TR w/4000+ Pics/Disney on Ice w/184 Pics!!

Glad you enjoyed ST! When we did this breakfast on the ladies trip there didn't seem to be as many characters but perhaps with our large group they stayed away. But it was still fun and the food is always good. We love it there and usually eat there most trips for dinner! LOVE the buffet and just the food in general!!

And thanks for asking. Luckily my headaches have subsided a bit. I get really bad migraines and have LOTS of triggers but this week it seemed to be allergies. But I have had a BUNCH of other stress so that didn't help but like I said I have sure loved coming here and reading your reports. One def bright spot in my day!! :)
What a great job Laurie I look forward to seeing the rest. Because you are such a Disney expert I have a question for you: What is Peter Pans saying? Something about never growing up. I have a pic of Peter pan and Keith together and thought that his saying would be a cute title.
Jeff (DH) was excited to hear that it was sit down - haoping maybe a little less expensive the buffet. He always complains that we never eat our $$ worth.:rotfl2: I always remind him it's the characters not the food. Then I don't have to walk around the park looking for everybodies favorite character..:cool1: A little extra cost for a happy mommy is always worth it.

Ordering off the menu won't save you the time you add in drink, tax & tip......but I agree with you in saving time by going to the character meals & having them come to your table vs standing in long lines in the parks (with no guarantee that the character won't leave before you get up to them).

Don't kick yourself for not doing the Critter Breakfast sooner, Laurie (and Vicki, too, for that matter). Just like all the other DLR restaurants, it has its off days too. I've done it a few times. The last time we went, my two friends didn't care for the food and they cared even less about the characters! (The food was not good on that day we were there. It was an off day.) Your timing probably worked out the way it was supposed to work out. Maybe if you had gone on another day it wouldn't have been as good.

I love Storytellers as a restaurant in general - I love the cozy atmosphere and the woodsy decorations. I love it more for lunch and dinner than as a character meal, however. Meanwhile, others on the DIS said they have eaten there and the food and service at dinner were horrendous and they all got food poisoning, etc. (What's a good experience for one group may be horrible for the next group!)

The problem that I have with the Critter Breakfast character meal is that the buffet is very small and limited. Good thing it is $22.99 (off-peak season price), so the buffet is a better value to me than the breakfast menu items. The breakfast menu items are waaaaay too costly for what they are. You are basically paying $18+ for something (is it the American Breakfast?) that is the size of a Denny's Grand Slam - or smaller. Also, I love Chip and Dale but as you have pointed out, they are everywhere so I can find them at Goofy's. I like Meeko, but not enough to draw me to the Critter Breakfast every time. Otherwise - no interest in Koda and Kenai whatsoever. And the breakfast food, to me (not counting last time when it was just not good), was no better than at any other DLR restaurant - but it's in a different setting so it seems more rustic and earthy.

The non-character lunch and dinner prices are actually much more reasonable for what they are, in comparison to the high breakfast menu prices.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear you did the Critter Breakfast on a good day (an 'on day') and that it was a big hit for everyone. I'm sure I will do the CB again at some point in the future if someone in my group just has to do it, but none of the people I have gone there with were that blown away on any trip, and actually my friends said that there were some items (can't remember what - maybe the sausage? Definitely the fruit, for sure!) that were much better at Goofy's (as a general rule - not Goofy's on an off day!).

I have yet to try Minnie & Friends. If and when my friend from Idaho ever come back out, that might be the time to try it. She was a big Goofy's fan in the old days, but since the Pooh characters are now M&F (in the old, old days they used to be at Goofy's when it was the only character meal), I have a feeling she would want to dine with Pooh & the gang. I am just hoping we don't end up at M&F on one of their off days, when the food is cold and blah.

I'm glad we hit on an "ON" day!! Was starting to get worried!! My kids haven't seen Brother Bear but enjoyed meeting a bear! I liked seeing new characters for us. Derek used to have a big stuffed Meeko when he was was glad he was Ordering off the menu is high because you're still paying for the "experience" least I knew I was getting a hot breakfast!

Glad you enjoyed ST! When we did this breakfast on the ladies trip there didn't seem to be as many characters but perhaps with our large group they stayed away. But it was still fun and the food is always good. We love it there and usually eat there most trips for dinner! LOVE the buffet and just the food in general!!

And thanks for asking. Luckily my headaches have subsided a bit. I get really bad migraines and have LOTS of triggers but this week it seemed to be allergies. But I have had a BUNCH of other stress so that didn't help but like I said I have sure loved coming here and reading your reports. One def bright spot in my day!! :)

We enjoyed our lunch there in 2005 & had thought about going back for a meal....but we just never had....until this day. I'd like to go back for a dinner sometime.

