What a disaster!!

OMG! I would have DIED to have the inconvenience that you and DW went through!!! Hopefully what you had to go through that night wasn't too bad!
I don't know why. I don't mind eating french fries. Just not something I would crave for, that's all. Same with pizza. I can eat it. I just prefer not to eat it.

But are they Disney Crocs. :rolleyes1


YES disney Crocs!! I promise! lolol
You dislike my favorite foods... I will turn you into a pizza potato lover some how!!:rotfl:
Oh wow it started and ended with a bang aye?

However I do love Ted. We have a stuffy that we bring with us everywhere as well- its this little scotty dog that vin got me years back and he thought I was a odd ball for taking pictures of him everywhere... well then a penguin added to the equation and there went that one!

But other than that, i am glad you at least got to enjoy the aspect of the "world" without a camera. It is an awesome feeling, to just "Be" there instead of "looking" for the next shot!

So I guess no upcoming tr then? lol. Hope your feet are MUCH better now!
:scared1: I can't believe you had such a hard time at the Atlanta airport with everything and it wasn't even during a storm. I live in Atlanta and the only time I've heard of it being that backed up is during major events (like 9/11) or during a storm. How crazy!! I've never had any problem there. I'm sorry you guys had such a hard time. And oh your poor feet! That sounds really painful!

Love the pictures of TED before you left. And also the pictures from the morning before your DW woke up.

What a cliff hanger.....
Wow. That's all I can really say!!! Well, I live 5-10 mins from Atlanta airport. I wish I had known you at that time as I would have taken you all out to dinner! :lmao:

Seriously, I hope it at least gets better!:goodvibes
I was couple of posts behind, so first off, loved the picutres as usual. We did the standard dining plan, but I may have to spring for the extra $ to add a bowl of that soup my meal at Whispering Canyon Cafe. That just sounds TOO good.

Sorry to hear about all your flight home drama. Sounds like it's going to be an interesting tale when it's all said and done.
1. Now that is my kind of lunch. You had all of my faves. I can't wait for unlimited milkshakes!!!:cool1:

2. Love the croc flipflops!!

3. I can't wait to stay at WL.

4. This is why I don't fly. Our connection out of Atlanta was canceled in 2006. Luckily we could get a flight to Dulles and stay with DSIL. They gave us ice cream vouchers. Big Woop!!!!

More please!!!
What a Disaster is right!!! I am scared to read what comes next!! And it sounds like the airlines needs to send their employees to the Disney charm school!!!
This is the reason we drive from Upstate NY! Not only does my daughter have to bring her entire room, but those airline delays would destroy us! By the way TopDog, it wasn't very nice to leave with such a cliffhanger!:surfweb:
What a disaster!! is right!! :scared1: Just caught up with your trip report. Bad luck has seemed to dog your trip from beginning to the literal end!! And yet you and your wife seemed to have an awesome trip! Kudos for your attitude. :thumbsup2 What else can you do but roll with the punches instead of letting it ruin everything? Your humor looking back at everything going wrong is refreshing!

Can't wait to read MORE!
OMG! That sucks. I have missed many connecting flights in my time and had to be put on a different plane but never the next day, so I can just imagine what a misrable experience this was for you guys. I hope it all works out in the end and you get home without any further issues. :goodvibes

By the way I love the Mickey Croc flip flops and the fact that you got Jibbits! :thumbsup2
I know I left you all hanging with such cliffhanger. However, there are a lot of details to write and my thought process can only go so fast. (A sign of old age.) I could've easily stretch out the ending in 3 parts but then you will have to wait even longer. That's why I consolidate everything into 2 parts. I will do my best to post the grand finale asap but I have to a lot of stuff to get done during this weekend and I will be going away to CT next Monday & Tuesday for business trip. Therefore, I am guesstimate the final won't be ready until next Thursday. Sorry.:flower3: Then I am going away to NY upstate (Lake Placid) next Friday & Saturday with my best friend for an auto club gathering. Busy..busy...busy...

However, I am almost finish organizing all my pictures plus I will post a few of the odd and end souvenir pictures we bought which they will not be on my website. Hopefully this will band aid the wait until the final installment is ready, I hope.

I hate to let my fans wait so long. :)

PS. There is a little typo on my last installment. Day #8 actually is Sunday and not Saturday. I have edited and correct my post.
Wow - this is just awful. When my vacation is over, all I want is to get home. I am in "gotta get home now" mode. Any situation like this would throw me off kilter and I am really not sure what the result would be. And it seems like things get worse the next day :sad1:.
You are correct. The worse isn't over yet.
Oh. My. Word. :scared1:
Yup! There are more on its' way.

You should have called. I'm in the Atlanta area.

I have enjoyed reading your trip report.

Thank you for sharing it with us.
Thank you from reading my TR. I wish I know you all then so I don't feel so helpless at the time.
Cue the ominous music!

Now I know why you chose "What a Disaster!" for your title! :sad2:
This report will be ending with a bang...

