Make a Wish (and other organizations) - Wish Trippers UNITE! Volume THREE! :)

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there are definetly good days and bad days, but the good are starting to out weigh the bad. It's been a tough year. I don't want to go to much into right now, but the upside is I'm back school and getting my prereqs done for nursing school and living on my own again too.

It is so wonderful knowing that y'all have enough money raised and I hope y'all don't have to order any more. It amazes that y'all have such big hearts for families y'all don't get to meet. If I can ever help please let me know.

You are helping by staying in touch with us. It really helps to know the families and be able to really follow through with them. I really get attached and it is really nice when you can keep in touch with the families.

I hope you will drop by often and say hello. :) We have a great, supportive group of families right now. :hug::hug::hug:

Congrats on nursing school! You will make a huge different in many lives as a nurse!
Nichole... Are you on the CCAkids site? I Know I have seen Noah's blog before? Hum..

I hope you don't mind but you have a beautiful way of expressing your grief, I gave a friend of mine who just lost her son the end of December, he was also just 3 years old. Your blog site address :-):hug:

No, I don't know what the CCAkids site is...but sometimes these blogs seem to fly around the internet so who knows how you got connected with it. :confused3 Thank you for your kind words. It gives me some comfort to know that my words can help let them know that they are not alone through the loneliest days they will ever experience.

I wanted to thank all the ladies of the Big Give for the paver stone with Jonah's:littleangel: name on it. It means a lot to me that y'all are thinking about still. I got a certificate in the mail. Saturday 13, had been a year and it still touches my heart today with everything y'all did for us for his trip. I can't thank you enough and can't tell y'all how much it means to me.
I hope that one day that I'll be able to go see it in person. Y'all are the sweetest and most carring group i have ever gotten to know.

Thank you again


Becca, it is good to hear from you. I think of Jonah often when I come on the boards and wonder how you are doing. Many hugs...:hug: Good for you for going back to school. I just started a new nursing job doing palliative home care for a little boy in our community. It helps to have someone else to focus on and fill the days.

I too hope to see Noah's paver one of these days...
Hey guys!

You both can PM a Mod on the Trip Report section and just send them the link to your trip report and ask them to unlock it. They will be more than happy to! :) They just lock them to sorta clean up the TR section every now and then.

:wave2: Hello, Lottie! I am not sure that we ever really knew each other - so I would say :welcome: - but you are already a pro!

I am so glad your son is doing better!! :)


I would LOVE to see more on Noah's trip! I am sure it would be very bitter sweet to write it, but I hope that you write some as you can. :hug:

Sweet Noah was an amazing little boy. :littleangel:

For those of you guys that are not aware...that angel above is named "Noah" after Nichole's son, Noah. (If you run your mouse over the icon, it will come up as "Noah" in memory of Noah.)

That icon appeared on the DIS just a day or so after Noah passed away. :littleangel:

Thanks Maroo,

I still choke up when I see that little angel... :littleangel: I'm even more touched that the icon has remained a part of the boards.

And thanks for the info on opening up his thread again. I hope to gather the strength to finish it before I forget all the details.
Nichole :hug:
I read a ton of your Blog today. I LOVED the video's and hearing Noah's :littleangel:Awesome giggle :-) He was such a cutie and looked like hwe really enjoyed his wish trip. I'm so sorry it was cut short. Your pictures are amazing.

My Friend's name is Jessica and her son was Rick :littleangel:. She was excited to read your blog.

I remember where I saw your blog. I was doing make a wish searches on the internet :-)
Thanks Maroo,

I still choke up when I see that little angel... :littleangel: I'm even more touched that the icon has remained a part of the boards.

And thanks for the info on opening up his thread again. I hope to gather the strength to finish it before I forget all the details.

I figure the little angel icon will be around for a long, long time!

Lots of people identify with it for one reason or another.

I really hope you are able to dig deep and get the strength to finish it too...not just for selfish reasons, but because I know as time goes on you will begin to forget the details.

Hang in there. I hope your days are filled with much better things now and am so glad you are using your skills and helping take care of another child in your community. :hug:
Good to see you on the DIS again Nichole!
I have been voting for you on the website! I hope you win!

I want you to know that your trip reposrt (and Noah's infectious little giggle) is what inspired me to become part of the Big Give.

was it me that said that??

If isn't that it isn't showing up - it is just that I have too many threads and they end up getting buried on my lists...does that make sense??

I currently have over 300 thread subscriptions (not all current!), but at any given time 10 or so may pop up and I can't read them all right I end up missing something.

If I am "on" the DIS all day (off and on, really) then when I refresh my userCP, sometimes I miss a single post here and there on a thread...if it is bumped again, then I usually don't miss it over and over...usually. :upsidedow

but...I lost the question! What was the question?? I gotta go back and look. I am such a dork. :rolleyes:

ETA: Ok...I see your question was just to see if we could see the updates...I hope I sort of answered the question.

I think if you don't get any response on a post - go ahead and bump your thread so you can get an answer back. And I will run over there in a sec and make sure you don't have any lingering questions, etc.

:thumbsup2 Maroo. It appears everyone see's them fine so I think the person was having problems with the subbing. It's all good now. ;)
Nichole and Becca: It is so good to see you posting here. I have been here off and on since Mark's Wish trip. I have not finished Mark's TR either - was it too busy or does that make it finally in the past and I don't want to let go if its magic? I took Mark, his twin brother Douglas and their friend to WDW a few weeks ago. It was fun, but it just wasn't...the Wish Trip...the magic...the memories.

