An APRIL Adventure in Autism: 2008 (8/8) Time to Say Good-Bye....

Oh, I can completely sympathize with Endoftripitis. I have been known to be teary eyed leaving WDW. DD7 is just like me. When she was 5yrs and we were leaving MK she was sobbing, at 6yrs she planted herself on a bench and "refused" to leave, she cried as we left this year too. It's amazing the difference in feelings you can have in one place, the euphoria on arrival and depression on leaving. I find it hardest when we don't have another trip in the works, even if it's far off.
1 - well that does make more sense
2 - I did find that post and have read it entirely. Thanks. I will make sure we stop by guest relations just in case this is needed.
3 - understood I will look in to that.
4 - will check into the rice ice cream. Maybe if the dining board doesn't have the info I can call WDW.
5 - ok will see what we can do to save up for the MNSSHP - Thanks!

I have the original passporter book but will try and get the other one asap.

Thanks for your quick reply!

Wendy in VA

Hi Wendy....

in case you are reading...I'm a fond reader of Kathy's reports and she is a wonderful Dis-friend! :hug:

just wanted to chime in and say another :thumbsup2 recomendation for the Open Mouse....found very should even try your local library too for a copy.

the rice cream or Rice Dream products...not sure if your DS :-)confused:) has food allergies or insensitivities...but here are some references (email contacts) I found on the disABILITIES boards (my youngest DD has dairy, egg and wheat intolerances)


contact for list of safe foods and where available

and a link to official WDW site-diet needs

hope this is helpful!
Kathy you always get me....

first I was giggling and then chills w/ your last walk down Main Street for this trip and then almost tears...

plus my oh duh! moment when I finally realized what endoftripitis was....:rotfl:

i clearly was lost in that translation....thinking it was something from your dermo office :lmao:

I love reading your reports! I hope too someday I'm as lucky as mrsksomeday and family to share a meal or ride w/ you all....

and I agree Ed, why can't we stay forever....;)

Love it as always :goodvibes

Oh, I can completely sympathize with Endoftripitis. I have been known to be teary eyed leaving WDW. DD7 is just like me. When she was 5yrs and we were leaving MK she was sobbing, at 6yrs she planted herself on a bench and "refused" to leave, she cried as we left this year too. It's amazing the difference in feelings you can have in one place, the euphoria on arrival and depression on leaving. I find it hardest when we don't have another trip in the works, even if it's far off.

Aww, poor DD! :hug:

When I don't have another WDW trip on the horizon, I feel like a spinning compass; like the sky has lost the North Star.

....the rice cream or Rice Dream products...not sure if your DS :-)confused:) has food allergies or insensitivities...but here are some references (email contacts) I found on the disABILITIES boards (my youngest DD has dairy, egg and wheat intolerances)


contact for list of safe foods and where available

and a link to official WDW site-diet needs

Thanks, Scrappie!

Wendy, WDW is so accommodating to those who have food allergies or intolerances. When we traveled with Ed's Aunt Rae, who was on a gluten-free diet, we noted in when making our ADRs and at every TS restaurant, the chef came right to the table and discussed the menu with her.... in some cases, a chef would even make up a gluten-free dish especially for her! my oh duh! moment when I finally realized what endoftripitis was....:rotfl:

Kind of like mousecrapper, huh?!! :lmao: Oh my, that was :laughing:

You're absolutely right...Mac 'n' Cheese IS better when its MICKEYroni and cheese! ;)

Aww, the end of a trip :(

Good news, though--we might be going back next summer! :woohoo:

And now, to update MY TR :rolleyes1
That's great news!! :thumbsup2

(I'll be by later to make sure you did your TR homework...)

My computer is being screwy :headache:

I double promise an update tomorrow! It took an HOUR to upload to Photobucket (it kept shutting off my Internet Explorers, and then closing down my instant messages! Weird!)

And now my computer is REFUSING to have to Internet Explorers open.

Grr. Geek Squad so did not fix this thing.
Oh Kathy..... I can't believe that we've come to an end! It's been a wonderful journey with you, seeing your beautiful family in their ups and downs, but mostly ups. You have some wonderful pictures, some very touching stories, and take us each one to a place we all dearly love.

See you on your PTR (and mine). :surfweb:

“Of course I’m not okay!” I whispered, ruefully. “We’re leaving in the morning!”

He laughed softly, “We can’t stay here forever, Kathy!” Of course, I knew that to be true. But a couple more days wouldn’t have hurt! Not one little bit!

I am never ok when we have to leave Disney, it is depressing having to go back to the real world :rotfl:. My hope is to win the lottery and stay there forever :lmao:. That will not happen though as I don't play the lottery.

Kathy, thank you so much for sharing this trip with us. I always love reading your reports, they have so much information, whimsy, and you really take us along with you with your writing.

