Countdown to the Clown! A September PTR - Updated 9/13 - TR LINK

Awww, yay, I love the Animal Kingdom. You guys will have so much fun there. :goodvibes

Getting close now, almost single digits! :banana:
Your 1st day looks perfect Brook.:thumbsup2 Animal Kingdom is such a lovely park, Disney really outdid themselves with the theming there, didn't they? When were last there with my in-laws, they were all like "oh look, a zoo!" I told them it wasn't a zoo in the traditional sense but they were adamant that it wouldn't be named "Animal Kingdom" if it wasn't!:laughing: Ah, newbies, what do they know!:laughing::rolleyes: I'm sure Henry will have the best time there.:goodvibes

You know, I actually hate to pack. (Stay with me here, I have a point!) But packing for Disney, well, that's just a totally different kind of packing! It's exciting because the destination is awesome! You must be thrilled to be organizing all your stuff because that means you're leaving soon! Don't you wish you could get paid to go to Disney? I do, I'd sign up for that job in a heartbeat! Any Disney executives reading this? Please pay me to come there!:laughing:
Brooke, sorry I've been missing (busy week at work and took a day off to go to the ballgame). Your Day 1 plans look great -- I LOVE the Animal Kingdom. I got yoru PM and sent you one back about the Photopass CD (hope you got it).
Guess what my first thought this morning was?

Nope. ;)

It was "Ugh. Henry needs to turn down the volume on Wall-E NOW." :laughing:

But my second thought was..."We are out of the teens!"


Two wondrous weeks from now we'll be...

Gazing at this



Hopefully take Henry on

and he doesn't have this reaction again :guilty:

We will surely ride Buzz and get this picture with a year-older-Henry

Henry had such a good time last year exploring the

perhaps we'll do it again!

That evening we will meet Liesa (All7OfUs) and eat

And the evening will be crowned with


This morning while we were all still in our jammies our doorbell rang...Henry got a package!


Melissa, mickeysmyboy, sent Henry a box FULL of goodies. I cannot even explain how excited Henry was as I was taking off the tape - he was practically dancing with giddiness.


When the box was finally opened he saw Mickey's face staring up at him and let out a shout - "MICKEY!!" :laughing:


He ripped into everything and was shaking with excitement and delight - it was so sweet! Each item he opened he got more and more excited about!



I allowed him to play with a few, but stuck a few aside for airplane distractions. :goodvibes :thumbsup2



Many, many, MANY thanks to you Melissa!!!!!!!!! This is a HUGE surprise!!!! Completely unexpected. :hug: You made our day! We are so grateful!


This afternoon we are meeting some friends in the park, so I gotta roll - but I'll be back later with replies!
12 days!!! Can I get a WOO HOO! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Ah, I love your pictures SO much!!! LOVE! Just think, less than 2 weeks from now you'll be there!! :banana: :banana: :banana: YEAH!

Melissa, mickeysmyboy, sent Henry a box FULL of goodies. I cannot even explain how excited Henry was as I was taking off the tape - he was practically dancing with giddiness.

When the box was finally opened he saw Mickey's face staring up at him and let out a shout - "MICKEY!!" :laughing:

He ripped into everything and was shaking with excitement and delight - it was so sweet! Each item he opened he got more and more excited about!

I allowed him to play with a few, but stuck a few aside for airplane distractions. :goodvibes :thumbsup2


Many, many, MANY thanks to you Melissa!!!!!!!!! This is a HUGE surprise!!!! Completely unexpected. :hug: You made our day! We are so grateful!

So very nice. :)

DIS friends are awesome! :cheer2:

Ok, Brook, Henry has the most ADORABLE chin ever! I just thought this shot was so very sweet! He's a cutie pie. It's also exciting that he received Mickey mail, what a nice thing to send him. And I'm envious that you're down to only 12 days!:goodvibes What a blessing that everything worked out...selling your home, renting a NYC apartment and now back to Disney!:yay:
I knew the corndog nuggets would show up WOOT WOOT!! Yay for being out of the teens Brook!! Your trip is going to be here before you know it!
YES!! It's a very good day, if it includes meeting up and eating our little doggies!! :woohoo:
:cool1: Yippppeeeee for 12 days! You must be getting so excited! DH and I have 58 days and I'm going to bust with excitement soon!

