We Smelled It...It Had to be Eaten, Part II ... Ding, Dong, Done!!!

Brenda, they may have cheaped out on the maple syrup portions at WPE (assuming it was real maple syrup) because of the cost...maple syrup prices have gone through the roof!

We really like WPE for breakfast because the coffee is good (ie. no Nescrap) and the food is made to order (the breakfast pocket and pizza are very good (no ranch for me please).

Thanks for the review and yes indeed, I was thinking of putting some Optimator in the Passat this weekend...the tank was getting low. (I periodically disappear from the Disney boards (work seems to get in the way sometimes lol) but I have to always read your posts first when I return).
*Food porn faint* :rotfl: I love your reviews! That tiny cup of syrup at WPE would have highly irritated me it reminds me of what my mom told me about when she worked at Bob's Big Boy (I know not the same line of class :rotfl2:) and they told them to give the tiniest cups of syrup and after a while she got so tired of running back and forth she would give 3 or 4 tiny cups to begin with lol, same thing when I worked at a BBQ restaurant, but its just so inconvenient at a CS place where u have to get it yourself!!:sad2:
I loved the latest review, but that waffle looked like an Eggo having a bad day. And not enough syrup to boot, that's just not right.

The breakfast thingy Jay ordered gave me chills. The picture resembles some kind of Iron Chef attempt at a breakfast cornucopia, gone horribly wrong

The Epcot food pix, however, made me feel better.


:lmao::lmao: i just about died at this!
Thanks for all the great reviews! I'm planning on going to F&W for the first time this Oct, and reading your reviews are definitely giving me a taste :rotfl2: of what to expect!

Can't wait for your conversation with Robert Irvine- I love Dinner Impossible! :goodvibes
Great update as usual B. Your Austrailian dessert reminded me of Tiramisu which I love enough to drink out of a dirty cup or lick off of a sidewalk! :goodvibes Sorry you didn't care for it.

I'm thinking Wolfies may be on our list this year. It sounds like both the Tuna and I would enjoy quite a few things there. :thumbsup2

Looking forward to the next report with Robert. :)
Brenda - now not to get your dandruff up, but I thought I would share our grilled beef with you. This is what we got when we were there in October of 2008:


We thought it was very tasty and my kids loved it. Sorry you weren't lucky enough to receive the potatoes. That is a shame as they were very good. Hopefully you will get them next time.

Your reviews are great and I'm sad to see this one coming to the end. But it's not over yet!
Briarmom!!! We are booked October 14th (Wednesday) - October 24th (Saturday morning checkout).

Come visit us and lets have some slushies in France! :cool1:

I keep telling you to come visit my house and we could have slushies in REAL France...
I will keep your dates in mind. I need a F&W trip.:cool2:

I have to save enough money and lose half a ton.:headache:
OK Brenda! I have just done the catch up thing on your reports! Great as always .. and we only have 7 month to get ready for the trip around the lake eater fest! :lmao: What will Disney do with so many DIS-Foodies all noshing at once?! :3dglasses Put on your goggles folks it may get ugly!

Hiya lady! Thanks for taking the time to read and I was thinking along the same lines as you ... only seven more months to go. I've gotta lose weight before I can indulge again!

I loved the latest review, but that waffle looked like an Eggo having a bad day. And not enough syrup to boot, that's just not right.

The breakfast thingy Jay ordered gave me chills. The picture resembles some kind of Iron Chef attempt at a breakfast cornucopia, gone horribly wrong.

The Epcot food pix, however, made me feel better.


:rotfl2: Mr. Scorpio, that was the best five sentence review I've ever read. You should be doing this, not me! :thumbsup2

Brenda, they may have cheaped out on the maple syrup portions at WPE (assuming it was real maple syrup) because of the cost...maple syrup prices have gone through the roof!

We really like WPE for breakfast because the coffee is good (ie. no Nescrap) and the food is made to order (the breakfast pocket and pizza are very good (no ranch for me please).

Thanks for the review and yes indeed, I was thinking of putting some Optimator in the Passat this weekend...the tank was getting low. (I periodically disappear from the Disney boards (work seems to get in the way sometimes lol) but I have to always read your posts first when I return).

Thanks for reading and posting, sir! Mmmmm, optimator sounds pretty good right about now. And you are spot on about the coffee at WPE ... I totally forgot to mention that they don't serve Hot Swill.

