Writers Thread

LionKingDramaQueen said:
Just out of curiosity, would anyone want to do another writing challenge. Like we used too? I will start it off, and then the winner will do the next theme and so on. Let me know on here or PM me if you would be interested.

sounds marvelous!

Posted from DISboards.com App for Android
Okay, well I am going to post a topic. And any one who wants to write an entry can do so.

Deadline: Sunday, June 24th, 2012 1:00pm central time

Topic: Put yourself in the situation of an overlooked Disney character and tell the story from their point of view.

Example: Say I chose Flounder (going along with the whole MM thing). I would tell the Little Mermaid basic story line, but I can add in some of my own details for his point of view. Like, maybe his emotions whenever a certain something happened or a certain someone showed up. Maybe I would go more in depth on the reason WHY he may have done something. Be creative!

Any questions...PM me.
POV: Anastasia
Movie: Cinderella

“Make sure you get every last wrinkle out of my dress, Cinderella!” I tossed my prettiest pink dress into her arms. She nodded and went to Drizella’s room to collect her dirty clothes. Cinderella was a hard worker, but she never did a good job at her chores. After her father, my step father, died all Cinderella did was sit in her room on her huge bed and cry, this went on for years. Drizella and I were forced to pick up Cinderella’s slack. We did her chores and cleaned her room as well as our own chores. After doing this for years and years, Mother could tell the stress and hard work had really changed Drizella and me. Our fingers were always wrinkly from the water we washed the floors with every day, we had sags under our eyes, and while we were still extremely hot, we were less attractive than we were all those years ago, thanks to Cinderella.

So, one day, Mother made a wonderful decision to end Cinderella’s horrible act. She ran into Cinderella’s room and pulled her from her bed. Mother gave Cinderella rags to wear and told her that her new room was in the attic. Cinderella tried to rebel, she tried to attack Mother! But Mother was too strong. Cinderella was forced to do all the chores while Drizella and I were free to finally relax.

The chores did Cinderella good, she befriended the mice and birds and they loved her. She finally had friends and finally she got over the loss of her father. Thanks to my mother, Cinderella was starting to get better. Until Cinderella let her dreams go to her head. She would always talk about Princes and castles, wishing that one day she’d be free. As time wore on, my mother, sister and I began to get annoyed of Cinderella. She was never grateful for what she had and always wanted something better. Instead of going out to get it, she just sat around and complained all day. One day, none of us could take it anymore. By then we absolutely despised Cinderella. So when she thought SHE could go to the King’s ball, we laughed in her face. There was no way we would allow someone so disobedient and rude to go see the King and his son! She was to stay home and do her chores, and pay for the years she had been so horrible.

Cinderella came back with my dress, it was still a little wrinkly but I decided to deal with it, Cinderella would surely mouth off at me if I asked her to iron it again. I asked for some help and Cindy threw the dress over my shoulders, “You look alright,” she shrugged. I rolled my eyes and told her to leave my room. I had to finish getting ready for the ball. Not long after, Drizzy and I were both ready, as was Mother. On our way out we caught the strangest sight, Cinderella in a nice dress… wearing Drizella’s and my things! We ripped the necklaces and cloth right off of her, how dare she steal from us! She could have just asked and we would have let her borrow them! Mother yelled at Cinderella and the lazy girl ran off to go cry as we headed to the Ball.

You all know the story, somehow Cinderella got herself to the ball, clearly disobeying her mother, and for some reason the Prince fell for her! OVER DRIZELLA AND ME! Insane, I know. She left the ball in a hurry that night and the Prince went on a wild goose chase to find her! You would think if it was “love at first sight” he would have remembered what she looked like. But instead all he had was one of the glass slippers she lost on her way out *cue eye roll*. Of course, Cinderella found a way to yet again disobey her mother and sneak out of her room. She showed everyone that her foot fit in the slipper and that she was the one who danced with Prince Charming. Cindy was whisked off from our home and married the Prince immediately. They barely knew each other! Unfortunately, the kind, attractive, sweet Prince just married himself a rude, lazy, disobedient young woman who only had her looks going for her.