How stressful!

Stressful is only part of it. Painful is my other choice of word.
Wow TopDog What a Disaster is right!!!!! Last August when I was on my way to Disney I checked my flight to see if it was on time and it says its delayed so I call the airline and they tell me to get to the airport because they are trying to get the flight out on time so me DH and 3 kids head to the airport our flight is suppose to leave at 6:30 PM. When I get to the airport I see the flight is delayed until 11:50PM I almost freak out because I have 3 little kids who really want to get to disney. They start crying its a DISASTER. We stayed in the airport for 6 hours before our flight takes off its the longest 6 hours of my life when we finally board the plane at 12:00AM I put my baby in the middle seat and I have a safety harness for him that attaches to the seatbelt he is sleeping at this point, the stewardess comes over and tells me I have to move him to the window seat I look at her like she is crazy I say to her please don't make me move him he will wake up and he will talk and yell the whole flight she was really nasty and toldme to move him so I did and that was the kiss of death because the whole flight he was really loud and everytime someone looks at me I would point at that stewardness and say blame her I wanted to kick her BUTT LOL. wse finally arrived at our hotel at 3:30 am it was a disaster. LOL I feel your pain.
3 little kids wait to go to Disney with a delay flight. I can only imagine. I take it you must be flying out of Kennedy or La Guardia airport. Either one is still a mess.
How dare you leave us with such a cliffhanger!!!!
Get back over here and start typing!!:rotfl:
Sorry!!:flower3: My thought process can only go so fast. ;)
OMG...........I'm hooked, read the entire TR in ONE day!!!! DH thinks I have lost my mind. He left for work at 10:15 and I'm still sitting here reading. :confused3 I have a hard time sleeping so.............I have made it to the end and will NEVER be able to sleep now that you left me hanging like this!!!:lmao: I rarely read TR's but this one caught my eye and I must say it has been wonderful. Not only was the report itself very interesting and entertaining but your photographs were AMAZING!!!! :worship: I must show this to DH tomorrow at some point in time even if I must interrupt his sleep. Hmmm..............mean of me isn't it?? ..................NAH!!!! LOL:rotfl2: Anyway, thank you so much for sharing, I can't wait for the rest of the story.

Awww...thank you for reading Becky. I am so happy my TR is so interesting to you all.
Oh topdog! This day was so UNMAGICAL I don't know what to say! Pokey feet, delayed flight, missing connections and happy meals! :scared1: I'll bet KARMA is messing with you for messing with M. T. Wallet at WCC! How disappointing you never found the glass, but those Crock Flops look very comfy! I do hope that things are better in the morning.
Well...I never thought about messing with M.T. Wallet would give me bad KARMA. Who would've thought? As for the glass, at least we got one. I really thought we would've find the second one but it is what it is. The gift shop CM did told us we can call the Disney merchandise dept for it but I am afraid how much Disney might charge for shipping for an $8 item. :eek: The Crocs flops do feel pretty comfy. It feel better than I thought.

As for the next morning, let's just get through that night first before I can deal with what happen the next day. (Spoiler Alert!!!) The drama just wouldn't stop. The next 15 hours or so was the most stressful part of the entire trip. At the same time, there was some funny moment in between as well. At least I thought it was funny.
Oh Topdog I feel your pain. I cannot tell you how many times over the years we have missed our connector flight due to delays on the first leg. At least it was just the two of you. Doing it with young children is enough to make you go over the edge!!:lmao:
My DD's are not young anymore but I always check to see if I can get a direct flight that is not insanely priced.(Does not often happen:rotfl:)
Cannot wait for the next installment!:thumbsup2
I wish I can fly direct but I live in the middle of no where. Allentown is the closest airport. The only airport that have direct flight to Orlando is either Newark or Philadelphia, at least 2 hours away from me. I will have to either stay at a hotel near the airport the night before and leave our car there or get up real early in the morning to drive down. Either way, it is still a hassle. Not to mention then I still have to drive another 2 hours back home.
Hopefully what you had to go through that night wasn't too bad!
So I thought... :mad:
YES disney Crocs!! I promise! lolol
You dislike my favorite foods... I will turn you into a pizza potato lover some how!!:rotfl:
DW have been tried to turn me on to pizza for over 15 years. So far, it hasn't work but I still would eat it. I just don't like it.
Oh wow it started and ended with a bang aye?

However I do love Ted. We have a stuffy that we bring with us everywhere as well- its this little scotty dog that vin got me years back and he thought I was a odd ball for taking pictures of him everywhere... well then a penguin added to the equation and there went that one!

But other than that, i am glad you at least got to enjoy the aspect of the "world" without a camera. It is an awesome feeling, to just "Be" there instead of "looking" for the next shot!

So I guess no upcoming tr then? lol. Hope your feet are MUCH better now!
You are so right about "being" there without a camera. I felt so "free".

