Disboutiquers Part 20 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.

I'll keep you all in my prayers! :grouphug:

I'd trust your instincts about the pediatrician. Next time something happens and they tell you to go home, all is fine, will you be able to get rid of that nagging voice wondering if you can trust their opinion?
Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.

Having suffered with a mild concussion about 6 years ago, I can tell you...even a mild concussion HURTS! My thinking was 'off' for months later. I also have a son with a severe brain injury, so I know these shouldn't be taken lightly.

I am so sorry your daughter (and you) have to go through this. If it were me, I would run , not walk, to a new pediatrician. This time, every thing is working out fine...but what about the next time? The most important thing to consider with a pediatrician is trust. If you loose that trust...it is time to get a new one...my children's health comes before anything else...

sorry for the soapbox! I'm glad she felt like singing to the flowers...maybe she can sit and plant a few seeds n a flower box ...might make the time go by faster....

Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.
Your Family is in My family's Prayers. I know it might be hard to " Fire" your pediatrician but you need to do what you feel is right no matter how long you have been with them. Here's to a speedy recovery for your Megan.
My nephew and his wife had their baby, Henry, on Friday. I couldn't resist making a couple of more gifts.

I made 2 hooded towels and a teeny tiny little pair of in the hoop booties! So cute! Not sure they will be good for anything but a decoration, but that's ok.

Here's a pic:

These are so cute, I wish I Had a pair of those booties for my DD5 her nickname is MOnkey. they are so cute, great job.
Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.

That poor baby... you had me at she was singing to the flowers....
If you PM me your address and how old she and Hannah are I would love to send them a little something, maybe a card and whatever they like.
Can I do that for them? ( and maybe what they like - I am a boy mommy so I am out of touch with the girl world..lol )

And you keep your head up - you did the right thing by pushing and you are your child's best speaker - if the professionals don't listen, make them.

Awww singing to the flowers - that is precious. I will also include you guys in my blessings and send white light:lovestruc
My nephew and his wife had their baby, Henry, on Friday. I couldn't resist making a couple of more gifts.

I made 2 hooded towels and a teeny tiny little pair of in the hoop booties! So cute! Not sure they will be good for anything but a decoration, but that's ok.

Here's a pic:

Those are tooo cute! I love the booties too! How darling!

And, everything everyone has posted has been wonderful! I am trying to reorganize my little house so I can have a sewing space, but it is sooo small and I have sooo much stuff. And, I know this is nuts but I can't figure out where to put the catbox so I can have my office back - I know that's weird but it's a hurdle for me. LOL

I am also finally letting my beloved car go... Mr. Dodge Avenger... new owners are pciking it up tomorrow. :( I will miss him even though he has been sitting there looking at me for a year. I have put more blood, sweat, tears, and money in that car than I should have. He was broke and I have to let him go...

Now I am looking for another car, second hand, not too expensive, and bigger (as I have gotten way bigger since I drove the dodge). Wish me luck that I find one cash for my small budget.

I hope to be able to post something I have sewn soon.... or baked, would you guys want to see baked? I have a cake coming up. lol

That's my problem, too many hobbies and stuff to do them. Cluttering me right out of my house. :rotfl2: Anyhoo... enough rambling...
Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.

Oh honey; of course we're here for you. Don't feel selfish. You're overwhelmed, you're scared, and your heart hurts for your baby. And as much as we love our husbands, they just don't "feel" these things the same way (I'm not saying less, just different). That's why God gave us sisters of the heart. I'm praying for you all, and I'm glad you followed your heart on this one. I agree w/ the others, that if you don't feel like you can trust the dr, you need a new one. My kids have over 14 specialists between them, and although some have stood the test of time and we trust implicitly (sp), some we've had to change out to find who seems right.

My nephew and his wife had their baby, Henry, on Friday. I couldn't resist making a couple of more gifts.

I made 2 hooded towels and a teeny tiny little pair of in the hoop booties! So cute! Not sure they will be good for anything but a decoration, but that's ok.

Here's a pic:

So cute!

Love everything else too! Just haven't had time to really follow and post
:eek: A Delaware Walmart still has their Fabric section? which one, Do tell. I am 5 min from the Southern De line and from Delaware originally. I will drive for some Fabric. Thanks in Advance

In Wilmington. I pretty sure the stores in Slower Lower and Elkton, don't have fabric. I did notice they also have the Buzz and Woody fabric, besides the Tiana. And this is all since they said they wouldn't be recieving any new shipments. They've also said in the past that they were to recieve the fabric from other Walmarts to close out. So I guess they know about as much as we do, about thier fabric dept.
Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.