Mother, Drizella, and I ended up back where we started, doing all the chores and having to live in the shadow of Cinderella, where, now happy unlike before, she still mocked us.
POV: Pascal
Movie: Tangled

In the back of a purple book with a gold sun emblazoned on the front cover, a short tale in shaky writing is written, just as the owner of the journal has written her story.

Even though I can't tell it with a voice like others can, I still have a story worth telling, even if it's not really mine. But the story of my best friend is worth telling in my own way.

My best friend is Rapunzel, a princess, but neither of us knew it until her eighteenth birthday. I have known Rapunzel for a very long time, as she is my first and my best friend. We did everything together. She was forbidden to ever leave her tower, but I tried to make her life happier and more fun. Sometimes I would suggest going outside, but Rapunzel liked to play by her "mother"'s rules. Now I'm surprised I hadn't seen the evil before.

If there was one thing that Rapunzel wanted more thsan anything else in the entire world, it was to see the "floating lights" in person. And whatever Rapunzel wanted, I wanted her to have, but it wasn't like that with Gothel. So when an opportunity arrived in the form of Flynn Rider, I advised her to take it. I didn't really like him in the beginning, but if he would help Rapunzel follow her dream and keep her safe, I was on board. Of course, if he had ever tried to hurt Rapunzel, I would have hurt him back.

But it didn't end up working out like that. Rapunzel ended up having to save him, and that's when we ran into those weird singing dreaming ruffians and thugs and their rats in The Snuggly Duckling. But then some guards came looking for Rider, and we had to leave quickly. We did, but unfortunately the guards kept following us. So we tried to escape but nearly drowned and died in the attempt.

Rapunzel had used her magic golden hair to find the way out, and Rider was completely freaked out. I had known about her hair and its magic and powers since I first met Rapunzel, so it was quite amusing to see him so confused and freaked out. She healed his hand, and the expression on his face was priceless!

Then she told him the warped story Gothel had told Rapunzel about her early life. I wasn't sure that was such a good idea, but I sat by her foot and tried to be sympathetic and to comfort her. Then Flynn Rider, whose real name was Eugene Fitzherbert, told us, or rather Rapunzel, about himself, and I felt a little bit better about trusting him. Then Gothel showed up and threatened Rapunzel, and I wanted to attack her. Gothe fled before I could do anything, of course.

Then morning came, and with morning came the horse. That horse was dead set on trying to get Flynn Rider. Flynn retaliated, and I had to babysit them the whole entire day while we explored the Kingdom. We experienced so much on Rapunzel's eighteenth birthday, I was happy for myself as well as for Rapunzel.

Then we went out onto the water in a small boat without Max the horse, and my special spot to view the lights was amazing. The entire experience was great. Rapunzel was just so happy and it was just so beautiful, and I always love to hear Rapunzel sing. There was one moment with her and Rider which was so embarressing. I didn't want to see, but I couldn't hrelp but look. Then we went to the shore, and Flynn disappeared. I was getting worried, but then some real thugs came, and I tried to help her flee, but then Gothel came and took care of them. But I didn't trust anyone now except for Rapunzel so I followed them back to the tower.

The next day, Rapunzel was feeling miserable, so I was too. But somehow she was able to piece together what she had seen over the past couple of days, and she figured out that she was the Lost Princess. Of course, that meant Gothel was not Rapunzel's real mother, which she had pretended to be Rapunzel's entire life. It appeared that Gothel was using Rapunzel to keep herself young. I should have realized.

Gothel stopped pretending and tied Rapunzel up. Then when Rider had come to rescue her, Gothel tricked him and stabbed him when he came inside. Then Gothel tried to drag Rapunzel down a secret entrance. I attacked Gothel, but she kicked me hard and I was unable to attack her again. Desperate to help Flynn, she made a deal with Gothel. I didn't want her to give herself up, and Rider voiced my thoughts, but the deal was made. But before she could save him, Rider cut all of Rapunzel's hair off, rendering it not magical any more. Gothel was shocked, and I tripped her and she fell out of the tpower and disintegrated.

Brave Rider died in Rapunzel's arms. She sang the song and cried, but her now brown hair didn't glow. But somehow, her tears were able to heal him and bring him back to life. Finally, Rapunzel and I left the tower for good with Flynn, never to return again. We met Rapunzel's real parents, and they were delighted to have her.