I'm so glad Henry liked his goodies! I bought 2 of everything and snuck most of it away for Ryan on the plane in Dec! I let him keep the book and coloring book though! Can I tell you how much I love the picture of Henry with the Kaleidoscope?! Sooooo cute! I love that kaleidoscope! I wasn't leaving Party City without them! I remember when I was a kid we would get cardboard ones at the 5 & dime! I LOVED them then and still love them!
Hurrah for being out of the teens! :banana: I have to agree that DIS friend are the most awesome, generous, thoughtful friends out there. We're so lucky to have found eachother! :goodvibes

Love your tradition of getting a picture of H on Buzz each year!!

You're so close!!! :dance3:
Woo hoo for being out of the teens!!! Just think -- in a couple of days you will be into single digits!!! :banana:

Can't wait for this year's Zurg and corn dog nugget pics! Mmmm!

The package was so sweet, and I love how excited Henry was to receive Mickey goodies!!!
Yippee for leaving the teens behind! :yay: And yay for a day at the MK! I can't wait to see Henry's traditional shot with Zurg.

That was so sweet of mickeysmyboy to send that package to Henry, he looks like he was thrilled! :goodvibes
LOVE the pictures of Henry showing off all your clothes! The kissy face is adorable. :love: My little guy will be turning 3 on Sept. 6, so our boys are pretty close together. I don't know about Henry, but some of the stuff coming out of Noah's mouth is just, well, it's hilarious. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Been meaning to ask you (but I think it was posted) what is the name/style of your keens? I've been trying to figure out which ones I want, but I've been debating for the past 6 months. Yes, I know it's a long time, but it's a lot of money for me to drop on shoes! lol

So excited for your upcoming trip! Hope you guys have lots of fun! :cheer2:

Yes! What they say is just sooooo funny. And it amazes me! So stinkin' smart. He picks up on WAY more than I ever think he does.

My Keens are the Newport H2 I believe. It looks like they don't have them in the dark green I have anymore. I got mine 4 years ago - and they are still in GREAT shape - they are worth the investment!

I'm responding right away this time. :lmao:

Look at that little monkey jumping on the bed. :rotfl2:

Yes, you can stop your mail online now that you are less than 14 days out. I still have to wait until next Wednesday to stop mine.

I'm excited about the share. :banana:

I'm off to do the mail RIGHT now.

Okay -done! :thumbsup2

I've got 11 unread PMs in my inbox right now about the share. It's on my To Do list for today - the weekend was so busy!

I thought for sure I replied yesterday! What's the deal with that!

I think your first day sounds fabulous! You and Henry will have a great time together! :goodvibes

I agree with the photopass CD being expensive! I did pre-order one for our Oct trip. for 1 reason, it will force me to have tons of photopass pics taken! :lmao: We have so few pictures of DH and together I want to seize the opportunity and have lots done in out favorite place!

So, where will you be 2 weeks from now?! AK with Henry, napping, sliding down through the creepy clown?

I just got a thing in the mail today about Photopass, it says to register the card now to receive discounts. :scratchin I'm wondering what that might be...but if I register it now, does that mean my 30 days starts today? Hmmm...

I really like having some pictures of us together too since it's rare! We've gotten some really nice ones - and fun ones - over the years.

Are you even kidding?! I didn't notice your light on and was responding while you were posting! You're day sounds great! I love the picture of Henry jumping on the bed!

:rotfl: I was sneaky. ;)

Looks like another fun day...AK is always nice to walk around and hopefully it won't be too hot. That night walking around the Boardwalk may be fun! You can even rent those funky bikes depending on the time Joe gets in.

I remember last September AK was reallyyyyy hot. I took advantage of every misting fan they had! It's worth it though. Joe will get in pretty late, his flight lands around 9:00 pm, so we'll save the surrey bike ride for another day. I really hope to fit it in since its something he has wanted to do since our first trip!
That day looks great! You and Henry (well, probably moreso you) are going have some wonderful memories from that day in the park together. Although, I can imagine after every attraction there will be a question about his father's whereabouts.

