot out while I am typing away) just dont mind our prior crooked previous mayor.
Well not only is everyone from Detroit "Armed and Dangerous" they're also totally crazy.

The Lions sell out year after year after year. The LIONS! I mean they went 0-16 a few years ago! They've never been to the Superbowl! Even loser teams like the Seahawks, the Falcons, and the Cardinals have been to the Super Bowl at some point in their histories. But the Lions....

People from Detroit must be crazy if they continue to pay top dollar to watch the LIONS!!!
I was born and raised in Delaware. Cannot tell you how many people didn't realize that Delaware is a state. Usually they'd say "What state is that in" similar to the Vermont and New Hampshire people. Even people in Pennsylvania/Philly would hear Delaware and think it's so far away...Delaware is almost as close to Philly as New Jersey is!

My all-time favorite was when I was on the phone with a customer service rep (not Disney, can't remember which company) and the person asked if the abbreviation "DE" in my address was for Detroit. Uh, since when is Detroit a state??? They had no clue and were very confused.

I live about an hour outside Philly now but I always say Philly when people in Disney ask where I'm from because no one would have a clue. I work in Philly though so maybe it's not too misleading...
Since this thread isn't about theme parks attractions and strategies, I've moved it to the Theme Parks Community board. :)
These are too funny!! My last trip I was in the elevator with this guy checking into my hotel and he asked me if I was coming or going... I told him coming of course and he said Wow you must be tired after your flight in from England! WHAT england ummm No total New englander girl here think Ben Aflleck and Matt Damon and thats how I TAWK...:rotfl2:
Also anytime I talk to telemarketers we have to debate sports or if I wear my red sox or pats gear at WDW Ohhh the looks I get from evil empirers and the cheers from fellow new englanders! ;);)
Jasonkat said:
Well not only is everyone from Detroit "Armed and Dangerous" they're also totally crazy.

The Lions sell out year after year after year. The LIONS! I mean they went 0-16 a few years ago! They've never been to the Superbowl! Even loser teams like the Seahawks, the Falcons, and the Cardinals have been to the Super Bowl at some point in their histories. But the Lions....

People from Detroit must be crazy if they continue to pay top dollar to watch the LIONS!!!

Thing is though yeah maybe a little nuts... But you won't find a city with more dedicated group of fans than Detroit. The rest of our teams though have won their championships.
Most of the Alabama stereotypes are true. At least of my family. I have double cousins because an aunt fixed up a niece from her side with a nephew from her husband's side. Then she did the same with my parents.
Since this thread isn't about theme parks attractions and strategies, I've moved it to the Theme Parks Community board. :)

I'm glad you explained it and didn't just move it sneakily .... I have been scratching my head wondering if it's been a longer day than I thought it was! :lmao: I was SURE I'd started reading this on the TP board. Relieved to know I'm still fine - weekend coming up and all :)
These are great! Haha

I've never gotten asked anything weird about my state. Missouri


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