I am simply glad that I have remained with Rapunzel, that Rapunzel is happy and has everything she wants now, and that I have found a friend in Eugene as well as Rapunzel.

SARAH (mickeyisbeast)

CONGRATS! You can host the next challenge if you like, or pass it off to Wings.

However, if the next challenge is not posted by 7pm central time tomorrow night, the challenge will automatically be handed to Wings.
Thanks my peeps

My challenge is: You are a cast member at Disney World (you can pick where you work), so tell me what a day at work is like for you

contest closes thursday at 11 am eastern
My story:
Im a janitor, I spy on Jp and her fam(ily) when they come to visit. Other than that I have the time of my life picking up people's trash. <3
I work as a disney princess. :thumbsup2

I walk out into the park, greeted by the enchanted smiles of young children, camera flashes, and autograph books. I can see the lights in the eyes of the young girls who come up to me. It's the best job in the world, to be able to make their dreams come true.
The sun shines down over the park, and it's scorching in the fluffy, layered dress I must wear; but I couldn't be happier.
I smile and greet the young kids and their parents, I take pictures with them.
Eventually the day ends, the sun goes down...
And the fireworks start over the castle.
This is the place where dreams come true, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Day to Day

I woke up in the morning and rolled over, slapping the alarm clock. I got up without much grunting and groaning, and I got ready to go effortlessly. A lot of people don't like going to work, but me, I love my job.

I walked to the bus stop and stood there, whistling "Zip a Dee Doo Dah". After a while, my friend and coworker Janine, who works at Big Thunder Mountain Railroad joined me, and we made small talk as we waited for the bus. Finally the Disney Cast Member shuttle pulled up, and Janine and I got on. It wasn't long, before I spotted my boyfriend, Ethan, who's also a Cast Member. I waqlked over to him, who grinned at me and scooted over as I sat down beside him. "Hey Marissa!"

"Hey Ethan! Ready to work some magic today?" Ethan worked as one of the pirates in the Pirates League. Like me, he too loved his job.

"Well, let's just say if I don't see some faces light up, it shall be a very disappointing day," he replied, making me smile. He knew it was exactly the thing we both think of when we think of our jobs. For the remainder of the trip, we said nothing, but we held hands, and that was the only thing that needed to be said or done.

Eventually the bus stopped at our destination and we got off. We were still holding hands as we got to my stop. Turning to me, he said, "Well, I should get going. Plenty nof young pirates to makeover today." With that, he kissed my cheek, and I shouted, "Bye!" As he walked away, he waved, and I had to go in before I was late.

I checked in and headed to the costume storage room, where I retrieved my dress, my shoes, and the rest of my costume. I went into the dressing room and began my transformation. I came out again, attempting to put my wig just right, but to no avail. Luckily I ran into my friend Susan, who's Winnie the Pooh, just as I seem to do every morning, and she helped me with my wig, pinning it perfectly in place and then doing my make up. I thanked her several times, and she ushered me off to go meet my handlers before I entered the park. I was no longer Marissa, a Cast Member. I was Alice, a Disney character.

I met my handlers, Zachary and Charlotte at the end of the hallway, waiting for me. Charlotte was annoyed at my "lateness", but Zach was excited. He hadn't been working for Disney very long, but he was a natural with the kids, and he absolutely loved his job. I've told him several times that he should be a face character, perhaps Peter Pan, but he says modestly everytime that he hasn't worked here very long and he should wait until he has more experience. And we walked into the park.

On our way to my spot by the Mad Tea Party, we ran into a family of three with a 9 year old girl wearing first visit buttons. Instinctively I went into full in character mode, curtsying and formally welcoming her into Walt Disney World, where unbirthday parties happen every day. She answered that it was her unbirthday, so I said "Oh how wonderful!" I grabbbed Zachary and, learning her name, the three of us skipped around in a circle, with me singing, "A very merry unbirthday, to you, to you! A very merry unbirthday, to Hannah, to Hannah!"

Finally Charlotte said that we had to go, or we'd be late for my unbirthday party with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare. Hannah waved good bye, and I waved back, my heart light as a feather. And so I went off to my character greeting spot.

