Zombie Apocalypse and Pixie Dust - A 2 week Disneymoon (PTR link 11/14)

Day 13 part 1  Envelope Of Doom
August 23rd, 2011

We got up at 7am again, got ready, and opened the door to a very sad sight:


Yep. The Magical Express envelope of doom. It was our last full day. :sad1:

No time to be sad, we had a rope drop to get to. By 8am we were in a long bus line. Fortunately, 2 buses showed up soon after we got in line and we were able to sit. Once at the park we managed to be first at a turnstile (go to the ones at the end, people!) and we met a CM who shared Rons name. Im pretty sure they talked about what a cool name that is. What park were we at?


Hollywood Studios! Did you guess it right? When we had been to Disney in 2009 DHS was my least favorite park, but during our Disneymoon it shot right up to first place (well, in a three-way tie for first place alongside MK and Epcot ;))!! We just had to come back one last time to revisit our ultimate favorite attractions! Thanks to getting there so early we ended up being right at the rope and got to take some pictures of the empty park.


I know some people hate it, but I LOVE the hat. :wizard:


After three days in the park, I finally figured out what was making the ding sound I kept hearing. This street crossing!


Apparently we thought this billboard was picture-worthy.


Thanks to our awesome position at the rope and my speed-walking and people-dodging skills I got to the Toy Story Mania FP machine first. Things were looking great, buuuuuuuut... ALL the FP machines were broken!! It took a few minutes, but thankfully they started working again and I got FPs for later. Ron took a couple photos while waiting for me.




We got in line to ride it standby, but we had lost precious minutes with the whole broken FP machines ordeal and by this time the line stretched allllllllll the way to the Backlot Tour and back.



We changed our mind and decided to do something we hadnt done yet. We hopped in line to meet Woody and Buzz Lightyear! That line was always so long every time we looked, but this time we were amongst the first in line. We had some fun in the queue during our short wait (Id say about 15 minutes, since they were not even meeting yet when we got in line).

OOooh, the claw!


Oh no! Zurg is shooting at my husband!


Im traveling in a suitcase.


Its a really cute line full of photo ops.


Pretty soon it was our turn. I got a kiss on the hand from both Woody and Buzz. I dont know what Ron was saying here, but it probably was something silly.

*Random anecdote time* You can see my trip journal in my hands. We had met so many characters that I had run out of space in my autograph book and needed to use my trip journal instead. Though I almost ran out of space there as well, and would have if I had not listened to Ron who told me to write on BOTH sides of the pages about half-way through the trip. *random anecdote over*




We had about 20 minutes before we could get FPs again so we decided to stick around the area. Obviously we were going to get another set of TSM FPs! The line for fastpasses stretched all the way to Voyage of the Little Mermaid, so Ron got in line right away, thinking it would take him the full 20 minutes to reach the machines. While he was in line I decided to film the line. I wont bore you with the video, but here are two screenshots took from it. First, seems like Ron made a new friend while waiting in line.


Here you can see the end of the line. You can also see a nice lady who decided to wave to the camera. Hello nice lady!


The line moved much faster than Ron had anticipated so he had to go back to the end of the line twice before he decided to just sit down next to me and wait it out. Once our time was finally up, we got FPs for 2:45pm Perfect!

Up Next, What A Creepy Bell Hopper!
Wow, that Standby line for TSMM is crazy!!!! I got lucky with it not being that bad when I went, and I really hope it's not that bad this upcoming trip!
Wow, that Standby line for TSMM is crazy!!!! I got lucky with it not being that bad when I went, and I really hope it's not that bad this upcoming trip!

Since it was only about 9:05 that morning, I'm guessing the inside queue of TSM was pretty much empty and that the wait wasn't *that* bad. Still, since we had already done the ride 6 times so far and had FPs for later, it was longer than we wanted to wait. Probably didn't help that the FPs machines were broken, so more people went to the standby line instead. I'm sure it'll be fine for your trip. Plus, if you are alone or just two, you might be able to get into the super fast line at the merge. :goodvibes
Day 13 part 2  What A Creepy Bell Hopper!
August 23rd, 2011

We left Pixar Place and walked towards Sunset Boulevard. On the way we took a few photos of the Brown Derby restaurant since we had not taken any when we had had dinner there earlier that week.