Thank you for asking about my feet. They are fully recover now. :)
:scared1: I can't believe you had such a hard time at the Atlanta airport with everything and it wasn't even during a storm. I live in Atlanta and the only time I've heard of it being that backed up is during major events (like 9/11) or during a storm. How crazy!! I've never had any problem there. I'm sorry you guys had such a hard time. And oh your poor feet! That sounds really painful!

Love the pictures of TED before you left. And also the pictures from the morning before your DW woke up.

What a cliff hanger.....
You are correct. When we landed, there was no storm. Weather was perfectly fine. We still don't know why it back up so bad.
Wow. That's all I can really say!!! Well, I live 5-10 mins from Atlanta airport. I wish I had known you at that time as I would have taken you all out to dinner! :lmao:

Seriously, I hope it at least gets better!:goodvibes
That's it. The next time we are going to Disney, I am taking names and numbers, just in case. :laughing: We can certainly use some friendly face while we were there.
I was couple of posts behind, so first off, loved the picutres as usual. We did the standard dining plan, but I may have to spring for the extra $ to add a bowl of that soup my meal at Whispering Canyon Cafe. That just sounds TOO good.

Sorry to hear about all your flight home drama. Sounds like it's going to be an interesting tale when it's all said and done.
The Southwest chicken soup was gooood. :thumbsup2 It has a little kick too.

You are right about the ending.
1. Now that is my kind of lunch. You had all of my faves. I can't wait for unlimited milkshakes!!!:cool1:

2. Love the croc flipflops!!

3. I can't wait to stay at WL.

4. This is why I don't fly. Our connection out of Atlanta was canceled in 2006. Luckily we could get a flight to Dulles and stay with DSIL. They gave us ice cream vouchers. Big Woop!!!!

More please!!!
Flight cancel!! :eek: Don't even go there. But 20+ hours driving down to Orlando is just a bear. I was driving about 200 miles per day to and back from work for 13 years. I just don't want to drive any more on my vacation.

Ice cream vouchers...:scared1: What were they thinking?!?!
And it sounds like the airlines needs to send their employees to the Disney charm school!!!
Funny you mention that. That subject would come up on my last installment.
This is the reason we drive from Upstate NY! Not only does my daughter have to bring her entire room, but those airline delays would destroy us! By the way TopDog, it wasn't very nice to leave with such a cliffhanger!:surfweb:
The entire room!!! :eek::eek::eek: Wow! Upstate NY!! I hope you did stay over night some where in the middle to break up the drive. We drove to Disney in 1995 from PA. It was tough. We stay over night at Savannah, GA. It was not a good experience either.

The cliffhanger wasn't on purpose. But the drama just wouldn't stop and I just can't keep writing without breaking it up.
What a disaster!! is right!! :scared1: Just caught up with your trip report. Bad luck has seemed to dog your trip from beginning to the literal end!! And yet you and your wife seemed to have an awesome trip! Kudos for your attitude. :thumbsup2 What else can you do but roll with the punches instead of letting it ruin everything? Your humor looking back at everything going wrong is refreshing!

Can't wait to read MORE!
Thanks. I hate being negative. It's not a good feeling. DW always said I am a half glass full kinda person.
OMG! That sucks. I have missed many connecting flights in my time and had to be put on a different plane but never the next day, so I can just imagine what a misrable experience this was for you guys. I hope it all works out in the end and you get home without any further issues. :goodvibes

By the way I love the Mickey Croc flip flops and the fact that you got Jibbits! :thumbsup2

This is the first time for me to reconnect a flight the next day. Then again, I also had my share of sleep at the airport also. Not fun. This whole missing flight experience doesn't really bothers me that much. It happens. It's how the airline treat their customers that irk me. I felt like we were a herd of cattle to them.:mad: No sense of urgency. No compassion.

Every thing did work out at the end. Just a lot of bumps in between until we get there. ;)

I bought the exact same rolling duffel bag during a promotion last August!! Love it!
Sorry to hear about your airport fiasco. Sounds like a disaster! Love the Mickey Croc Flips, though. I hate that you didn't find the other margarita glass. Bummer...
Topdog, I think you should call disney merchandise and see if you can get the mickey margarita glass, but pay to have them ship you three. Not only will your DW be happy you did something so nice for her, but she'll have spares in case one gets broken or extra when you have guests. As for the 2 hour drive to the airport, well, that is how long we have to drive to get to the nearest airport and we get a direct non-stop flight straight to Orlando. We leave at 6 a.m. and are in our room by mid afternoon and we did it with a 4 yr old and a 7 yr old AND we woke up to 3 inches of fresh snow as well. My DH spends his life driving the roads too, but it wasn't bad at all. For me the worst part was killing time at the airport waiting for our flight to board with 2 nervous and excited kids. Okay 3, I was excited too! :)
Wow, what an ending for your trip!! I'm almost afraid to say I can't wait to hear the rest, but I really am looking forward to seeing the rest of your pics and finding out what happened. I am all caught up now and your pictures have been fantastic!!!


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