I can't wait to read about your next trip ;).
I am never ok when we have to leave Disney, it is depressing having to go back to the real world :rotfl:. My hope is to win the lottery and stay there forever :lmao:. That will not happen though as I don't play the lottery.

Kathy, thank you so much for sharing this trip with us. I always love reading your reports, they have so much information, whimsy, and you really take us along with you with your writing.

I can't wait to read about your next trip ;).

Thanks, Tracy! :hug:

It's always so much fun to re-live the magic by writing about it!

Chapter 35: Time to Say Good Bye...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

~Old Key West Resort~

*Sigh* Well, if you've read any of my past reports you know that I don't do good-byes... at least not WDW good-byes! ;) But this trip was a bit unusual, so the trip report will not end in the usual way! I have a few last photos to share...

It's always hard when the vacation we anticipate so much draws to a close. This time, however, I was feeling particularly forlorn. Because of the impending reconstruction of our house, Ed had been quite firm in declaring that there would be no trip to Disney in 2009. So as we loaded the van and checked the room so that nothing was forgotten, I was thinking that it would be another 2-1/2 years at least until we could come again... and I had to literally fight back the tears.

Ed was so anxious to get going that he didn't even want us to take time to eat our customary breakfast of cold cereal in the room. "Let's get on the road and we can stop in about an hour for breakfast," he decided. He was a man on a mission, and that mission was getting us out of Orlando and to the motel room waiting for us in Virginia as soon as humanly possible.

*Sigh* Not even one last chance to wander around the resort! If I had been in any way ambivalent earlier in the week about the advantages of driving over flying, I quickly made up my mind in that instant that driving stunk! :rolleyes2

We all tramped out to the van and the studio door closed behind us with a heavy "click." Ed was all revved up and ready... he had the van packed just the way he wanted and he rambled on about his plan of attack for beating the traffic and getting us to Virginia in time for dinner and a relaxing evening of TV. Woo-hoo.


We got ourselves situated inside and the kids busied themselves immediately... Tricia opened her book and began to read and Billy flipped through his DVD collection. He didn't want to actually watch any of them; he just wanted to look at them! Ed drove to the bus stop, parked, and then he and Tricia got out so they could get some drinks for the road from the soda machine...


Billy must've sensed that we were now going to be in the van for an extended period of time. (I don't know, perhaps all the bags and pillows had something to do with it!) :rolleyes: Anyway, he decided to launch into a familiar cadence....


Oh, no! Not again! :crazy:


Once the cooler was packed with beverages, we set off once more down Turtle Pond and over the bridge across from the marina. I snapped a few last pictures as we sped by....



.....And that's the last picture I have that was taken on WDW property! :sad1:

So, here is where my report must end... just a few last pictures...

Somewhere on the road that day, the weather turned cloudy and eventually we had rain. It fit my mood perfectly.


We stopped for breakfast at a Waffle House, then continued on. Not much left to tell... driving, driving, and more driving. Ed didn't want or need a break so I rode shotgun the entire time. We listened to some action-thriller book on CD while Billy used headphones to watch The Incredibles and Tricia dozed on her pillow. I may have closed my eyes once or twice as well. ;)

South of the Border looked more interesting when it was lit up....



Ed had underestimated the time it would take for this leg of the trip. We would not be making it to Virginia in time for dinner! I remember that we stopped at a Cracker Barrel somewhere in North Carolina. I love to watch people rocking on the "porch!" I tried chicken and dumplings for the first time....we don't get that in many restaurants in New Jersey! The chicken was okay, but the dumplings were so heavy! I ate a few bites of one, that's all. It felt like a lead ball in my tummy.

We finally made it to Virginia... most of the trip is a blur. I don't know why Ed wanted to travel this far in one day, but he did. My butt was killing me!!

Our hotel was not as nice as the one where we spent the night on the way down... and we checked in quite late. The bathroom was very old, but clean, and the air conditioning unit was loud. We must've been so tired that it didn't matter because we all slept.

The next day's drive was not so long... Virginia, Maryland, a little corner of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and then finally,


Next Up: Trip in Reviw and Final Thoughts.....

Leaving is always SO sad! DD8 and I are always in tears as we're leaving, which sometimes even provokes DD12 (depending on her mood). DH, however, just rolls his they go again :confused3 He just doesn't get it (he's getting better at understanding, though). Are you sure we can't just stay there forever?

On our upcoming trip, my plans are for Epcot to be our last park (unless DH changes his mind and we go to MNSSHP :rolleyes:), with dinner at Le Cellier, before heading back to the BC for the night. Maybe it won't be so traumatic this way...time will tell!
Aww, gotta love the duck-a nun-ga song!

And don't you hate that "just left WDW" feeling? Seriously, there should be therapy for that.

Disney Addicts Annonymous.


TR update take...2! Coming to a screen near you in about 10 minutes!


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