We couldnt pass up the opportunity to get some PP shots again. Gotta get our moneys worth! First in front of the hat.



Yes another kissing picture. We were on our honeymoon afterall!!


Then we got more photos done on Sunset Boulevard.


In this magic shot Ron is flirting with Minnie Mouse and Im jealous.


We checked the wait time for Tower of Terror, one of our absolute favorite ride. It said 80 minutes! It made absolutely no sense seeing it was still early in the morning and the park was not that crowded. We asked a CM, who told us it was really only 15 minutes so we got in line. Ill never say enough how much I LOVE the queue for this ride. So detailed!!!




For the preshow we went in the library on the left for the very first time. The wait was pretty short, and soon we were on our numbers. We would be sitting in the back row! The bell hopper was great in her role. She would stare at people; turn her head in a weird way. Very creepy, but awesome! Once seated I hung for dear life to the side cage and pretended to be terrified for the photo, which for some inexplicable reason I did not get a red-neck shot of? :confused: Also for the very first time we got dropped first instead of being shot up. That was fun and unexpected! When we got out the standby-time was now this, which makes a lot more sense:


We walked back towards the hat and saw that Piglet was out, so we went to meet him.


Daisy and Donald were meeting together and we wanted to get a picture with them, but they closed their line. We got a picture of the Chinese Theatre instead.


We decided to use our first set of TSM fastpasses. I BEAT RON for the very first time (lots of very first time that day it seems!) with a score of 186,000 to 182,000!!! Yay for me!!! :banana:



I was getting mighty hungry (no real breakfast will do that to you. I had been getting only a chocolate milk everyday), so we headed to Starring Rolls. Since I had eaten a red velvet cupcake earlier during our trip, I decided to try the Butterfinger one.


All these rich snacks look way more yummy looking at a picture on the Dis from the comfort of sitting on a couch in your air conditioned living room than they actually taste in the blazing Florida heat. Not that it wasnt good, it was, just not as great as I was expecting.

Ron wanted to meet the Incredibles and they were about to come out, so we made our way to the Magic of Animation building. I was very happy that it was Mr and Mrs Incredible, and not that Frozone guy. I dont remember why I wrote that, but now that theyve retired Mrs Incredible, Im even more happy I got to meet her.


Up Next, The Green Army Man Is Scaring People
Great PP pictures!!! I have seen most of the Magic shots, but have never seen that one with Minnie before. It's pretty cute!

Good for you for beating Ron at least once :goodvibes
Great PP pictures!!! I have seen most of the Magic shots, but have never seen that one with Minnie before. It's pretty cute!

Good for you for beating Ron at least once :goodvibes

You're so fast! I didn't even have time to finish updating my links and first post, and you've already replied! :woohoo:

According to the photopass info on Stitch Kingdom, that magic shot is an experimental shot that they do only between 2pm-3pm, but we got it done at 10am. Maybe it's just really random?

Yay for me! :yay:
Great update! Had to laugh at the photo of Mr. Incredible. The way he is bent over makes it look like he has ladies brea*** instead of a manly chest.
Your PP with Minnie was really cute.
Great update! Had to laugh at the photo of Mr. Incredible. The way he is bent over makes it look like he has ladies brea*** instead of a manly chest.
Your PP with Minnie was really cute.

:lmao: I had not noticed that! It's so true, and hilarious!!!

Thanks. :)
A great morning so far!! That TSM line is insane!! I don't think I've ever seen it that long! Ha! I can't say I've ever gotten in line for Woody & Buzz at DHS, but if I was to meet them, that would be the place to go, I'd rather have them together than Woody & Jessie, and the cue seems super awesome!!

Ah ToT, how I love it, and it's always so much better when the CMs are really into character!
I've been enjoying your trip report! I've missed large sections of it; I'm going to have to go back and read the thing in it's entirety to see what I'm missing.

Congratulations on your baby! She is precious!