So sorry for Megan I have a 4 year old so know how hard it is to keep them still.

I also say find a new Dr., the Dr isn't taking your concerns about your children seriously.
Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.


First of all, you need a new pediatrician. Our new one (we just moved) is younger. While I hesitated for a sec about it, I've been beyond pleased with her. Because she's newer to the practice, only once in a year have I not been able to get a same-day appointment with DD's primary doctor. Also, DD's been having some wheezing issues. Both times we've been in about it, the doctor has sent us to do x-rays just to rule out anything other than illness-induced asthma.

Second of all, the type of injury your daughter has IS scary. No doubt about it. My FIL self-inflicted one last year by - wait for it - hitting his head on a car roof while he was getting in. You're lucky that you've been able to find it now and you know what's going on. His wasn't diagnosed until 3 weeks later when he had major personality shifts and imaginary conversations. (Let's just say it took the threat of EMTs and 2 of his kids flying in to get him to the doctor.) His healed, re-absorbed, and he's the same person he was before.

Third, I certainly hope that you've addressed the root cause of this with the preschool. I'd call the director and let her know that your daughter has not only a concussion but bleeding on the brain that is spreading, not healing. Scare the pants off her. Don't be nice accommodating, mom. Be "that" mom. Ask what plans they've put into place to make sure that another family doesn't go through what you are.

Fourth, sit down with the relaxing beverage of your choice, some light reading, and ignore the dishes and the laundry for the rest of the night.

Fifth, you're doing good with your daughter - and you know it. Let her sing to the flowers!!! Isn't there some scientific study that says so? Wagon rides, I'm sure, will be a hit as well. Just watch the curbs!!!:rolleyes1
I'm curious if any of you are involved in a fabric co-op, and what your experience has been like. I know I recognize a couple of the names from the one I'm dealing with. I'd just like to know if my experience is typical. You can pm me if you are worried about who might be on the boards.
Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.

Nicole, you and the kids are in my thoughts. Its so hard being a parent and not being able to do anything to help our babies when they are hurting. But you are doing a great job. What a sweetie that she wanted to just stand outside and was singing to the flowers! If you could PM me, I too would love to send something to her just a little treat to help make her feel better and put a smile on her face. Even if its just stickers and a card. Georgia said she would like to draw her a butterfly because she knows how it feels to feel icky and stuck inside.

My nephew and his wife had their baby, Henry, on Friday. I couldn't resist making a couple of more gifts.

I made 2 hooded towels and a teeny tiny little pair of in the hoop booties! So cute! Not sure they will be good for anything but a decoration, but that's ok.

Here's a pic:

So cute. Love those little booties and hoodie towels. I bet they will love them.
I can't believe we leave tomorrow :scared1: I actually have 3 completed dresses and one simply sweet that only lacks a skirt. I also need to figure out the flower thingy on the tiana dress. I am so much further ahead of the game this time...lol. I am not thinking I am going to get pics up until after we get back though. I will be on the lookout for the other disboutiquers there this weekend though.

I'll be following you by a day! Have a great time, and if you even THINK you see me start yelling or something!!!

Question, the Stitch Era program, where can you get it for FREE, from the site it directs you to dealers who will give it to you free with minum purchases from their stores.....

There should be a link in the bookmarks, no purchase necessary. Here it is:


Let me say i have been missing for the past few days to get this dress finished It was a challenge. I was trying to rush it out for my niece. Oh well the next one for my DD3 will be better.

I love Love Love everyones designs ..... You ladies are working hard. Such an inspiration to do more.


Ok I know I have posted these on FB but not here yet. Here is the upcycle I made for Peach's dress like a famous person day at school. She was Taylor Swift.


The whole outfit only cost $5 with bangles, necklace, sunglasses and all! She totally dug it.
That turned out so cute!

Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Oh, that got me! I'm bawling like a baby! You are going through so much already, I'm so sorry that this happened. Your poor baby. I'm so glad that you trusted your Mommy instincts! I know it's hard, but I have to agree with everyone else that it sounds like it's time to switch peds. :hug: Hang in there honey, and never apologize for coming here to talk to your friends about your problems. :hug:

My nephew and his wife had their baby, Henry, on Friday. I couldn't resist making a couple of more gifts.

I made 2 hooded towels and a teeny tiny little pair of in the hoop booties! So cute! Not sure they will be good for anything but a decoration, but that's ok.