Mark is heading down to Sick Kids (our local children's hospital, as you know, Nichole) for a procedure tomorrow morning. Nothing major, but it's still...something.

I am so glad to know that this is a thread where friends can come to meet and feel supported by friends...friends who know. Know what I mean? There are a host of wonderful new families who continue to inspire me to be the best mother I can be...and who continue to remind me that I am not alone.

And you are not alone either. We have been touched by your children, lifted up by their spirit and we draw strength from your strength - hope you feel all the support we are sending to you.

Nichole and Becca: It is so good to see you posting here. I have been here off and on since Mark's Wish trip. I have not finished Mark's TR either - was it too busy or does that make it finally in the past and I don't want to let go if its magic? I took Mark, his twin brother Douglas and their friend to WDW a few weeks ago. It was fun, but it just wasn't...the Wish Trip...the magic...the memories.

Mark is heading down to Sick Kids (our local children's hospital, as you know, Nichole) for a procedure tomorrow morning. Nothing major, but it's still...something.

I am so glad to know that this is a thread where friends can come to meet and feel supported by friends...friends who know. Know what I mean? There are a host of wonderful new families who continue to inspire me to be the best mother I can be...and who continue to remind me that I am not alone.

And you are not alone either. We have been touched by your children, lifted up by their spirit and we draw strength from your strength - hope you feel all the support we are sending to you.



Thank you for posting this, Alison!

I agree 100%.

I think it is time to rally around this Mom. Mya is not doing well at all. Her doctors think this is the beginning of the end for her - and as you can imagine her Mom is reeling.

Honestly, I don't know what to say on her CaringBridge except that we are thinking about them and praying for them. But those messages encourage them so much.

I know that this community is the most caring group of people that I I wanted to make sure you were all aware of what was happening with them.
Thaks for letting us know, Im on my way to vote! Theresa is amazing and I really hope she wins this.

I had to remove the information this post is referring to in order to comply with the DISBoard rules of not posting things soliciting votes for anyone.
Thaks for letting us know, Im on my way to vote! Theresa is amazing and I really hope she wins this.

Thank you! I really appreciate it! And I know Teresa would never come over here and ask, but I knew you all would want to help her too. Thanks so much!
I know there were dicussions about extending the Wish trip. I was wondering if any of the recent wish trippers did this and how did they do it? We are "thinking" about doing this but want to weigh all of the costs and time to do so. Is there any way we could take the van back to the airport and then take the ME back to the Disney Hotel that we would be staying at instead of re-renting the van since we would be staying on property we really wouldnt need a rental.We could probably only extend it for 1-2 days.
Mya's mom needs your prayers right now, it looks to have been a really rough day and her pain meds are not controlling the pain & the internists are not listening to the one person who knows Mya best of all. Her angel wings are growing.

Thank you for posting this!

I just talked to Shardai on the phone and Mya is having a better day so far today. She will try to update us later with more info - but I wanted to pass that along to you guys that have been praying for them!
I know there were dicussions about extending the Wish trip. I was wondering if any of the recent wish trippers did this and how did they do it? We are "thinking" about doing this but want to weigh all of the costs and time to do so. Is there any way we could take the van back to the airport and then take the ME back to the Disney Hotel that we would be staying at instead of re-renting the van since we would be staying on property we really wouldnt need a rental.We could probably only extend it for 1-2 days.

I think that each chapter is different. We have to return our rental car on the last night of our "wish portion" of our trip and then re-rent if we decide to get another car. We are extending at the Swan/Dolphin so they don't use ME....I think we are just going to get another car.

I don't think there would be any problem in doing exactly what you have planned as long as you book a "package" at WDW and select Magical Express as your transfer.

After reading everyones TR lately, I am so happy we can swing the extra days. Its all so much to cram in in such a short time...and we've been before!! Good Luck!!

We extended by two days and were able to keep the rental car. Our chapter gave us the confirmation number and we were able to call the rental company directly before we left and extend the extra two days on our dime. But like Shannon said, every chapter is different. Some won't do that. And some apparently won't even 'allow' the extension; meaning they will only book flights for the GKTW portion of the trip. Of course in that case one could always just wait and pay the fee to change the returning flight once they get there. There's always a way.

I personally am not a big fan of the Magical Express transpo because of the need to leave 3 hours before your flight. But if you don't care about that then returning the rental at the airport and using ME to return to your hotel might be an option. I wasn't aware you needed to book a 'package' to use it, as Shannon suggests, I just thought you needed to be staying on Disney property. IDK

We extended by two days and were able to keep the rental car. Our chapter gave us the confirmation number and we were able to call the rental company directly before we left and extend the extra two days on our dime. But like Shannon said, every chapter is different. Some won't do that. And some apparently won't even 'allow' the extension; meaning they will only book flights for the GKTW portion of the trip. Of course in that case one could always just wait and pay the fee to change the returning flight once they get there. There's always a way.

I personally am not a big fan of the Magical Express transpo because of the need to leave 3 hours before your flight. But if you don't care about that then returning the rental at the airport and using ME to return to your hotel might be an option. I wasn't aware you needed to book a 'package' to use it, as Shannon suggests, I just thought you needed to be staying on Disney property. IDK
You are correct.
You don't need to have a package; just staying at a Disney resort gets you access to the Magical Express buses.
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