I am glad to hear you've got a PP group! It's awesome to find so many friendly DISers who like to save a buck or two!

I think we will have a great time too! Joe is a bit sad about it as we get closer to the trip - missing Henry's first jump on the bed, reaction to the "Mickey Bus", etc. but, I bet he'll have a similar reaction for the next several trips, so he won't miss anything!

I'm excited about the share too! I just need to respond to everyone and get it organized.

I am SUCH a Disney dork. You know how much I looooove :love: Animal Kingdom. I saw these pictures and got tears in my eyes! :laughing:

Yes, dirty jeeps, flying dinos, and great apes make me cry. :rotfl:

Take tons of pictures for me, Brook!

:rotfl2: I know exactly what you mean! :goodvibes Lots and lots of pictures guaranteed!

I wanna jump on the bed too!!!! For some reason I don't think I'd look nearly as cute as Henry :rotfl2:

Sounds like you've planned a great day!

:lmao: But, the wonderful thing about Disney is that you CAN jump on the bed. ;)

Ah, my Animal Kingdom!!! :laughing:

Can't wait to see pics of Henry jumping on the Boardwalk bed! One day you will be able to do a collage of all the pictures of Henry jumping on beds all around Disney! :lmao:

That would be hilarious! I could put them all in an album for his high school graduation. :laughing: I wonder how much he'd love that??!?! :lmao:

Awww...only 13 days...well I guess 12 now LOL!! Less than 2 weeks, I bet time is going to fly right by!!!

Awwww...I can't wait to see your AK pictures!!! You have a great eye for great pictures!!!

And 10 now! :eek::yay:

13 days. You are so close!! And yes, I love the "in two weeks I will be...." game! :)

It really is one of the best games out there. ::yes::

Awww, yay, I love the Animal Kingdom. You guys will have so much fun there. :goodvibes

Getting close now, almost single digits! :banana:

AK is so awesome. So pretty and detailed! I love taking pictures there.
Your 1st day looks perfect Brook.:thumbsup2 Animal Kingdom is such a lovely park, Disney really outdid themselves with the theming there, didn't they? When were last there with my in-laws, they were all like "oh look, a zoo!" I told them it wasn't a zoo in the traditional sense but they were adamant that it wouldn't be named "Animal Kingdom" if it wasn't!:laughing: Ah, newbies, what do they know!:laughing::rolleyes: I'm sure Henry will have the best time there.:goodvibes

You know, I actually hate to pack. (Stay with me here, I have a point!) But packing for Disney, well, that's just a totally different kind of packing! It's exciting because the destination is awesome! You must be thrilled to be organizing all your stuff because that means you're leaving soon! Don't you wish you could get paid to go to Disney? I do, I'd sign up for that job in a heartbeat! Any Disney executives reading this? Please pay me to come there!:laughing:

Yes, I agree! The details are just amazing in that park. It truly feels like you are in a different world.

:rotfl: if there are any Disney Execs reading, I'm up for hire too!!! Pick me too! What a cool job that would be! :cloud9: I am not a big fan of packing either - but it's pretty easy for Disney at least since everything is organized before hand, I know what we need and don't need now. Packing to go back home is the WORST though!!!!

Brooke, sorry I've been missing (busy week at work and took a day off to go to the ballgame). Your Day 1 plans look great -- I LOVE the Animal Kingdom. I got yoru PM and sent you one back about the Photopass CD (hope you got it).

No worries! I've been busy as well. I did get your PM - and 10 others from various other DISers as well...all of which I need to respond to! It's a goal for today.

:banana: for 12 days!

Great pics! I love the castle shots :goodvibes

Thank you! No matter how many pictures I already have of the Castle I always take a zillion more!

12 days!!! Can I get a WOO HOO! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Ah, I love your pictures SO much!!! LOVE! Just think, less than 2 weeks from now you'll be there!! :banana: :banana: :banana: YEAH!

I can't believe it's so close!!! It's almost time to pull out the suitcase. :yay:


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