That line for TSM is crazy. The ride is truly great though, and it has such a high re-rideability. Classic games and toys, cool queue, interactive game, appeals to a wide age group= very popular! They need to build a 2nd track for the ride, so they can increase capacity. Like that will ever happen. :laughing:

I'm impressed you managed to keep up with a handwritten journal throughout your trip. I carry a small spiral pad and jot notes throughout the day, but by the time I get back to the room at the end of the day I am usually toast and have only enough energy left to plug things into chargers and fall into bed. I did take a journal and good intentions with me on my last trip. I did not write a single word in it. :rolleyes1
A great morning so far!! That TSM line is insane!! I don't think I've ever seen it that long! Ha! I can't say I've ever gotten in line for Woody & Buzz at DHS, but if I was to meet them, that would be the place to go, I'd rather have them together than Woody & Jessie, and the cue seems super awesome!!

Ah ToT, how I love it, and it's always so much better when the CMs are really into character!

I prefer Buzz to Jessie as well, and feel they go better together.

Oh yes, TOT (or any other attraction for that matter) is even more awesome when the CMs are into it!

I've been enjoying your trip report! I've missed large sections of it; I'm going to have to go back and read the thing in it's entirety to see what I'm missing.

Congratulations on your baby! She is precious!

That line for TSM is crazy. The ride is truly great though, and it has such a high re-rideability. Classic games and toys, cool queue, interactive game, appeals to a wide age group= very popular! They need to build a 2nd track for the ride, so they can increase capacity. Like that will ever happen. :laughing:

I'm impressed you managed to keep up with a handwritten journal throughout your trip. I carry a small spiral pad and jot notes throughout the day, but by the time I get back to the room at the end of the day I am usually toast and have only enough energy left to plug things into chargers and fall into bed. I did take a journal and good intentions with me on my last trip. I did not write a single word in it. :rolleyes1

Welcome back! Thanks! I love her more and more each day. :lovestruc

I agree with everything you said about TSM. Especially the building a second track so lines aren't so darn big. :rotfl:

I had the journal with me at all times so I would write in it when waiting for a show or parade, at restaurants, in lines for rides where the line didn't move fast (for example Soarin), waiting for the bus. That way it was more fresh in my mind and I didn't have too much to write at the end of the night. I have NO idea how I'll be able to do that with a baby in tow, and even less so once we have a second kid! :scared1:
Day 13 part 3  The Green Army Man Is Scaring People
August 23rd, 2011

It was time to get another FP, so we left the animation building and walked to RNR. Dream On was playing, my favorite Aerosmith song. We grabbed our FP and walked to TOT since we had seen a wait-time of 10 minutes on the way in, but by the time we got there it had jumped to 20 minutes. We hopped in line anyway, but soon turned around as the line was way out of the building. People had really started pouring in by then, the streets were packed! I thought it was supposed to be a relatively low-crowd day, per the crowd calendars?

We had planned on going to the Backlot Tour at that point, but walking all the way from Sunset Boulevard we were melting in the heat. We decided it was time for me to go do a drawing class and for Ron to ride Star Tours instead. The noon class was already full, so I got in line for the 12:30pm class. I never thought this would be so popular, being hidden all the way in the back and all. This time I drew Tigger, which was fun, but I messed up the nose. Oh well.


Lines for Star Tours and Muppets were too long, so Ron came back without riding anything. He stopped at Starring Rolls for sushi on the way back. He also took a few pictures in the Magic of Animation gift shop while waiting for me.


Takes a guy to take a photo of Jessica Rabbit!


I would so love to buy an artwork from here or the Polynesian gift shop if I had a lot of money!


Since lines were long everywhere, we went to the Backlot Tour. The Pearl Harbor attack part is kinda cool.


Lights, Motors, Action! Was going on at the same time as we passed by in the tram, but we didnt get to see much.

As we are back walking through Pixar Place we saw the Green Army Man scaring people by hiding behind a column then jumping out, and by staring at them. We were allowed to get another set of FPs at that time, so we chose Tower of Terror. It was also almost time to use our Rock N Roller coaster Fastpasses, so we waited in the area. Dream On was playing again, sweet! When the time came we got in the FP line. We got to ride in the last car, which Ron loved but I didnt. It made me feel a bit queasy. To make things worse, when the ride is over we got stuck not moving in the spot just before the exit for a few minutes, which just made me feel worse. By the time we got out our picture wasnt up on the monitor anymore, which is too bad because I had made a funny/scared face. While we were waiting in line we saw that the single-rider line was pretty short, so Ron went on the ride again as I sat in the shade. I had some company.


