Do you still have your Secure/Recession proof job?

Still have my State job but we've had furloughs, salary reductions, and no bonuses, cost of living adjustments, or salary increases in 3 years this June. Fun times.

Same...but mine is County instead of state. It's even more fun now that the Board just approved a huge increase in our health care premiums, and the State just announced a larger contribution to retirement. Fun times indeed!
I am in the healthcare field, I don't do patient care. I still have a job, infact got a raise on this paycheck:cool1:

DH is a teacher and still has his job. He has enough seniority that he should remain fine and I know he has a job for next year. But they are talking about furloughs.

You just never know though. I am very thankful that both DH and I have good jobs.
DH is a physician and that is probably one of the most secure. I work for him and until he really p*sses me off, I'll stay there. ;) After that, i'll sit on my butt eating bonbons and watching Dr. Oz. :rotfl:
On the boards last year someone asked the question about people still planning disney trips and trips to other various places with the economy getting so bad. And I noticed the replies went something like " My dh and I have secure jobs that are not threatened by the economy. I just wonder how many people on here had what they thought was a secure job last year and now are out of a job?

Teachers are losing jobs, policeman are losing jobs, state workers are losing jobs, lawyers are losing jobs, cpa's are losing jobs. All these jobs a couple of years ago were considered "Secure jobs"

Yep - still have the jobs, still secure. My husband and I (ages 37 and 41) made the most money we EVER made in 2009.

Completely confident that we will have our jobs next year.
DH and I both have our jobs and we are thankful. My assignments are down and so is my pay (consequently), but I believe it is not because of the economy based on what I'm hearing. Neither of us has really had our jobs affected so far.
I work in IT, at a company that is tied to car sales and loans. It was not a good year for us last year, to say the least. Layoffs right and left, salary reductions for those of us still here along with other benefit cuts.

Good news is we're pretty sure we've hit bottom - finally. Those of us left at least feel like when we leave at night we'll have a job to come back to tomorrow. And it seems like that is the general impression out there right now, not just at my company - if you've managed to survive and keep a job up to now, you are feeling a bit better about it not going away. But if you lost your job, it's still really hard to find another one...
I work in healthcare. Plenty of work but no raise for over a year.

DH (an ironworker) has been out of work for nearly 18 months. We've always been pretty frugal and living well within our means, so we can still afford to take our Disney vacation this year, and things will improve eventually.
DH is still active duty Navy, I'm still a SAHM. Our job situation hasn't changed and won't I'd dare say.

Still getting cost of living increases, pay raises, promotions,etc.

I could have posted exactly the same thing except that my DH is AF. The AF generously paid him a big bonus to remain in for another 4 years. At that point we have 2 years until retirement, so I feel confident that he job is secure.

There are days that I wish someone would fire me from my SAHM position, but alas, it appears that job is secure too. ;)
DH is still active duty Navy, I'm still a SAHM. Our job situation hasn't changed and won't I'd dare say.

Still getting cost of living increases, pay raises, promotions,etc.

Same here except my husband works for the Fed Govt. I'm a stay at home mom as well.
Dh works for a major oil company so as long as we keep driving big suv's in this country it's a pretty safe industry to work in.

I'm in chemical research. We haven't had layoffs but I haven't had a raise in 3 years.
I know many teachers are losing their jobs. I am a special breed. I teach middle school and high school math. There are not nearly enough of us to go around. Math isn't going away! I'm pretty darn secure. (But I chose to go into math for precisely that reason.)

I own my own business. although the products I sell are a novelty.. rich people like to spend money :rotfl:
I work for a personal injury law firm. We are really busy! It seems like the worse the economy gets the busier our office is. DH is a prosecuting attorney. There will always be people breaking the law. :headache:
My DH is in the Army so he is for sure secure. I work for a national coffee chain. I was responsible for closing a store but my job is fairly secure unless I decide to call it quits.
DH still has his job, I guess parents are still willing and able to spend $300/credit hour for their snowflakes to go to art school.:eek:

First, thank goodness people are sending their kids to art school because it's putting food on your table.

Second, what exactly is wrong with art school? Did art suddenly stop being relevant or important?

I am glad that people still send their children to art programs.
Dh works in investments/finance, even though many people would view it as insecure at this point, his company has posted record profits the last two years because they make money whether you buy or sell.
I'm a nurse and I feel secure in my job. My husband is in customer service. So far his job seems secure, but there have been many of his co-workers let go.
I have 12+ years of teaching experience so I am OK. My DH is getting his Francais qualifications to teach so hopefully next fall he will have full time employment! :banana: :yay: No more supply teaching!!!! :dance3:


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