I understand about the migraines. I get 4 a year.....weird I know how many huh? I get one every 3 months. Totally knocks me out of commission. All I can do is shut myself in to my dark room & try to sleep. Not always an option in my house!

What a great job Laurie I look forward to seeing the rest. Because you are such a Disney expert I have a question for you: What is Peter Pans saying? Something about never growing up. I have a pic of Peter pan and Keith together and thought that his saying would be a cute title.

I can't come up with the quote. I know he takes Wendy because he doesn't want her to have to grow up & she can read to the Lost Boys at bedtime. I know in the movie Hook, they do a song "I don't want to grow up.......etc." Sorry I couldn't help anymore than that.
I can't come up with the quote. I know he takes Wendy because he doesn't want her to have to grow up & she can read to the Lost Boys at bedtime. I know in the movie Hook, they do a song "I don't want to grow up.......etc." Sorry I couldn't help anymore than that.[/QUOTE]

thanks for thinking - guess I will have to watch Peter Pan this weekend.popcorn::
So after breakfast, we loaded up the van & headed towards Knott's Berry Farm. I hadn't been since 1984. I knew it wouldn't be anything like Disneyland but still went into it expecting a good time for everyone. We parked & made the long walk to the gates (Really long walk).





We hadn't bought tickets ahead of time (with the chance we changed our minds about going) but we did have a $9.00 off coupon. It cost $45.99/adult & I think $29.99 for the kids/senior.....drawing a blank on that one. Once we entered the gates, they had a photographer there to take our family picture:



The older boys took off to ride some of the thrill coasters & we took the kids to Camp Snoopy:





Here's a couple pics of the metal scenery:




Here's a stage in Camp Snoopy:





The first ride Anthony & Addy rode was Woodstock's Airmail:







The next ride the kids wanted to do was Snoopy's Gr8 Sk8. They went to get in line & we waited....for quite a while.....the line was behind the ride & hidden, so we couldn't see how long it actually was. It was a very slow loader with only one worker.









While we were waiting on the kids.....Mike, Betty & Shyann rode the mini train: Grand Sierra Scenic Railroad:














Next up more Camp Snoopy!!
I would have to say that today was the warmest day we had this trip. If it wasn't hotter, it was because there was little shade in the park.

The next ride they did was Lucy's Tugboat:










Addy rode the Log Peeler.....Anthony was too big to ride this:







As we were leaving Camp Snoopy, we saw the Stage Coach go by:


Entering Fiesta Village:


The kids cooling off in a fountain:


More metal scenery & one of the rides in Fiesta Village:





That's all for today, got to go get ready for my reunion.
Have fun at your reunion. Go class of 1980!!

:banana: Woo Hoo!!

Had fun last night reconnecting with old friends. Today & tomorrow is our school's All-Classes time to see some others! Also have a birthday party to attend this afternoon.....busy, busy, busy!! It's funny how I can go months with nothing, then everything falls on the same weekend!! Not sure if I'll get any TR done today, since I'm leaving in an hour & don't plan on being home until 9:30 tonight......unsure how much I'll go tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
:banana: Woo Hoo!!

Had fun last night reconnecting with old friends. Today & tomorrow is our school's All-Classes time to see some others! Also have a birthday party to attend this afternoon.....busy, busy, busy!! It's funny how I can go months with nothing, then everything falls on the same weekend!! Not sure if I'll get any TR done today, since I'm leaving in an hour & don't plan on being home until 9:30 tonight......unsure how much I'll go tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Sounds great to me. Have fun!!
Sounds great to me. Have fun!!

Well........the All Class Reunion was HOT (upper 90's), little shade & very small crowd. The people I was gonna hang with.....didn't show up or were coming I left. Next on the agenda, friends of mine celebrating their birthdays together....hope the place is shady with air Maybe karaoke tonight.....we'll see...... Bye!
Well........the All Class Reunion was HOT (upper 90's), little shade & very small crowd. The people I was gonna hang with.....didn't show up or were coming I left. Next on the agenda, friends of mine celebrating their birthdays together....hope the place is shady with air Maybe karaoke tonight.....we'll see...... Bye!