For the remainder of the morning I stayed there, having fun character interactions and making people happy. At noon I took a lunch break, having a sandwich with my handlers. Then at 12:30 I went out again, for more wishing merry unbirthdays, answering questions about Wonderland, and telling stories of the mischief that my kitten Dinah and I get into sometimes.

Finally at 1:15 I knew I still had to take someone on my ride, so I began looking for the right family. It took me a few minutes, but I finally found the perfect one and nudged Zachary and discreetly pointed at them.

It was a family of four. They had what appeared to be a pair of twins who were wearing birthday buttons, a boy and a girl who looked four or five. The parents were staring at the long line for the teacups disappointedly, as if they thought they wouldn't be able to go on the ride at this point. The kids were oblivious to the looks on their parents' faces, as they were looking at the autograph book in the little boy's hand.

I nudged Zachary again, and he nodded and strode right off toward them. He must have read their birthday buttons, for I heard him greet them by name. "Brandon! Natalie! I've been looking all over for you! You're late, you're late, for a very important date! Alice wants you to ride with her, we don't want to be late like the White Rabbit!" Then Zachary proceeded to take each kid by the hand, tell the parents to follow him, and ran with them towards me. I waved and exclaimed, 'Hi there!" as they approached.

Finally they came to a stop in front of me and I bent over at the knee and said, "Natalie, Brandon, it's you! I'm so glad both of you could make it! Come on, let's go see my friend at the front of the line!" Then I took their hands and skipped over to the ride as they told me how they flew here and how they were just having a great time. My handlers and the twins' parents were following behind us carefully. I got to the front of the line, and Scott, one of the people who works the ride, said, "Hello Alice! And hello to your new friends too!" Scott saved us a teacup for me and the family, and the children's faces were glowing, the mom had tears in her eyes, and the dad was grinning happily. I took them on the ride, and everyone was having such a good time.

When we got off, the little boy asked me to sign their autograph book, and the little girl asked if she could take a picture with me, so I signed their book with a flourish, and Charlotte took the photo with their camera so the whole family could be in the photo. So we said good bye, and then we had to leave to meet people in Main Street. I stood off to the side, in the shade, but several families still found me and I spent time with each of them. But an hour later, I had to get ready for the parade, so I left.

I got on my float, where Garrett, the Mad Hatter, and Andrew, the White Rabbit, were already there waiting for me. We made small talk and casual conversation as last finishing touches were made, and then the parade began. I waved to people and skipped around my float in order to see both sides. At one point, I saw a girl that looked to be around seven years old who haad been to Bibbidi Bobbity Boutique, for she sparkled like a star and was wearing an Alice costume just like the one they had there. Upon seeing her, I waved and called loudly, "Look Mad Hatter! She looks just like me!" Garrett came over, and when he saw her his eyes went wide and he said, "A second Alice! Hello Alice Number Two!" She giggled and waved at us, and we waved back at her before moving over to say hello to other guests.

After both of the parades, it was after six, so I changed back into my regular clothes and headed over to the Pirates League to meet Ethan so we could go to dinner. When I got there, there was one young pirate in the chair, but the rest were empty, and a couple of parents were watching their little pirates play in the surrounding area. I walked over to Ethan and we embraced. When he notoiced the parents looking at us, he grinned and said, "Every pirate needs a girl," and he kissed me right then and there. Then he left and came back a few minutes later, and we were ready to take our dinner break.

We went and had dinner at Cosmic Ray's in Tomorrowland. There we pretended to be well informed visitors whenn ever anyone looked confused. We didn't mind helping other people even though we were on break. The joy of helping others and being nice to people is a key part of being a Cast Member.

Soon my break was ending, and we parted ways. I turned from Marissa into Alice again, and I went out with my night handlers, Harry and Isabella. I greeted even more guests, until at last it was time for the nighttime parade. That parade is my favorite, for I love my light up costume, as well as in this one, I get to walk, skip and dance down the route. I saw Hannah from the unbirthday song this morning and I blew her a kiss. I saw the twins and gave them a friendly wave. I saw many other faces, some I remembered, some were new to me. After the parade, I met a few more people and watched the fireworks with Isabella and Harry.

After that, I still greeted, but I was winding down. It had been a long day, and I was ready for it to be over. But I stayed polite. I would be done soon.