I love how you can see both RNR and TOT in this photo. Too bad there is something slightly blocking the tower in the right corner.


I was getting a bit bummed out. With the heat and the long lines our last park day was not as successful as wed hoped, but hopefully it would get better. Ron got in and out of RNR so quick that I let him go on it again.

I was getting hungry, but it was too hot to eat outside. Plus big raindrops were starting to fall, so we decided to find a place inside with AC. While walking back towards the center of the park a PP photographer stopped us to take pictures with this old car.




We tried ABC Commissary, despite all the bad reviews we had read. I got a burger with fried shrimp on top (gave the shrimps to Ron) and Ron got fried fish. While waiting to get out food we were looking at the workers behind the counter. They looked very confused and not efficient at all. It took forever and they even forgot to give us our drinks. Speaking of which, unlike other places they only had the kid size apple juice, no bigger size juice. As for the food, it filled us up, but it wasnt great. I dont know if it was because of the heat, the rain, or the fact that it was our last day, but I did not take many pictures that day. Also by the time I wrote my notes I was confused and may be telling you stuff in the wrong order. LOL

Despite the few drops we had felt earlier, it had not started raining yet. We headed to TSM to use our second set of FPs. In case you havent been keeping count (what, youre not writing down every ride weve been on? :P), this was going to be ride #8 on TSM for the trip. Did you get it right in the pop quiz at the beginning?


Ron got 182,000 again, but I got lower. I was having trouble hitting my targets, the gun felt slightly malfunctioning (more of a feeling than an actual thing).


When we exited the ride it was raining cats and dogs (such a funny expression) so we made a run for One Mans Dream, the closest attraction. We watched the movie at the end, and then exited in the animation courtyard. It was still raining, so we walked just across the way to watch the Drawn to animation movie with Mushu. Cute and funny! Certainly not a must-do, but a nice way to pass the time. The movie lets out in the animation building, so I got in line for yet another drawing class (what can I tell you, I was hooked!). It stopped raining so hard, so Ron left. I got into the next drawing class, but was one of the last one in so had to use a drawing pad instead of a desk. We drew Bolt, which I found to be the hardest (especially the hair).


As soon as I exited I walked back in and got in line for the class that was 30 minutes later. However, because I was solo I was able to get in the one that was starting immediately. I got a pad again, and drew Jiminy Cricket.


After those two drawing classes it was now 5pm, which is the time for Characterpalooza. Thats when random characters come out in the animation building. I was hoping to meet some, but unfortunately it was all characters I had already seen (Belle, Chip & Dale, Stitch, Goofy, Captain Hook) and some Playhouse Disney boy I dont even know. Smee was with Hook, but I didnt care enough for him to get in the semi-long line.

While I was busy drawing Ron had gotten FPs for Star Tours, then walked all the way across the park to ride the RNR single-rider line again. He rode it twice, and remembered to take a picture of his ride-photos. Good boy!



He went back to use his Star Tours fastpasses. He came back to meet me and we went on TOT, picking up one last set of TOT fastpasses on the way. The elevators on the right had been closed, but they reopened right before we got to the split in the queue, so we chose that side and were immediately placed on a number. Our elevator must have gotten stuck again or something, and it took several minutes to board. That made a few passengers nervous. It all went fine though. Sorry for the blurry picture. We are on the bottom-left corner.


We decided to go on the Rock N Roller coaster single-rider line again, ride #6 for Ron that day!





We were even put in the same car (one behind the other).


Time for our final ride of all Disney. Boo! Which one did we choose? TOT, of course!


We had fun again, going up and down, and posing for the camera! We are in the top row.


Up Next, Where Did We Spend Our Last Evening In Disney?

Wow, you guys got in more rides on ToT and RnRC than I did!

I love your drawings, I've never gotten any of those characters. My last trip I got Mickey (side profile), Grumpy and Stitch. The time before I got Mickey (facing front) and another character I can't remember right now....
Wow, you guys got in more rides on ToT and RnRC than I did!