That sucks. I wouldn't have stayed in the heat either. Have fun celebrating and being a social butterfly.:rotfl2: I know how much you love your karaoke, enjoy!!
Thanks for the awesome TR, DizNee Luver. I just saw it yesterday so didn't read too much, but enjoyed looking at all your pics! I made me hungry and even more excited for my 1st trip May :eek:!
Enjoyed the Knott's portion and you KNOW how I feel about that place LOL but it looks like at least the little ones enjoyed themselves but then kids always have fun pretty much anywhere. My kids like the rides at the fair. EWWW! ;)

Glad you are enjoying your weekend but I must admit I am going through withdrawls LOL.

Have fun today whatever you end up doing and can't wait for the next installment. :)
That sucks. I wouldn't have stayed in the heat either. Have fun celebrating and being a social butterfly.:rotfl2: I know how much you love your karaoke, enjoy!!

LOL, social butterfly :hippie: I'm just SO in demand!!
I did go wow them at my friends karaoke!! Nobody ever expects the singing voice that comes out of

Thanks for the awesome TR, DizNee Luver. I just saw it yesterday so didn't read too much, but enjoyed looking at all your pics! I made me hungry and even more excited for my 1st trip May :eek:!

Thanx for stopping in.....still have a ton more to go!! 1st trip.....woo hoo....lots of useful info in this report that might help you plan a few things to include!! Ask questions if you think of any!!!

Enjoyed the Knott's portion and you KNOW how I feel about that place LOL but it looks like at least the little ones enjoyed themselves but then kids always have fun pretty much anywhere. My kids like the rides at the fair. EWWW! ;)

Glad you are enjoying your weekend but I must admit I am going through withdrawls LOL.

Have fun today whatever you end up doing and can't wait for the next installment. :)

Withdrawl no more.....gonna go organize & get back to our Knott's Day!!!!
Woo Hoo.....back to the report!!

When I left you, we were wandering thru Fiesta Village at Knott's Berry Farm. We were looking for shade & found a very nice spot with seating next to the carousel. I fed Michayla her lunch as Shyann slept in her stroller. Betty sat with me while Mike took Anthony & Addy on the carousel. This carousel is over 100 years old & has some of the strangest looking, hand-carved animals. Here are just a few of them:







Addy, Mike & Anthony:






The boys texted me to say they were in line for Perilous we went in search for them. We got stopped at the train crossing:


Once we got headed in the right direction, we got there just in time to see the ride going up the massive hill. I was hoping it was the boys....but alas....they had just gone!! We missed them! But here is the ride when they climb the hill & then come down at a 75 degree angle....YIKES!



More metal scenery:


This is called the Rip Tide......It should be called "are you nuts?". This thing swings you in a circle as your row of seats spin around forwards & sick just watching


This is Supreme Scream....taller than the Maliboomer & goes opposite of it as well. Instead of shooting are taken up to the top 254 feet & then dropped at 50 miles per hour.


Mike, Anthony, Addy & I rode the Log ride. Mike & I rode this non-stop in 1984 (it was in all decorated in Halloween style) we had to go check it out again. I didn't take pics but will say that Addy was so darned cute. I hate the drops now & I told her I would put my head down when we got up to the drop.....when we were getting near it....she turns & looks at me & says "Ok, mom, put your head will ok" Love it that my 5 yr old has to keep me safe!!

Shyann & Michayla:



The Excellerator.......this is one of those coasters that you go up a high hill & come straight back down......yuck! I guess Tyler & Derek rode this one:



This is where we ended up for lunch......Coasters......this was the cheeseburger & fries & also the kids chicken strip meal.




Coasters: 5 Cheeseburgers, 5 fries, 2 kid meals & 6 cokes: $96.25
The food was comparable to cafeteria food that had been sitting under the lamps for long periods of time. The burger had no flavor, the fries were whimpy & unseasoned. The prices were crazy!! We've had nice sit down meals at Disneyland (where everyone ate) for the same amount or less!!

Next post will have Tyler & Derek on Boomerang & most of the family leaving!
But, on the plus side they have Pepsi!!:rotfl:

It sounds like you are having a great weekend, and I am thrilled for you.
After our uneventful lunch......Betty wanted to ride on the Calico Railroad (the big train) & she got some pics along the way. Mike, Anthony, Addy & Shyann went as well:













On the train......Addy & Anthony got a bit freaked out when the bandits jumped on to rob





We went when I was 7 or 8 years old to Knott's and when we rode the stage coach and the robbers "robbed" us my family thought that it would be funny to not tell me that it was going to happen. I was hysterical and pretty much inconsolable. They were "taking" a prisoner and my dad volunteered. It was horrible. Really ruined the whole trip.


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