At last 10:00 arrived, and my shift was over. I went backstage and changed out of my costume, putting it away and meeting Ethan as I headed towards the shuttle stop. I got on the shuttle and sat next to Ethan and soon we were off. After ten minutes I found myself falling asleep on Ethan's shoulder. Soon they dropped me off at my stop, and I headed home.

Not every day is just like today. But today was a pretty good day to be a Cast Member.
The scent of walking down Main Street in the morning is always worth it. Working for a small pay check is worth it. Knowing I work at such a happy place is what keeps me going each day. I head over to the Winnie the Pooh ride. It is one of my personal favorites. I get to operate one of my favorite things in the entire world, that is just amazing to me. I am back in Frontierland at Disneyland. I see Splash Mountain already up and going. They will be letting the guests in soon. I see I am the last one to arrive to my post. Of course always late. I had stopped and talked to Ernie in the front who has been a janitor here for almost three decades. I greet my three co-cast members working with me today Todd, Juli, and Kiley. Juli and I have been dating for about two years now. That was when we both worked over at Space Mountain. I am deciding to propose to her today.

Three hours have passed. The crowds are light today due to the occasional showers. The rain scares most people off. What can I say, they are Southern Californians! I love the look of all the bright eyed kids who hop into the honey pots. I am helping make them happy, help making their dreams and fantasies come true. It is almost two in the afternoon and my shift is just about over. We are not allowed to stay in the park after out shifts get over. So, I did buy two tickets for Juli and I to stay. We are going to watch Fantasmic tonight.

I treated Juli to dinner at Cafe Orleans and then we went and rode Peter Pan's Flight (her personal favorite).

While walking to Fantasmic I noticed Josh, the new security guard. It is only his first week and a family who barely spoke english were trying to ask what time the show starts. I went over and spoke in Russian the best I could (took an online course0 and told them where the show started. Josh told me that he would pay me back, I was just helping my fellow cast members.

Fantasmic had just ended. I pulled the little box out of my pocket and got down on one knee. "Juli, we have known each other for two years now. We have laughed, smiled, cried and grown together. I work at the Happiest Place On Earth with the best girl on earth. I love you. Will you marry me?"

Her response is what I will remember for the rest of my life, "I thought you were gay!" and she laughed and laughed. We remained friends after that. And that is a typical day working at Disneyland.
I work as a disney princess. :thumbsup2

I walk out into the park, greeted by the enchanted smiles of young children, camera flashes, and autograph books. I can see the lights in the eyes of the young girls who come up to me. It's the best job in the world, to be able to make their dreams come true.
The sun shines down over the park, and it's scorching in the fluffy, layered dress I must wear; but I couldn't be happier.
I smile and greet the young kids and their parents, I take pictures with them.
Eventually the day ends, the sun goes down...
And the fireworks start over the castle.
This is the place where dreams come true, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

this was very cute, but what disney princess are you?
Day to Day

I woke up in the morning and rolled over, slapping the alarm clock. I got up without much grunting and groaning, and I got ready to go effortlessly. A lot of people don't like going to work, but me, I love my job.

I walked to the bus stop and stood there, whistling "Zip a Dee Doo Dah". After a while, my friend and coworker Janine, who works at Big Thunder Mountain Railroad joined me, and we made small talk as we waited for the bus. Finally the Disney Cast Member shuttle pulled up, and Janine and I got on. It wasn't long, before I spotted my boyfriend, Ethan, who's also a Cast Member. I waqlked over to him, who grinned at me and scooted over as I sat down beside him. "Hey Marissa!"

"Hey Ethan! Ready to work some magic today?" Ethan worked as one of the pirates in the Pirates League. Like me, he too loved his job.

"Well, let's just say if I don't see some faces light up, it shall be a very disappointing day," he replied, making me smile. He knew it was exactly the thing we both think of when we think of our jobs. For the remainder of the trip, we said nothing, but we held hands, and that was the only thing that needed to be said or done.

Eventually the bus stopped at our destination and we got off. We were still holding hands as we got to my stop. Turning to me, he said, "Well, I should get going. Plenty nof young pirates to makeover today." With that, he kissed my cheek, and I shouted, "Bye!" As he walked away, he waved, and I had to go in before I was late.

