Funny responses from strangers...

And I thought that maybe i was the only one that did that. Nice to know that some else remembers that line from one of my favorite Christmas movies!

I got this and immediately was singing it in my head! Snow, Snow,Snow, Snow, SNOOOOOWWWWW. We'll soon be there with snow.

Ok moment over.

I'm from Georgia but I don't think I've ever gotten weird questions.
A woman from Ireland once asked me how far away from the ocean was Des Moines, Iowa. lol!!
We used to live in Maine. One trip, we were checking out and trying to use the airline/baggage check in at All star movies. The CM asked where we were flying to and when we told him home to Maine he responded with "I am sorry this service is for domestic US flights only." :confused3
We went back and forth with him a couple of times, trying to convince him, that it was in fact a domestic flight. Luckily another CM close by came over and explained it to him. Now every time we use that service, I think of that CM and smile.
The town I live in is right on the Lake Michigan shore. I have had tourists ask which ocean it is. :lmao:

I have gotten into debates with people about whether the Great Lakes are freshwater or saltwater. :confused3

Lots of debates with people who insist the Great Lakes are not connected to the ocean.
The town I live in is right on the Lake Michigan shore. I have had tourists ask which ocean it is. :lmao:

I have gotten into debates with people about whether the Great Lakes are freshwater or saltwater. :confused3

Lots of debates with people who insist the Great Lakes are not connected to the ocean.

Yeah, I don't get other people's "lakes". To me, if you can see the other side, it's not a lake, it's a "big pond". :confused3
The town I live in is right on the Lake Michigan shore. I have had tourists ask which ocean it is. :lmao:

I have gotten into debates with people about whether the Great Lakes are freshwater or saltwater. :confused3

Lots of debates with people who insist the Great Lakes are not connected to the ocean.

Love that area. Never been to Torch Lake though.
Yeah, I don't get other people's "lakes". To me, if you can see the other side, it's not a lake, it's a "big pond". :confused3

When I lived in Kentucky I lived about twenty miles from a lake. It was a decent sized lake but it still wasn't anything like what I'm used to. I commented to a woman I worked with that I just couldn't get used to not having a lot of water around. She got mad and said "Nolin Lake is just a few miles away. That's a major lake!!!" Yeah, no. That's average at best. I'm used to Lake Michigan. Now that's a major lake.
I can sympathize with the jersey people! I was born & raised in South Jersey, 15 mins from Philadelphia (which is also funny...people don't realize NJ and Philly are close), so I identify more with Philly stereotypes more than the north jersey stereotypes that are portrayed on tv. New Jersey is actually a really lovely place to live!

I was just in North Carolina (near greensboro), and one of my coworkers said "Wooter" (how Philly people say water), and they literally did not know what he was saying! It was pretty funny.
When we've been asked at Disney, where are we from? We say south Louisiana and they said, well, you don't sound Cajun :confused3

No, we don't sound Cajun because we aren't, but we do all like to eat seasoned, spicy foods, especially crawfish, shrimp, etc.
I had this conversation with an older southern Couple:

Them: Where are you from?
Me: We're Canadian.
Them: Oh, did you have to buy shorts before you came?

It was late October and I had small kids so I assumed they were talking about having to buy shorts for them and told her that my daughter needed new ones for the trip but my son was still fine and she looked at me like I had 2 heads. Then I realized they were under the impression that Canada doesn't get warm enough to need shorts ever. We live an hour from Michigan, we do have summer!

Or my other favourite:
Where are you from?
Oh. Where's that?
Turn the Page said:
The town I live in is right on the Lake Michigan shore. I have had tourists ask which ocean it is. :lmao:

I have gotten into debates with people about whether the Great Lakes are freshwater or saltwater. :confused3

Lots of debates with people who insist the Great Lakes are not connected to the ocean.

A lot of non-midwesterners don't know much about the Great Lakes. I was at Lake Tahoe and someone asked if Lake Michigan was bigger than Lake Tahoe.
I've got one but I have to beg everyone's pardon because it didn't happen at WDW...other than that it's on topic of silly things strangers ask you.
I'm from CA but one time was working in Washington state. When one of the teens we were working with found out I was from California, he said he'd never been there and asked "Do you have trees there?" At first I was surprised and then it dawned on me that he must've got all his impressions of CA from the movies, a lot of which depict L.A., so he thought the whole state was nothing but beaches with palm trees or something! I was like "Have you heard of Yosemite? Sequoia National Park?" We have TONS of trees! Even Sacramento, the capital, is nicknamed "City of Trees"!
Too funny.

BTW, I've never been surfing in my entire life or experienced an earthquake, haha.
isn't it funny how people buy in to the stereotypes of different cities/states? I have met people who literally thought that everyone either drove a pickup or rode their horse to work in Houston and couldn't fathom why I didn't have an accent. ;)

I remember my last drip to Disneyland. While en route to the park, I got to thinking about how Hollywood stereotypes Texas that way. Pickup trucks and cowboy hats everywhere. Being from Texas myself, this occasionally annoys me. Yes, there are certain segments of the state where you can find people like that, but that's not the typical Texan.

While I was thinking about how Hollywood keeps presenting us this way, I suddenly noticed a red pickup in front of us. The driver had on a cowboy hat. The truck had Texas plates. I just didn't know what to think about that.
I'm from Alabama and someone from New York asked if we still had plantations and slaves. I just said "Bless your heart."
Heh, yes.

Try coming from the Netherlands ( which is in Europe and better known as Holland but don't use that as that is part of the country and some people are touchy about that).
I actually was asked a few times where Europe was....

And no we
- aren't all on drugs
- walk on wooden shoes (some do but not all)

And yes
- we have an awful lot of bicycles around so pay attention when leaving the sidewalks please
- what those ladies do is legal and they do pay income-tax.

And yes, we massively laughed our butts off when watching that silly film from Fox news about our country a few years ago :rotfl2:

I noticed that you are from Vianen so you must know my sister who lives in Culemborg :rotfl2:
Magic3forme said:
We live outside of Atlanta... and we were asked.. it is hot there? :rotfl2:

I love that you said "outside of Atlanta". Lol! Apart from people raised in Georgia, no one knows where Athens is. We get that blank look and just say "A little over an hour east of Atlanta", THEN it's "oh it's so hot there!". Wow.

And I have to admit that I'd be "that person" who asked any Scot to keep talking. It's way back in my heritage but I claim it like I was born there myself. <3
These are hillarious.

My best one didn't happen at Disney, but on an airplane between Atlanata and Vegas. I was talking with a girl from California, when I told her I was from Kentucky she looked me up and down and said "But, you look so normal. I didn't think people from Kentucky wore shoes." I was so shocked, I didn't even know how to respond.
Ok so this was here in Georgia but I moved from Atlanta to within 5 minutes of the Alabama state line and once had a bagger at the Piggly Wiggly ask me where I was from. I told him Atlanta and he said "I knew you sounded citified." I KID YOU NOT. And he couldn't have been more than 17 or 18. :rolleyes1
A lot of non-midwesterners don't know much about the Great Lakes. I was at Lake Tahoe and someone asked if Lake Michigan was bigger than Lake Tahoe.

I get that most people that don't in close proximity to the Great lakes don't know much about them but good lord. Have they never seen a map?


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