*Food porn faint* :rotfl: I love your reviews! That tiny cup of syrup at WPE would have highly irritated me it reminds me of what my mom told me about when she worked at Bob's Big Boy (I know not the same line of class :rotfl2:) and they told them to give the tiniest cups of syrup and after a while she got so tired of running back and forth she would give 3 or 4 tiny cups to begin with lol, same thing when I worked at a BBQ restaurant, but its just so inconvenient at a CS place where u have to get it yourself!!:sad2:

Hi there and thanks for taking the plunge into our food reviews - glad you've enjoyed them! Ahhh, Big Boy ... that brings back good college memories. :thumbsup2

:lmao::lmao: i just about died at this!

He's a funny man ... you should read his reviews!

Thanks for all the great reviews! I'm planning on going to F&W for the first time this Oct, and reading your reviews are definitely giving me a taste :rotfl2: of what to expect!

Can't wait for your conversation with Robert Irvine- I love Dinner Impossible! :goodvibes

Thanks for taking the time to read - glad to know they've been useful. I hope you enjoy your first F&W Festival ... lots of yummy taste treats.

I should prepare you ... our Kitchen Conversation was not so hot, but I'll try to be fair about the experience.

Great update as usual B. Your Austrailian dessert reminded me of Tiramisu which I love enough to drink out of a dirty cup or lick off of a sidewalk! :goodvibes Sorry you didn't care for it.

I'm thinking Wolfies may be on our list this year. It sounds like both the Tuna and I would enjoy quite a few things there.

Looking forward to the next report with Robert. :)

Hi Goosie! The wattleseed mousse wasn't bad it just wasn't what we were really expecting. I wouldn't warn anyone away from it but I'm not interested in eating it again.

Don't look too forward to Kitchen Conversations. You might want to look past it to our final review at Citricos ... that was everything we wanted it to be and more. :lovestruc

Brenda - now not to get your dandruff up, but I thought I would share our grilled beef with you. This is what we got when we were there in October of 2008:


We thought it was very tasty and my kids loved it. Sorry you weren't lucky enough to receive the potatoes. That is a shame as they were very good. Hopefully you will get them next time.

Your reviews are great and I'm sad to see this one coming to the end. But it's not over yet!

Jay said that he wants epcot to send us our mashed taters, Federal Express, with $1 billion to compensate us for pain and suffering. :lmao:

Your sample looks too pretty to eat ... that's how I remember it being!

Thanks for reading ... there still a bit more to come!

What days are you going in October, Brenda?

I'll send you a PM in case you miss my earlier response.
I must be Jay's long lost sister--I keep agreeing with him on the mixed-up breakfast items! :rotfl:I thought his omelet pizza looked pretty tasty! But, then again, I loved Pop's breakfast pizza with the sausage gravy, eggs and bacon on it....I am really surprised that your waffle wasn't better, because everything we've had at WPE was really good. Have you tried their pizzas? Mmm, spicy chicken with roasted peppers.

I do agree that waffles and pancakes should be swimming in syrup. But I like the fake stuff. :scared1:
Holy crap :faint: I missed two reviews! The Blue Zoo looks fab and so nice you got to hang with some new friends. :thumbsup2

The waffle looks like a doorstop. :scared:
I must be Jay's long lost sister--I keep agreeing with him on the mixed-up breakfast items! :rotfl:I thought his omelet pizza looked pretty tasty! But, then again, I loved Pop's breakfast pizza with the sausage gravy, eggs and bacon on it....I am really surprised that your waffle wasn't better, because everything we've had at WPE was really good. Have you tried their pizzas? Mmm, spicy chicken with roasted peppers.

I do agree that waffles and pancakes should be swimming in syrup. But I like the fake stuff. :scared1:

Some people likes the breakfast mish-mash ... me, not so much. :lmao:

This was the first time that we tried WPE ... never been there for any other meal but I've heard it's very good. Couldn't tell you when we'll get back over there ... years from now I suppose.

And yes ... pancakes and waffles should bathe in syrup. And I can make do with Mrs. Butterworth ... I don't have to have the stuff straight from the tree! :laughing:

splendid reviews as per usual Brenda :thumbsup2

Thanks very much! And I see you now have a scrolling tag ... that's way cool! :thumbsup2

Holy crap :faint: I missed two reviews! The Blue Zoo looks fab and so nice you got to hang with some new friends. :thumbsup2

Blue zoo was amazing ... if you get a chance go there yourself and give it a try. And we had a great time with our DIS-buddies. :goodvibes

The waffle looks like a doorstop. :scared:

Bwwwwwaaaahahahahahaha!!! :rotfl2:
Hi, Brenda!

