Do you still have your Secure/Recession proof job?


Earning My Ears
Jan 29, 2008
On the boards last year someone asked the question about people still planning disney trips and trips to other various places with the economy getting so bad. And I noticed the replies went something like " My dh and I have secure jobs that are not threatened by the economy. I just wonder how many people on here had what they thought was a secure job last year and now are out of a job?

Teachers are losing jobs, policeman are losing jobs, state workers are losing jobs, lawyers are losing jobs, cpa's are losing jobs. All these jobs a couple of years ago were considered "Secure jobs"
On the boards last year someone asked the question about people still planning disney trips and trips to other various places with the economy getting so bad. And I noticed the replies went something like " My dh and I have secure jobs that are not threatened by the economy. I just wonder how many people on here had what they thought was a secure job last year and now are out of a job?

Teachers are losing jobs, policeman are losing jobs, state workers are losing jobs, lawyers are losing jobs, cpa's are losing jobs. All these jobs a couple of years ago were considered "Secure jobs"

My husband and I both still have our jobs, and he works for the state government and I work for a manufacturer.
I work for a national non profit agency that gets funding from NSF and I still have my job (hours were increased, also).
Still have my State job but we've had furloughs, salary reductions, and no bonuses, cost of living adjustments, or salary increases in 3 years this June. Fun times.
DH and I have the definition of UN-secure jobs. I'm a corporate travel agent and he works for a major newspaper! :eek:

Oddly enough, our individual circumstances are that our jobs are quite secure. DH has enough senority that the only way he loses his job is if the paper folds (unlikely, they're still turning a profit) or if he commits gross insubordination or something of the sort. My job, I don't work for a travel agency but for a non-profit doing their all of their business travel (and a few personal vacations too). My non-profit just put $10M in reserves so no worries there.

Now of course, never say never, but unless something truely unusual happens at one of our companies, we should both be fine for at least the next few years. That said, we are in a position that we could live on just one of our incomes, not counting any unemployement he or I would get. It would be a lot of rice and beans, but we could survivie on 45% of our current combined income if we absolutely had to.
I still have my municipal public safety job, although we're currently out of contract and awaiting an arbitration award (which could be $0 raise) and our health insurance premiums and copay went up last September (although still well below what everyone else pays). My dh still has his private sector public safety job, no cut in pay, change in bonus structure.
My husband works for a mortgage industry that requires his company's service regardless of situation. Need to refinance? Need a first mortgage? Short sale? Foreclosure? His company's service is necessary for all these transactions. He is also highly regarded by his peers and upper management (including VPs). We believe his position is very secure.

He has worked here for three years and has gotten only one salary increase (but it was substantial) and are not looking for another one for at least a year or two. Actually I would be happy with more vacation time in lieu of raise.
being a nurse with my BSN has given me job security. i am able to work as much or as little as i want. i have the ability to land a nursing job anywhere because of my diverse nursing background and education. i am thankful that the economy has not affected my job.
My dh works for the govt. He does a very specialized job and is internationally known by some people so they are keeping him around for sure.
DH is still active duty Navy, I'm still a SAHM. Our job situation hasn't changed and won't I'd dare say.

Still getting cost of living increases, pay raises, promotions,etc.
OP here. Gosh that's great to hear about jobs that are actually still going. My husband is a Plumbing Contractor and our company has been swamped. But my dh knows so many plumber, contractors and electrions that hasn't had any work for months and months. We are seeing alot of people in our area that if they are still working their pay has been cut 10% and so forth, losing all health care benefits, losing 401 contributions, reduced work weeks, unpaid leave.
My dh is a firefighter (10 years in his dept) and I just got a job as a spec. ed aide this past August. I will be returning next year since the little boy I work with still needs an aide.

Our jobs are secure. His should be completely secure. Mine may not be in a few years but thats ok as I can always find another spec ed aide position.
DH still has his job, I guess parents are still willing and able to spend $300/credit hour for their snowflakes to go to art school.:eek:
I work for a law firm that deals with evictions and collections. People will always owe money and our clients will always want to sue them. Actually business is booming now due to the economy. More and more people are breaking their leases. We had our best year ever last year.
I am a registered nurse and feel that my job is quite secure. My DH on the other hand has returned to college because his construction job went down hill. I feel lucky that I have a career that can support our family in the mean time!!!


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