I checked in and headed to the costume storage room, where I retrieved my dress, my shoes, and the rest of my costume. I went into the dressing room and began my transformation. I came out again, attempting to put my wig just right, but to no avail. Luckily I ran into my friend Susan, who's Winnie the Pooh, just as I seem to do every morning, and she helped me with my wig, pinning it perfectly in place and then doing my make up. I thanked her several times, and she ushered me off to go meet my handlers before I entered the park. I was no longer Marissa, a Cast Member. I was Alice, a Disney character.

I met my handlers, Zachary and Charlotte at the end of the hallway, waiting for me. Charlotte was annoyed at my "lateness", but Zach was excited. He hadn't been working for Disney very long, but he was a natural with the kids, and he absolutely loved his job. I've told him several times that he should be a face character, perhaps Peter Pan, but he says modestly everytime that he hasn't worked here very long and he should wait until he has more experience. And we walked into the park.

On our way to my spot by the Mad Tea Party, we ran into a family of three with a 9 year old girl wearing first visit buttons. Instinctively I went into full in character mode, curtsying and formally welcoming her into Walt Disney World, where unbirthday parties happen every day. She answered that it was her unbirthday, so I said "Oh how wonderful!" I grabbbed Zachary and, learning her name, the three of us skipped around in a circle, with me singing, "A very merry unbirthday, to you, to you! A very merry unbirthday, to Hannah, to Hannah!"

Finally Charlotte said that we had to go, or we'd be late for my unbirthday party with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare. Hannah waved good bye, and I waved back, my heart light as a feather. And so I went off to my character greeting spot.

For the remainder of the morning I stayed there, having fun character interactions and making people happy. At noon I took a lunch break, having a sandwich with my handlers. Then at 12:30 I went out again, for more wishing merry unbirthdays, answering questions about Wonderland, and telling stories of the mischief that my kitten Dinah and I get into sometimes.

Finally at 1:15 I knew I still had to take someone on my ride, so I began looking for the right family. It took me a few minutes, but I finally found the perfect one and nudged Zachary and discreetly pointed at them.

It was a family of four. They had what appeared to be a pair of twins who were wearing birthday buttons, a boy and a girl who looked four or five. The parents were staring at the long line for the teacups disappointedly, as if they thought they wouldn't be able to go on the ride at this point. The kids were oblivious to the looks on their parents' faces, as they were looking at the autograph book in the little boy's hand.

I nudged Zachary again, and he nodded and strode right off toward them. He must have read their birthday buttons, for I heard him greet them by name. "Brandon! Natalie! I've been looking all over for you! You're late, you're late, for a very important date! Alice wants you to ride with her, we don't want to be late like the White Rabbit!" Then Zachary proceeded to take each kid by the hand, tell the parents to follow him, and ran with them towards me. I waved and exclaimed, 'Hi there!" as they approached.

Finally they came to a stop in front of me and I bent over at the knee and said, "Natalie, Brandon, it's you! I'm so glad both of you could make it! Come on, let's go see my friend at the front of the line!" Then I took their hands and skipped over to the ride as they told me how they flew here and how they were just having a great time. My handlers and the twins' parents were following behind us carefully. I got to the front of the line, and Scott, one of the people who works the ride, said, "Hello Alice! And hello to your new friends too!" Scott saved us a teacup for me and the family, and the children's faces were glowing, the mom had tears in her eyes, and the dad was grinning happily. I took them on the ride, and everyone was having such a good time.

When we got off, the little boy asked me to sign their autograph book, and the little girl asked if she could take a picture with me, so I signed their book with a flourish, and Charlotte took the photo with their camera so the whole family could be in the photo. So we said good bye, and then we had to leave to meet people in Main Street. I stood off to the side, in the shade, but several families still found me and I spent time with each of them. But an hour later, I had to get ready for the parade, so I left.

I got on my float, where Garrett, the Mad Hatter, and Andrew, the White Rabbit, were already there waiting for me. We made small talk and casual conversation as last finishing touches were made, and then the parade began. I waved to people and skipped around my float in order to see both sides. At one point, I saw a girl that looked to be around seven years old who haad been to Bibbidi Bobbity Boutique, for she sparkled like a star and was wearing an Alice costume just like the one they had there. Upon seeing her, I waved and called loudly, "Look Mad Hatter! She looks just like me!" Garrett came over, and when he saw her his eyes went wide and he said, "A second Alice! Hello Alice Number Two!" She giggled and waved at us, and we waved back at her before moving over to say hello to other guests.