I love your drawings, I've never gotten any of those characters. My last trip I got Mickey (side profile), Grumpy and Stitch. The time before I got Mickey (facing front) and another character I can't remember right now....

Haha, yeah. Our last day was all about redoing our favorites over and over again. :yay:

I would have LOVED to draw Stitch!!! Mickey would also have been awesome. I'm just gonna have to keep going back. ;)
God that drawing of Tigger looks really derpish: "WOO-HOO! LOOK AT MY RIDICULOUSLY HUGE CHIN!" The one of Jiminy is fine but the picture of Bolt looks like he's cross eyed for some reason.

I've only been on the Aerosmith ride at Euro Disney, ONCE. And that's mainly because of the fact that I'm not a rollercoaster kind of guy, plus I had my eyes shut throughout that entire experience and it was SO FREAKING FAST!

That car that you and Ron are standing in the photos looks pretty fancy I will not lie.

Yeah weather was definatly not the best for your last day not the sorta thing to end on really. But whatever your trip has been pretty good so no biggie there.
God that drawing of Tigger looks really derpish: "WOO-HOO! LOOK AT MY RIDICULOUSLY HUGE CHIN!" The one of Jiminy is fine but the picture of Bolt looks like he's cross eyed for some reason.

I've only been on the Aerosmith ride at Euro Disney, ONCE. And that's mainly because of the fact that I'm not a rollercoaster kind of guy, plus I had my eyes shut throughout that entire experience and it was SO FREAKING FAST!

That car that you and Ron are standing in the photos looks pretty fancy I will not lie.

Yeah weather was definatly not the best for your last day not the sorta thing to end on really. But whatever your trip has been pretty good so no biggie there.

You are so critical. :p I just followed the artist's instruction.

Roller coasters are AMAZING!! I didn't peg you as someone who'd be scared of them. :rolleyes1

I'm not a car fan at all, but that car did look very nice and old Hollywood.

Weather was not the best, but it didn't stop us from enjoying our last day anyway and doing our favorite attractions over and over again!
I feel like our DHS days are pretty similar, lots of TSM & lots of ToT, with lots of backtracking across the park to do favorites over & over again haha! That seems to be all I do in DHS.

The drawing class seems pretty cool too! Good skills!! Haha, I certainly wouldn't be able to do that!!

I do really wish that the characters with Characterpalooza would change up every so often, it's gotten to the point where I can tell you exactly what characters are coming out and what spot in the room they'll be....not exactly a surprise! Hahha
I feel like our DHS days are pretty similar, lots of TSM & lots of ToT, with lots of backtracking across the park to do favorites over & over again haha! That seems to be all I do in DHS.

The drawing class seems pretty cool too! Good skills!! Haha, I certainly wouldn't be able to do that!!

I do really wish that the characters with Characterpalooza would change up every so often, it's gotten to the point where I can tell you exactly what characters are coming out and what spot in the room they'll be....not exactly a surprise! Hahha

Our first two days in DHS we tried almost everything they have, but the third day was strictly favorites. It was so much fun!!

I don't remember, have you ever tried the drawing class? They really explain it step by step. I've been using those drawings and teaching them to my grade 5s and I'd say the majority of them do a good enough job. I'm sure you'd do fine. :goodvibes

Characterpalooza sure is great the first time you do it, or once a trip, but I agree that the "surprise" effect disappears after a while.
Idk how I missed all those updates! But I agree, I LOVE the hat! I actually have always loved dhs! Although it will always be MGM to me!

And holy cow y'all got a lot done on your last day! Now I kind of want to go there on our kid free day..... Eep!
Idk how I missed all those updates! But I agree, I LOVE the hat! I actually have always loved dhs! Although it will always be MGM to me!

And holy cow y'all got a lot done on your last day! Now I kind of want to go there on our kid free day..... Eep!

You probably missed the updates because you are busy planning a wedding and watching your kids grow up. ;)

For your kid free day, just think about what you really want to do and/or things that you can't do with the kids. Whether it's doing thrills rides over and over again, taking a stroll around World Showcase and exploring the countries, doing your favorite attractions just the two of you, or something else. Whatever you choose, I'm sure it'll be special and great. :goodvibes


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