I feel like a dead-beat....I've been away so long....But I just treated myself to marathon food porn (ba chicka wa waaa) and read the whole review in two days. It was crunked up as always. A few random thoughts (in my case, there's rarely any other kind):

First of all, Heather is so jealous of your fancy-shmancy Beedle the Bard. She demands to know why I got her the plain old version and not the jewel encrusted one. I think you may have met your match in dorkiness. Along with Beedle the Bard, I got Heather a bunch of comics and a Buffy the Vampire Slayer action figure for christmas..... :rolleyes: BTW, did you guys do LotR and Kirs for New Years again this year? Or were we the only ones?

I can totally understand why families with children enjoy dining here, but after the first five thunderstorms / eruptions with squawking birds, screeching monkeys, and stampeding elephants (get it ... Stampy!), Jay and I couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.

I'm right there with ya on that one. The Rainforest Cafe should supply complimentary earplugs to all adults upon entering the premises.

Wow. Wolfgang Puck's Upstairs looks so good. We've also been hesitant to try it, but we'll have to give it a swing one of these days. That Shrimp Scampi Risotto reminds me of a decadent shrimp and grits dish that I get at this little restaurant on the NC coast. Drool... We've also had the rainbow roll at the sushi bar downstairs, and it is mighty tasty. :goodvibes

Drink #7: Plum Wine Green Tea Cooler, China

Who is responsible for this swill?

Jay's expression says it all. :laughing: Was that not the most disgusting, funky-butt-tasting drink ever! I was soooo disappointed in the green tea plum wine cooler thingy this year. What could they have possibly done to it to make it taste that bad!? :eek:

Surprise of the morning? I really liked the Cream Stout!!! It definitely poured out of the tap like motor oil but it smelled like coffee and had a slightly sweet coffee flavor ... it was really quite good!

Cream Stout is one of Heather's favorite beers! We get it every year, along with the requisite over-priced lobster roll, of course....

Jay opted for a more manly drink and ordered a Maytag Martini – a stiff vodka martini served with blue-cheese stuffed olives. And not just any old stinky blue cheese, but Maytag Blue … a stinky American blue cheese.

Does the Maytag Man drink these?

Oh mama! That drink looks good! And the Zweetburger. What a cool dessert! I'm so glad you enjoyed bluezoo. For all of its trendy, pretentious Todd Englishyness, it is a really good restaurant with a low toddler to adult ratio, which is never under-valued at WDW (by us at least...)
Thursday, October 16th - Celebrity is as Celebrity Does ... Could You Please Turn Up the Volume???

In retrospect I booked this event for all the wrong reasons:

1) We can actually purchase Caymus wines in Stinktown ... even Conundrum of which everyone seems so fond.
2) We don't collect "celebrity" cookbooks.
3) Generally speaking we're not all that impressed by famous people.
4) Trying new things isn't always what it's cracked up to be.

Epcot officially describes this event as follows: Discover how an acclaimed television personality enjoys life inside - and outside - the kitchen. Culinary demonstration, single-dish tasting, and an autographed copy of the celebrity's cookbook are included; $75 per person, plus tax (gratuity included).


Reading back over that description tells me everything I needed to know about where the Disney Dining Borg are planning to take our beloved F&W Festival in the years to come. Why I was so slow on the uptake is beyond me, but since it provides a convenient excuse I will blame it on a combination of bad eyesight, too many prescription medications, and a burning desire to try a new Festival event.

I realize now that burning sensation was actually a new chronic inflammatory issue making its presence known. :lmao:

This is one of those rare instances where we actually did enjoy the celebrity guest's show on Food Network and thought the event might be a lot of fun. For those people who got good seats and could actually hear the conversation it probably was fun. For those stinky relations like us, who were stuck in a corner (see ... sometimes Bendy does get put in a corner), it was about as much fun as a screen door on a submarine.

Lemme 'splain what happened. The program was scheduled to begin at 2pm - Jay and I finished up some last minute giftie shopping and then made our way over to the Festival Welcome Center (The Wonders of Life Pavilion) to check in. Since we all paid in advance to attend I did not dream that Jay and I (or anyone else) would need to line up days before the event to be seated at a good table.