Here's a pic:
Those are so cute!! I loved the hooded towels when my kids were babies.
I am so far out of the loop ladies, and I never meant for it to get this way! We had so much company in March, my parents were here for two weeks, and it was great having them, but I have not completed anything other than a tutu for a birthday gift since BEFORE their visit! I do stop in occasionally and read a few pages, but I am so behind I feel like I will never catch up. Hope I didn't keep you all wondering where I had went....with visitors, pre-school ending, getting ready to move in the late summer, and just tons of day to day stuff, I just haven't had much sewing/online time lately....I miss it - this is my "me" time!

I am working now on my first Feliz, for Emmy....I have the applique all done on the front, but I just need to sew it together. Hoping to have some time tonight, as hubby has duty and will be sleeping on the ship - I always seem to sew more when he is out and the kids are asleep. I am a little intimidated, but I think it is going to turn out ok.

Also, do any of you have the Singer Serger on HSN? The cheaper model, $349, with all the bonus feet? I have a 15% off code and was thinking of getting it, but am a little afraid of Singer. I really want the brother, but it is almost as much money and you don't get all the cool feet! Any advice would be most helpful....

Most of yesterday was a blurr...I 'think' I may have gotten on here to post, but can't really remember! LOL

I am severely claustrophobic and was given some knock out pills to get me through it...and still had a few issues. We won't know the results for about a week...but I am thinking positive...no surgery just lots and lots of physical torture...er I mean therapy. If they decide surgery...I'm asking for a third opinion...I do NOT want back surgery!!!

I do have a couple of things to post that I have finished...but at the present moment they are still in my camera. Sweet Noni's birthday party was last night, so I can now post the outfit without fear of her Mommy seeing it first. Noni loved it so much, she started stripping in the restaurant to put it on! We were able to convince her to wait until she went to the bathroom...and her comment was...her bag was just emptied, and she wasn't going to wait that long! (it is only emptied a couple times a day!)

I have finished embroidering all 18 squares of the supposedly 'quick and simple' quilt top...now to get it on the frame and finish it up!

Since hubby is working on mother's day (he is a police officer) all my kids are getting together tonight to have my mother's day dinner and presents!

So...after a couple more cups of coffee, I hope to get some pictures posted here and on facebook...and I still have tons of sewing to do!


Most of yesterday was a blurr...I 'think' I may have gotten on here to post, but can't really remember! LOL

I am severely claustrophobic and was given some knock out pills to get me through it...and still had a few issues. We won't know the results for about a week...but I am thinking positive...no surgery just lots and lots of physical torture...er I mean therapy. If they decide surgery...I'm asking for a third opinion...I do NOT want back surgery!!!

I do have a couple of things to post that I have finished...but at the present moment they are still in my camera. Sweet Noni's birthday party was last night, so I can now post the outfit without fear of her Mommy seeing it first. Noni loved it so much, she started stripping in the restaurant to put it on! We were able to convince her to wait until she went to the bathroom...and her comment was...her bag was just emptied, and she wasn't going to wait that long! (it is only emptied a couple times a day!)

I have finished embroidering all 18 squares of the supposedly 'quick and simple' quilt top...now to get it on the frame and finish it up!

Since hubby is working on mother's day (he is a police officer) all my kids are getting together tonight to have my mother's day dinner and presents!

So...after a couple more cups of coffee, I hope to get some pictures posted here and on facebook...and I still have tons of sewing to do!


Nini, I hope your back only requires physical therapy and that you are feeling relief soon. How sweet to make your Noni an outfit- cant wait to see!
I think I need some coffee myself!
Have fun at your Mother's Day dinner- how sweet of them to think to do something on a different day!

To everyone who posted- WOW- thank you so much, I got up this morning with a clearer mind. I will be changing pediatricians. I really love ours, and I love the nurse there, but more on a personal level. It's hard, my children know them and are comfortable, and it would be nice if DH tuned in, but he gets these neckache/headaches sometimes and it's hard for him to think- apparently he had that yesterday. But he said he didnt expect anything from the pediatrician. I believe part of it is that she should be retired.
...sigh...now to find a new one. I did go to a group practice one time that covers for my Dr and liked them. So many them...

and yes, I'm sure Megan would enjoy some cards in the mail, it will be fun to show her on a map where they come from. I will PM you tweevil and PrincessKell, thank you for the kind offer!
I know having the Doctor (neurologist) tell us she can't run or hop off things made an impact on Megan. She is better at listening and not running.
She is VERY contrary!! For example, I had a little pencil sharpener, I explained it's for sharpening pencils or crayons since we havent had one before. Her response "No it's not" at the doctors we told her "That's called a water cooler" Megan- "No it's not!"
I know she's 4 now, (April 21st!) but I am not used to this know it all attitude....LOL!