After both of the parades, it was after six, so I changed back into my regular clothes and headed over to the Pirates League to meet Ethan so we could go to dinner. When I got there, there was one young pirate in the chair, but the rest were empty, and a couple of parents were watching their little pirates play in the surrounding area. I walked over to Ethan and we embraced. When he notoiced the parents looking at us, he grinned and said, "Every pirate needs a girl," and he kissed me right then and there. Then he left and came back a few minutes later, and we were ready to take our dinner break.

We went and had dinner at Cosmic Ray's in Tomorrowland. There we pretended to be well informed visitors whenn ever anyone looked confused. We didn't mind helping other people even though we were on break. The joy of helping others and being nice to people is a key part of being a Cast Member.

Soon my break was ending, and we parted ways. I turned from Marissa into Alice again, and I went out with my night handlers, Harry and Isabella. I greeted even more guests, until at last it was time for the nighttime parade. That parade is my favorite, for I love my light up costume, as well as in this one, I get to walk, skip and dance down the route. I saw Hannah from the unbirthday song this morning and I blew her a kiss. I saw the twins and gave them a friendly wave. I saw many other faces, some I remembered, some were new to me. After the parade, I met a few more people and watched the fireworks with Isabella and Harry.

After that, I still greeted, but I was winding down. It had been a long day, and I was ready for it to be over. But I stayed polite. I would be done soon.

At last 10:00 arrived, and my shift was over. I went backstage and changed out of my costume, putting it away and meeting Ethan as I headed towards the shuttle stop. I got on the shuttle and sat next to Ethan and soon we were off. After ten minutes I found myself falling asleep on Ethan's shoulder. Soon they dropped me off at my stop, and I headed home.

Not every day is just like today. But today was a pretty good day to be a Cast Member.

this was very well written. but it was really really really long
i like how you included that you have a boyfriend, very nice touch.
The scent of walking down Main Street in the morning is always worth it. Working for a small pay check is worth it. Knowing I work at such a happy place is what keeps me going each day. I head over to the Winnie the Pooh ride. It is one of my personal favorites. I get to operate one of my favorite things in the entire world, that is just amazing to me. I am back in Frontierland at Disneyland. I see Splash Mountain already up and going. They will be letting the guests in soon. I see I am the last one to arrive to my post. Of course always late. I had stopped and talked to Ernie in the front who has been a janitor here for almost three decades. I greet my three co-cast members working with me today Todd, Juli, and Kiley. Juli and I have been dating for about two years now. That was when we both worked over at Space Mountain. I am deciding to propose to her today.

Three hours have passed. The crowds are light today due to the occasional showers. The rain scares most people off. What can I say, they are Southern Californians! I love the look of all the bright eyed kids who hop into the honey pots. I am helping make them happy, help making their dreams and fantasies come true. It is almost two in the afternoon and my shift is just about over. We are not allowed to stay in the park after out shifts get over. So, I did buy two tickets for Juli and I to stay. We are going to watch Fantasmic tonight.

I treated Juli to dinner at Cafe Orleans and then we went and rode Peter Pan's Flight (her personal favorite).

While walking to Fantasmic I noticed Josh, the new security guard. It is only his first week and a family who barely spoke english were trying to ask what time the show starts. I went over and spoke in Russian the best I could (took an online course0 and told them where the show started. Josh told me that he would pay me back, I was just helping my fellow cast members.

Fantasmic had just ended. I pulled the little box out of my pocket and got down on one knee. "Juli, we have known each other for two years now. We have laughed, smiled, cried and grown together. I work at the Happiest Place On Earth with the best girl on earth. I love you. Will you marry me?"

Her response is what I will remember for the rest of my life, "I thought you were gay!" and she laughed and laughed. We remained friends after that. And that is a typical day working at Disneyland.

Okay this was good but I don't understand, if the girl has been your girlfriend for two years why is she saying she thought you were gay? If she thought you were gay why would she have wasted two years of her life with you?


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