How stupid of me.

Our penalty for booking on the first day of F&W availability and daring to show up with mere minutes to spare was to be seated at the very back table of the venue ... tucked amongst the potted plants and the peepers who didn't pay to attend but felt no compunction at sticking their heads through the foliage to take in the "show" while loudly discussing everything from their personal moment of spewth on Mission Space to the merits of boxed versus bottled wine. :scared1:

There were two other couples at the table with us and it was pretty obvious that they weren't pleased with the arrangement either. To be fair I will comment that there were large flat-screen monitors set up near our table so that we could watch events unfold on stage but we didn't pay $150 + tax to watch a television show, thanks anyway.

You all need some pictures before I continue with my rancorous review. :laughing:

Table setting … at least the wine glass was fairly generously filled

Robert Irvine makes his appearance ...

How far were we seated from the stage and the demonstration kitchen?

In a galaxy far, far away ...

I'll give Robert Irvine some credit; he was personable and charming and larger than life ... with those tables where he actually stopped to talk to guests. He only wandered so far amongst the tables and never crossed the state line to greet any of us. I wonder if the camera angles were too crappy and if he was told not to go past a certain point? I would like to tell you more about the conversation Mr. Irvine had with the facilitator (Pam Smith?) and all that happy crap but I can't ... it's not even a memory issue this time because we really couldn't hear much of what took place during the 90 minute program. I know the dish he was "preparing" was salmon and he wandered around between tables interacting with guests and there was some discussion of the featured wine for the event - Conundrum - but the finer details are dust in the wind.

Look; it's a conversation! I wonder what they're talking about?



Our fabulous food?

Pan Seared Salmon with Bok Choy and some stuff. I want to apologize to you in advance because the servings we received were not at all appetizing. Furthermore, the quality of the food was not good - most of the guests at our table received over-cooked, dry salmon. It's the irony of ironies that I received a decently prepared piece of fish when I'm not a big fan of salmon.

Salmon Tongue?

This looks like a mistake ...

And this looks like Fancy Feast ...

From what I understand the food quality at this event was uneven across the board and I think that's absolutely unacceptable. There is no excuse for that kind of poor quality from a culinary team that is supposed to specialize in event preparation and cooking. The next time Jay and I want to overpay for poorly cooked salmon at WDW we'll go back to Artist Point - at least there we can drink more than one glass of wine. Yeah, now I'm snarking at Caymus Wineries ... how about a refill you miserly bastiches?

There was one cool aspect of the afternoon and it was this: Caymus was giving away a monster-sized bottle of Conundrum to one lucky guest (read: not us) who could recite back to Robert Irvine the procedure for properly cooking the dish we'd all been served.


I love irony.


One of the couples seated at our table won the prize! Of course, Irvine couldn't make it all the way back to our table in the forest primeval so the winner had to walk up for the meet and greet and smile for the camera moment. Still, it was pretty cool seeing one of the shunned take home a giftie that every single one of us would have gladly given our pan seared salmon for!

The winners and their big big bottle of wine! I hope they don't mind my using this image here. :goodvibes

How do you explain this to the TSA?

One last picture ... Lori was also at this event but we weren't able to hook up before seating and thus spent the event separated by the vast open space between the welcomes and the not-welcomes. ;) She got a much better table and was even on the receiving end of a hug from Mr. Irvine. I'm glad someone had a good time!

Oybolshoi & BriarRosie ... bluezoo was better!

For a different perspective on the same event, click on this link to read BriarRosie's excellent review:

Lori liked it just fine!

Our final verdict is that it wouldn't matter who was featured at this event in the future - there is no way we will ever attend a Kitchen Conversation again. The event needs to be held in a private area and attendance needs to be more limited; quite frankly I would have rather been told the afternoon was sold out than pay that kind of money for us to get so little enjoyment from the event. I don't really fault Irvine for much of this, but I do fault the F&W planners who most certainly should have known better than to schedule a program like this in a venue where non-paying guests could wander around to their hearts content unintentionally disrupting the event for some attendees.