Okay- so I am really going to the Sis Boom sale today! and tomorrow....hope to see Stacey there!
Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.

Glad you made the decision to switch peds, it is a hard decsion. I did it when dd was 9 months old and am soooo glad. We switched to our family doctor and have not looked back since.

It was hard enough keep dh down after his concussion last fall, 6 weeks of no activity for him was tough (he had fractured C3 and had lost consciouness (I know I spelled that wrong)). Luckily his 6 weeks was up before ski season started :rolleyes1 or it wouldn't have happened.

Mom's just sometimes know that something is wrong and we have to fight to get others to listen!


Very pretty

Ok I know I have posted these on FB but not here yet. Here is the upcycle I made for Peach's dress like a famous person day at school. She was Taylor Swift.

The whole outfit only cost $5 with bangles, necklace, sunglasses and all! She totally dug it.

Awesome job, and all for 5 bucks, way to go.

Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.

Good for you for pushing a bit and getting the info you needed. I pray her head heals quickly.

My nephew and his wife had their baby, Henry, on Friday. I couldn't resist making a couple of more gifts.

I made 2 hooded towels and a teeny tiny little pair of in the hoop booties! So cute! Not sure they will be good for anything but a decoration, but that's ok.

Here's a pic:

Those are really cute. Can't wait till I have enough $ to buy and embroidery machine....



Let me say i have been missing for the past few days to get this dress finished It was a challenge. I was trying to rush it out for my niece. Oh well the next one for my DD3 will be better.

I love Love Love everyones designs ..... You ladies are working hard. Such an inspiration to do more.
She is so beautiful. Fantastic job on the dress.

Ok I know I have posted these on FB but not here yet. Here is the upcycle I made for Peach's dress like a famous person day at school. She was Taylor Swift.

Here is the before.

Here is the after

Here is the Full Taylor makeover


The whole outfit only cost $5 with bangles, necklace, sunglasses and all! She totally dug it.
Too cool. I'm always impressed with upcycling. I've tried a couple of times, but not as good as yours!

Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.
My youngest dd is 4 and my heart aches for you. I can imagine how scared you are. I will keep you all in my prayers.

My nephew and his wife had their baby, Henry, on Friday. I couldn't resist making a couple of more gifts.

I made 2 hooded towels and a teeny tiny little pair of in the hoop booties! So cute! Not sure they will be good for anything but a decoration, but that's ok.

Here's a pic:
I can never think of boy gifts. These are perfect. I need to remember hooded towels next time I hear someone's having a boy.


Most of yesterday was a blurr...I 'think' I may have gotten on here to post, but can't really remember! LOL

I am severely claustrophobic and was given some knock out pills to get me through it...and still had a few issues. We won't know the results for about a week...but I am thinking positive...no surgery just lots and lots of physical torture...er I mean therapy. If they decide surgery...I'm asking for a third opinion...I do NOT want back surgery!!!

I do have a couple of things to post that I have finished...but at the present moment they are still in my camera. Sweet Noni's birthday party was last night, so I can now post the outfit without fear of her Mommy seeing it first. Noni loved it so much, she started stripping in the restaurant to put it on! We were able to convince her to wait until she went to the bathroom...and her comment was...her bag was just emptied, and she wasn't going to wait that long! (it is only emptied a couple times a day!)

I have finished embroidering all 18 squares of the supposedly 'quick and simple' quilt top...now to get it on the frame and finish it up!

Since hubby is working on mother's day (he is a police officer) all my kids are getting together tonight to have my mother's day dinner and presents!

So...after a couple more cups of coffee, I hope to get some pictures posted here and on facebook...and I still have tons of sewing to do!

I hope you don't need surgery. Surgery scares me too.

Does anyone want to repost pictures of a peeka boo skirt with a petti under it. I think my dd really needs a petti. You can't really see the applique in the peek a boo part because it all hangs down, kwim?

I'm not sure what length to get for the petti. She's 4. Should I get it the same length as her skirt or maybe an inch or two longer.

I'm gonna pm Teresa later, but would love to see skirts with petti picturs, pretty please.



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