I was very disappointed to leave Epcot and the F&W Festival on such a down note, especially since we were going home the next day which was also my birthday. Jay was disappointed too, which is rare ... I'm usually the one with expectations so high that they have no alternative but to come crashing to earth at the speed of sound. But we talked our way through it as we waited one last time for our Disney chariot to whisk us back to the resort. We were having dinner at Citricos for my birthday and we refused to let a poor Festival experience put the exclamation point on our vacation.

Coming soon ... the last review of the trip: Citricos gives Bluezoo a real run for its money!
Hi, Brenda!

I feel like a dead-beat....I've been away so long....But I just treated myself to marathon food porn (ba chicka wa waaa) and read the whole review in two days. It was crunked up as always. A few random thoughts (in my case, there's rarely any other kind):

First of all, Heather is so jealous of your fancy-shmancy Beedle the Bard. She demands to know why I got her the plain old version and not the jewel encrusted one. I think you may have met your match in dorkiness. Along with Beedle the Bard, I got Heather a bunch of comics and a Buffy the Vampire Slayer action figure for christmas..... :rolleyes: BTW, did you guys do LotR and Kirs for New Years again this year? Or were we the only ones?

HONEYBEE!!! Long time no see ... it's so good to read a post from you! :hug:

Crunked up? Is that a good thing? Regardless thanks for reading ... what a binge if you pulled it off in two days! I'm impressed. :goodvibes

I loves my beedle the bard ... it's so cool! :thumbsup2

Lemme think ... New Year's Eve ... we were playing with the wii this year and didn't watch any movies at all. Had a tasty dinner and some fancy chocolates with some Rosa Regale ... yum!

I'm right there with ya on that one. The Rainforest Cafe should supply complimentary earplugs to all adults upon entering the premises.

That is a fabulous idea! Maybe you should market it to them?

Wow. Wolfgang Puck's Upstairs looks so good. We've also been hesitant to try it, but we'll have to give it a swing one of these days. That Shrimp Scampi Risotto reminds me of a decadent shrimp and grits dish that I get at this little restaurant on the NC coast. Drool... We've also had the rainbow roll at the sushi bar downstairs, and it is mighty tasty. :goodvibes

The dining room was a very pleasant surprise and that shrimp dish was tremendous! And the sushi bar ... gawd! We've been missing out on so much good food for so long ... I feel much food-related shame. :lmao:

Jay's expression says it all. :laughing: Was that not the most disgusting, funky-butt-tasting drink ever! I was soooo disappointed in the green tea plum wine cooler thingy this year. What could they have possibly done to it to make it taste that bad!? :eek:

That drink used to be one of the most reliable at the entire festival. I don't know what they did but I'm not sure that either one of us will be brave enough to try it again this fall.

Cream Stout is one of Heather's favorite beers! We get it every year, along with the requisite over-priced lobster roll, of course....

It was good ... I think I may be hooked!

Oh mama! That drink looks good! And the Zweetburger. What a cool dessert! I'm so glad you enjoyed bluezoo. For all of its trendy, pretentious Todd Englishyness, it is a really good restaurant with a low toddler to adult ratio, which is never under-valued at WDW (by us at least...)

Bluezoo was really one of the highlights of our trip - we liked it so much we're going back again this October. And we did really enjoy the grown-up atmosphere - very refreshing not to worry about little ones running around or throwing tantrums or falling asleep in their food. :laughing:

i love Robert Irvine he was pretty nifty on Dinner Impossible.... Crappy tables though the salmon tongue looks..um interesting lol

We always enjoyed Dinner Impossible as well. He was fine it was just everything else that was crappy for us.

Thanks for reading and be sure to come back ... my next (and last) review for this trip will be a good one for sure!
I'm soooo disappointed in reading that review this is the man who got on volunteers because something was placed wrong on the plate during a Dinner Impossible episode, that salmon looks horrendous!(for the record i'm not muh of a salmon eater either!) I'm sorry you forked over so much money for such a blah experience wow that sucks I love Robert Irvine and was sad to see him replaced on Dinner Impossible but seriously I heard him say a milion times on that show he wasnt serving anything halfway under his name what happened?!!! even if the salmon was perfectly cooked its not a very creative dish :confused3
So I take it that Bobby (not Flay) didn't cook everyone's dish individually??? He does so much better in a half hour on TV... go figure... :confused3

They definately need to do those events in private... like they couldn't find someplace to have it... :confused3:confused3:confused3

& take your time with Citricos... we need to make it last... :rolleyes:


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